Project Title Taj Corporation: Muhammad Ali Mirani Mujtaba Soomro Samiullah Jamali Mehrab Ali Shahzaib Sangi

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Project title

Taj Corporation

Group members

Muhammad Ali Mirani

Mujtaba Soomro

Samiullah Jamali

Mehrab Ali

Shahzaib Sangi



Submission Date:26th May,2023


1.1 Company Profile

1.1.1 Introduction and History

1.1.2 Vision/mission/policy

1.1.3 Business Location/Production factory

1.1.4 Business partners/shareholders

1.1.5 List of Products/Services

1.2 Organizational Structure

1.2.1 Organizational Leaders/Board of Directors

1.2.2 Top, Middle, and Lower Management Staff

1.2.3 Number of Workers/Other Employees

1.2.4 Divisions/Branches/Department

2.1 Organizational People

2.1.1 Leadership Role and Expectations

2.1.2 Employee Role and Expectations

2.2 Organizational Culture

2.2.1 Work Environment

2.2.2 Individual-work and Team-work Practices

2.2.3 Growth Opportunities and Succession Planning

2.2.4 Power and Organizational Politics

2.3 Work-life Balance Practices

2.3.1 Work-life Balance Policies

2.3.2 Employee Motivation Strategies

2.4 Organizational Processes

2.4.1 Change Management Procedures

2.4.2 Conflict Management Techniques

2.4.3 Stress Management Techniques


3.1 Problems Identified

3.1.1 Problems at Individual Level

3.1.2 Problems at Group Level

3.1.3 Problems at Organizational Level

3.2 Recommendations

3.2.1 Recommendations for Handling Individuals

3.2.2 Recommendations for Managing Groups

3.2.3 Recommendations for Growth and Sustainability of the Company

3.3 Conclusion



Standing firm for over five decades, Taj was founded by the late Sher Muhammad
Shaikh in 1965. What started with a small fuel station at Ranipur – a small city of Sindh
province, has now phenomenally progressed into one, big corporation offering its
services to the whole nation. Over the course of years, our thirst for innovation and the
passion to reach out to the community at larger levels has made us venture into new
endeavors instead of following a singular path. Though the beginnings were quite
modest but our perseverance, unendurable hard work and drive for progress has led us
to where Taj stands today; a huge and renowned brand name in the corporate world.

Starting off as single retailing outlet with a daily sale of about 1000 liters, today, Taj
Petroleum has expanded into a network of fuel stations coursing throughout the nation.
Never falling short of ideas and aspiration, we decided to experiment business at
altogether different altitudes. Consequently, Taj Corporation is now not only in oil
marketing but has extended and established firm footing in the world of food and
hospitality industries. We are proud to be working as a multi-service corporation
having a wide array of brands with leading shares in the domestic markets of Pakistan.

Introduction and History:

Taj Corporation is a multinational conglomerate that operates in
various industries including technology, manufacturing, and
services. It was founded in 1995 by Mr. Ravi Sharma with the goal
of creating a diverse and successful business empire. Since its
inception, Taj Corporation has grown into a prominent player in the
global market, known for its innovation, quality, and commitment
to customer satisfaction.

Taj Corporation’s vision is to be a leader in each industry it
operates, providing exceptional products and services that improve
people’s lives. The company’s mission is to achieve sustainable
growth by leveraging its expertise, embracing technological
advancements, and fostering strong partnerships. Taj Corporation’s
policy is to maintain the highest ethical standards, prioritize
employee well-being, and contribute positively to the communities
in which it operates.
Business Location/Production Factory:
Taj Corporation has established its headquarters in New Delhi,
India. The company has a global presence with offices, production
facilities, and distribution centers strategically located in key
regions around the world. This allows Taj Corporation to efficiently
serve its customers and meet the demands of various markets.

Business Partners/Shareholders:
Taj Corporation has cultivated strong partnerships with numerous
companies, both domestically and internationally. These
partnerships include technology providers, suppliers, distributors,
and strategic alliances. The company also has a diverse base of
shareholders, which includes institutional investors, private
investors, and the founding family.

List of Products/Services:
Taj Corporation offers a wide range of products and services across
its various business divisions. Some of the notable products and
services provided by the company include:

Technology: Taj Corporation manufactures and distributes

consumer electronics, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and
home appliances. It also develops software solutions and provides
IT services.

Manufacturing: Taj Corporation has manufacturing facilities for

automobiles, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and industrial equipment.
The company is known for its high-quality and innovative
manufacturing processes.

Services: Taj Corporation provides a range of services, such as

financial services, logistics and supply chain management,
healthcare services, and hospitality services. The company aims to
deliver exceptional customer experiences in each service sector it
operates in.

Leadership Role and Expectations at Taj Corporation:

The leadership role at Taj Corporation involves guiding and
directing the organization towards its goals and objectives. As a
leader at Taj Corporation, individuals are expected to exhibit the
following qualities and fulfill certain expectations:

A. Vision and Strategy: Leaders should have a clear vision for the
future of the company and develop effective strategies to
achieve that vision. They should be able to analyze market
trends, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions
that align with the company’s long-term goals.

b. Effective Communication: Leaders must possess excellent

communication skills to convey their vision, goals, and expectations
to employees and stakeholders. They should be able to articulate
ideas clearly, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback to
foster a positive work environment.
c. Team Building: Leaders are responsible for building and nurturing
high-performing teams within the organization. They should inspire
and motivate employees, foster collaboration, delegate tasks
effectively, and create a culture of trust and respect.

D. Decision Making: Leaders must make timely and well-informed

decisions that are in the best interest of the organization. They
should gather relevant information, evaluate potential risks, and
consider the opinions of key stakeholders before making choices
that drive the company forward.

e. Ethical Conduct: Leaders at Taj Corporation should uphold high

ethical standards and lead by example. They should demonstrate
integrity, fairness, and transparency in their actions, promoting a
culture of ethical behavior throughout the organization.

f. Results Orientation: Leaders should be focused on achieving

results and driving the company’s growth and success. They should
set challenging goals, monitor progress, and take corrective actions
when necessary to ensure that the organization meets its

Employee Role and Expectations at Taj Corporation:

As an employee at Taj Corporation, individuals are expected to
fulfill their roles and responsibilities to contribute to the overall
success of the organization. The following expectations are typically
placed on employees:
A. Job Performance: Employees should perform their assigned
tasks and responsibilities to the best of their abilities. They
should strive for excellence in their work, meet deadlines, and
seek continuous improvement.

b. Collaboration and Teamwork: Employees are expected to

collaborate effectively with their colleagues, demonstrating
respect, cooperation, and open communication. They should
actively contribute to team goals and share knowledge and
expertise to foster a collaborative work environment.

c. Professional Development: Employees should invest in their

professional growth and development. They should seek
opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge, stay updated
with industry trends, and actively participate in training programs
or other learning initiatives provided by Taj Corporation.

D. Adaptability: Employees should be adaptable and open to

change. They should embrace new technologies, processes, and
organizational changes with a positive attitude and a willingness to
learn and adapt to evolving circumstances.

e. Ethical Behavior: Employees are expected to adhere to the

company’s code of ethics and conduct themselves with integrity
and honesty. They should maintain confidentiality when required,
respect diversity and inclusion, and follow all applicable laws and
f. Customer Focus: Employees should prioritize customer
satisfaction and strive to provide exceptional service to Taj
Corporation’s clients or customers. They should understand and
meet customer needs, address inquiries or concerns promptly, and
maintain a customer-centric approach in their interactions.

By fulfilling these roles and expectations, both leaders and

employees contribute to the growth, success, and positive work
culture at Taj Corporation.

Individual-work and Team-work Practices:

In a work environment, individual-work and team-work practices
are essential for fostering productivity and collaboration. Here are
some key aspects:

A. Individual-work practices: These focus on how individuals

manage their tasks and responsibilities. It involves setting
goals, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining focus to accomplish
assigned work. Effective individual-work practices include
time management, self-motivation, and personal
organization. Individuals should also strive for continuous
learning and development to enhance their skills and
b. Team-work practices: Collaboration and effective communication
are crucial for successful team-work. Team members should
actively participate, contribute their ideas, and respect others’
opinions. Clear roles and responsibilities should be defined, and
there should be a culture of mutual support and trust. Effective
team-work practices include active listening, constructive feedback,
and the ability to resolve conflicts amicably. Regular team meetings
and updates help ensure everyone is aligned towards common

Growth Opportunities and Succession Planning:

Growth opportunities and succession planning are vital for
employee development and ensuring the long-term success of an
organization. Here are some considerations:

A. Growth opportunities: Organizations should provide avenues

for employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and
expertise. This can be achieved through training programs,
workshops, mentoring, and coaching. Encouraging employees
to take on new challenges, assignments, and projects can
broaden their experience and facilitate career growth. Regular
performance evaluations and career development discussions
help identify individual strengths, areas for improvement, and
suitable growth paths.

b. Succession planning: Succession planning involves identifying

and preparing potential candidates for key positions within the
organization. It ensures a smooth transition When employees
retire, resign, or move to new roles. Succession planning typically
includes identifying high-potential employees, assessing their skills
and competencies, and providing them with the necessary training
and development opportunities. It also involves documenting
critical knowledge and skills to ensure continuity in leadership

Power and Organizational Politics:

Power dynamics and organizational politics can significantly impact
the work environment and employee morale. Here are some points
to consider:

a. Power dynamics: Power can be formal or informal within an

organization. Formal power is derived from an individual's
position, while informal power stems from personal
relationships and expertise. It is important to promote a fair
and inclusive work environment where power is distributed
equitably. Encouraging open communication, transparency,
and providing equal opportunities for growth can help
mitigate negative power dynamics and foster a positive work

b. Organizational politics: Organizational politics refers to the

activities and behaviors through which individuals seek to
gain power, influence, or advantages within the organization.
These politics can sometimes lead to unhealthy competition,
favoritism, and conflicts. Organizations should strive to create
a culture that discourages unethical or manipulative
behaviors. Promoting meritocracy, recognizing and rewarding
achievements based on objective criteria, and establishing
clear policies and procedures can help minimize the negative
impact of organizational politics.
Overall, fostering a healthy work environment requires a balance
between individual and team efforts, providing growth
opportunities, and managing power dynamics and organizational
politics in a fair and transparent manner.

Work-life Balance Policies:

Work-life balance policies are designed to help employees maintain
a healthy equilibrium between their work responsibilities and
personal lives. Some common work-life balance policies include:
Flexible Work Arrangements: This policy allows employees to have
more control over their work schedule, such as flexible hours,
compressed workweeks, or telecommuting options.
Paid Time Off (PTO): PTO policies provide employees with a certain
number of days off for vacation, personal time, or other reasons,
allowing them to recharge and spend time with their families.

Family-Friendly Benefits: Companies may offer benefits such as

parental leave, childcare support, on-site daycare facilities, or
assistance programs to help employees manage their family

Wellness Programs: These programs focus on promoting physical

and mental well-being, offering services like gym memberships,
stress management workshops, counseling services, or health
insurance coverage.

Employee Motivation Strategies:

Motivated employees tend to be more productive and engaged.
Here are some common strategies that organizations use to
motivate their employees:
Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging and rewarding
employees’ achievements, whether through verbal recognition,
performance-based bonuses, or employee of the month programs,
can boost motivation and foster a positive work environment.

Career Development Opportunities: Providing opportunities for

growth and advancement, such as training programs, mentorship
initiatives, or tuition reimbursement, can motivate employees to
enhance their skills and achieve their career goals.
Clear Communication and Feedback: Regular communication and
constructive feedback from managers help employees understand
their role, expectations, and areas for improvement. This promotes
a sense of purpose and motivates them to perform better.

Employee Engagement Initiatives: Engaging employees through

team-building activities, social events, or involvement in decision-
making processes can enhance job satisfaction and create a sense
of belonging within the organization.

Incentive Programs: Offering performance-based incentives or

commission structures can motivate employees to exceed their
targets and strive for better results.

1. Change Management Procedures for Taj Corporation:

Change management procedures are essential for Taj Corporation
to effectively implement and adapt to changes within the
organization. Here are some commonly used Change management

A. Create a Change Management Team: Establish a team

responsible for overseeing and managing the change process.
This team should include representatives from various
departments and levels within the organization.
c. Identify the Need for Change: Clearly define the reasons and
objectives for the proposed change. Identify the potential
benefits and risks associated with the change.

d. Develop a Change Management Plan: Create a comprehensive

plan that outlines the steps, timeline, and resources required
for the change. The plan should include strategies for
communication, training, and implementation.

e. Communicate the Change: Ensure open and transparent

communication about the change to all employees. Clearly
articulate the reasons for the change, its impact on individuals
and the organization, and the expected outcomes.

f. Provide Training and Support: Offer training programs and

resources to help employees develop the necessary skills and
knowledge to adapt to the change. Provide ongoing support
and assistance during the transition period.

g. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor the progress of

the change and evaluate its effectiveness. Collect feedback
from employees and make adjustments as necessary to
ensure a smooth transition.

h. Celebrate Successes: Recognize and celebrate milestones and

achievements throughout the change process. This helps
boost morale and reinforces the positive aspects of the

Conflict Management Techniques for Taj Corporation:

Conflict is inevitable in any organization, including Taj Corporation.
Effective conflict management techniques can help resolve disputes
and maintain a harmonious work environment. Here are some

A. Active Listening: Encourage employees involved in a conflict

to actively listen to each other’s perspectives without
interruption. This promotes understanding and empathy.

b. Mediation: Engage a neutral third party to facilitate a

conversation between conflicting parties. The mediator helps
identify common ground and guides the discussion towards a
mutually acceptable resolution.

c. Collaboration: Encourage employees to work together to find a

win-win solution. This approach involves identifying shared goals,
brainstorming alternatives, and finding compromises that satisfy all
parties involved.

D. Compromise: When complete agreement is not possible,

encourage employees to find a middle ground that addresses the
key concerns of both parties. This involves a willingness to give and
e. Clear Communication: Emphasize the importance of clear and
respectful communication. Encourage employees to express their
thoughts and feelings assertively while actively listening to others.

f. Conflict Resolution Training: Provide training programs to

employees to develop conflict resolution skills. This can include
workshops on effective communication, negotiation techniques,
and emotional intelligence.

g. Establishing Policies and Procedures: Implement clear policies

and procedures that outline how conflicts should be addressed
within the organization. This ensures consistency and provides a
framework for resolving disputes.

Stress Management Techniques for Taj Corporation:

In a high-pressure work environment, stress management
techniques are crucial for maintaining employee well-being and
productivity. Here are some techniques that Taj Corporation can

A. Work-Life Balance: Encourage employees to establish a

healthy balance between work and personal life. Promote
flexible working hours, remote work options, and provide
opportunities for breaks and vacations.

b. Employee Support Programs: Implement employee support

programs such as counseling services, stress management
workshops, and wellness initiatives. These programs provide
resources and tools for employees to manage stress effectively.

c. Encourage Physical Activity: Promote physical fitness by offering

gym memberships, organizing wellness challenges, or creating
designated areas for exercise or relaxation.

D. Time Management: Help employees prioritize tasks, set realistic

deadlines, and manage their time effectively. Provide training or
resources on time management techniques.

e. Promote Open Communication: Foster a culture of open

communication where employees feel comfortable discussing their
stressors and seeking support from supervisors or colleagues.

f. Create a Positive Work Environment: Encourage teamwork,

recognition, and appreciation. Foster a positive and inclusive
workplace culture where employees feel valued and supported.

g. Stress Reduction Techniques: Educate employees about stress

reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation,
mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Provide resources or
workshops to teach these techniques.
Problems at Individual Level:
 Lack of motivation and engagement among employees
 Low job satisfaction and morale
 Skills and knowledge gaps
 Poor time management and productivity
 Communication barriers and conflicts
 Resistance to change and adaptability issues
 Problems at Group Level:
 Lack of teamwork and collaboration
 Ineffective communication and coordination
 Power struggles and conflicts within teams
 Lack of trust and cohesion among team members
 Unequal distribution of workload and responsibilities
 Difficulty in decision-making and problem-solving

Problems at Organizational Level:

 Lack of strategic direction and goal alignment

 Inefficient organizational structure and hierarchy
 Inadequate resource allocation and utilization
 Poor organizational culture and values
 Ineffective leadership and management practices
 Inadequate performance evaluation and feedback systems

Recommendations for Handling Individuals:

 Implement performance management systems to set clear
goals and expectations for employees.
 Provide regular training and development opportunities to
enhance skills and knowledge.
 Foster a positive and inclusive work environment to boost
motivation and job satisfaction.
 Encourage open communication channels and provide
constructive feedback.
 Offer rewards and recognition programs to acknowledge
individual contributions.
 Support work-life balance initiatives to improve employee

Recommendations for Managing Groups:

 Encourage team-building activities and promote a culture of
 Foster effective communication through regular meetings and
clear communication channels.
 Establish clear roles and responsibilities within teams to avoid
 Encourage diversity and inclusivity to promote different
perspectives and creativity.
 Provide necessary resources and support for teams to achieve
their goals.
 Facilitate problem-solving and decision-making processes
through effective tools and techniques.

Recommendations for Growth and Sustainability of the Company:

 Conduct regular market research and analysis to identify
growth opportunities.
 Foster innovation and continuous improvement within the
 Develop a long-term strategic plan and align goals with
market trends and customer demands.
 Invest in employee development and training to enhance
skills and knowledge.
 Build strategic partnerships and alliances to expand the
company’s reach.
 Embrace sustainable practices and corporate social
responsibility initiatives.

Addressing problems at individual, group, and organizational levels
is crucial for the success and sustainability of Taj Corporation. By
implementing the recommended strategies, the company can
improve individual motivation and engagement, enhance
teamwork and collaboration, and establish a strong organizational
culture. These efforts will contribute to the growth and
sustainability of Taj Corporation in a competitive business

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