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 Fan
 2 big magnets
 Wood or any base
 Wood stand or any stand
 Copper wire
 DC motor
 Glue gun


1. Prepare all the materials.

2. Glue the wood stand on the left side of the wood.
3. Glue the dc motor on top of the wood stand.
4. Glue the 2 magnets parallel to each other on the right side of the wood
5. Place the fan on the tip of the dc motor.
6. Take your copper wire and create a circle by turning it 5 – 10 times. Make sure
there are 2 ends, one on each side.
7. Place and curl the ends of the copper wire on the back of the dc motor.
8. Slowly push and pull the coiled copper wire between the 2 magnets.
9. Notice how the fan turns.


During electromagnetic induction, large coils of wire are rotated through a magnetic
field. The magnetic force causes electrons, tiny negatively charged particles, to move in
the wire. The movement of electrons creates a current, which is the electricity we know
and love. Current has direction, based on which way the electrons move, denoted by a
positive or negative number.

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