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Gas Technician III

Learning Package

Module 5 – Introduction to
Learning Outcomes: ....................................................................................................................... 3
Electrical Safety Hazards: ............................................................................................................... 4
Atoms Electrons & Electricity: ....................................................................................................... 6
Ions:................................................................................................................................................ 7
Charged Particles: .......................................................................................................................... 8
Conductors and Insulators: ............................................................................................................ 9
Voltage: ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Methods of Producing Voltage: ................................................................................................... 12
Current: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Resistance: ................................................................................................................................... 16
Electrical Test Instruments: ......................................................................................................... 18
Electric Circuits:............................................................................................................................ 25

Ohm's Law:................................................................................................................................... 26
DC Series Circuits: ........................................................................................................................ 28
Voltage Drop: ............................................................................................................................... 29
DC Parallel Circuits: ...................................................................................................................... 30
Power: .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Magnetism: .................................................................................................................................. 38
Electromagnetism: ....................................................................................................................... 39
Alternating Current: ..................................................................................................................... 41
Transformers:............................................................................................................................... 44
Inductance: .................................................................................................................................. 47
Capacitance:................................................................................................................................. 48

For use with Instructor faciltated © 2021. Gas Technician III Learning Package by Clarke Petty Version 6.0
G3 Fanshawe Online course only
 An understanding of the basic electrical theory
offered in this module will provide you with a solid
foundation on which proficient electrical troubleshooting
Outcomes: techniques can be built. Becoming proficient in electrical
troubleshooting techniques will enable you to quickly and
correctly diagnose electrical problems associated with
fuel burning equipment.

After completion of this module you will be able to:

Identify electrical hazards, safe working practices and procedures, and applicable
Explain basic electrical theory and concepts.
Describe the principles of electrical charges.
Understand the difference between conductors and insulators.
Understand voltage, current, and resistance.
State the different methods of producing voltage.
Select and explain the various applications of electrical measuring instruments.
Identify the components of a simple electrical circuit.
Understand Ohm's Law and its relationship to voltage, current, and resistance.
State the difference between direct and alternating current.
Explain basic transformer theory and operation.
Explain the principles of basic magnetism and electromagnetism.
Explain power and its relationship to voltage and current.
Explain basic capacitance and inductance theory

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 Electricity is safe to use when you know what you
Electrical are doing and have taken proper precautions.
Safety However, electricity can cause painful shock or
Hazards: death if you lack understanding or fail to take proper
precautions. In our work as Gas Technicians, we
must be constantly aware of electrical shock

Electric shock is a jarring, shaking, numbing, type of sensation. Electric shock can
severely burn the skin. Electric shock can create muscular spasms, causing the
hands to clasp the energized apparatus or wire, and making it impossible to let

How an electric shock may affect you depends on several factors such as the rate
of current flow through your body. Current is the measure of shock intensity. The
rate of current flow depends on the conducting ability of your body. If your hands
are dry and you are standing on an insulating surface, such as a rubber mat or
wooden platform, you may not feel a shock. However, if your skin is wet or you
are standing on a wet surface, you could be killed.

It takes only a small amount of current to cause painful shock or death. Even a
very small amount of current passing through a vital part of the human body can
be fatal. At about 100 milliamperes (0.1 amp), the shock can be fatal if it lasts for
one second or more. Accidentally placing or dropping a tool, or any other
conducting material onto energized terminals can cause a short circuit. The arc
caused by the short can cause a fire, damage equipment, or cause serious personal
injury. Touching one conductor of an ungrounded electrical system while the body
is in contact with grounded material or equipment could be fatal. You should treat
all energized electric circuits as potential hazards at all times.

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When rescuing or caring for a shock victim, remove the victim from electrical
contact at once, but do not endanger yourself. Touching a shock victim who is still
in contact with the energized circuit will make you another shock victim. Help the
shock victim by de-energizing the affected circuit. Then, using a dry stick, rope,
shirt, or any other nonconductor of electricity, drag or push the victim to safety.

Always take proper safety precautions when working with electricity. Be aware of
published National, Provincial, and Municipal Codes and Standards associated with
the installation, maintenance, connection and disconnection of electrical

The Ontario Electrical Code contains specific requirements for the installation,
maintenance, identification, grounding, and bonding of electrical equipment
associated with gas-fired appliances.

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 Electrons are negatively charged particles that revolve
around the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus of the atom
Electrons & contains positively charged protons and neutrally
Electricity: charged neutrons. The negatively charged electrons are
locked into the atom as they are attracted by the
positively charged nucleus. The electrons do not fall into
the nucleus because their orbital movement provides an
equalizing centrifugal force.




Figure 5-2 Atom Shells of

Figure 5-1 Atom Copper Atom

Each electron resides in a "shell" and each shell has a maximum number of electrons that it
can hold. For most atoms, the outermost shell does not contain its maximum number of

Some atoms, such as copper, have only one electron in the outer shell. Because there is
only one electron in the outer shell of a copper atom, the electron is not strongly attached
to the atom and can be easily pulled away.

Electrons that are in the outer shell are called valence

electrons. Whenever a valence electron is removed
from its orbit it becomes known as a free electron. Figure 5-3 Flow of Free Electrons

Electricity is commonly defined as the flow of these free electrons through a conductor.

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Ions:  An atom normally has just as many electrons as it has
protons. Therefore, the total negative charge equals the total
positive charge. The atom in this state is said to be electrically

It is possible, through the action of some outside force, for the atom to lose or acquire

An atom that has lost or acquired electrons

becomes unbalanced. This unbalanced atom is
called an ion.

A negative ion is an atom which has acquired

electrons. It now has more electrons than protons
Figure 5-4 Electrically Neutral Atom
and is said to be negatively charged(-).

A positive ion is an atom, which has lost electrons. It now has fewer electrons than
protons and is said to be positively charged (+ ).

Figure 5-5 Negative Ion Figure 5-6 Positive Ion

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 An object may possess a positive
Charged electrical charge, a negative electrical
Particles: charge, or it may be electrically neutral.

One of the fundamental laws of electricity is: "Like Charges Repel Each Other and
Unlike Charges Attract Each Other."

The force between two charged objects varies directly with the quantity of charge on
the objects and inversely with the distance between them.

Figure 5-7 Unlike Charges Attract Each


Figure 5-8 Like Charges Repel Each Other

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 A conductor is a material that has many free
electrons, permitting electrons to move through it
easily. Conductors generally have incomplete valence
shells of one, two or three electrons. Most metals are
good conductors.

Copper is the most common metal used as an electrical conductor because of its
relatively low cost and good conducting ability.

An insulator is a material that has few free electrons and resists the flow of
electrons. Insulators do not allow electrons to be easily pulled away. Insulators
generally have full valence shells of five, six, or seven electrons. Some common
insulators are: air, glass, rubber,
plastic, paper, and porcelain.

Some materials, such as

silicon, have the characteristics of
both conductors and insulators.
Figure 5-9 Movement of Free Electrons form Atom to Atom
These materials are called
semiconductors. Semiconductors can be used to manufacture components that will
act like a conductor when voltage is applied in one direction and then act like an
insulator when voltage is applied in the opposite direction. This is the principle behind
transistors, diodes, and other solid-state electronic devices.

Keep in mind that no material has been found to be a perfect insulator. Every material
can be forced to permit a flow of electrons from atom to atom if enough external force
is applied.

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Voltage:  Tank "A" (Figure 5-10) contains more water than tank
"B". If the valve between them were opened, tank "A",
having greater pressure due to its volume, would cause
water to flow through the connecting pipe into tank "B"
until both tanks were equally filled.

Similarly, an electrical imbalance or potential difference between two points can cause
electrons to flow in a conductor.

This potential difference is called voltage or electromotive

force (EMF).

Within a battery, chemical reactions create a potential

difference or voltage between the battery terminals. One
side of the battery has an excess of electrons (-) and the
Figure 5-10 Potential Difference
other side has a deficiency of electrons (+). Because of
or Imbalance
this difference in potential, electrons will flow in a
conductor when it is connected across the
battery terminals.

Electrons in the conductor will flow from atom

to atom away from the negative terminal
toward the positive terminal.

Because the electrons flow in one direction

Figure 5-11 Electrons Flowing from
only, batteries produce direct current (dc). Negative Terminal to Positive Terminal of

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A voltmeter is used to measure voltage. Voltmeters are discussed in “Electrical Test
Instruments” of this module.

The letter E is the symbol used for voltage in circuit drawings and equations and is the
first letter of the phrase "electromotive force" .

Figure 5-12 Measuring Voltage

Voltage measurements may be expressed in the following units:

volts (V)

kilovolts (kV)

1 kilovolt (kV) = 1,000 Volts

millivolts (mV)

1 millivolt (mV) = 0.001 Volts or 1/1,000th Volt

microvolts (µV) (1 microvolt (µV) = 0.000001 Volt or 1/1,000,000th Volt)

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 Magnetism is used to produce voltage. When a
Methods of conductor cuts through the lines of force of a
Producing magnetic field, current flows in the conductor. The
Voltage: conductor must be in motion. Current flow is the
combined result of the magnetic field and the

There are two types of magnetic poles conventionally called North and South. The
lines of force can be felt when two similar poles of two
magnets are held together. The force will be felt as the
magnets push away from each other. If you put two
opposite poles of two magnets together the lines of force
will align and the magnets will attract each other. Figure 5-13 Conductor Cutting
Lines of Force.

Perhaps in school you conducted the “iron filings

experiment.” The experiment consisted of placing a
permanent magnet under a piece of paper, then
sprinkling iron filings on the top. When the paper was
lightly tapped, the iron filings would rearrange Figure 5-14 Invisible lines of
force of Magnetic Field
themselves in orderly lines, showing you the presence of
the invisible lines of force.

Heat is used to produce voltage. A thermocouple uses heat to

produce voltage. A thermocouple is comprised of two dissimilar
metals joined together. Voltage is produced when the junction,
Figure 5-16 Heat
where the two dissimilar metals are joined, is heated. The heat Producing Voltage

from a gas flame causes one metal to give up electrons and the other metal to attract

Figure 5-15

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The current produced by a thermocouple is enough to hold in a small electromagnet
within a gas valve, indicating the presence or absence of a pilot
Figure 5-17 Gas Valve
A powerpile looks like a very large thermocouple from the
outside, but internally it consists of many thermocouples wired in series with each
other. A powerpile generates more voltage than a
thermocouple and is used in some systems to operate an
entire circuit consisting of a thermostat, high limit, and gas
Figure 5-18 Powerpile -
Producing Voltage by Heat
Light is used with certain photosensitive substances to
produce voltage. Figure 5-19 shows a rectifying photocell, used primarily on oil fired
fuel burners. When light from the flame strikes a cathode inside the
photocell, electrons are emitted which are drawn to an anode. The
current produced is used in conjunction with a flame safeguard control
Figure 5-19 Rectifying
Photocell - Producing
system to indicate the presence or absence of a flame.
Voltage by Light

Chemistry is used to produce voltage. An example is the battery mentioned earlier.

Through an electrochemical process, an excess of
electrons (-) is created at one terminal and a deficiency
of electrons (+) at the other terminal.
Figure 5-20 Battery - Producing
Voltage by Chemistry
The terminals of a battery are indicated symbolically on
an electrical drawing by two lines. The longer line indicates the positive terminal. The
shorter line indicates the negative terminal.

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Friction is used to produce voltage. When certain materials are rubbed together,
friction can produce a potential difference between the materials. This is known as
static electricity.

Friction can cause one material to give up electrons becoming positively charged, and
the other material to attract electrons becoming negatively charged.

We all know what can happen when we walk across a carpet, especially in the winter
under low humidity conditions, and then touch a light switch or other metal
object. We get an electric shock. This is because your body has built up a charge,
which is opposite to the object you touched. Once you touched that object, there was
a sudden discharge and spark as the electrons jumped from your fingers to the object
in an attempt to equalize the two opposite charges.

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 Electric current in copper wire is a flow of free
electrons. The electrons already exist in the wire before
a voltage is applied. Voltage, whether created by a
battery, heat, light or electromagnetism, does not
create these electrons but merely pumps the existing
electrons along through the circuit. When the voltage
stops, or when the circuit is opened, all of the electrons
stop where they are. The wires remain filled with
electrons as they were before the voltage was applied.

Current flow is measured by determining how many electrons pass a given point in a
certain length of time. Current is measured in Amperes
or amps for short. The ampere is a fairly large unit of
measurement. One ampere is 6,
Figure 5-21 Electrons 250,000,000,000,000,000
Flowing in Conductor
electrons past a certain point in
one second! A smaller unit commonly used is the
milliampere (mA), It is 1/1000 (or 0.001) of an
Figure 5-22 Ampere Is a Measure
Ampere. An even smaller unit of current, commonly used Of How Many Electrons Past A
Certain Point In A Certain Length Of
to measure flame signals in certain flame safeguard Time.

control systems, is the microamprere (µA), which is one millionth (0.000001) of an


An ammeter is used to measure current.

Figure 5-23
Ammeters are discussed in Electrical Test Instruments, of this
module. Amperage with
Clamp-On Ammeter

The symbol used for current in circuit drawings and equations is: I

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 Resistance is the opposition to current flow. Every
Resistance: material, including copper and silver, offers some
resistance or opposition to the flow of electric current
through it. The amount of resistance depends upon the
type of resistive material. If a material offers a high
enough resistance to current flow, it is termed an
insulator. If its resistance to current flow is low, it is
called a conductor. Resistance is offered by all of the
various components that make up the circuit.

The resistance of many materials can vary depending on their temperature. Most
metals show an increase in resistance with an increase in temperature. For example,
when the filament of a light bulb is white hot, its resistance will be many times greater
than when it was cold.

Generally, the resistance of a conductor increases as

the conductor's cross sectional area decreases. The
resistance of a conductor also increases as the
conductor's length increases.

The resistance caused by mechanical friction of

current flowing through a wire causes the wire to
heat. Increasing the current flow through a given
Figure 5-24 Various Wire Sizes
wire will increase the amount of heat generated.
There is a limit to how much current, or the number of amps, which can flow through a
specific wire size. For example: No. 12 American Wire Gauge (AWG) wire is rated to
carry a maximum of 20 amps and No. 14 AWG wire is rated to carry up to 15
amps. The larger the AWG number, the smaller the wire size.

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A Fuse utilizes the principle that excess current flowing through a wire will cause
the wire to heat.

A fuse has a piece of metal inside that will heat to the melting point, opening the
circuit when current flow exceeds the fuse's rating. A black spot on the glass of a
blown fuse can often indicate that a short
circuit has occurred (Figure 5-25).

The symbol used for resistance in circuit

drawings and equations is: R. Figure 5-25 Fuses

The unit of measurement for resistance is OHMS, represented by the figure Ω.

On electrical drawings, resistance is usually shown symbolically by either an
unfilled rectangle or zigzag line.

Figure 5-26 Resistance


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 An electrical test instrument or meter is used to
measure quantities of voltage, amperage, resistance and
other factors of an electrical circuit.

Some meters are capable of testing for only one factor such as a voltmeter, which tests
only for voltage, or an ammeter, which tests only for amperage, or
millivolt meter which only tests for millivoltage (produced by

A multi-function meter, or multimeter,

Figure 5-27 Checking for
Continuity Through Fuse
is capable of measuring numerous factors such
Using Digital Mutimeter
as voltage, resistance, and amperage.
Figure 5-28 Analog
Extreme care must be taken when using a multimeter to ensure Mutimeter

you select the proper function for the measurement task.

Meters are delicate instruments and must be handled with care. Extreme
temperature, humidity changes or rough handling, can destroy your test equipment.

Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the operation of your electrical test instruments
before using them. Read the instructions.

Ensure that your meter meets the job requirements and is used safely. Improper use
can result in damage to the meter and personal injury.

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Before testing for voltage, continuity or resistance, remember to check that the meter
leads are in the correct socket and the function
selector dial is in the proper position. Generally on
multimeters, one lead is plugged
into the common socket and the
Figure 5-29 Meter Lead other lead into the Figure 5-30 Common
Sockets of Multimeter
and Ohms Sockets of
Voltage/Ohms socket.

Figure 5-31 Mutimeter Selector Dial

Because the voltmeter is used to determine the presence of voltage, a potential

danger to the user exists. The following precautions should be applied to the voltmeter
used on a circuit with the main power supply on:

The range or function switch should only be changed when the power to the
circuit under measurement is turned off. This will provide maximum safety to
the user, eliminate arcing at the switch contacts, and prolong the life of the

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For your own safety, inspect the test leads for cracks, or breaks in the
insulation, probes, and connectors before each use. If any defects exist,
replace the test leads immediately.

Hands, shoes, floor, and workbench must be dry.

Always stand on a dry insulated surface capable of withstanding the voltage

being measured or that could be encountered.

Avoid making measurements under humid or damp conditions.

Do not make measurements using test leads that differ from those originally
furnished with the instrument.

Do not come into contact with any object that could provide a current path to
the common side of the circuit under test or to the power line ground.

Ensure that you do not measure voltages higher than your meter is capable of

Always select the highest scale when checking an unknown voltage value.

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Testing for Resistance and Continuity.

When using an ohmmeter to check resistance or continuity, ensure the circuit

is de-energized first. One of the greatest causes of meter
damage is improperly connecting an ohmmeter to a
circuit or component that has not been disconnected
from source voltage. An ohmmeter has its own source of
power and cannot safely be connected to any other
Figure 5-32 With Two Meter Leads power source.
Together There Should Be Continuity with
No Resistance Offered Through The Leads.
A Digital Meter Should Read Close to 00.0

Before using the ohmmeter:

Ensure the test leads are in the proper sockets, then select the lowest ohm's
scale on the dial of the meter (this may be 200 Ω or lower on a digital meter
and RX1 on an analog meter.

Touch the two meter leads together. There should be continuity, or a

continuous path, with no resistance offered through the leads. A digital meter
should read 00.0 ohms.

With the two meter leads of an analog meter touching, the needle should
deflect to the right to read 0 Ω. If the needle does not center
on 0 Ω, use the adjustment knob located on the meter to
manually adjust the needle to read 0 Ω.
Figure 5-33 With Two Meter Leads
Together An Analog Meter Needle
Should Deflect To The Right To
Read 0 Ohms

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When the leads are not touching, a digital meter
will display a symbol to indicate infinite
resistance, because you are essentially trying to
measure the resistance of the
Figure 5-35 With Two Meter Leads
air, which is infinite. This symbol
Apart An Analog Meter Needle
differs from meter to meter but is Should Remain At The Left To Read
Infinite Resistance
often displayed as "O.L." (Open
Figure 5-34 With Two Meter Leads
Apart, A Digital Meter Should Read Line).
Infinite Resistance (O.L.)

When the leads of an analog meter are not touching, the needle should remain
at the left of the scale and display this symbol “∞” which means infinity or
infinite resistance.

Note: If you have difficulty getting the meter to zero, the meter's batteries may need

Ensure that all power is off to the appliance being tested. Isolate the
component or portion of the circuit that you wish to test by
disconnecting the wiring of the component at one or both ends.
This prevents the accidental reading of other circuits in parallel
with the one being tested.

Figure 5-36 Checking

Resistance of Solenoid Valve

When testing for continuity or when measuring an unknown resistance, it is

best to start with the lowest resistance scale and work up through the ranges
until, when measuring resistance, a mid-scale reading is obtained.

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When testing a switch, fuse, or other component for continuity, a reading of
zero ohms would indicate that the component being measured has continuity.
There is a complete path for current flow. In other words, a zero ohm reading
would likely indicate:

The switch is closed.

The fuse is all right.

Figure 5-37 Checking Continuity Through Figure 5-38 Checking Continuity Through
Switch With Analog Meter – Switch Closed Switch With Digital Meter – Switch Closed
Zero Ohms Indicated Zero Ohms indicated

When testing a switch, fuse, other component for continuity, an infinite ohm
reading would indicate that the component being measured does not have
continuity. There is not a complete path for current flow. In other words an
infinite ohm reading would likely indicate:

The switch is open.

The fuse is blown.

Figure 5-39 Checking Continuity Through Figure 5-40 Checking Continuity Through
Switch With Digital Meter – Switch Open - Fuse With Digital Meter –
Infinite resistance indicated (O.L.)
Fuse Blown - Infinite resistance indicated

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Testing for Voltage

The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the load or portion of a circuit to be
read. The reading indicated by the meter is the amount of voltage being dropped
across the load.

Figure 5-41 Checking Voltage in Parallel with Load

Note: In the electrical practical assessment module of this course, you will construct and
conduct electrical tests on four simple circuits and their associated components (Figure 5-

When the voltmeter is connected across a switch

and the meter shows the supply voltage to the
circuit, the switch is open (not conducting current).

When the meter indicates no voltage drop, and no Figure 5-42 Checking Voltage Across an
Open Switch – Voltage Reading - Switch
other switches are open in the same circuit, the Open

switch is closed (it is conducting current). Note, a partial voltage drop across a switch
would indicate that the switch contacts are not
fully closing, and there is resistance within the


Figure 5-43 Checking Voltage Across a

Closed Switch – No Voltage Reading –
Switch Closed

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 An electric circuit includes an energy source, some kind
of load to dissipate the energy, and a conductor to provide
a pathway for current flow. The energy source could be
direct current (DC) from a battery (or thermocouple) or
alternating current (AC) from a wall outlet.

The load that dissipates the energy could be

any device that does useful work such as a hair dryer,
Closed Circuit
motor, lamp, drill etc. The conductor (usually wire)
connects all the loads in the circuit to the voltage
source to provide a complete pathway for current flow.

If there is a complete path for the flow of

Figure 5-44 Closed Electrical Circuit
electric current a closed circuit exists. If the pathway is
interrupted by a break in the conductor such as a
disconnected or broken wire or open switch, the result

Open Circuit is an open circuit.

Figure 5-46 shows open and closed circuits

schematically. The circuits consist of a battery, switch,
and resistor.

Figure 5-45 Open Electrical Circuit

Figure 5-46 Open Electrical Circuit

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 Current will flow if two points of unequal potential
are connected together. The volt, the ohm, and the
Ohm's Law: ampere have been defined independently, however
they all have a relationship to each other in a circuit. A
scientist named Ohm discovered this in 1827, and the
law he set forth was called Ohm's Law.

Ohm's Law states that if you apply a potential of one volt across a resistance of one ohm, a
current of one ampere will flow though the resistance.

Ohm's Law is usually stated and written in this form:

Remember that the I represents current expressed in amperes, E represents the

difference in potential in volts, and R represents resistance in ohms.

Using simple algebra, two other forms of this same formula can be determined.

A good way to remember Ohm's law is to picture the triangle in

figure 5-47. E
To find I, cover the letter I with your finger and you have left E/R,
which is voltage divided by resistance, which equals the current.
Figure 5-47 Ohm’s Law
Memory Triangle

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To find the formula for voltage, simply cover E and you have left I R which is current
times resistance, which equals voltage. Resistance can be determined in the same

Figure 5-48 Variations of Ohm’s Law

From Ohm's law we can see that in a resistive circuit:

If the voltage increases, the current flow increases

If the voltage decreases, the current flow decreases

When the voltage across a load is held constant, the current depends solely
upon the resistance of the load

If the resistance increases, current flow decreases

If the resistance decreases, current flow increases

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 A series circuit is a circuit that can have any number of
resistors or resistive components connected together, but
DC Series has only one path for current to flow. In the circuit shown
Circuits: (Figure 5-49 ), there is only one path for current flow
from the negative terminal of the battery through
resistors R1 , R2, R3 , and R4 then to the positive

Calculating Resistance in a Series Circuit

The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to

the sum of the individual resistances. In this circuit the
total resistance of the circuit would be: 30 Ω + 100 Ω +
100 Ω + 10 Ω = 240 Ω

The mathematical formula for calculating

resistance in a series circuit is:

Figure 5-49 Series Circuit

Calculating Current Flow in a Series Circuit

The current is the same wherever it is measured in a series circuit. The current
through this circuit (Figure 5-49) can be determined by using Ohm's
Law. To determine how much current is flowing through this circuit, we
E cover the I in the triangle leaving E over R. We have already calculated that
R R = 240 ohms. The indicated voltage (E) = 24 volts.

Figure 5-50 Ohm’s Law Therefore I = 24 / 240 = .1 amps of current flowing through this
& Current Flow

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 Voltage can be measured across each of the resistors in a
Voltage circuit. The voltage across a resistor is referred to as the
voltage drop. The sum of the voltage drops across the
resistances of a closed circuit equals the total voltage applied
to the circuit (Kirchhoff's Law).

Calculating the voltage drop across each resistor can be done using Ohm's Law. E=IXR

We have already calculated on the

previous pages that the resistance of this circuit is
240 ohms and that the current flow through this
circuit is 0.1 amps.

Knowing this, we can now calculate the

voltage drop through each resistor, add them up,
and obtain the applied voltage.

Figure 5-51 Measuring Voltage Series Circuit R1 = 30 ohms, therefore: E = 0.1 x 30 = 3


R2 & R3 = 100 ohms each, therefore: E = 0.1 x 100 = 10 volts across each

R4 = 10 ohms, therefore: E = 0.1 x 10 = 1 volt

The total voltage drop across circuit equals:

3 volts + 10 volts + 10 volts + 1 volt = 24 volts Figure 5-52 Ohm’s Law
& voltage

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 In a parallel circuit each resistor or load is connected
DC Parallel
directly across the voltage source. The voltage across all
branches of a parallel circuit is the same because all branches
are connected directly to the voltage source.

Calculating Resistance in a Parallel Circuit

If all of the resistances are of equal value in a parallel circuit, the following formula
can be used to determine the total resistance of the circuit.

For example, if we gave each of the three resistors in this circuit (Figure 5-53) a
value of 30 ohms, the total circuit resistance would equal 30 (the value of one
resistor) divided by 3 (the total number of resistors in the circuit).

The total resistance or RT would therefore equal 10 ohms.

Figure 5-53 Measuring Voltage Parallel Circuit

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There are two additional formulas for determining the total resistance in a parallel
circuit where the resistors are of different values.

The following formula is used when there are three or more resistors. It can be
extended to accommodate any number of resistors.

For example, if we gave the 3 resistors in the above circuit (Figure 5-53) a value of
5, 10, and 20 Ohms, the total circuit resistance could be calculated as follows:

The total circuit resistance or RT would equal 2.86 ohms.

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The second formula is used when there are only two resistors.

..For example, if we gave the two resistors a value of 5 ohms and 10 ohms, the total
circuit resistance could be calculated as shown.

The total circuit resistance or RT would equal 3.33 ohms.

Calculating Current Flow in a Parallel Circuit

When resistors that have unequal values are placed in a parallel circuit, the current
flowing through each resistor is not the same in every circuit branch.

Current flow is greater through the path that has the least resistance. The smaller
the resistance values are, the less opposition there is to current flow.

The total current in a parallel circuit is the sum of the current in each individual

The mathematical formula is: t I = I1+I2+I3

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For example, using Ohm’s Law to calculate current flow through each resistor in
the circuit shown (Figure 5-54), 0.24 amps of current would flow through the 100-
ohm resistor and 1.2 amps would flow through the 20-ohm resistor. The total
amount of current flowing through this circuit would be: 0.24 + 1.2 = 1.44 amps.

I1 = E / R1 I2 = E / R2
I1 = 24 / 100 Ω I2 = 24 / 20 Ω
I1 = .24 amps I2 = 1.2 amps

It = I1 + I2
It = .24 amps + 1.2 amps
It = 1.44 amps

Figure 5-54 Measuring Current Parallel Circuit

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 Power, whether electrical or mechanical, refers to the

Power: rate at which work is being done. Work is done whenever

a force causes motion. For example, when a mechanical
force is used to lift or move a weight, work is
done. However, force exerted without causing motion,
such as the force of a compressed spring acting between
two fixed objects, does not constitute work.

It has been mentioned that voltage is an electrical force, and that voltage forces
current to flow in a closed circuit. However, when voltage exists but current does not
flow, because the circuit is open, no work is done. This is similar to a spring under
tension that produces no motion.

When voltage causes electrons to move, work is done. The instantaneous rate at which
this work is done is called the electric power rate, and is measured in watts. A total
amount of work may be done in different lengths of time. For example, a given number
of electrons may be moved from one point to another in one second or in one hour,
depending on the rate at which they are moved. In both cases, total work done is the
same. However, when the work is done in a short time, the wattage, or instantaneous
power rate, is greater than when the same amount of work is done over a longer
period of time.

As stated, the basic unit of power is the watt. Power in watts is equal to the voltage
across a circuit multiplied by current through the circuit. This represents the rate at
any given instant at which work is being done.

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The symbol P indicates electrical power. Thus, the basic power formula is P = E X I
where E is voltage and I is current in the circuit. The amount of
the power changes when either voltage or current, or both
voltage and current, are caused to change.
In practice, the only factors that can be changed are voltage and
Figure 5-55 Power Law
Memory Triangle
resistance. In explaining the different forms that
P P formulas may take, current is sometimes presented as

EI I E a quantity that is changed. Remember, if current is

P=EXI E=P/I I = P / E changed, it is because either voltage or resistance has
Figure 5-56 Variations of Power Law
been changed.

Whenever current flows through a resistance, heat results. The heat can be measured
in watts and represents electrical power. There are many other ways that power can be
dissipated such as mechanical motion, radio waves, noise, or light. However, heat is
always present because no equipment is 100 % efficient and some power will always be
wasted in the form of heat.

A hair dryer requires more energy in a given length of time than a reading lamp. This is
because more current is required to produce heat in the elements of hair dryer than to
produce light in the reading lamp.

Figure 5-58 Hair Dryer

Figure 5-57 Reading Lamp

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The amount of energy required for each appliance can be measured, and the unit of
measurement is the Joule. The rate of flow of energy is measured in Joules per
second. In our work, the term "Power" is given to this Joule/sec rate of flow, and is
measured in terms of Watts.

A watt-hour (Wh) is the equivalent of one watt of power dissipated for an hour. A 60-
watt light bulb will burn 60 W in one hour .

One Kilowatt equals 1000 watts.

One kilowatt hour (kWh) is the equivalent of one kilowatt of power dissipated for one

Calculating Power in Watts

If we had an electric heater with a supply voltage of 120 volts drawing 10 amps of
current, how much power in watts would the heater consume?

To determine how much power is being consumed, we would use the power
formula P = E X I. Our voltage supply E = 120v and our current draw I =
10 amps. Therefore, the amount of power being consumed would be
120 X 10 = 1200 watts. The electric heater would be consuming 1200
E I watts.

Figure 5-59 Calculating
Power Using Memory

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Converting Watts to Kilowatts.

One kilowatt equals 1000 watts. To convert our answer of 1200 watts to
kilowatts, we would divide 1200 by 1000. 1200/1000 = 1.2 kilowatts. 1200
watts equals 1.2 kW.

Converting kilowatts to Btuh.

One watt equals 3.41 Btuh. To convert our answer of 1200 watts to Btuh, we
would multiply 1200 X 3.41 = 4,092 Btuh. 1200 watts equals 4,092 Btuh.

Horsepower (hp) a unit of work, is the unit used in the power

rating of motors.

Converting Horsepower to Watts.

Figure 5-60 Electric Motor Rated

One horsepower is equal to 746 watts. in Horsepower

If an electric motor was rated at 5 hp and we wanted to convert hp to watts

we would multiply 5 X 746 = 3,730 watts or 3.7 Kw.

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 A substance is said to be a magnet if it has the
Magnetism: power to attract other magnetic materials such as
iron, nickel, or cobalt.

As mentioned previously in this module, a magnet has two magnetic poles. Since two
opposite poles attract; if you suspend
a bar magnet from a string, it will
eventually come to rest with one end
pointing north. This end of the
magnet is the South Pole. The other
Figure 5-62 Magnetic Field Lines
end would be the North Pole. of Force

Figure 5-61 Suspended

Magnets, like charged bodies, follow laws of attraction and
Magnet Pointing North repulsion: like poles repel, unlike poles attract.

The field of attraction or repulsion is called a magnetic field. In the magnetic field, the
force acts in lines called lines of force or flux lines. The points of greatest attraction are
the poles of the magnet.

Magnets can be divided into three groups:

Natural Magnets - compound found in nature.

Permanent Magnets - commercial magnets are made by a special process that

magnetizes certain steels or other alloys.

Electromagnets - magnetism produced by an electric current.

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 An electromagnetic field is generated by
Electromagnetism: current flow in a conductor. Whenever current
flows, a magnetic field develops around the

There is a relationship between the direction of current flow and the direction of the
magnetic field. The left-hand rule for
conductors shows this relationship. If a
current-carrying conductor is grasped with
the left hand, with the thumb pointing in
the direction of electron flow, the fingers
Figure 5-63 Left Hand Rule – Current Flow Direction
will point in the direction of the magnetic
lines of force.

When current flows through a coil of wire, the coil of wire will behave like a
magnet. Each additional coil will strengthen the magnetic effect.

If an iron core is placed inside the coil it provides an easier path for the lines of
force. The core is usually made of soft iron, which conducts the magnetic lines of force
with relative ease.

Figure 5-64 Current Flow Through Coil

Producing Electromagnet

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When current is passed through the coil, the core becomes magnetized. Many
electrical devices use electromagnetic principles including gas valves, motors, motor
starters, solenoids and relays.

Once the current stops flowing in the coil, both the coil and the iron core lose their
magnetism. Controlling the current flowing through the coil controls the strength of
an electromagnet.

A solenoid is an electromagnet with a moveable iron core or plunger. When power is

applied to the electromagnet the plunger is pulled into the coil.

Figure 5-65 Solenoid Valve

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Unlike direct current, in which current generated by
Alternating the energy source flows in one direction only,
Current: alternating current reverses direction many times a
second. The electrons are made to move first in one
direction and then in the other.

Almost all of the electrical energy supplied for domestic and commercial purposes is
alternating current (AC). The basic method of obtaining AC is
by use of an AC generator. A generator is a machine that
uses magnetism to convert mechanical energy into electrical
energy. The generator principle, simply stated, is that a
voltage is induced in a conductor whenever the conductor is
moved through a magnetic field so as to cut lines of force. Figure 5-66 AC Generator

At a power generating station, huge turbine generators generate electricity. The

generators are driven by fossil fuel, nuclear energy, or hydropower. The power is
generated at very high voltages and sent out over a network of distribution lines. Upon
reaching its destination, the voltage is reduced through substations and transformers.

An AC generator produces an AC voltage by causing a loop of wire to turn within a

magnetic field. This relative motion between the wire and the magnetic field causes a
voltage to be induced between the ends of the wire. This voltage changes in
magnitude and polarity as the loop is rotated within the magnetic field. In other
words, the AC voltage changes constantly from zero to +115 volts, back to zero, then to
-115 volts and back to zero again. This is known as one cycle. This cycle repeats itself
60 times a second (60Hz).

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The graphic representation for AC is a sine wave. A sine wave can represent current
or voltage. The sine wave has two
axis. The vertical axis represents
the direction and magnitude of
current or voltage while the
horizontal axis represents time.

When the waveform is above the Figure 5-67 AC Sine Wave

time axis, current is flowing in one

direction. This is referred to as the positive direction. When the waveform is below the
time axis, current is flowing in the opposite or negative direction. This is referred to as
the negative direction.

A sine wave moves through a complete rotation of 360 degrees, or one cycle. In North
America, alternating current is usually generated at 60 cycles per second or 60
hertz. In other words, the current flows in one direction for 1/120 th of a second, and
then in the other direction for 1/120th of a second completing 60 cycles every second.

Alternating current is divided into single-phase and three-phase types. Single-phase

power is the type supplied for residential use
while three-phase power is supplied for
commercial and industrial use. Three-phase
power is a continuous series of three
overlapping AC cycles. Each wave represents a
phase, and is offset by 120 electrical degrees.

Figure 5-68 Three Phase Sine Wave

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Most residential homes are supplied with a 240 volt service to the home's circuit
breaker box. There are three wires, which enter the house. One wire is referred to as
the common or neutral wire. On each side of the neutral wire are 120 volt wires. A
voltage reading taken between one power wire and the neutral wire produces a
measurement of 120 volts. A reading taken across both power wires produces 240

Figure 5-69 Transformers/Transmission Lines

The common wire is attached to the cold water pipe that comes into the home
through the earth. This is referred to as "grounding" the circuit. The earth is part of
the circuit associated with the power distribution system. This explains how you can
receive a shock if you happen to be in contact with an energized or "hot" wire and the

Alternating current is more versatile than direct current. AC is cheaper to produce

than DC and allows electricity to be transmitted over long distances more
economically. AC can easily be transformed into lower or higher voltages.
Transmission of AC energy at high voltage and low current keeps energy losses to a

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 A transformer is a device used to transfer

Transformers: electrical energy from one circuit to another

through electromagnetic induction.

The basic transformer consists of two fixed coils wound on a common iron core. One
coil is called the primary and the other coil is called
the secondary. Since transformers have no moving
parts, they operate at a very high efficiency and
require a minimum of maintenance.
Figure 5-70 Transformer

When AC is applied to the primary coil, the resultant current flow sets up a magnetic
field that is constantly changing. As this magnetic field
expands and collapses, it causes an AC voltage to be induced
in the secondary winding.
Figure 5-71 120/24 Volt Step
Down Transformer
There is no physical connection between the primary winding
and the secondary winding; the movement of the
magnetic field transfers energy. The transformer coil
designed to be connected to the voltage source is called
the primary coil. The transformer coil which connects to
the load is called the secondary coil.
Figure 5-72 120/6000 Volt Step Up
Ignition Transformer
In the ideal power transformer, if the primary and
secondary coils have the same number of turns, the voltage
induced in the secondary coil will be approximately the same as
the voltage applied to the primary coil.
Figure 5-73 120/24 Volt Step
Down Transformer

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The amount of current flowing in each coil is determined by the resistance of the load
connected to the secondary coil in accordance with Ohm's Law. For an ideal
transformer with the same number of turns on the primary and secondary, the current
flow will be approximately the same in each coil.

For instance, if the primary coil has 120 v input with 100 turns and the secondary has
100 turns, the output voltage would be 120 v. If a 10 ohm resistive load were
connected across the output, the current flow through the load would be 12
amps. Current through both the primary and secondary coils would also be 12 amps.

With no load connected, little current flows in the primary coil and no current flows in
the secondary. This is because the expanding and collapsing magnetic field not only
cuts across the secondary coil to induce a voltage, but as it expands and collapses, it
also cuts across the primary coil itself. This causes a voltage to be induced in the
primary coil opposite in polarity to the applied AC voltage. This voltage is called
counter voltage or back voltage.

Step-Up Transformer:

A step-up transformer is one in which the secondary coil output voltage is

greater than the primary coil input voltage.
This type of transformer has more turns in the
secondary coil than in the primary coil. The
ratio of the primary to secondary turns
determines the input to output voltage ratio
Figure 5-74 Step-Up Transformer
of the transformer.

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Step-Down Transformer:

A step down transformer is one in which the secondary coil output voltage is less
than the primary coil input voltage. This type of transformer is wound with more
turns on the primary coil than on the
secondary coil.

Figure 5-75 Step Down Transformer


Auto-transformers are power transformers that share a winding or a portion of a

winding. This type of transformer has one continuous winding, part of which serves
as the primary winding, and all of which serves as the secondary winding, or vice

Secondary voltages are supplied across any pair of a series of connections called

Figure 5-76 Auto Transformer

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 The circuits studied so far have been resistive.
That is, resistors presented the only opposition to
Inductance: current flow.

Two other conditions, inductance (L) and capacitance (C), exist and are of significance in
alternating current circuits. Both inductance and capacitance present a kind of opposition
to current flow that is called reactance.


Inductance (L) is the property of an electrical circuit that opposes any change
in the current through that circuit. That is, if the current increases, a self-
induced voltage opposes this change and delays the increase.

If the current decreases, a self-induced voltage tends to aid (or prolong) the
current flow, delaying the decrease. Thus, current can neither increase nor
decrease as fast in an inductive circuit as it can in a purely resistive circuit.

This effect is very important in AC circuits because it affects the phase

relationships between voltage and current. The opposition to the change of
current is essentially an effect of electromagnetic induction, or induced
electromotive force (emf).

Inductive Reactance

Current flow in an AC circuit is constantly changing in amplitude and direction.

As a result, an inductor connected in an AC circuit produces a constant counter
voltage all the time the circuit is energized. The opposition offered to an AC
current flow by this inductive effect is called inductive reactance.

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 Capacitance (C) is the property of an electrical
circuit that resists or opposes any change in voltage
in a circuit. When applied voltage is increased,
capacitance opposes the change and delays the
voltage increase across the circuit. If applied
voltage is decreased, capacitance tends to maintain
the higher original voltage across the circuit, thus
delaying the decrease.

The capacitor is an electrical device especially designed for this purpose. The capacitor
has the ability to store electrons and release them at a later
time. Basically a capacitor consists of two metal plates
(conductors) placed near each other and separated by an
insulating material called the dielectric. The dielectric can be
air or any non-conducting material such as paper, mica, or
Figure 5-77 Capacitor

The number of electrons that a capacitor can store for a given applied voltage is a
measure of its capacitance. The unit used to measure capacitance is the farad (F). A
capacitor has a capacitance of one farad when it stores a charge of one coulomb (1C)
when a charge of one volt is applied to it.

The farad is a very large unit of capacitance and is not often used in practical work.
Capacitors used in practical electrical circuits are usually rated in micro-farads (uF).
One micro farad equals one millionth of a farad.

Figure 5-78 Capacitor

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Capacitors are shown symbolically on electrical diagrams by this symbol (Figure 5-79).

Figure 5-79 Capacitor


Calculating Capacitance in a Series Circuit:

When capacitors are connected in series they can withstand a higher voltage than
any individual capacitor is rated for. However, it is at the expense of decreased
total capacitance.

Figure 5-80 Calculating Capacitance in Series Circuit

The formula for calculating the total capacitance of capacitors in series is:

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Calculating Capacitance in a Parallel Circuit:

When capacitors are connected in parallel, a greater total capacitance is obtained.

When two capacitors are connected in parallel, the
total capacitance is equal to the sum of the individual

Figure 5-81 Calculating Capacitance in

Parallel Circuit

The formula for calculating the total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is:

The largest voltage that can be safely applied to a group of capacitors in parallel is
the voltage of the capacitor having the lowest voltage rating.

The Role of Capacitors in the Operation of Motors:

Capacitance reduces running current and aids in starting torque.

Figure 5-82 Motor with Capacitor

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Capacitive Reactance

When a capacitor is connected to an AC circuit the charges upon the plates

reverse with each change of the applied voltage polarity. The plates are then
alternately charged and discharged resulting in a constant AC current
flow. The circuit current does not pass through the dielectric of the capacitor
but only appears to. The opposition to the flow of AC current offered by a
capacitor is called capacitive reactance.

Phase Relationships Between Resistive, Inductive, and Capacitive Circuits:

In purely resistive circuit current rises and falls with voltage; it neither leads
nor lags. Therefore, current and voltage are said to be in phase. Current and
voltage are not in phase in inductive and capacitive circuits, because
occurrences are not quite instantaneous in circuits that have either inductive
or capacitive components. It is said that:

In an inductive circuit, current lags the voltage by 90 degrees.

In a capacitive circuit current leads voltage by 90 degrees.

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