My Lesson Plans

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Lesson Plan no.

Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-8
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: One Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: New English Teacher
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 fill in the blanks related to the text.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will tell the class that they have a new English teacher
(do not tell as a listening text) as a brain storming.
 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up with pictures.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and
 The teacher will paste the written question answers and filling in
the blank items besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will be trying to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the blanks orally to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box.
Teacher, class, captain, singer, dance, sports, topper of the class
a) Ramesh is the ………………..
b) Seema is good at ………………………
c) Geeta is a ………………………….
d) Suraj has won many prizes in ………………………. Competition.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) What does Miss Rama teach?
b) Who is really a good dancer?
5. Homework:
Complete the filling items on page no. 5 and answer the questions on
page no. 6 related to the listening text.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 2
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-9
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Two Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: New Mobile phone
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 select an appropriate answer related to the text.
 tell three uses of a mobile phone.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up.
 He will discuss about the use of mobile phone for five minutes.
 He will introduce the activities of multiple choices and questions.
 The teacher will paste the written question answers and filling in
the blank items besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the blanks orally to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Select the best answer from the options given.
a) What has Bandana bought?
i) a radio ii) a mobile phone iii) a music player
b) How much did she pay for it?
i) Rs.1500 ii) Rs.1000 iii) Rs.2000
2) Make a list of three things one can do with a mobile phone?
5. Homework:
Complete the exercise listen and answer on page no 18 from your

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 3
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-10
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Three Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Arrange the room.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 draw the picture of a room.
 draw the pieces of furniture in the right place in the room.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3 Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will paste a drawing of a room beside the board and
ask where the furniture’s are.
 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up.
 He will introduce the activities of drawing the pieces of furniture
in the right place in the room.
 The teacher will paste a drawing of a room beside the board.
 He will ask the students to scan the item silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will be trying to get familiar with the text and the
location of furniture.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will put the
furniture at the appropriate place of a room.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their drawings with their friends
and correct if necessary.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Draw a picture of your classroom and put the furniture accordingly.
5. Homework:
Draw a picture of your bed room at your home and put all the furniture
accordingly from your home.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 4
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-11
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Four Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Length and Height
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 fill in the blanks related to the text.
 write correct figures of the given items.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3 Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will ask the class how long is Prithivi highway and
height of Mt. Everest, as a brain storming.
 He will show the pictures of Karnali brigde, Dharahara etc and ask
its height and length.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and related
 The teacher will paste the written filling in the blank items besides
the white board.
 He will ask the students to read the question item silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
heard for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the blanks orally to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill in the blanks with a correct figure related to the listening text.
a) The bridge is ……………………………..long.
b) The Peepal tree is ………………………..high.
c) The pond is ……………………………………deep.
d) The road is ……………………….wide.
e) The Siddhartha Highway is ……………………long.
5. Homework:
Complete the filling items on page no. 36 related to the listening text.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 5
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-12
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Five Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Like to Have.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 name the food items of the given pictures.
 categorize the likes and dislikes.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3 Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will ask the class what food itens they like to have
and what they don’t like to have.
 He will paste some pictures of food items and ask to name them.
 He will introduce the activities of naming the food items and
categorize them.
 The teacher will paste the pictures of food items besides the
white board.
 He will ask the students to look at the pictures of food items
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to compare their answers and ask some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Name the pictures of the food items given on page no 43.
2) Categorize the items that Indira wanted to have and she didn’t want
to have on the table below.
S.N. Indira wanted to have Indira Didn’t want to have
5. Homework:
Complete the task given on page no. 43 and from your home.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 6
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-15
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Six Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Plans and Wishes.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 select the correct answer from the given options.
 answer the questions related to the text.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will ask what they wish to have and where they want
to go if they can, as brain storming.
 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up with pictures.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and
 The teacher will paste the written question answers and filling in
the blank items besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will be trying to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies, compare
with their friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the blanks orally to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Tick the best option related to the text.
a) The girl wished that she had a………….
i) stone ii) brick iii)hammer iv)nail
b) The nail was jutting out from the……………
i) chair ii) hammer iii) table iv) wall
2) Answer the following questions:
1. Where does the boy want to go for a holiday?
2. Has he been there before?
3. What is the boy’s intention?
5. Homework:
Write a paragraph about in what way is the boy’s intention different
from the girl’s?

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 7
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-17
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Seven Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Watch TV.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 state whether the statements are true or false.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up with pictures.
 He will ask how much they watch TV and what kind of programs
they like to watch as brain storming.
 He will introduce the activity of stating the statements as true or
 The teacher will paste the written statements beside the white
 He will ask the students to read the statements very silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will state
whether the statements are true or false.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to find out true or false statements orally to some
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) State whether the following statements are true or false depending
upon the listening text.
a) The conversation is between two brothers.
b) The boy wants to watch TV.
c) The boy has already completed the English homework.
d) The boy wants to watch the news.
e) The boy is tired.
f) Father did not allow the boy to watch TV.
5. Homework:
Find if the following statements are true or false as homework.
a) The conversation is between two brothers.
b) The boy wants to watch TV.
c) The boy has already completed the English homework.
d) The boy wants to watch the news.
e) The boy is tired.
f) Father did not allow the boy to watch TV.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 8
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-18
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Eight Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: I am good at.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 tell who is good at what. (according to the text)
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Table chart.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will ask to tell all the students who are good at what,
and help if needed.
 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up.
 He will introduce the activity of filling in the table that, who is
good at what.
 The teacher will paste the table of who is good at what, besides
the white board.
 He will ask the students to read the table very silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will be trying to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will fill the given
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to complete the table orally to some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill the given table saying who is good at what:

Dolma ………………………
Astamaya is good at ……………………….
Mina ………………………
Kabita ………………………

5. Homework:
Complete the table from home.

Dolma ………………………
Astamaya is good at ……………………….
Mina ………………………
Kabita ………………………

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 9
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-19
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Nine Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Asking for something.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:-
 write T for true and F for false statements.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up with pictures.
 He will ask some of the students whether they had helped any
one in any way. Conduct a short discuss on helping somebody.
 He will introduce the activity of writing T for true and F for false
 The teacher will paste the written statements of true or false
items besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read all the statements loudly one by
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask some students orally to find out whether the
statements are true or false.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Write T for true and F for false statements.
a) Badan asked Madan for a pen first.
b) Madan did not give it to him.
c) Badan asked for one page from the writing book.
d) Badan did not know the answers of the questions.
e) Madan did not let him copy the answers.
5. Homework:
Change the following statements into correct if incorrect and copy the
same if they are correct.
a) Badan asked Madan for a pen first.
b) Madan did not give it to him.
c) Badan asked for one page from the writing book.
d) Badan did not know the answers of the questions.
e) Madan did not let him copy the answers.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 10
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-20
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Ten Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Invitation on Birthday.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 fill in the blanks related to the text.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up.
 He will ask some students when their birthday is and ask them
how they celebrate it.
 He will ask how do they invite somebody on their birthday and if
invited how do they reply saying yes or no.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and
 The teacher will paste the written question answers and filling in
the blank items besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will be trying to get familiar with the text and basic
content given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for two minutes.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the blanks orally to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box.
a) ……………………. will definitely come.
b) ………… may come.
c) ……………. certainly won’t come.
d) There will probably be ……………….. of us.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) Whose birthday is going to be celebrated?
b) Who are the people coming to the birthday?
c) Who are the people not coming to the birthday?
5. Homework:
Complete the task of listening text on page no. 95 from your home.
______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 11
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-22
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Eleven Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Neighbors.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 state true or false statements accordingly.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will show some pictures of celebrating some events
for warming up and ask whether they like or not.
 He will ask some students when their neighbors celebrate some
events to whom they invite from your families.
 He will ask how they reply saying yes or no if they are invited to
the function.
 He will introduce the activities of saying true or false and answer
 The teacher will paste the written answers questions and true
false statements besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for some time.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and state whether the given
statements are true or false to some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Write T for true and F for false statements.
a) Mr. Sherpa lives in Mr. Rai’s neighborhood.
b) Mr. Sherpa invited every member of Mr. Rai’s family.
c) Mr. Rai hoped that Mr. Sherpa would invite his children too.
d) Mr. Rai’s Children don’t like parties in big hotels.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) Who got married last week?
b) Where was the weeding party?
c) Who were invited to the party?
d) What is Mr. Rai’s Children’s veiw to the parties in big hotels?
5. Homework:
Complete the task of listening text on page no. 104 from your home.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 12
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-23
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Twelve Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Conversation between husband and wife.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 fill in the blanks related to the text.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will show some pictures of some events where
people are feeling sick for warming up and ask whether they
suffered from any health problem till then.
 He will ask some students when they suffer from some health
hazard what they do.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and answer
 The teacher will paste the written answers questions and fill in the
blanks besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for some time.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and filling in the blanks to
some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill in the blank spaces; put a suitable word from the text.
a) The conversation is between a husband and a ……………….
b) The woman is suffering from ………………………….
c) The man is going to his son’s …………………….…… today.
d) There is a ………..…… in the next village.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) Who are talking in the text?
b) What happened to the wife?
c) Where is the man going?
d) What did they plan?
5. Homework:
Complete the task of listening text on page no. 117 from your home.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 13
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-24
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Thirteen Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Potato Curry.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:-
 state true or false statements accordingly.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Videos.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will show three videos one of making potato curry,
chicken biryani and egg omelet as warming up and brain storming.
 He will ask some students whether they can make any dish or not.
If they say they can, he will ask the process of making same
 He will introduce the activities of saying true or false and answer
 The teacher will paste the written answers questions and true
false statements besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for some time.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and state whether the given
statements are true or false to some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Write T for true and F for false statements.
a) The conversation is about cloths.
b) The daughter wants to cook the food.
c) The mother is teaching her daughter to cook potato curry.
d) The girl puts the potatoes and then the onions.
e) The mother forgets to put the tomatoes.
f) Mother likes the food.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) What would happen if the pieces are too big?
b) What would you do after putting the onions?
c) When should you put the tomatoes in it?
d) Why should you keep stirring the curry?
e) What are they going to do tomorrow?
5. Homework:
Complete the task on page no. 126 and 127 from your home.
______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 14
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-26
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Eleven Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: Father and Son.
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:-
 fill the appropriate word in the gaps.
 answer the questions related to the text.
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards.
3. Teaching learning Activities:

 The teacher will tell a joke to the class and ask if anyone wants to
tell a joke, and allows to tell two as a brain storming.
 He will ask an IQ or a question of GK for warming up with pictures.
 He will introduce the activities of filling in the blanks and answer
 The teacher will paste the written answer questions and fill in the
blank statements besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for some time.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and fill in the gap items to
some students and others to correct if necessary.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.
4. Evaluation:
1) Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the text.
a) sSatya went to the post office to …………………
b) She went to the stationer’s to ……………
c) She went to the grocer’s to …………….
2) Answer the following questions:
a) Why was Satya late?
b) Where did Satya go first?
c) Why did she go to the stationar’s?
5. Homework:
Imagine that you are late home today. Compose a conversation
between you and your dad on being late in eight sentences.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher
Lesson Plan no. 15
Shree Sitaram Secondary School, Nagarjun, Ramkot.
Class: 7 Date: 2073-11-27
Subject: English Period: 6th
Unit: Fifteen Time: 45minutes
Topic: Listening Text Students number: 26
Teaching item: God saved us that day!
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this listening text the students will be able to:
 state true or false statements accordingly.
 answer the questions related to the text
2. Teaching Materials:
Laptop, Sound box, Sentence cards, Picture Cards, Video.
3. Teaching learning Activities:
 The teacher will show a video of an accident where all the people
were saved because of the driver and ask their view.
 He will ask some students whether they had encountered or
witnessed any accident and ask to describe in detail.
 He will ask how they can help decrease the number of increasing
number of accidents day by day.
 He will introduce the activities of saying true or false and answer
 The teacher will paste the written answers questions and true
false statements besides the white board.
 He will ask the students to read both question items silently.
 He will play the listening text from the laptop at normal speed.
 The students will try to be familiar with the text and basic content
given in the text.
 The teacher again will play the text and students will solve the
given questions.
 Finally, the teacher will play the text and students will
review/correct the mistakes if any.
 The teacher will ask the students to discuss about what they have
listened for some time.
 He will ask the students to share their answer copies with their
friends and correct if necessary.
 He will ask to answer the questions and state whether the given
statements are true or false to some students.
 The teacher will give the feedback and corrects if necessary.

4. Evaluation:
1) Write T for true and F for false statements.
a) Bipin was taking goods on the bus.
b) The weather was cool and calm.
c) Bipin could not see what was ahead.
d) Something was approaching them from behind.
e) There was an accident.
2) Answer the following questions:
a) Where was Bipin going?
b) How was the weather?
c) Why didn’t he stop the bus and wait?
d) Did the accident take place? How do you know?

5. Homework:
Complete the task of listening text on page no. 145 from your home.

______________ _____________
Subject Teacher Head Teacher

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