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Primitivo Kalaw Senior

High School



A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School

Palsara, Balete, Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the subject

Practical Research I


Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School




In the rapidly evolving modern world, it is imperative that high school students

make informed judgments about their careers. In addition their current academic

accomplishments, the decisions they make now will have a significant impact on their

professional paths in the future. One of the most popular academic options is the

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand because it offers a range of

career options in the business, finance, and entrepreneurial areas.

Students' job choices are influenced by a wide range of intricate aspects in a global

setting. Studies have indicated that a person's profession decision is greatly influenced by

a variety of factors, including social standards, family expectations, peer pressure, and

personal interests. Previous studies have used various classifications or scales to identify

the factors that influence students' career choice, and often these factors are grouped into

the broad categories of extrinsic, interpersonal, and intrinsic/altruistic (Sibson, 2011).

There are various determinants that can influence a student's career choice, from

individual's perception, family, gender, to even the person's culture. The most significant

single determinant of career choice is the individual's self-appraisal of their skills and
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School

attributes and how that matches to the intellectual content and other demands of the

specialty (Shadbolt & Bunker, 2009).

Career selection is one of many important choices that students will make in determining

future plans. It becomes one of the biggest dilemma and challenge for the student’sin the

Philippines. It involves an interplay of many factors which are intricately intertwined. It

is not a straightforward task and involves a difficult process of decision making. This

issue is not confined to one aspect only but is universal in nature. For many students,

choosing a college or a major is a vital decision determining their entire life plan,

success, and professional career. The factors affecting their choice such as the reputation

of the college, location, cost, socioeconomic status, student expectations, school size and

many more might have different weight in the choice of a major. The right career choice

for the students entering into the professional education is critical having high impact on

their professional life and future achievement. This decision will therefore impart them

throughout their lives.

However, the researchers observed a significant need to explore the factors influencing

career choices among students in the ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)

strand, which is valued for its practical and versatile skill set at Primitivo Kalaw Senior

High School. Moreover, they noted that this strand faced challenges due to negative

perceptions among students, particularly regarding its portrayal on social media

Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School

platforms. Addressing these misconceptions is crucial for ensuring that students make

informed decisions about their educational and career paths.

The researcher wanted to conduct the study to determine the factors influencing

career choices among ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) students at

Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School. This could include understanding the determinants

that shape students' career decisions, identifying potential challenges or barriers they

face, and ultimately informing educational institutions and policymakers about how to

better support students in making informed career choices aligned with their interests,

skills, and aspirations. Moreover, contribute to the development of targeted interventions

or career guidance programs aimed at assisting students in navigating the transition from

high school to further education or the workforce.

Statement of the Problem

This study conducted to investigate Exploring the factors influencing career choices

among ABM students at Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School. Specifically, it aimed to

answer the following:

1.What are the factors affecting the career decision making of ABM students?

2.What are the problems encountered by students in making their career choice?
3.Based on the findings, what program may be proposed?

Primitivo Kalaw Senior

High School

Significance of the Study

Students, the findings of this study will help them in assessing the impact of various

factors such as family influence, personal interests, academic performance and socio-

economic background on career choices.The findings may be further used as a guide to

give insights to the senior high school students pursuing ABM strand.

Teachers, this study is expected to help the teachers in providing convenient information

regarding on the factors that influenced the career choices of ABM students. It can also

benefit them in having a broad knowledge and suggestions in order to help the ABM

students in making more meaningful and well-informed career options.

Future researchers, this study will help them to gain information from this research and

they can use this as a reference or conduct more research on exploring the factors

influencing career choices among ABM students.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study will specifically likely includes investigating various factors that impact the

career choices of students enrolled in the Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) track at Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School. This may involve examining

personal, social, educational, and environmental factors that influence their career

decision-making process. The study could also delve into the aspirations, motivations,
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School

challenges, and perceptions of ABM students regarding their career choices, potentially

providing insights for career guidance programs and educational policies.

The study primarily focus on defining the scope and boundaries within which the

research will be conducted. The research will concentrate on exploring internal and

external factors influencing career decisions, such as personal interests, family influence,

peer pressure, socioeconomic status, and educational aspirations. This qualitative

approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the identified factors, offering rich

insights into the underlying motivations and influences driving career choices among the

target population. However, it's essential to acknowledge that the findings may not be

generalizable beyond the specific context of Primitivo Kalaw Senior High School.

Moreover, while the study aims to capture a diverse range of perspectives, the sample

size and recruitment methods may introduce certain limitations in terms of representation

and variability. Therefore, the findings should be interpreted within the context of the

school's unique demographic and socio-cultural environment.

Definition of Terms

Exploring.According to Merriam webster, is travel in or through (an unfamiliar country

or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it. In this study this term is use

to act of investigating or examining something in order to gain knowledge or

Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School

understanding about it. In the context of career choices, it refers to the process of

researching and considering various career options before making a decision.

Factors.According to Vocabulary, word factor doubles as both noun and verb. A factor is

an element that influences something, like many factors that contribute to global

warming. To factor means to consider something relevant when making a decision or

conclusion, like factoring in the weather and traffic when figuring out how long the drive

will be.

Influencing. According to Oxford Dictionary,the capacity to have an effect on the

character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself the

power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment from someone, especially through

status, contacts, or wealth: the institute has considerable influence with teachers.

Careerchoices. According to IGI Global, The culmination of a person's development and

actions throughout the course of their life, especially those related to their career “A

person's route or development through life or a certain time of existence.” Parental

counsel, vocational guidance, identification with well-known persons, trial or part-time

employment, training choices, personal interests, and ability tests, among many other

factors, are all utilized to assist people in making career decisions.

Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School



This chapter presents the review of conceptual and research literature related to the

present study.

Conceptual Literature

This chapter aims to present a comprehensive review of literature on Exploring the

factors influencing career choices among ABM students at Primitivo Kalaw Senior High

School. The review of literature presents the following Topics covered:

Career Decisions Making Theories

According to Suryani Anne George Sindi (2021)This paper reports qualitative findings

from a large study on Indonesian teacher education students' career aspirations. The

participants were 133 final-year undergraduate students who entered teacher education

programmes with no intentions to teach in schools or had intentions to teach only for a

short period upon graduation before pursuing another career. Their motivations to choose

teacher education programmed are analyzed from the perspectives of the social learning

theory of career decision making. The most popular reasons were good reputation of the

universities, convenient campus location, and comparatively low tuition fees for the
programmed. Provision of scholarship was also an attraction. Career

Primitivo Kalaw
possibilities outside Senior
teaching was another key reason for entering the
High School
programmed. While a few students

perceived teacher education as a stepping stone to pursue another career, some did not

have any specific plan but followed their parents' advice and friends' choice of study.

Participants' perceptions about teacher education programmed and teaching are discussed


According to Benjamin N. Cohen (2003) “ Applying Existential Theory and Intervention

to career Decisions Making” in this study the existential theory can offer valuable

insights into career decision-making by emphasizing the importance of personal freedom,

responsibility, and the search for meaning. He suggests that career counselors can help

clients by encouraging them to reflect on their values, goals, and existential concerns,

such as the fear of meaninglessness or the desire for authenticity. The researcher

recommends that career counselors integrate existential themes into their practice by

fostering a supportive and reflective environment. This can involve helping clients

explore their values, goals, and sense of purpose, as well as encouraging them to take

responsibility for their choices. By incorporating existential theory into career counseling,

counselors can help clients make more authentic and meaningful career decisions.

Personal Factors. According to Kafetsios and Zampetakis (2008) "Personality Traits and

Career Satisfaction of Hospitality Management Students’’ this study is personality traits,

specifically extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, are

Primitivo Kalaw
positively related Senior
to career satisfaction among hospitality management
High School
students. Additionally, emotional intelligence was found to mediate the

relationship between these

personality traits and career satisfaction, suggesting that emotional intelligence plays a

role in how personality influences career satisfaction. Based on these findings, the

researchers made several recommendations. They suggested that educators in hospitality

management programs should consider incorporating emotional intelligence training into

their curriculum, as it may enhance students' career satisfaction. They also recommended

that future research explore the specific mechanisms through which emotional

intelligence influences career satisfaction, as well as the potential impact of other

personality traits on career outcomes in the hospitality industry.

According to Antonia Bernadeth Donkor and Williams E. Nwagwu(2019)"Data was

collected from a sample of 235 faculty in six universities in Ghana using a

questionnaire"Age, gender, rank and university of affiliation predicted personal

information activities behaviors in different directions and with different magnitudes.

Gender made a difference in information organization and information storage while age

made a difference in respect of information creation and information organization only.It

is common among information system designers and managers to implement information

management systems without considering the differential influence of personal variables

on human information behaviors. This omission denies information

Primitivo Kalaw
users adequate Senior
access and maximum use of the information in their
High School
information space. Institutional leaders and PIM systems designers

should consider demographic and other personal factors of faculty

in information literacy programs. Profiling of users' personal characteristics when

designing personal information management systems will enhance maximum access and

utilization of personal information.PIM is an increasingly growing area of research

interest because of the human struggle to achieve better use of limited personal resources

of time, money and energy as well as to achieve greater workplace efficiency and

productivity. The increase in research on PIM can also be explained by the growing role

and impact of new technologies on information production and management. Chen and

Jones (2008); Warraich et al. (2018); Jones, Phuwanartnurak, Gill, and Bruce (2005),

and, Jones, Dumais, and Bruce (2002) are examples of researches that illustrate the

significance and challenges of personal information management (PIM).PIM is entirely a

subjective behavior. Individuals seek information that is related to their needs, and human

needs differ according to the tasks they perform, their environments, level of knowledge,

and other considerations. People have individual information cultures and practices. PIM

will therefore relate to personal factors such as age, discipline, and gender, among others.

The value added to the information items by the individual in the course of creation,
organization, and storage will relate to the individual user's personal

Primitivo Kalaw Senior

needs and circumstances.
High School
Family influence According to J. M. DuBois and M. J. Neville (1997)

"Parental Influences on the Career Development of Adolescents and Young Adults" The

study is

parental influences, including parental expectations and support, play a significant role in

shaping the career development of adolescents and young adults. The researchers found

that parental expectations can create pressure for young individuals to fulfill certain

career paths, while parental support can be instrumental in helping them pursue their

chosen careers. the study made several recommendations. It suggested that parents should

provide support and guidance to their children in exploring and pursuing their interests

and goals. Parents were also encouraged to communicate openly with their children about

career choices and to be mindful of the impact of their expectations on their children's

decisions. Additionally, the study recommended that educators and career counselors

consider the role of parents in the career development process. They should provide

resources and support for parents to help them understand and navigate their influence on

their children's career decisions.

According to Sara Minkara(2021)"effective social change is best

Primitivo Kalaw
achieved when Senior
focusing on society"This tends to encourage some
High School
introspection, at least for me. I wonder where I would be today if my

family situation was different. My parents and relatives were loving and

supportive.influenced narrative is taking hold for those that don’t know “echolocation is a

natural practice for any youngster with a visual impairment. Children will often walk into

a new space or new room and stomp their feet or yell, seemingly out of the blue. What

they are really doing is perceiving a change in the “soundscape” or the echoes that the

room produces. Young children, without being trained, can easily tell if

they are indoors, outdoors, in a large empty room or a small furnished room, etc.simply

by listening to the echoes or “reverberations” of that particular space. When parents or

others curb this natural adaptive behavior, it is typically because they don’t want their

children to seem different. The correction is often initiated by a child’s support system,

perhaps their parents or other caregivers. Before the child is subjected to being judged by

others, they are judged by those who should be loving and supporting them


Future Career Prospects

According to Richard Estanislao (2023)The world of work is constantly evolving, driven

by technological advancements, changing demographics, and shifting economic

landscapes. In the Philippines, a country known for its skilled workforce and robust
outsourcing industry, the future of work holds both opportunities and

Primitivo Kalaw
challenges. One of the Senior
prominent trends shaping the future of work in
High School
the Philippines is the rise of remote work and digital nomadism. Remote

working has become more commonplace than unusual due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

The advantages of remote work, including higher productivity, lower costs, and access to

a worldwide talent pool, have been recognized by businesses in various industries.

Remote work is anticipated to increase in popularity in the Philippines as digital

infrastructure and technology develop. Due to this tendency, Filipinos now have more

chances to work across borders with various multinational corporations and collaborate

with colleagues worldwide.

Furthermore, the gig economy is gaining traction in the Philippines, offering flexible

work arrangements and entrepreneurial opportunities. Freelancing platforms have

enabled individuals to showcase their skills and connect with clients globally. This shift

towards gig work empowers Filipinos to work on their terms, choose projects that align

with their interests, and earn income independently. However, it raises concerns about

job security, social protection, and fair labor practices. As the gig economy expands,

policymakers must develop regulations ensuring gig workers' well-being and rights. The

growing need for digital skills is another significant development in the world of work.

There is an increasing need for professionals with knowledge of cutting-edge technology

as automation and artificial intelligence transform entire industries. The Philippines is

well-positioned to address the demand for digital skills due to its young

Primitivo Kalaw
and tech-savvy Senior
populace. But it's essential to close the digital gap and
High School
guarantee everyone has access to high-quality training and educational

opportunities. Initiatives to reskill and upskill the Filipino workforce will be crucial to

give them the skills they need for jobs in the future.

The education system will need to adapt to this changing landscape, emphasizing the

development of these skills from an early age. Furthermore, the Philippines is expected to

surge in entrepreneurship and startups. With a thriving startup ecosystem and a

supportive environment for innovation, more Filipinos will venture into entrepreneurship,

creating new businesses and employment opportunities. The government's continued


on entrepreneurship development, access to funding, and regulatory reforms will play a

crucial role in fostering this entrepreneurial spirit.

In conclusion, the future of work in the Philippines is characterized by remote work, the

gig economy, digital skills, and the evolution of the BPO sector. While these trends bring

about exciting possibilities, they also pose challenges that must be addressed. The

government, industry stakeholders, and educational institutions must collaborate to

ensure a smooth transition and create an inclusive future of work that benefits all

Filipinos. The Philippines can position itself as a competitive player in the future global
economy by embracing emerging technology, encouraging digital skills,

Primitivo Kalaw
and encouraging Senior
High School
Related studies

Less is known about children’s decision making skill in early childhood and how parents

influence children’s development of decision making, either directly or indirectly

(Brocas& Carrillo, 2020). The ability to make decisions is a complex cognitive skill

required in daily functioning and relies on the coordination of executive functions (Garon

& Moore, 2007). Decision making skills are associated with the ability to control

impulses and delay gratification (Garon et al., 2012). By controlling impulses and

delaying gratification, individuals are able to simultaneously consider their present and

future selves, as well as the social situation, in making decisions that will result in the

most beneficial

outcome. Research has found that by the age of 4, children have the ability to delay

gratification and wait for a larger reward. This ability is linked to cognitive andsocial

success in adolescence (Garon & Moore, 2004). Research has also shown that children as

young as 18-months of age are capable of engaging in prosocial behaviors such as

sharing (Brownell et al., 2009). The current study will examine both social- and future-

oriented decision making in young children from a Sociocultural perspective.

The development of complex cognitive skills, like decision making, is

influenced by Kalaw Seniorwith more skilled partners. These social
social interactions
High School
interactions assist in the transfer of skills or ideas from the more skilled

partner to the developing child. Young children are primarily situated in the family

context and are largely interacting with and under the tutelage of their parents. Early

decisions are taking place in this context. Therefore, it is likely that parent- child

interactions that involve making social and future oriented decisions contribute to

children’s development of this skill. The following sections will discuss previous theory

and research regarding the Sociocultural approach to cognitive development.

This research is influenced by the Sociocultural perspective, which emphasizes that

child development is situated in the cultural context (Miller, 2002). Culture is defined as

a system of shared beliefs, values, skills, customs, language, symbols, structured

relationships with social practices, and social settings that can include physical setting

and objects. Culture can be expressed in a number of ways, including family and societal

routines and rituals. The values and goals of a culture for children’s development, can

influence what children think about, what skills are developed, how information and

skills are learned, when age appropriate activities should be taught and learned, and who

is allowed to participate. For example, Western culture encourages children to attend

school to develop reading, writing and mathematics skills (Miller, 2002), while young

Maasai girls in Kenya learn to care for the house and young Maasai boys are expected to
take care of the livestock (Tian, 2018). Culture shapes social interactions

Primitivo Kalaw Senior

and the psychological and technical tools required to facilitate the
High School
development of the skills children need to become competent members

of their designated culture.

According to the sociocultural approach, social interaction is key to the transfer of

cultural values and practices across generations. Specifically, these social interactions

allow for the transfer of cultural tools, technological and psychological tools, to be passed

from one generation to the next (Rogoff, 1990); tools that provide culturally valued ways

of thinking and behaving. Technical tools contribute to changing objects in the

environment, such as a loom that helps weave traditional Peruvian “polleras” or skirts.

Psychological tools provide ways of thinking and organizing behaviors, including

language, writing, counting, maps, art and even strategies used to teach (Miller, 2002).

Cultures vary in the specific tools used to facilitate children’s development. For example,

western cultures encourage children to attend schools that provide them the psychological

tools (language, writing and counting) to develop reading, writing and math skills

(Miller, 2002), whereas schools in Arab countries focus on the teachings of religion and

the importance of strong family values while they learn language and writing skills

(Jensen et al., 2014).

In Western societies, in early development children are largely engaged in social

interactions with immediate family members, especially parents. Later in development

teachers, coaches, other experienced adults and more experienced peers

Primitivo Kalaw
also contribute Senior
to development. Given the importance of the family
High School
context in children’s early development, it is especially important to

understand the role that parents play in the development of decision-making. In the

following section, two sociocultural perspectives will be examined with emphasis on the

ways in which the social context influences cognitive development.


According to Brocas& Carrillo, 2020, Moore, 2007, Garon et al., 2012, Garon & Moore,

2004, Brownell et al., 2009, Miller, 2002, Tian, 2018, Jensen et al., 2014. Decision

Making is a the cognitive process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information

relevant to a decision and establishing clear objectives or desired outcomes to guide

decision-making processes and evaluating potential risks and uncertainties associated

with different choices or courses of action however, trusting one's instincts or gut

feelings in certain decision-making situations, based on past experiences or tacit

knowledge and Managing and understanding one's emotions to make decisions more
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
High School


3. The opinions or experiences of others, such as family, friends, and teachers, have had an

impact on the career decision-making process.

Responded no. 1 say that "Because of other people's opinions, in my family
there is nothing, because they just let me decide what I want to take, contrary
to the advice ofKalaw Senior
the teachers there, I get a friend who they say is good. field,
High School
that's why I'm especially pushing to pursue ABM". The respondent highlights
that their family does not impose any specific career choices on them,
allowing them the freedom to decide for themselves. Despite the contrary advice from teachers,
the strong recommendation from a knowledgeable friend in the ABM field has motivated the
respondent to pursue ABM with determination and enthusiasm. This showcases their personal
drive to follow their own path, influenced by the positive feedback received from trusted

Responded no. 2 "The opinions and experiences of family, friends, and mentors have provided

valuable insights and support in my career journey in ABM, helping me to validate my interests

and navigate challenges along the way". The respondent acknowledges that the opinions and

experiences of their family, friends, and mentors have played a significant role in their career

journey in ABM. These individuals have provided valuable insights and support, validating the

respondent's interests and assisting them in navigating challenges encountered along the way.

The guidance and perspectives shared by their loved ones and mentors have been instrumental

in shaping the respondent's career path in ABM.

Responded no. 3 "My parents believe in my mathematical skills so ever since i was young, they
used to say that i should be an accountant. I never dreamed to be an accountant but when i
turned highschool i’ve thought of stepping out of my comfort zone. My classmates would always
rant about how there’s a few abm student who were able to graduate which have given me
inspiration to try and consider abm". The respondent's parents have recognized their
mathematical skills and suggested a career in accounting from a young age. However, the
respondent did not initially aspire to become an accountant. It was during high school when
they decided to step out of their comfort zone, and the inspiration to consider ABM emerged
from hearing their classmates discuss the success of ABM students. This highlights the impact of
both parental influence and peer experiences in shaping the respondent's
decision to explore ABM as a potential path. It is like study of M. DuBois
Primitivo Kalaw
and M. J. Neville (1997)Senior
The study is parental influences, including
expectations and support, play a significant role in shaping the
career development of adolescents and young adults. The researchers
found that parental expectations can create pressure for young individuals to fulfill
certain career paths.

While the Responded no. 4 noted that "Malaki ang epekto sa akin ang opinion ng iba, pero lalo

na yung sister ko dahil ang gusto ng ate ko na kunin kong course ay related sa pera kaya napili ko

ang abm". (The opinions of others greatly influence me, especially my sister's. My sister wanted

me to choose a course related to money, which is why I chose ABM). The respondent's decision

to choose ABM was influenced by the opinions of others, particularly their sister, who

emphasized the importance of selecting a course related to finance. This external influence

shaped the respondent's choice in pursuing ABM as their chosen field of study. This stated in

M. DuBois and M. J. Neville (1997) parental support can be instrumental in helping

them pursue their chosen careers. the study made several recommendations. It suggested

that parents should provide support and guidance to their children in exploring and

pursuing their interests and goals.

Responded no. 5 "the opinions or experience of others was like for my family cause as well i

called here at the question no.2 we're in the business field so also my friends affect me to make

a decision doing this from ABM cause i wanna improve my learning and knowledge in ABM". The

opinions and experiences of both family and friends have had a significant impact on the
respondent's decision to pursue ABM. With a business background within the

Primitivo KalawofSenior
family and the influence friends, the respondent aims to enhance their
High School
learning and broaden their knowledge in the field of ABM. These external

factors have motivated the respondent to choose ABM as a means of personal and professional


Responded no. 6 "Opinions and experiences of the family, friends, and the mentors, if taken into

context of career decision making, did play a role in supporting and motivating me in it. Their

perspective really helped in keeping my vision clear and handling difficulties effectively". The

opinions and experiences of family, friends, and mentors had a positive impact on the

respondent's career decision-making process. Their support and insights played a crucial role in

providing motivation, maintaining focus, and successfully navigating challenges. The guidance

from these individuals contributed to the respondent's clarity of vision and effective handling of

difficult situations throughout their career journey.

Responded no. 7 "Since my parents are growing older, and im their only child, for filling that role
in my family. I need to learn a way that will help me grow and succeed as soon as possible, to
become a entrepreneur and to handle the business that my parents started. So that i can retire
my parents and give them a plenty of time to live their life to their fullest". The respondent feels
a responsibility to support their aging parents as the only child in the family. To fulfill this role,

they are motivated to learn and grow quickly, aiming to become an entrepreneur and take over
their parents' business. Their ultimate goal is to retire their parents and provide them with
ample time to enjoy life to the fullest. This stated in (Brocas& Carrillo, 2020), Less is
known about children’s decision making skill in early childhood and how parents
influence children’s development of decision making, either directly or indirectly .
Primitivo Kalaw Senior
Responded no. 8 "Opinions or experiences of others can greatly affect career
High School
decisions. For example, having a family member in the same field who shares

their experiences, or a teacher who inspires with their passion for the subject, can have a

significant impact". The respondent acknowledges the significant influence that the opinions

and experiences of others can have on career decisions. They highlight the impact of family

members in the same field sharing their experiences as well as the inspiration drawn from

passionate teachers. These influential factors play a crucial role in shaping the respondent's

career choices.

Responded no. 9 "My family and friends have been supportive of my decision, though some
initially had concerns about the demanding nature of the job. Their experiences with air travel
and interactions with flight attendants have helped shape my understanding of the role". The
respondent's family and friends have supported their decision to pursue a career as a flight
attendant, despite initial concerns about the demanding nature of the job. The experiences and
interactions of their loved ones with air travel and flight attendants have played a significant role
in shaping the respondent's understanding of the role and its responsibilities. This support and
insight have contributed to the respondent's confidence in pursuing their chosen career path.
This stated in Benjamin N. Cohen (2003) “ Applying Existential Theory and Intervention
to career Decisions Making” in this study the existential theory can offer valuable
insights into career decision-making by emphasizing the importance of personal freedom,
responsibility, and the search for meaning

Responded no. 10 "The support and advice from family and mentors have positively influenced
my career choices". The respondent acknowledges that the support and advice given by their
family and mentors have had a positive impact on their career decisions. This support and
guidance have provided valuable insights and encouragement, helping the
respondent make informed choices that align with their aspirations and goals.
The influence ofKalaw Senior
their family and mentors has played a significant role in
High School
shaping the respondent's career path.

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