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ONE Sample T-Test

Problem: Is there a significant difference between the mean content of colas given to the pupils
during the outreach activity and its label (8 oz)?

Objective: to compare the mean content of colas with the content claimed by the Cola's

Step 1: State Ho and Ha

Ho: There is no significant difference between the mean content of colas given to the pupils
during the
outreach activity and its label (8 oz)

Ha: There is a significant difference between the mean content of colas given to the pupils
during the
Dutreach activity and its label (8 oz)

Step 2: a = 0.05

Step 3: Possible Test ( One sample t-test or One - sample Wilcoxon test)

Preliminary analysis:

1. Purpose is to compare one sample to population sample

2. The data is ratio and it is normally distributed by 1-KS test (p=0.22663)

With the preliminary test, the appropriate test for the data is One-Sample t-test.

Step 4: Generate the result

The tvalue is -2.293997. The value of p is .037778. The result is significant at p< 05

Step 5: Decision

Reject the null hypothesis. There isa significant difference between the mean content of colas
the pupils during the outreach activity and its label (8 oz)

Step 6: Interpretation
Table 1 displays the one-sample t-test result on the significant difference between the mean
content of colas given to the pupils during the outreach activity and its label (8 oz).

Table 1

One-Sample T-test Result

Test Value=80z

Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference



significant at 0.05 **significant at 0.01





As gleaned in the Table 1, the mean content of colas given to the pupis during the outreach
program was 7.470z. This
meah content was lower than the content labelled in the cola's bottle. Moreover, the one-sample
t-test result shows that there
was a significant difference between the sample mean content and the 8oz cola's label. This
indicates that the colas given to
the pupils were significantly lower than 8 0z. This further means that the colas given did not
pass the quality control of the
Cola's company. Thus, the colas were donated instead of bringing back to the company.

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