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“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

Angelica Ruby S. Calangi

Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

Originating in Bulacan, Puni is

an art form of weaving coconut
leaves using basic weaving
methods like folding, plaiting,
and braiding. These designs fall
within the categories of items
to play with, food containers,
and religious rites. They might
be aesthetically pleasing or
useful. Puni is a contemporary
creative manifestation that
highlights the cultural value
and long tradition of coconut
leaf weaving in Bulacan.
Upon creating this assessment I
learned that the coconut palm
leaves are not limited to be a
container for the “kakanin” as
what we are doing in Bicol
province and Palaspas during
Holy Week.

The learning I have was the

same as when I was doing the
Modernong Habi, because the
creation process also requires
patience and focus, as well as
exact attention to detail and
steady grip.

As folding leaves becomes a

part of a lineage of craftsmen
who have done this trade for
decades, Puni art also serves as
a means of establishing a What have I
connection to a centuries-old learned from
Philippine custom from one the Puni Art?
region to another.
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

Understanding the cultural significance of Puni, particularly

in Bulacan, helps people appreciate the Philippines' rich past.
Additionally, one of our traits as Filipinos is being resourceful
and by that we are redefining this artform in a more sustainable
way, yet still capturing the pure essence of Puni art by using the
readily available dried leaves into stunning works of art.

What have I learned

from the Puni Art?
In line with those, I admit that I also
struggle making this artwork because
the leaves have different width and
length, however with that I gain
deeper respect for our ancestors for
making this beautiful art piece. In a
way of figuring out the pattern by
myself and trying various processes on
how to achieve my desired design for
this assessment.
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

In the tourism industry the Understanding their culture is

trait we should have first also one of the important aspects
and foremost is being in tourism. Different people
patient because we are have different cultures from one
dealing with various people another and by understanding
who have different needs and respecting those cultures we
are able to gain their trust and
and wants, also for us to
respect as well. Lastly, being
give them those (needs and
resourceful in this competitive
wants) we should pay
industry allows for a more
attention to their details of
enriching experience for both
preferences. Thus, it will tourists and tourism
lead to establishing professionals that fosters
connection to the clientele, creativity, adaptability, and a
by being able to assess their deeper connection to the places
concerns and response we visit.

How can I connect it

to my field of study?
We may all agree that in the tourism industry the best
souvenir we could give is the experience by each visit
to different regions. From my perspective, by
integrating the learnings I gained from this activity to
my chosen field it will help me reach my goals
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

As a third year college student, I

shall maximize the usage of
modern technologies for me to
attain knowledge about what the
Art of Puni is all about.

In what ways
can I help in
preserving the
Art of Puni?

Firstly, by doing an in-

depth research about the
history and people related to Making short clips that
Puni and so on, because we, demonstrate the procedure and
I cannot understand the create detailed written
artform without knowing its instructions like what we are
background and by that I doing from the Modernong Habi
could start practicing it. by creating helpful video guides
and tutorials so that people can
Documentations, learn how the craft is made.
comprising thorough Examining the cultural
filming, comprehensive importance of Puni art, as well
guidelines, interviews, as its customs and individual
historical investigation, and experiences, mainly those
information sharing. craftsmen.
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

Combining the information I

have and Ms. Hernandez's
observations into a thorough
structure, like a study paper
or a documentary movie. As
what she has done on these
videos presented on the

In what ways can I help in

preserving the Art of Puni?
Another strategy I have to preserve the culture as well as the
teachings of Ms. Rheeza Hernandez is by interactive workshops
or giving the tourists a chance to experience making their own
Puni and serving it as a souvenir of that destination.

And by that we are able to help the destination gain more

tourists and prolong the Puni art together with her knowledge.

Because, I believe that for the artwork or tradition to be actually

preserved is by disseminating it through hands-on practice rather
than just writing it on paper.
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

What self-realizations did I

discover in Puni Art?
At first I was hesitant to use
the coconut palm leaves
because it will be dried or
turned brown by the day of
the submission since it came
all the way from Bicol
province, but personally I
want to experience doing the
art with the original material
used on the videos.

Aside from the

aforementioned, the first
challenge I encountered was
the fragileness of the leaf
that keeps on tearing but as I
am getting a hang of it and
being able to understand the
process, I find myself
enjoying making this Puni

As an individual who prefers hands-on teaching, this task

enables me to enhance my problem solving skills in a sense of
satisfaction whenever I successfully figure out how to achieve
my desired design.
Folding Nature’s Canvas
“Unfolding Nature's artistry through Leaf Folding”

What self-realizations did I

discover in Puni Art?
I find it fun yet stressful,
the eagerness I have to
accomplish this activity
was for me self rewarding
because I find myself really
thinking ways on how to
assemble them without
disregarding my main idea.
Thus, being able to express
myself through creativity is
for me the most important
by interpreting my ideas
together with the learnings
I gained form Ms. Rheeza
Hernandez was the most
fulfilling part of this

To sum it all up from the learnings, ways and self realizations,

we should always remember that “The importance of passion
and joy in the creative process. When we connect with the things
we love, our creativity flows more freely and authentically” by
Charles Baudelaire. Because I believe that we are unique in our
own way even though we are the same at some point.

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