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After this unit, students are expected to be able to:

• Differentiate the definition and function of Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Pronoun,
Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection.
• Identify the parts of speech of words in sentences
• Construct sentences with proper parts of speech

What is a Part of Speech?

We can categorize English words into 9 basic types called "parts of speech" or "word
classes". It's quite important to recognize parts of speech. This helps you to analyse sentences
and understand them. It also helps you to construct good sentences. This is a summary of the
9 parts of speech.

Part of Function or Example words Example sentences

speech "job"

Verb action or state (to) be, have, do, like, English Club is a web site. I
work, sing, can, must like English Club.

Noun thing or person pen, dog, work, music, This is my dog. He lives in
town, London, teacher, my house. We live in
John London.

Adjective describes a good, big, red, well, My dogs are big. I like
noun interesting big dogs.

Determiner limits or a/an, the, 2, some, I have two dogs and

"determines" a many some rabbits.
Part of Function or Example words Example sentences
speech "job"

Adverb describes a quickly, silently, well, My dog eats quickly. When

verb, adjective badly, very, really he is very hungry, he eats
or adverb really quickly.

Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some Tara is Indian. She is

Preposition links a noun to to, at, after, on, but We went to school on
another word Monday.

Conjunction joins clauses or and, but, when I like dogs and I like cats. I
sentences or like cats and dogs. I like dogs
words but I don't like cats.

Interjection short oh!, ouch!, hi!, well Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How
exclamation, are you? Well, I don't know.
inserted into a

Parts of Speech Examples

Here are some examples of sentences made with different English parts of speech:
pronoun verb preposition determiner noun adverb
She ran to the station quickly. pron. verb adj. noun
conjunction pron. verb pron.
She likes big snakes but I hate them.
Here is a sentence that contains every part of speech:
interjection pron. conj. det. adj. noun verb prep. noun adverb
Well, she and my young John walk to school Every morning

The Same Word Used as Different Parts of Speech :

Some words belong to more than one part of speech. We can’t know what part of
speech a word is until we see what work it is doing in a sentence. A word can do different
jobs in different sentences. Look at the following sentences.

1. Give me some water.

2. They water the plants daily.
In the first sentence the word WATER names something. So it is a noun. In the second
sentence the same word WATER expresses an action. It tells what they do. Here it is a verb.

Study the word FAST in the following sentences.

1. He didn’t take anything during the fast. (It names something. So it is a noun.)
2. Muslims FAST during Ramazan. (It expresses an action. It tells what Muslims do.
So, it is a verb.)
3. I missed the FAST train. (It adds to the meaning of the noun train. What kind of a
train? A fast train. So, it is an adjective.)
4. She speaks fast. (It adds to the meaning of the verb SPEAKS and tells how she
speaks. So, it is an adverb.) The word FAST is a noun in 1, a verb in 2, an adjective
in 3 and an adverb in 4.

Here are further examples.

Above : Back :
We flew above the clouds. (Preposition) I have a pain in the back. (Noun)
Have you read the above sentence ? I will come back in five minutes. (Adverb)
(Adjective) Have you closed the back door? (Adjective)
See above. (Adverb) He backed his car through the gate. (Verb)

Better : Down :
This watch is better than that. (Adjective) The little girl feels down. (Adverb)
He singes better than you. (Adverb) You He ran down the hill. (Preposition)
should respect your betters. (Noun) Living We caught the down train. (Adjective)
conditions have bettered a great deal. The government downed the opposition. (Verb)

Like : Near :
Children like sweets. (Verb) He lives near the station. (Preposition)
He climbs like a cat. (Preposition) Most of my near relatives live abroad.
You won’t see his like again. (Noun) (Adjective)
Ravindra and his brother are very like. He got nervous as the examinations neared.
(Adjective) (Verb)
I went near enough to see over it. (Adverb)

Right : Round :
You are quite right. (Adjective) The earth is round. (Adjective)
Keep to the right. (Noun) The boys ran round the tree. (Preposition)
Go right to the end of the road. (Adverb) Will you come round to our house this evening?
They were able to right the boat. (Verb) (Adverb)
We won the first round of the tennis cup.
Up :
The child’s eyes rounded with excitement.
You should stand up when the teacher
comes in. (adverb)
He climbed up the hill. (Preposition)
What time is the next up train? (Adjective)
He hit the ball on the up. (noun)

Fill in the worksheet below spotting the requested word, phras+2arger structure. Here's a
quick review to help you complete the task:

• Noun - objects, things, and people

• Verbs - what objects, things and people DO
• Adjective - words that describe objects, things, and people
• Adverb - words that describe how, where or when something is done
• Prepositions - words that show relationships between things
• Synonyms - words that mean the same
• Antonyms - words that mean the opposite

My Friend Mark
by Kenneth Beare

Mark’s Childhood
My friend Mark was born in a small town in the north of Canada called Dooly. Mark grew
up a happy and interested boy. He was a good student in school who studied carefully for
all his exams and got very good grades. When it came time to go to university, Mark
decided to move to the United States in order to attend the University of Oregon in Eugene,
Mark at University
Mark enjoyed his time at university. In fact, he enjoyed his time immensely, but he didn’t
really spend the time studying for his courses. He preferred to travel around Oregon, to
visit all the sites. He even climbed Mt. Hood twice! Mark became very strong, but his
grades suffered because he was lazy. During his third year at university, Mark changed his
major to agricultural studies. This turned out to be a very good choice, and Mark slowly
began to get good grades again. In the end, Mark graduated from the University of Oregon
with a degree in agricultural sciences.
Mark Gets Married
Two years after Mark graduated, he met a wonderful, hardworking woman named Angela.
Angela and Mark fell in love immediately. After three years of dating, Mark and Angela
married in a beautiful church on the coast of Oregon. They’ve been married for two years
and now have three lovely children. All in all, life has been very good to Mark. He’s a
happy man and I’m happy for him.

From the above written text, please find examples of:

1. three nouns
2. four verbs
3. two adjectives
4. two adverbs
5. three prepositions
6. an exclamation
7. a synonym for “too relaxed”
8. an antonym for “to leave school”
9. an adjective which is a synonym for “powerful”
10. an adverb which is an antonym of “slowly”
11. a verb which is a synonym for “go to school”
12. a noun which is a synonym for “test”
13. a verb which is an antonym for “go down”
14. a noun which is a synonym for “diploma”
15. an antonym for the adjective “awful”
16. an antonym for the adjective “sad”
17. a synonym for the verb “to go out with a girlfriend or boyfriend”


A. Use words from the box to the complete the sentences

1. old (adj), saves (verb)

2. Never (pronoun), always ( adv)
3. You (pronoun), me (pronoun)
4. Some (adj), stitches (noun)
5. Always (adv), explain (verb), me (pronoun)

B. Give your own exampleof each part of speech

1. Nouns: car, eraser, book.

2. Verbs: walk, eat, swim.
3. Pronouns: i, she, they
4. Adjectives: old, some, beautiful.
5. Adverbs: always, sometimes, today.


1. Word form the thread upon which we hang your experiences. (Aldous huxly)

 Two verbs: form, hang

 Two pronouns: we, our
2. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilization or it will die (Evelyn waugh)
 Two nouns: vocabulary, fertilization
 Two verbs: need, die
 One adjectives: constant
3. The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter-'tis the difference
between the lightning bug and the lightning. ( mark twain)
 Three adjective: differ, right, large.
 Five nouns: word, the difference, matter, lightning bug, lightning.
 One adverb: almost
4. Words are the hummingbirdsof the imagination (elbert hubbart)
 Three nouns: word, imagination, hummingbirds.
 One verb: are

From the above written text, please find example of:

1. Mark, sites and university
2. Studied, came, enjoyed and climbed
3. Happy and lazy
4. Immediately and carefully
5. After, in and to.
6. He even climbed Mt. Hood twice!
7. Leisured
8. Still in school
9. Strong
10. Quickly
11. Attend
12. Exam
13. Go up
14. Certificate
15. Beautiful
16. Happy
17. Dating

Name: Abdul Aziz

Class: 1A
NIM : E1D020002

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