Phrasal Verbs With Corgi

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по фразовым глаголам
от школы разговорного английского

by Дарья Гладких
to resemble in character
TAKE UP or appearance

to start a new hobby Do I take after

my granny?
My student has taken to understand
up jogging recently.
It’s always difficult
to take in everything
that Russian rap singers do.

to employ or hire
My boyfriend’s company
took on a new to rise into the air
account-manager. TAKE OVER or begin flight
Well, the careers of
to get control of something Tik-Tok guys are taking

How come that he took off rapidly now.
over you? Can’t you
stand for your rights?
ON to leave, move on, go away OVER
Watch out when to overcome, recover from
to take abus/train ect you get off a train as well.
How to get over my
Watch out when
emotions after
you get on a train.
this deadly split up?
to criticize someone to escape blame or

again and again punishment
Stop getting at I am eager to get away
me for my look, please! to Asia right now!
GET ALONG/ON to wake up
to have a friendly relationship What time did you
What are the rules on how RID OF use to get up at school?
to get along/on with to take actions so as
young people? to be free of

2 I’d rather get rid of

you than of smoking!
TO to think about what is going
to rely on somebody to find the information in a boor, to happen in the future
or something on a map or a timetable and make plans
I need to look up this It’s a good idea to look ahead
I wish I had a person word in my dictionary.
to look to anytime I need before you get married.
comfort and compassion.

to think about something
to read something that happened in the pass
quickly and briefly
Look through the article to If you don’t stop looking
back at your past, you’ll

get some main ideas of
the text and retell it then. never face your future.

to turn look at to try to find something
something behing you
How long have you been
Look round if you want looking for this cheesy dress?
to know what the heck is going
on behind your back, mate.

to watch happening to feel pleased and excited
and be careful about something that is
Look out! A giant rock going to happen
is going to hit you in the
back of the head! ON IN I can’t say that I am sorta
looking forward to having my niece as
to watch something to visit a person or place

a guest, but do I have any choice?
without taking part yourself for a shot time I doubt it.
I prefer looking on the board Fancy looking in the bakery next
games rather than to my house? What a delicious
taking part in them. coffee they serve there!
to return to a former state, to find, usually by accident
usually a desirable one
I didn’t think I could come
I thought he was dead, but he
across this insight then.
came back safe and sound.

ALONG to pursue, follow

to accompany Don’t you even dare to come
I’d like to go to after me! We split up 3 years ago!
Gorky Park with you.

AROUND to become separated from
to change one’s mind something away
If you can give her some time, The handle has just come
she might come around away in my hand. What a pity!
and marry you. APART
to break, separate
All my dresses are coming

apart, I need to buy new
ones ASAP!
to not let someone go to bed OFF to keep something near you
Maintain a continuous action, persist Not talk about I always keep my notebook
Why do my neighbours Not tread on something around in case I need
always keep me up at night? to take something down.
I must call the police. She has kept off the matter
of that case since she graduated.
No one knows what happened. AT
FROM to continue with
to control yourself, something difficult
refrain Though I find this learning of phrasal
I can’t keep from missing verbs hard, I will keep at it.

him again and again.

to don’t allow someone
TO near something
to stay within limits Drugs should always
Please, keep to the rest BACK ON be kept away from kids.
of your group unless you
want to get lost. to maintain a safe distance to continue

To avoid any contamination My sis is still keeping on

you’d better keep back her keto-diet. She doesn’t

from public places. eat carbohydrates.
by Дарья Гладких

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