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Primitivo Kalaw Senior

High School
Chapter III

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter delves into the intricate web of factors influencing career choices among

ABM students by exploring these dynamics through insightful interviews. Through these

conversations, the chapter aims to uncover the multifaceted interplay of personal

aspirations, familial expectations, societal pressures, and educational experiences shaping

the career trajectories of these. By delving into their perspectives, motivations, and

challenges, this exploration seeks to illuminate the intricate decision-making processes

guiding their paths towards future careers.

Research Design (descriptive)

Descriptive research is a type of research methodology primarily used in the fields of

social sciences and psychology. It involves collecting detailed information to describe

existing phenomena, but does not make conclusive predictions about future or unseen

events. This type of research can involve a variety of methods, including observation,

case studies, surveys, and archival research.

Descriptive research was chosen for this study due to its ability to provide a

comprehensive of the factors influencing career choices among ABM students at

Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School. It allows the researchers to capture the complexity
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School
and totality of the situation in its natural setting, without manipulating or

controlling the variables. By using descriptive research, we can observe and record

behaviors, perceptions, and outcomes as they naturally occur, which can provide a richer

and more understanding of the factors at play.


Descriptive research is a research methodology that aims to provide a detailed and

comprehensive description of existing phenomena. It involves collecting data through

various methods to objectively document and describe the characteristics, behaviors, and

patterns of a particular subject or population.

The responded is who experiences the career choices in ABM field at Primitivo Kalaw

Senior High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

Write a letter of request for responded, writing the questioner and validation of the

questioner to the teacher, afterwards distribute the request letter to the responded, asking

them to allow to conduct the interview, and collect the data in individual interview.

Sampling design In this study, The purposeful sampling, also known as purposive

sampling, is a technique used in qualitative research where researchers deliberately select

participants or cases that will best help them answer their research questions. This

method is commonly
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School
used when researchers seek to explore specific characteristics,

experiences, or perspectives within a population. It allows for a focused and targeted

approach to gathering data that is relevant to the research objectives.

The researchers likely to chose to interview ABM(Accountancy Business and

Management) students because they represent a specific population with knowledge and

experiences related to business, management,and accounting field. By interviewing ABM

students,the researchers can gain insights into the factors influencing career choices

within this particular academic dicipline, providing valuable information for

understanding trends and preferences among students pursuing careers in business and


Data Gathering Instrument

Researchers often compose a data gathering instrument. This instrument serves as a tool

or questionnaire designed to collect specific information from participants or sources.

The composition of a data gathering instrument involves creating a set of questions or

prompts that align with the research objectives and target the variables of interest. The

instrument can take various forms, such as surveys, interviews, observation checklists, or

rating scales. Researchers carefully design the instrument to ensure clarity, reliability, and

validity of the data collected. This composition process involves selecting appropriate

question types, organizing the questions logically, and considering the language and
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School
format that will best facilitate accurate and meaningful responses. The

goal of composing a data gathering instrument is to effectively collect the necessary data

that will contribute to the research study's findings and conclusions.

In the collecting data, the interviews, we utilized a semi-structured format, allowing for

both predetermined questions and spontaneous follow-ups based on the respondents'

answers. Questionnaires were carefully designed to capture nuanced insights into the

factors influencing career choices among ABM students. The selection process for

participants involved purposive sampling, considering factors such as academic

performance, extracurricular involvement, and career aspirations within the ABM field.

The interviewer's questions and the video camera were used as instruments in this study's

application of the interview procedure. The interviews were conducted using interview

guide questions, which focused on the information the researchers needed for their study.

According to Ary (2010), conducting interviews is one of the most popular and

fundamental ways to collect qualitative data because it allows participants to express their

opinions, beliefs, and feelings about a situation in their own words.

Tailored to a specific study, serves as the backbone for collecting reliable and pertinent

information. Whether it's a survey, questionnaire, interview protocol, or observation

checklist, the instrument must align closely with the research objectives and hypotheses.

It should incorporate both quantitative and qualitative elements, allowing for a

Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School
comprehensive understanding of the phenomena under investigation.

The design of the instrument must prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure participant

comprehension and

accurate responses. Additionally, incorporating validation techniques, such as pilot

testing and expert review, enhances the instrument's reliability and validity, thus

strengthening the overall research findings.

Ethical consideration

The ethical consideration in conducting the research on the students in Primitivo Kalaw

senior high school Respecting and taking into account the confidentiality and privacy

risks arising from the data used, both in relation to the participant data and the methods

by which it is anonymized, as well as potential effects on the participants when results are

disseminated, are ethical considerations when conducting research on students at

Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School.

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