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Personal Identity - A sense of personal identity is what sets one person apart as
a unique individual.
Identity includes a person’s name, gender, ethnic identity, family status,
occupation, and roles.
One’s personal identity begins to develop during childhood and is constantly
reinforced and modified throughout life.
2. Body image - Body image is an attitude about one’s physical attributes and
characteristics, appearance, and performance.
Body image is dynamic because any change in body structure or function,
including the normal changes of growth and development, can affect it.
3. Self-esteem - Self-esteem is the judgment of personal performance compared
with the self-ideal.
Self-esteem is derived from a sense of giving and receiving love, and being
respected by others
4. Role performance - Role refers to a set of expected behaviors determined by
familial, cultural, and social norms.
The level of self-esteem is dependent upon the self-perception of adequate
role performance in these various social roles
Feedbacking is beneficial- It also allows us to build and maintain communication
with others. Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful.
Feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important decisions. Top
performing companies are top performing companies because they consistently
search for ways to make their best even better
 Performance Evaluation- Performance Evaluation is defined as a formal
and productive procedure to measure an employee’s work and results
based on their job responsibilities. It is used to gauge the amount of
value added by an employee in terms of increased business revenue,
in comparison to industry standards and overall employee return on
investment (ROI)
 Peer evaluation- Peer evaluation is an effective collaborative learning
strategy that asks a person to reflect on contributions made by
colleagues in group work. Related to self-assessment, peer evaluation
encourages students to critically examine the work of peers, and
reflect on the meaning of quality work in general, especially when
consulting a detailed rubric or checklist as a guide.
 Self-assessment quizzes- A self-assessment test for career choice is a
diagnostic tool that can help individuals determine what types of jobs
might best match their interests, strengths and even weaknesses. This
type of tool can prove very useful for helping people narrow down job
types so they can make an informed career choice based on fields.
Johari window is a useful tool for generating “aha” moments and for encouraging
clients to push their boundaries.

There is always an element that is known to the client at the outset, this may be
what they want, or what they don’t want. They may be aware of what is stopping
them achieving their goal, or unaware of the steps needed to get to their

1. The Public Self is what you and others see in you. You typically do not mind
discussing with others this part of you. Most of the time you agree with this view
you have and others have of you. You might refer to it as your comfort zone –
there are no surprises here.
2. The Private or Hidden Self is what you see in yourself but you don’t want others
to see. There are often parts of ourselves that are too private to share with others.
We hide these away and refuse to discuss them. This may be due to feelings of
embarrassment or shame. There may be fear attached to disclosing these parts – if
we were to do so we would be vulnerable in some way. There may also be skills
and talents hidden here that we don’t want to advertise to the world due to
modesty, or fear of attack.

3. The Blind Self is what you do not see in yourself but others see in you. You
might think you are an open-minded person, but people around you may consider
you to be impatient and intolerant. On the other hand, you might see yourself as a
failure, while others might see you as a success. Sometimes those around you
might not tell you what they see because they are scared of your reaction, fear
offending you, or might consider it a waste of time.

4. The Undiscovered or Unknown Self is the self that you cannot see nor others
around you. These are the real unknowns. Your future hopes and aspirations will
be in this area
1. Aggression- Aggression is a behavior characterized by strong self-assertion with
hostile or harmful tones. Under some circumstances, aggression may be a normal
reaction to a threat. Alternatively, it may be abnormal, unprovoked or reactive
behavior (intermittent explosive disorder). Anger, confusion, discomfort, fear,
overstimulation and tiredness can lead to aggressive reactions.

2. Altruism- Altruism refers to a quality possessed by people whose focus is on

something other than themselves, and its root reveals the object of those generous
tendencies. Altruism derives from the French word autrui, meaning "other people."

3. Shyness- (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort,

or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. This commonly
occurs in new situations or with unfamiliar people; a shy person may simply opt to
avoid these situations.

4. Scapegoating- A scapegoat usually implies a person or group, but the

mechanism of scapegoating can also apply to non-human entities, whether objects,
animals, or demons. It is a huge social problem contributing to the hate that exists
in the world. There is scapegoating of whole groups of people happening when
there is prejudice or stereotyping

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