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Competence-Based Learning Outcomes Course Specifications (Second Semester 2022/2023)

University: Benha University

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra
Department offering the program: Five Programs
Department offering the course: Basic Engineering Science and Mathematics
1- Course Data (Basic Information)
Course Code & Title: GEN201 Technical Reports Writing Semester/Year: Second / 2022-2023
Prerequisite Course(s): GEN101 English Language Core or Elective: Core Course
Credit Hours: 2 Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 0 Laboratory: 0
2- Course Aims
The aim of this course is to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills to write a good
technical report in English considering the grammar and format.
3- Course Contents (As indicated in the program Bylaw)
Introduction - Audience Analysis - Report Purposes – Data Gathering - Report Organization -
Textual Report Elements - Graphical Report Elements - Writing Style, Grammar, Punctuation
& Spelling - Appearance Elements.
4- Program Competences Served by The Course (A5, A7 and A8)
Level (A) General Engineering Competences
A.5 Practice research techniques and methods of investigation as an inherent part of

A.7 Function efficiently as an individual and as a member of multi-disciplinary and

multi- cultural teams.

A.8 Communicate effectively – graphically, verbally and in writing – with a range of

audiences using contemporary tools.

5- Learning Outcomes (LO’s)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Cognitive Domain
LO1 Know the organization of technical reports and data gathering elements.
LO2 Use formal research documentation, direct and indirect quotation, giving proper citation.
Perform honesty in academic writing including layout/design with proper grammar and
Psychomotor Domain
LO4 Practice LATEX software package as a word processing tool
LO5 Demonstrate oral communication skills and document presentation using Power Point slides.
LO6 Demonstrate audience analysis, including tone and word choice.
Affective Domain
LO7 Display a professional commitment to ethical practice when writing your Report.

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Competence-Based Learning Outcomes Course Specifications (Second Semester 2022/2023)

6- Mapping Learning Outcomes (LO’s) with competences

LO’s NARS A5 A7 A8
Cognitive Domain
LO1 ◼
LO2 ◼
LO3 ◼
Psychomotor Domain
LO4 ◼
LO5 ◼
LO6 ◼ ◼
Affective Domain
LO7 ◼ ◼ ◼

7- Lecture Plan
a) Topics to be Covered weekly & Matrix of LO’s
Planned Learning Outcomes
Week Topics Hours LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7
A5-1 A5-2 A5-3 A7-4 A8-5 A7-6 A8-7
• Quality requirements for the course
W1 • Introduction to Technical Report Writing
2 ◼ ◼
W2 • Types of Reports, Audience Analysis 2 ◼
• Textual Report Elements; Grammar and
W3 Punctuations 2 ◼
• Format of different categories of Technical
W4 Reports 2 ◼
• Figures, Tables and Equations
• Referencing in Technical Report according to
W5 Oxford, Harvard, and APA standards.
2 ◼
• Data Gathering
W6 • Graphical Representation of Data 2 ◼ ◼
(Assignment #1)
W7 • Statistical Analysis of data (Assignment #2) 2 ◼ ◼
W8 • Principals of using LATEX in writing 2 ◼ ◼
W9 • Figures, Tables and Equations in LATEX 2 ◼
W10 • References and Citation in LATEX 2 ◼
W11 • Writing a scientific paper using LATEX 2 ◼
• Writing a scientific paper using LATEX
W12 (Assignment #3) 2 ◼ ◼ ◼
W13 • Crafting an Effective Resume using LATEX 2 ◼
• Crafting an Effective Resume using LATEX
W14 (Assignment #4) 2 ◼ ◼ ◼

b) Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week is TWO hours.
c) Lecture Time: Tuesday from 3:45 to 5:15 Pm, Hall (B) @Khalafawy campus. From Week #1
to Week #6 Dr. Ahmed Hussein will deliver the lectures. From Week #8 to Week #14 Dr.
Mohamed Selmy will deliver the lectures.
d) Office Hours: Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 am, Room NP414

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Competence-Based Learning Outcomes Course Specifications (Second Semester 2022/2023)

8) Teaching and Learning Methods

Teaching and Learning Methods

Collaborate Learning

Face-to-face Lecture

Group Discussions
Tutorial / Exercise
Online Lectures

Brain Storming
(Team Project)


LO1 ❖ ❖

LO2 ❖ ❖
LO3 ❖ ❖ ❖

❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖


LO5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

LO6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

LO7 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Student Academic Counseling and Support

• Students are directed to contact teaching staff for academic support during specific office hours.
• Regarding this course, Instructor and TA will be available two hours a week as indicated on the
timetable declared for students from the beginning of the semester.
• A WhatsApp group as well as Microsoft Team group are created where students can attend
online lecture / tutorial, ask questions and share files with teaching staff. Moreover, these
groups are used to announce the student marks, changes to the timetable, exam days …etc.
• There are no disabled students in the programs, so no special support is needed.

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Competence-Based Learning Outcomes Course Specifications (Second Semester 2022/2023)

9- Student Assessment
a) Student Assessment Methods

Assessment Methods *

In-class Problem Solving


In-class Questions
Take-Home Exam
Written Exams

Online Exams

Pop Quizzes
Lab Exam


LO1 ⚫ ⚫

LO2 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
LO3 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

⚫ ⚫


LO5 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

LO6 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

LO7 ⚫ ⚫

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Competence-Based Learning Outcomes Course Specifications (Second Semester 2022/2023)

b- Assessment Schedule and Weight

Assessment Tools Week Weight

First Midterm Examination 7 20 %
Final Examination (As Scheduled) 40 %
Quizzes (1 time) 8 10 %
Home assignments 6, 12, 14 10 %
Project Report & Presentation 7, 13, 14 20 %
Total 100 %

10- Facilities
The following facilities are needed for this course:
■ Classroom □ Smart Board □ Computer with software
□ Lecture Hall ■ White Board □ MIS system
□ Sound and Microphone ■ Data Show □ Internet Access
□ Other: …………………
11- List of References

a- Course Notes
Lectures Notes in PDF
Ahmed Mustafa Hussein|Courses:Technical Report Writing (
b- Books
1. Gurak, Laura J., and John M. Lannon. A Concise Guide to Technical Communication. 3rd ed.
NY:Pearson/Longman, 2007. (ISBN 0-321-39168-3)

c- Recommended Books
1. Marcia Martens Pierson, Bion L. Pierson,, "Writing and Speaking in the Technology
Professions: A Practical Guide, Second Edition",
Wiley Online Library, February 2020. https://0810erp17-1104-y-https-onlinelibrary-wiley-

c- Course website (Microsoft Teams)

- Course Coordinator: Dr. Ahmed M. Hussein Signature:

Dr. Mohamed S. Selmy Signature:

- Program Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Said Abdallah Signature:

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