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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery
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Review Article

Adult degenerative scoliosis – A literature review T

a,⁎ b c
Adrian Kelly , Aftab Younus , Patrick Lekgwara
Department of Neurosurgery, Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Pretoria, South Africa
Department of Orthopedic surgery, Helen Joseph Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
FC Neuroosurgery (SA) Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa


Keywords: Adult scoliosis is an umbrella term referring to all forms of scoliosis occurring in skeletally mature individuals,
Adult degenerative scoliosis irrespective of whether the deformity began before or after skeletal maturity. Adult degenerative scoliosis is a
Degenerative scoliosis specific type of adult scoliosis that refers to a structural curve that develops after skeletal maturity in a pre-
Surgery of degenerative scoliosis viously normal spine. The pathogenesis of adult degenerative scoliosis has at its foundation the same starting
point of degenerative spine disease namely age related desiccation of the intervertebral disc. The crucial pa-
thophysiological concept to appreciate in adult degenerative scoliosis is the asymmetry of disc and facet joint
degeneration which leads to progressive coronal imbalance on axial loading. Further abnormalities in the pa-
thophysiology of adult degenerative scoliosis include hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum, laxity of the in-
terspinous ligament and eventual spinal instability. The clinical course of patients with adult degenerative
scoliosis is usually a progressively increasing deformity with worsening axial backache over many years.
Superimposed leg pain and eventually gradual leg weakness occurs in the advanced stages of the disease.
Conservative measures commonly employed by primary care physicians include out-patient medication, lumbo-
sacral and thoraco-lumbo-sacral braces, and physical therapy. Degenerative scoliosis is a however best regarded
a surgical disease and the conservative measures should be regarded as palliative in non-surgical candidates
secondary to significant medical co-morbidities. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of adult
degenerative scoliosis considering the clinical, pathophysiological, and surgical management of this increasingly
prevalent problem. The problem is best managed by Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic surgeons in a multi-dis-
ciplinary team familiar with the complexity of this disease in a patient specific manner.

1. Introduction elderly subjects with previously normal spinal curvature and the report
a prevalence of 30–60% [4,5]. In terms of understanding adult degen-
From a conceptual viewpoint understanding the term degenerative erative scoliosis the attending spinal surgeon must appreciate the in-
scoliosis begins by understanding that it is just one form of a disease timate association between the coronal deformity itself and the ac-
that exists under the umbrella term of adult scoliosis. Adult degen- companying issues of central and lateral recess spinal stenosis and
erative scoliosis refers to a structural curve that develops after skeletal positive sagittal imbalance, all three of which form the corners of a
maturity in a previously normal spine [1]. Adult scoliosis is however an conceptual triangle of understanding [6] (Figs. 1–6).
umbrella term, that while including adult degenerative scoliosis, refers
to all forms of scoliosis occurring in skeletally mature individuals ir- 2. Materials and methods
respective of whether the deformity began before skeletal maturity or
thereafter [2]. On a global scale advances in medical care are trans- We conducted a PubMed search using keywords “adult degenerative
lating into longer life spans and when coupled with accelerated age scoliosis” and “adult spinal deformity”. The selection of articles in-
related spinal degeneration the prevalence of adult degenerative sco- cluded was subjective based on the discretion of the researchers but
liosis is increasing at an alarming rate and so are patient expectations included what the authors considered landmark systematic reviews in
for deformity correction for both cosmetic and functional reasons, as the field of adult degenerative scoliosis. A further special selection
well as to alleviate pain [3]. In terms of quantifying the magnitude of consideration was afforded to articles that explored the pathophy-
the problem two retrospective cohort systematic reviews considered siology, clinical presentation, and surgical management of the disease.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: adriankelly1000@yahoo.co.uk (A. Kelly).

Received 25 October 2019; Received in revised form 29 December 2019; Accepted 29 December 2019
2214-7519/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

Fig 1. Illustrative example: Pre-operative postero-anterior radiograph showing

L4/L5 lateral listhesis and a cobb angle of 43 degrees. On the lateral view there
in lumbar hypo lordosis due to collapse of the L5/S1 disc space.

Fig 3. Pre-operative surgical planning. Decompression and inter-body support

through the insertion of multi-level posterior lumbar interbody cages (PLIF) is
planned at the concavities of the curve before completing the posterior in-
strumented fusion.

angle of greater than 10 degrees measured in the coronal plane.

Refining this to refer specifically to adult degenerative scoliosis means
including the same definition but further including the point of the
deformity commencing in adulthood and occurring in a previously
normal spine [1,7]. The pathogenesis of adult degenerative scoliosis has
at its foundation the same starting point of degenerative spine disease
namely age related desiccation of the intervertebral disc. Under-
standing why only a subset of aging adults develop adult degenerative
scoliosis is afforded by the concept that relatively symmetrical spinal
degeneration, as occurs in the general population, will not lead to the
deformity. In those patients that develop adult degenerative scoliosis a
crucial pathophysiological concept to appreciate is the asymmetry of
disc and facet joint degeneration which leads to progressive imbalance
of axial loading and the subsequently deformity [8]. Synonyms of the
term adult degenerative scoliosis include lateral rotatory subluxation;
lateral subluxation; lateral listhesis lateral spondylolisthesis and rota-
tory listhesis [9]. These terms must however be specifically con-
textualized as occurring in an adult with a previously straight spine to
fulfill the definition of adult degenerative scoliosis [1,7]. In patients
Fig 2. Illustrative example: Pre-operative MRI showing L4 / L5 lateral lithesis.
whom develop adult degenerative scoliosis asymmetrical desiccation of
The coronal imbalance makes interpretation of the sagittal MRI difficult.
multiple intervertebral discs leads to asymmetrical disc space collapse.
This in turn leads to asymmetrical facet joint degeneration usually at
A paucity of double blind randomized clinical control trials was noted multi segmental levels. The subsequent asymmetrical facet strain leads
as was an abundance of retrospective cohort systematic reviews and to accelerated degenerative changes which include narrowing of the
cohort studies on the subject. This review explores the topic of adult facet joint space, osteophyte formation of both the facet and limbus of
degenerative scoliosis focusing on these areas as taken from the papers the vertebral end plate, subchondral sclerosis and subchondral cyst
selected. formation. Further abnormalities in the pathophysiology of adult de-
A total of 68 articles were selected and listed below are the Study generative scoliosis include hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum,
design and Level of evidence for each (Tables 1 and 2). laxity of the interspinous ligament and, as an end result, spinal in-
stability. This explains the multi-segmental and importantly multi-
3. Results directional instability which by the very nature of the interverbal disc
and facet joint degeneration being asymmetrical, the milieu for adult
3.1. Pathogenesis degenerative scoliosis to develop is created [3,8]. Asymmetrical axial
loading accelerates asymmetrical spinal degeneration which in turn
Defining adult degenerative scoliosis has at its starting point the accelerates progression of the deformity by three degrees or more an-
same broader definition of adult scoliosis which is defined as a Cobb nually [10]. Besides the deformity itself osteophyte formation and the

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

Fig. 5. Post-operative radiograph: Showing corrected coronal and sagittal im-

balance. The PLIF cages are marked with red arrows. The pre-operatively
planned most cephalad T12-L1 PLIF was not inserted due spontaneous intra-
operative correction of the coronal imbalance having occurred once the L1/L2
PLIF was inserted. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig 4. Intra-operative photograph: showing the multi-level decompression and

multi-level PLIF interbody cage insertion and the T12-S1 posterior in-
strumented fusion.

ligamentous flavum hypertrophy leads to narrowing of the central

canal, lateral recesses, and foramina of the bony spine. One retro-
spective cohort systematic review noted the consequence to be spinal
stenosis however in this review it is reported that more often than not
patients present with symptoms of central stenosis together with radi-
culopathy rather than either presentation alone [11].
Besides the fundamental coronal deformity used in the diagnosis of Fig. 6. Post-operative patient photographs showing corrected coronal im-
adult degenerative scoliosis another cornerstone of the disease, which balance and maintained sagittal alignment.
in invariably present to some degree, is sagittal imbalance. The im-
portance of this parameter is supported by the same retrospective co-
that is the most important consideration. Hence while affecting the
hort systematic review and another prospective cohort systematic re-
thoracic spine as a secondary event and in fact the degree of associated
view where sagittal malalignment directly correlated with both quality
thoracic kypho-scoliosis may be profound in its own right, two retro-
of life as well as the amount of axial back pain [12,13]. Measured
spective cohort systematic reviews propose that it is the predominance
globally on full length weight bearing sagittal spine films by a plum line
of asymmetrical lower lumbar curvature that underpins the develop-
dropped vertically from center of the body of C7 which should pass
ment and progression of adult degenerative scoliosis. [3,15].
through the posterosuperior corner of the sacrum in ideally sagittal
balanced individuals, a line falling up to 4 cm anterior to this sacral
landmark is regarded as a physiological variation that is unlikely to 3.2. Clinical evaluation
result in symptoms [7]. Truly understanding sagittal balance must
however start with the realization that it is in fact determined by three Patients with adult degenerative scoliosis most commonly present
parameters: lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and pelvic incidence with axial backpain as their primary complaint. The frequency of this is
[14]. Of these three parameters, in terms of their importance in the reported by two retrospective cohort studies and one retrospective co-
development of adult degenerative scoliosis, it is the lumbar lordosis or hort study to occur in up to 90% of cases [3,16,17]. It is important to
more specifically asymmetrical degenerative lumbar rotatory scoliosis take a thorough history of the exact nature of the axial backache as
subtle nuances provide valuable information regarding management

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

Table 1
Levels of evidence.
Level Type of evidence

I Large randomized clinical control trials with clear cut results or systematic review of these articles
II Small randomized clinical control trials with unclear results or systematic reviews of these articles
III Prospective cohort and case-control studies or systematic reviews of these articles
IV Historical cohort or case-control studies of systematic reviews of these articles
V Case series, studies with no controls or Expert opinion

(Adapted from: Sackett DL. Rules of evidence and clinical recommendations on the use of antithrombotic agents. Chest 1989;

and expected outcome. Axial backache caused by the spinal deformity Superimposed leg pain and eventually gradual leg weakness occurs in
itself is commonly localized only to the convexity of the curve and is the advanced stages of the disease [10]. Predictors of curve progression
poorly localized. This form of axial backpain responds to rest as the that have demonstrated statistical significance in a prospective cohort
pain trigger is predominantly paraspinal muscle fatigue. The co-ex- study of adult degenerative scoliosis included curves with a Cobb angle
istence of lumbar kyphosis together with adult degenerative scoliosis, in greater than 30 degrees; lateral listhesis of 6 mm or more; L5 depth
fact the two are part of the same disease process, leads to a flat back measured from an imaginary horizontal inter-crestal line and curves
syndrome and here the axial backpain is quite particular in that in the with an increased apical rotational component [22]. Acute neurological
presence of a significant positive sagittal balance the patient will deterioration and sphincter involvement infrequently occur and on re-
complain of axial lower lumbar backpain localized to the central part of imaging acute curve progression from for example an osteoporotic
the lower lumbar spine, iliac crests and sacrum with identifiable and lumbar compression fracture or a significant disc herniation may be
well localized trigger points, radiating rostrally. Spinal instability is seen [3].
another cause of axial backpain in adult degenerative scoliosis and this Comprehensive patient evaluation must consider more than just the
may be subtle or overt often needing dynamic imaging to diagnose [3]. science of adult degenerative scoliosis but must consider each patient in
Lenke et al. provides a different perspective of the above and in their a wholistic manner. Each patient comes with his or her own agenda
retrospective cohort systematic review they report an important dis- framed from their social and environmental context and their ex-
tinction between two types of adult degenerative scoliosis related axial pectations form a critical part of their evaluation. Medical co-morbid-
backpain. In this paper pure axial backache of a tolerable nature, not ities such as a significant tobacco history, ischemic heart disease, pre-
relieved leaning forward, is predominantly the result of sagittal im- vious cerebrovascular accident, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric history
balance while an increase in the severity of the axial pain to an intol- and dietary habits are paramount considerations that need to be taken
erable level that is relieved by leaning forward, usually indicates the into account. The exact details of previous conservative treatments
cause of the axial pain to be spinal stenosis and neurogenic claudication employed as well as any previous spinal surgery are further variables
[18]. Determining the pain trigger in patients presenting with purely that directly impact patient evaluation and subsequent management.
axial backpain in adult degenerative scoliosis is challenging. One pro- Finally, the attending spinal surgeon performing a patient evalua-
spective cohort clinical trial which considered purely radiographical tion in the context of adult degenerative scoliosis must always have in
parameters demonstrated significance between the severity of the axial the back of their mind a working differential diagnosis before arbi-
backpain and thoracolumbar kyphosis, lateral listhesis, and the ob- trarily attributing all symptomatology to the presenting spinal defor-
liquity of specifically the L3 and L4 endplates. In this same paper pa- mity. Local diseases such as pelvic malignancies, aneurysms of the
tient age, Cobb angle, the amount of sagittal imbalance and listhesis abdominal aorta, osteoarthritis of the hip joint, abdominal wall hernias
failed to demonstrate significance [19]. and sacroiliitis must all be entertained and excluded. Other diseases
Classical unilateral leg pain occurs in the context of foraminal nerve distant from the lumbar spine such as cervical spondylosing myelo-
root compression which can occur either from single or multi-level pathy, acute cholecystitis and pancreatic carcinoma are mimickers of
foraminal disc herniations or from facet joint degeneration with for- the axial backache of adult degenerative scoliosis [3].
aminal osteophytic projections, specifically from the superior articular
process of the inferior vertebrae which constitutes the posterior wall of 3.3. Diagnostic imaging
the intervertebral foramen, causing nerve root impingement. Classical
bilateral leg pain, albeit not always symmetrical in nature, occurs in the Lumbar symptoms dictate lumbar radiographic imaging be done as
context of central spinal stenosis [20]. Applying these classical ex- a first line investigation. Once significant deformity is present full
planations to completely explain the radicular pain experienced by length standing, posteroanterior radiographs to assess coronal balance,
patients with adult degenerative scoliosis would however be an over- and lateral spinal radiographs to assess sagittal balance, are mandatory.
simplification. Without including central spinal stenosis and the sub- Flexion and extension views are routinely requested to assess not only
sequent leg pain from neurogenic claudication, the etiology of the ra- the flexibility of the curves but also to rule out instability and its con-
diculopathy experienced by patients with adult degenerative scoliosis is tribution to axial pain. Computed tomographic spine imaging is valu-
quite specific. Across the convex side of the curve the radiculopathy is able to better define bony anatomy in patients being considered for
better explained by dynamic traction on the nerve roots which may surgery [10]. In the presence of radiculopathy MRI imaging as a pre-
occur with absolutely no compression been seen on imaging. On the operative surgical planning tool is commonly done however due to the
concave side of the curve the radiculopathy occurs as a result of for- complexity of the deformity these images have been reported in a ret-
aminal stenosis in keeping with the classical understanding. Hence in rospective cohort systematic review to be difficult to assess [3].
adult degenerative scoliosis a retrospective cohort systematic review The specifics of how the initial full length spinal radiographic
reports that bilateral leg pain should not be mis-diagnosed as central images are performed contribute significantly to their value. No shoes
spinal stenosis and neurogenic claudication but consideration that this should be worn and any lower limb length discrepancies should be
may be a bilateral radiculopathy should always be borne in mind [21]. measured and recorded. Radiography that includes rostrally the occiput
The clinical course of patients with adult degenerative scoliosis is and caudally the hip joints in a single posteroanterior and lateral spinal
usually a progressively increasing deformity with increasing sympto- view are essential to assess the Cobb angle and pelvic parameters.
matology with worsening axial backache over many years. Lateral radiography of the hips and knees are included to assess the

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

Table 2
Studies used for this review article by Study type and Level of evidence.
Author (year) Study design Level of Evidence

Grubb et al. [1] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV

Vanderpool et al. [2] Retrospective cohort IV
Ploumis et al. [3] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Van dam et al. [4] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Aebi et al. [5] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Zeng et al. [6] Prospective cohort III
Gupta et al. [7] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Benner et al. [8] Case series V
Toyone et al. [9] Prospective consecutive series IV
Ascani et al. [10] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Sengupta et al. [11] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Jackson et al. [12] Large randomized clinical control trial I
Schwab et al. [13] Prospective cohort systematic review III
Heary [14] Retrospective cohort IV
Lowe et al. [15] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Berven [16] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Nasca [17] Retrospective cohort IV
Fernando et al. [18] Retrospective cohort systematic review III
Schwab et al. [19] Prospective cohort clinical trial III
Ascani et al. [20] Prospective randomized cohort study III
Foley et al. [21] Retrospective cohort systematic review III
Pritchett et al. [22] Prospective cohort III
Oskouian et al. [23] Retrospective systematic review IV
Anasetti et al. [24] Prospective cohort III
Illes at al. [25] Retrospective cohort IV
Glassman et al. [26] Retrospective cohort IV
Cho et al. [27] Prospective cohort IV
Anand et al. [28] Retrospective cohort IV
Isaacs et al. [29] Prospective non-randomized trial III
Guigui et al. [30] Prospective cohort III
Daubs et al. [31] Retrospective cohort IV
Bradford et al. [32] Retrospective cohort IV
Birkes et al. [33] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Lonstein [34] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Lafage et al. [35] Prospective cohort III
Schwab et al. [36] Prospective cohort III
Legaye et al. [37] Retrospective cohort IV
Madan et al. [38] Retrospective cohort IV
Cunningham et al. [39] Retrospective cohort IV
Potter et al. [40] Retrospective cohort IV
Kwon et al. [41] Prospective cohort III
Viviani et al. [42] Retrospective cohort IV
Shufflebarger et al. [43] Clinical control trial II
Bridwell et al. [44] Case series V
Smith Peterson et al. [45] Retrospective cohort IV
Geck et al. [46] Case series V
Suk et al. [47] Retrospective cohort IV
Cecchinato et al. [48] Retrospective cohort IV
Edwards et al. [49] Retrospective cohort IV
Maigne et al. [50] Prospective cohort III
Hiroyuki et al. [51] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Schwab et al. [52] Prospective cohort systematic review III
Sansur et al. [53] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Yadla et al. [54] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Norton et al. [55] Prospective cohort systematic review III
Fisher et al. [56] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Murata et al. [57] Prospective cohort clinical trial III
Kim et al. [58] Retrospective cohort IV
Li et al. [59] Retrospective case-control IV
Acosta et al. [60] Retrospective cohort IV
Yagi et al. [61] Retrospective case series V
Watanabi et al. [62] Retrospective cohort control study III
Hostin et al. [63] Retrospective cohort IV
Kelly M et al. [64] Randomized clinical control trial II
Xie et al. [65] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Naresh-Babu et al. [66] Retrospective cohort systematic review IV
Zu et al. [67] Prospective cohort III
Fu et al. [68] Retrospective cohort IV
Smith et al. [69]. Retrospective cohort IV

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

flexibility of a patient’s maximum correction of compensatory hip and medications, opioid analgesics and muscle relaxants. The benefit of
knee flexion. A goniometer utilizes the Cobb method to measure the these is limited by considerable side effects which include gastro-
Cobb angle on the coronal curve. Here the angle between the most intestinal and renal concerns with regards non-steroidal anti-in-
deviated end plates at the superior and inferior ends of the primary flammatory medications, and dependence and an accelerated develop-
curve is measured between intersecting perpendicular lines. Sagittal ment of chronic pain syndrome with regards opioid based medications.
balance is measured on the sagittal full length radiographic views by a Other useful pharmacological agents are gabapentin which effectively
plum line dropped vertically from center of the body of C7 which manages neuropathic pain as well as tricyclic anti-depressants taken at
should transverse the posterior third of the S1 superior end plate al- night due to their sedating effects [8].
though up to 4 cm anterior to this is considered an acceptable phy-
siological variation [10,23]. The Cobb angle on both the poster- 4.2. Surgical treatment
oanterior view and lateral view, and the sagittal balance on the lateral
view, are used not only as initial evaluation methods to dictate man- Degenerative scoliosis is a surgical disease best managed surgically
agement but also to measure curve progression on patient under sur- and the conservative measures should at best be regarded as palliative
veillance being managed conservatively. in non-surgical candidates secondary to significant medical co-mor-
Further imaging modalities include computed tomographic scans bidities. One retrospective systematic review reported the goals of
augmented by myelography which is useful in that it concurrently as- scoliosis corrective surgery to be 1. Sagittal balance restoration 2.
sesses bony and neurological anatomy. This is offered as an alternative Symptomatic neural element decompression 3. Complication avoidance
to MRI images however now-days is less frequently done except where and 4. Improved quality of life [23]. Applying these principles to pa-
clear contra-indications to MRI exist such as the presence of an MRI tients with degenerative scoliosis whom are in the advanced years of
incompatible cardiac pacemaker. One prospective cohort study pro- life with significant medical co-morbidities is difficult and requires
poses discography as an imaging modality useful for specifically as- patient specific surgical treatment goals.
sessing each lumbar disc space individually to determine its specific Correction surgery incorporating long segment fusion has been re-
contribution as a pain trigger and thereby its need to be incorporated ported to provide the best chance of a satisfactory outcome being
into any fusion surgery being planned. The name study notes this re- achieved [22,27]. Lenke in a retrospective cohort systematic review
commendation be controversial [24]. EOS imaging is a novel technique advises minimal surgical intervention to solve a patient’s symptoms as
that utilizes low dose biplanar radiography to reconstruct a three-di- the optimal strategy in degenerative scoliosis [18].
mensional assessment of the entire skeletal system in a standing posi- Minimally invasive techniques are being adapted to degenerative
tion and thereby defines the degenerative lumbar scoliosis, thoracic scoliosis however no clear benefit has been reported in advanced de-
kyphosis and the compensatory hip and knee flexion qualitatively in a generative scoliosis due to the complex multi-segment nature of the
single view. The two-dimensional dedicated views described to speci- disease process requiring multiple multi-level interventions be per-
fically measure the Cobb angles, pelvic parameters and sagittal align- formed to correct the deformity [28,29]. One prospective and one
ment needed to define clinical decision making in degenerative lumbar retrospective cohort study note that advances in minimally invasive
scoliosis are all simultaneously performed with the EOS system. An techniques continue to be developed as spinal surgeons increasingly
additional advantage of the three-dimensional qualitative skeletal view recognize the direct association between complications, especially
is for ease of patient understanding [25]. surgical site infection, and the extensiveness of any surgical procedure
including, as an independent variable, the number of levels fused
4. Management [30,31].
The indications for surgery in adult degenerative scoliosis are pro-
4.1. Non-surgical treatment gressive neurological deficit, disabling axial backpain non-responsive to
conservative measures, disabling pain and fatigue secondary to docu-
Conservative measures commonly employed by primary care phy- mented curve progression with sagittal and /or coronal imbalance and
sicians who by and large incidentally discover the degenerative sco- cosmesis in those that request and can physiologically tolerate the
liosis on routine radiological investigations performed for other reasons corrective surgery [3,32].
include out-patient medication and lumbo-sacral and thoraco-lumbo-
sacral braces. These are not only poorly tolerated in the elderly but with 5. Posterior decompression alone
regards bracing ineffective in the context of the transverse instability
that dictates curve progression in degenerative scoliosis. The muscle One retrospective cohort systematic review notes that decompres-
deconditioning that occurs with chronic bracing results in worsening sion alone is only suitable in one very specific instance namely symp-
curve progression rather than stabilization of the deformity and several tomatic central spinal stenosis presenting as neurogenic claudication or
retrospective cohort systematic reviews report no beneficial effect lateral recess spinal stenosis presenting as a radiculopathy, no asso-
[3,4]. Other conservative ineffective treatment modalities prescribed ciated instability, a mild deformity namely a Cobb angle of or below 20
include exercise, swimming, yoga and chiropractic spinal manipulation degrees and maintained sagittal balance [3]. Decompression in the
[3]. presence of deformity should be however be approached with caution
Appreciating the significance of the medical co-morbidities in pa- as the deformity itself may in fact be causing the compression and in
tients presenting with degenerative scoliosis is well recognized and in this situation the compression is better alleviated by correcting the
poor surgical candidates many spinal surgeons often advocate a trial of deformity itself. A second consideration is an iatrogenic destabilization
conservative measures incorporating physical therapy and non-ster- of the deformity by performing the decompression causing accelerated
oidal anti-inflammatory medication. Two retrospective cohort sys- curve progression [23]. For this reason two retrospective cohort sys-
tematic reviews note facet joint blocks, epidural blocks, nerve root tematic reviews report that decompression should not be performed at
blocks and trigger point injections to be adjunctive short-term con- either the proximal or distal ends of the curve or the curve apex
servative treatment modalities [3,10]. Looking at the literature one [16,33]. Regarding the risk of iatrogenic destabilization by decom-
retrospective cohort systematic review and one retrospective cohort pression alone further factors that should be considered are the degree
study report the ineffectiveness of these as long-term treatment mod- of disc collapse and extend of surrounding end plate osteophytes which
alities in degenerative scoliosis [13,26]. buffer the risk for curve progression as opposed to less disc space col-
Common pharmacological agents prescribed by both primary care lapse and a relative scarcity of osteophytes where more anticipated
physicians and spinal surgeons include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory curve progression may be expected to occur [7]. Limiting the extent of

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

decompression to one or two levels and employing minimally invasive asymmetrical augmented interbody correction through interbody sup-
techniques with less paraspinal musculature dissection are proposed in port would offer significantly beneficial deformity correction not af-
a retrospective cohort study and a retrospective cohort systematic re- forded by decompression and posterior instrumented fusion alone.
view as further means to limit curve progression if decompression only While the anterior retroperitoneal approaches to the lumbar spine allow
is being considered [28,34]. direct visualization, direct anterior release, direct correction of disc
The procedures included under the decompression umbrella are space height and a higher fusion rate they are unfortunately fraught
laminectomy, laminotomy, foraminotomy and extraforaminal decom- with significant morbidity. Besides the avoidable complications of
pression. These procedures, as long as they are done with due diligence vascular and visceral injuries which occur even in experience hands, the
and respect to the surrounding soft tissues, have little to no effect on complications of post-operative paralytic ileus and retrograde ejacula-
preventing or causing deformity progression. They furthermore do tion in males are according to two retrospective cohort studies far less
nothing to address instability and importantly the most commonly re- predictable and difficult to avoid [38,39]. Advancements in minimally
ported disabling symptom in patients with degenerative scoliosis invasive technology provided spinal surgeons with a direct approach to
namely axial backpain [3]. In these patient’s close post-operative sur- the anterior lumbar disc space through the development of the lateral
veillance at regular intervals should be routinely employed to exclude lumbar interbody fusion. Through a stab incision to the flank and serial
the development of instability and rapid curve progression presenting dilatation via a trans psoas approach the morbidity of the anterior ap-
clinically as worsening axial backpain. proaches was avoided however a new set of complications arose and
persisted despite the incorporation of intra-operative neurophysiolo-
6. Posterior decompression and posterior fusion alone gical monitoring with recurring injuries to the lumbar plexus. One
prospective non-randomized trial noted the procedure to be unsuitable
The relentless nature of degenerative scoliosis is characterized by to the L5/S1 disc space which is the predominant level needing cor-
progressive deformity and worsening instability. For this reason, de- rection to correct sagittal imbalance [29].
compression alone is usually reserved for mild curves or as a palliative The posterior lumbar interbody fusion technique allowed spinal
procedure in poor surgical candidates. The mainstay of surgical treat- surgeons to correct coronal imbalance and completely avoid the com-
ment for degenerative scoliosis is curve correction augmented by pos- plications of the anterior and lateral approaches. The disadvantage of
terior fusion which not only addresses the axial backpain but also in- the approach is that significant nerve root retraction is needed to place
directly relieves neuropathic pain and radiculopathy caused by traction the implant and contributes to a significant percentage of patients
of neural elements on the convex side of the curve and compression of complaining of post-operative neuropathic pain and weakness. A fur-
neural elements on the concave sides of the curve. Adjunctive direct ther disadvantage is that if the implant is not placed anteriorly enough
decompression of symptomatic radiographically confirmed sites on it becomes a pivot for inducing kyphosis [38,39]. The transforaminal
neural compression may be undertaken in the same setting. interbody fusion device incorporates a facetectomy and thereby avoids
Fusion may be obtained without posterior instrumentation but in the nerve root retraction needed to place the posterior lumbar inter-
these cases the deformity is fused in situ utilizing bone graft which does body device. The disadvantage is that the necessary facetectomy in-
nothing to correct the deformity nor the degree of axial backpain al- duces instability and therefore pedicle screws and rods must be placed
ready present. Some degree of curve correction can be achieved on the ipsilateral side to maintain stability. The compression across
through the use of posterior instrumentation alone which offers seg- these ipsilateral rods to correct sagittal imbalance by pivoting the
mental fixation anchor points through pedicle screw placement and correction across the implant may in turn cause contralateral nerve root
when combined with an adequate release of the posterior elements, compression and therefore a prophylactic contralateral foraminotomy
including the facet joints, some tri-planar correction can be achieved. is commonly performed as are contralateral pedicle screws and rods. A
The amount of correction that can be achieved is however limited to further complication of the transforaminal lumbar interbody device is
mild-moderate curves and is unsuitable for rigid curves where an that it must be rotated inside the disc space to lie parallel with the
anterior release becomes mandatory, especially important in the pre- anterior limbus of the end plate and during this rotation breach of the
sence of significant coronal imbalance. The decision to augment a de- anterior annulus can occur with subsequent vascular injury [40,41].
compression procedure with posterior instrumented fusion is re- While long term outcomes are lacking regarding these procedures,
commended in a retrospective cohort systematic review to be purely due to their recent development and slow implementation, a
undertaken when one or more of the recognized factors for curve pro- retrospective cohort study notes them to be of benefit through im-
gression are present, namely lateral listhesis greater than 6 mm, rota- mediate scoliosis correction on post-operative imaging, reduced hos-
tion, and spondylolisthesis [3]. pital stay, and a lower complication rate as compared to the traditional
While coronal imbalance has enjoyed greater attention in older open approaches [28].
series, sagittal imbalance is now recognized to be equally important.
Pelvic incidence is an additional parameter of paramount importance 8. Staged procedures
that becomes fixed once skeletal maturity has been achieved. This angle
is defined by the angle between a perpendicular line drawn from the Prolonged surgical procedures place severe physiological strain on
midpoint of the sacral endplate and a line drawn from the femoral head elderly patients taken to the operating room for correction of degen-
axis of rotation to the midpoint of the sacral end plate [36]. Correcting erative scoliosis. Intra-operative patient re-positioning is difficult and
lumbar lordosis to be as equal as possible to pelvic incidence reduces complications such as airway dislodgement can occur. Fatigue of the
hip and knee flexion as compensatory mechanisms and thereby the surgical team is a further reality contributing to sub-optimal results and
energy of ambulation [35]. Corrected lumbar lordosis translates into an increased complication rate may be seen. Two studies, one a retro-
corrected sagittal balance in degenerative scoliosis and this in turn has spective cohort and the other a clinical control trial, report benefit from
translated into increased patient satisfaction in several large surgical staging the anterior and posterior procedures in the context of separate
series [35–37]. surgical approaches to the anterior and posterior lumbar spine. These
benefits are seen not only in terms of a shorter post-operative recovery
7. Decompression with posterior fusion and augmented interbody period, reduced blood loss and reduced complications but in complex
support deformities have been further translated into better deformity correc-
tion [42,43].
Due to the fundamental pathophysiology of degenerative scoliosis The patient’s condition dictates the actual interval period between
being asymmetrical disc space collapse it follows logically that surgeries and the second stage is performed as early as possible to

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

facilitate mobilization. Additional opportunity to correct hematological correction as three smith Peterson osteotomies. This procedure should
values to normal in the inter-operative period is of value as well as the not be undertaken by novice surgeons and has a steep learning curve in
ability to exclude complications such as surgical site infection [44]. unexperienced hands [47].
By asymmetrically resecting more from one side of the vertebral
9. Posterior osteotomies body coronal imbalance can also be corrected. This is done by per-
forming a longer wedge on the opposite side of the coronal imbalance
Both kyphosis and hypo lordosis are amenable to correction by re- and a shorter wedge on the side of the coronal imbalance and hence
lative anterior column lengthening by posterior column shortening. during closing of the wedge the coronal imbalance is simultaneously
These techniques not only restore sagittal balance but through asym- addressed at the same time as the sagittal imbalance [48]. Another
metrical removal of bone can correct coronal imbalance and rotation. adaptation of the classical pedicle subtraction osteotomy which lowers
Spinal curve flexibility is an important consideration in adult de- the blood loss considerably is to incorporate either the superior or in-
generative scoliosis. This is defined as a curve that does not correct by ferior disc space into the resection and hence only wedge either the
50% or more pre-operatively on bending forward or intra-operatively superior vertebra if the inferior disc space is being incorporated or the
on traction fluoroscopy. While the lumbar curve in adult degenerative inferior vertebra if the superior disc space is being incorporated. The
scoliosis is almost invariably rigid, the secondary thoracic curve com- former is more commonly performed than the latter. It is important if
monly corrects to some degree, bot not enough to be regarded as truly the disc space is being incorporated that the disc material and annulus
flexible. In most cases thoroughly releasing the posterior elements is is removed completely and a burr is used to decorticate the underlying
required and performing osteotomies augments the spinal surgeon’s end plate to facilitate fusion of the cancellous bone onto the end plate
ability to obtain an acceptable correction [16]. Consideration for the from which the disc was resected. By differentially wedging the ver-
degree of correction required as well as the relative flexibility of the tebral body coronal imbalance can be simultaneously corrected during
curve are the two cornerstones dictating the choice of osteotomy to be closure of the wedge onto the exposed subcortical bone from the dec-
performed. orticated end plate.
Smith Peterson osteotomies were originally described for already
fused spines and rely on the mobility of a disc space for correction. Here 10. Length of fusion construct
the spinous processes, lamina and facet joints are removed, and a
wedge is made into the anterior column either with a osteotome and Classical teaching in scoliosis surgery is underpinned by three fun-
mallet or an ultrasonic bone knife. The remaining superior and inferior damental premises on the subject of length of fusion. The first of these is
posterior columns are then forcedly closed and held as such with that decompressed areas should be incorporated into the fusion con-
pedicle screws and rods. A landmark retrospective cohort study reports struct. The second premise is that constructs should not be stopped at
that 10 degrees of sagittal correction can be obtained per level and the the apex of curves as this serves as a point for the development of ad-
resultant bone on bone closure between the inferior surface of the re- jacent level disease which often progresses to the development of an
maining superior vertebral body and the superior surface of the re- acute kyphotic deformity. The final premise is regarding junctional
maining inferior vertebral body facilitates the anterior column fusion areas, in almost all cases of degenerative scoliosis the thoracolumbar
[45]. The criticisms of the Smith Peterson osteotomy are firstly that the junction, which should not be the point of terminus in fusion constructs
considerable blood loss during each osteotomy is not warranted by the for the same fear regarding the development of junctional kyphosis.
small degree of correction which in reality is only a little more than 5 A controversial point regarding length of fusion is regarding con-
degrees per level. The second criticism in the context of adult degen- structs terminating at L5 versus the need to include S1. A retrospective
erative scoliosis is that the forced closure of the posterior column ef- cohort study noted that stopping a fusion at L5 is problematic and re-
fectively “snaps” the remaining anterior degenerated disc space which portedly results at best in worsening axial back pain from the L5/S1
may cause a vascular injury, directly anterior to this to occur. A case motion segment and at worse secondary L5/S1 spondylolisthesis with
series reported a safer option in milder but requiring more flexible worsening axial backpain and radiculopathy [49].
deformities are Ponte osteotomy’s which involve resection of the spi- Further controversy involves additional measures needed when in-
nous processes, lamina and facets at multiple levels and a more gradual volving the L5/S1 disc space in the fusion construct. It is recommended
correction can be achieved of approximately 3–5 degrees per level. The that incorporation of the L5/S1 disc space will require either, but in L5/
blood loss of the smith Peterson osteotomy is avoided as is the trauma S1 hypo lordosis commonly both, sacral screws and anterior column
incurred by the traumatic “snap” of the anterior disc space. The dis- support to prevent flat back syndrome and/or spondylolisthesis. The
advantage is the Ponte osteotomy is that it requires flexibility of the debate here arises from well-known secondary sacroiliac joint pain, as a
curve to be achieved and in fact the procedure was first described for cause of late onset worsening axial backpain, in fusion constructs ex-
the treatment of Schuurmans disease in adolescents and young adults tending to S1 but ignoring the incurred excessive sacroiliac joint axial
[46]. and rotational loading. Here spinal surgeons’ debate regarding the need
Pedicle subtraction osteotomies are reserved for fixed sagittal im- to incorporate one or two sacroiliac screws, with or without arthrodesis
balance deformities where more marked correction is needed. By per- of the sacroiliac joint, to prevent excessive loading onto this fibrous
forming a spinous process resection and bilateral lamina resection ac- joint. Two studies, one a prospective cohort and the other a retro-
cess is gained to the pedicles of a single vertebral body. The pedicles are spective cohort systematic review, note that sacroiliac screws are rarely
then wholly or partially resected and thereafter by working either from placed as part of the primary intervention in adult degenerative sco-
within the boundaries of partially resected pedicles, or directly on the liosis and are reserved for the development of this complication
vertebral body itself through the pedicular openings, but importantly [50,51].
staying within the boundaries of a single vertebral body, the cancellous
bone is removed anteriorly and laterally with curettes. The remaining 11. Complications
superior and inferior end plates, with a variable amount of remaining
cancellous bone remaining attached to each depending on the amount The complication rates reported in adult degenerative scoliosis
of desired correction needed, are then opposed and held closed with surgery must be understood as dependent on the physiological age of
pedicle screws and rods in superior and inferior vertebrae. A retro- the patient, the specifics of the surgical corridor utilized, and the
spective cohort study reports that up to 30 degrees correction can be number of interventions [52]. Across several series complications listed
achieved per procedure. Pedicle subtraction osteotomies are often un- can be grouped as 1. Skeletal, incorporating pseudo arthrosis, hardware
dertaken as a single intervention and affords the same amount of failure, compression fractures and junctional kyphosis 2. Neurological,

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

incorporating radiculopathy, paresthesia’s, paraparesis and paraplegia the observational group of which 112 were ultimately managed op-
3. Systemic, incorporating respiratory distress syndrome, deep vein eratively and 111 non-operatively. In this study it is reported that, in
thrombosis and secondary thromboembolic disease, urinary tract in- both the randomized cohort as well as in the observational cohort, the
fection and myocardial infarction and 4. Surgical site infection operative group demonstrated statistically significant advantages in
[3,10,53]. 2 year outcome in both the SRS-22 and the ODI. The overall conclusion
High compared to other surgical sub-specialties the complication of this study was that patients whom are symptomatically controlled
rates reported in the 1970’s ranged between 20 and 40 percent [8]. medically should be left alone while symptomatic patients whom fail a
Significant advances in pre-operative patient optimization, anesthesia, trial of medical therapy are best managed operatively [64]. In the au-
instrumentation and resuscitation afforded a marked drop in the com- thors opinion a criticism of this study is the relatively short follow-up
plication rate which three decades later, but still two decades ago, was period of two years. Several studies do however support adult degen-
reported in a landmark study from the Scoliosis Research foundation erative scoliosis as a disease best managed surgically which supports
database which considered 4980 surgical cases of adult scoliosis to be the overall conclusion of this study [18,22,27,64].
13.4% [53]. A more recent meta-analysis published less than a decade A further factor eluded to in a recent study that contributes to
ago reported less optimistic results. In this study which considered 49 outcome is the amount of fatty infiltration in the paravertebral muscles
articles and 3299 subjects the incidence of adverse events in the peri- which by offering poor muscular support is at least in part contributory
operative period was reported to be 40% [54]. to poor outcome and persistent pain due to increased bony stresses. In
The extent of the surgical intervention is accepted to correlate with this study the amount of fatty infiltration in the multifidus muscle on
a higher complication rate and in terms of this posterior osteotomies are the concave side of the curve was measured on MRI and correlated
at the forefront not only in terms of skeletal complications but neuro- positively with outcome [65]. This emphasizes the importance of
logical complications as well [53–55]. Intra-operative neuro-physiolo- paraspinal muscle strengthening in both preventing curve progression
gical monitoring has become mandatory in these cases to ensure benefit and maintaining curve correction post-surgical correction and thereby
outweighs risk as deformity correction while incurring a neurological outcome. Another study notes the failure of Spinal Deformity classifi-
injury is unacceptable in modern spinal surgery practice [56]. Overall cation systems to include body mass index despite it being a significant
infection rates in scoliosis surgery are 1–2% however in adult degen- influencer of outcome [65]. Other studies echo this thinking and note,
erative surgery this value is 3–5% [57]. The rate of pseudarthroses is that despite being poorly explored, body mass index is a significant
similarly higher in adult degenerative scoliosis than in scoliosis surgery factor in determining outcome [67,68,69].
in younger patients and in degenerative scoliosis where patients have
long fusion constructs this is reported to occur in up to 24% of cases
[58]. 13. Conclusion
Proximal junctional kyphosis is defined as an increase in kyphosis of
greater than 10 degrees at the proximal end of a fusion construct and is In contrast to other spinal deformities adult degenerative scoliosis is
a well-recognized complication of adult degenerative scoliosis surgery increasing in prevalence more so than any other. Its natural course is
occurring in 20–39% of cases [59,60]. Proximal junction failure is a slow progression over decades and overall it is largely a benign disease.
specific subtype of proximal junction kyphosis and is defined as ky- While the pathophysiology is uniform the expression of this is ex-
phosis occurring together with structural failure of the vertebra im- tremely varied and each patient needs individualistic treatment based
mediately cephalad to the most superior instrumented level or failure of on their specific needs, tailored to their resilience to undergo an op-
the most cephalad instrumented vertebra itself. Proximal junctional erative intervention. From palliative interventions such as regional
failure has been significantly associated with worsening axial pain, blocks and spinal cord stimulators to extensive corrections with their
junctional instability, new-onset neurological deficit and importantly inherent surgical risk but substantial benefit to gain, the surgery for
the need for revision surgery. Hence while proximal junctional kyphosis adult degenerative scoliosis requires the attending spinal surgeon to
is diagnosed more frequently than proximal junctional failure the im- have an deep understanding of the complexity, not only of spinal
plications of being diagnosed with proximal junctional kyphosis are not anatomy and spinal radiology, but of the benefits and risks of the sur-
as marked as the latter and the risks as well as the revision surgery rate gical procedures themselves. The Cobb angle in adult degenerative
is significantly less [61]. scoliosis is not as much of a dominant role player as it is in idiopathic
curves and other factors such as lateral listhesis, spondylolisthesis,
12. Outcome spinal stenosis and sagittal imbalance all play an equal, if not more
important, role. Minimally invasive techniques are here to stay and
While the above paints a seemingly ominous picture of surgery offer minimalistic interventions at considerably less risk. The role of the
performed for adult degenerative scoliosis studies confirm a quality of larger procedures is however steadfast when larger corrections are
life improvement in over 94% of cases [52,62]. Patients with marked needed, and both are required in modern spinal practice in a patient
deformity have the worst disability and these same patients commonly specific manner. Understanding patient expectations and balancing
need the most extensive surgical procedures for correction, specifically these with realistic surgical outcomes through thorough informed
those with the highest complication rates. It is however this same group consent forms a pillar in ensuring post-operative patient satisfaction.
that benefit the most from surgery for degenerative scoliosis correction
and show the most marked improvement in quality of life [52]. Red
flags studied and proven to predict a worse outcome irrespective of the Funding
type of surgery performed include a psychiatric history and tobacco use
[63]. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
In terms of quantifying outcome a recent multi-center randomized agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
North American clinical control trial compared operative versus non-
operative treatment for symptomatic adult degenerative lumbar sco-
liosis and used as its outcome measures the Scoliosis Research Society Declaration of Competing Interest
Score-22 (SRS-22) and the Owestry Disability Index (ODI). In this study
the follow-up period was 2 years. Sixty three patients were enrolled in The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the randomized cohort, 30 in the operative group and 33 in the ob- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
servational group. Two hundred and twenty three patients comprised ence the work reported in this paper.

A. Kelly, et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery 20 (2020) 100661

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