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CHAPTER I -Double spacing


-explain the problem of your study

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In this generation, Puso, or hanging rice is still known these days. How we will forget about

this, this is part of our culture as Filipinos, especially to Cebuano people. Some of the foreigners

who visited Cebu were confused about this, it is food or not? Yet, they are in awe of Filipino

skills. When you ask some of our ancestors how puso were parts of their lives, they will say we

grew up by doing this and this is fun to make. In that case, they taught their grandson and

granddaughters for the next generation to be puso makers.

Puso has many purposes such as you can bring this on a family vacation, you can make this in

your free time, and you can make a business with this. The question is it difficult to be a puso

maker? As we can see there are a lot of people who sell a puso it is like easy for them to sell it,

but if we take a deep look at it, it is not easy. Province people are known to be puso makers,

when you look at them their work is not as easy as you think. Imagine, all day long making a

puso for you to live, some of the children there were taught how to do it for them to help their

financial needs. Puso makers may face challenges especially managing demands for their

products, due to the reason puso is made of the leaf of a coconut tree and this is a seasonal tree,
leading to issues with overstocking or underproduction. Furthermore, puso makers might feel

competition from other food businesses because they are similar products or alternatives. In

addition, the puso makers want to ensure the efficiency of their distribution to another location

maintaining the freshness of the product and this could be difficult due to the reason once the

product arrives ugly this could be rejected and this could not be sold. Also, regardless of the

price puso is not as pricey as you think and they are adjusting their pricing strategies

accordingly while remaining competitive in the market.

Using strategies such as expanding product offers, increasing production efficiency,

strengthening supply chain ties, spending money on marketing and branding, and keeping up

with changes in regulations may be necessary to meet these challenges. Puso manufacturers

may be able to overcome these challenges more skillfully if they work together with relevant

groups like government organizations, vendors, distributors, and consumers.

Statement of the Problem
This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Puso makers here in Danao City.

Therefore, it will examine the experiences and struggles of Puso makers in Danao City.

Additionally, this will provide information about Puso maker's knowledge, beliefs, and practices

about their work. The researcher wants to know about their struggle by making a puso, and how

did this affect and helped their daily living. In addition, the researcher also wants to know how

they make their puso, they need to climb the coconut tree every day. And how did this help their

family and financial needs? Thus, this study wants to know about the daily life of puso makers.
Significance of the Study

-This is incorrect.

-Who will benefit your study? State the person or group of people that will benefit your


This research is done with the aim to educate and provide knowledge to students, and future

researchers. The result of this study will benefit the following: Students. This study will help

students to be educated about the culture and economic attributes of puso makers. Future

researchers conducted the studies will further open doors for the future researchers to expand

more the study and to serve as guide in making their research.

Definition of Terms

-terms should be found in the SOP and title,

-explain the conceptual meaning of every term.
Scope and Limitations

This phenomenological research is entitled "The lived experience of Puso Makers in Danao

City". The participants of this research will chose specifically here in Danao city. The

participants will be the Puso makers in Danao city. This study focuses on the attributes of puso

makers in our culture. The sex of the participants can either be male or female, they're ages are

required to be 18 years old and above as long as there are puso makers.

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