Journal Week 6

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Reynold Luke David Padua

WEEK 6 | learners’ exam week

Monday, February 26, 2024

Today was a day focused on academic

planning and assessment refinement. We
began with the initial stages of planning our
Classroom-Based Action Research (CBAR)
project. Our team deliberated on potential
research topics and ultimately decided to
explore the effectiveness of the values
clarification approach in fostering emotional
awareness among students. Following our
planning session, we engaged in critiquing test
items for Grades 6, 7, and 8. Under the
guidance of Ma'am Arbee, we reviewed each
item meticulously, ensuring alignment with
higher-order thinking skills to enhance
students' critical thinking abilities. Ma'am
Arbee provided valuablefeedback and
suggestions for refining the items to promote
deeper understanding and application of
concepts. By the end of the day, we had
completed critiquing the test items for three
grade levels and were poised to print the test
papers for the upcoming exam on Friday. This
process not only ensures the validity and
reliability of our assessments but also reflects
our commitment to fostering meaningful
learning experiences for our students.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Today involved two main tasks: critiquing

test items for Grade 10 and providing class
consultation for Grade 9. In the morning, I
dedicated time to critiquing test items for
Grade 10, specifically those prepared by
Teacher Rovcike. Our focus was on ensuring
that each question aligned closely with the
learning competencies and was designed to
assess higher-order thinking skills. By
meticulously reviewing and refining the test
items, we aimed to create assessments that
effectively challenged students and promoted
deeper understanding. Later in the day, I
provided class record consultation for Grade 9,
collaborating with Teacher Rovcike to ensure
the accuracy and completeness of the records.
We meticulously rechecked for any missing
outputs and grades, making necessary
adjustments to streamline the recording
process and facilitate the finalization of
grades. By addressing these details proactively,
we aimed to maintain the integrity of the class
records and ensure that students' academic
progress was accurately documented.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

During the ICT exam facilitation, Grade 9

students repeatedly interrupted the exam with
numerous questions, indicating a lack of focus
and preparedness. Their constant queries
extended beyond clarification needs, suggesting
a potential lack of prior understanding or
preparation for the exam. This behavior
disrupted the testing environment and hindered
the smooth progression of the assessment
process. Moving forward, addressing this
tendency for excessive questioning may be
necessary to maintain the integrity and
efficiency of future exams. Later in the day,
we finalized and printed exam papers for
Grades 6, 7, and 8. Ensuring the accuracy and
clarity of the questions, we meticulously
reviewed each exam paper to guarantee that
they effectively assessed the students'
understanding of the respective subjects. By
completing this task, we aimed to provide
students with fair and comprehensive
assessments that would accurately gauge their
knowledge and skills.
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Today was a busy day filled with exam

facilitation and test item critiquing and
finalization. It began with facilitating Filipino
exams for students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 and
7 students. Throughout the exams, a common
concern among students arose regarding the
terminologies used in Filipino, which they found
challenging to understand. To address this
issue, we decided to provide translations to
ensure their comprehension and facilitate their
performance in the exams. After concluding
the exams for Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7, we
shifted our focus to finalizing the exams for
Grades 9 and 10. This involved meticulously
reviewing and refining the test items to
ensure alignment with the learning
competencies and appropriate difficulty levels.
Once all necessary adjustments were made,
the exams were ready for printing. Overall,
today's tasks required careful attention to
detail and responsiveness to students' needs.
By addressing their concerns and refining the
exam materials, we aimed to create fair and
effective assessments that accurately gauged
students' understanding and proficiency in the
respective subjects.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Today was marked by exam facilitation

and checking of test papers, with a focus on
and ICT subjects. In Grade 7 and Grade 9, I
facilitated ESP exams. Recognizing the
importance of maintaining exam integrity, I
maintained a strict atmosphere to minimize
disruptions and ensure a fair testing
environment. By upholding discipline during the
exams, I aimed to foster a conducive
atmosphere for students to focus on their
assessments. Additionally, I undertook the task
of checking test papers for ICT in Grade 9. I
was pleased to find that the students had
achieved remarkable scores, reflecting their
understanding and proficiency in the subject
matter. This positive outcome served as a
testament to their hard work and dedication
to their studies. As the day concluded, I looked
forward to receiving the scores of the
students in ESP, eager to assess their
performance and provide valuable feedback for
their continued growth and development.
Photo Documentations

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