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This ancient form of poem writing is renowned for its small size as well as the precise
punctuation and syllables needed on its three lines. It is of ancient Asian origin.
Haiku's are composed of 3 lines, each a phrase. The first line typically has 5 syllables, second
line has 7 and the 3rd and last line repeats another 5. In addition there is a seasonal reference

I am over you.
Then my eyes meet yours once more,
and I fall in love.

You and me alone
Madness of world locked away
Peace and quiet reigns.


The Tanaga is an indigenous type of Filipino poem, that is used traditionally in the Tagalog
language. The modern tanaga is used in a variety of Philippine languages and English due to
popularity in the 20th century.


"Katitibay kang tulos

Sakaling datnan ng agos!
Ako'y mumunting lumot
sa iyo'y pupulupot."

"Palay siyang matino,

Nang humangiy yumuko
Nguni't muling tumayo
Nagkabunga ng ginto."


A Free Verse Poem does not follow any rules. Their creation is completely in the hands of the
author. Rhyming, syllable count, punctuation, number of lines, number of stanzas, and line
formation can be done however the author wants in order to convey the idea. There is no right
or wrong way to create a Free Verse poem.


As I sit in my corner and think about your lies,

I have nothing else to do but break down and cry.
You knew it would end,
You knew it would die,
You knew one day we'd have to say goodbye.
You told me you loved me,
You told me you cared,
But the range inside has slowly flared.
The moment we shared replay in my head,
Along with all the sweet lies you said.
You thought it was a game,
You thought you'd win,
But in the end you felt nothing within.
Deep down inside there was a big empty space,
That I now realize you couldn't replace.
Something about you helped me see
That without love I'm finally free.
Free from pain,
Free from lies,
Free from having tears filled eyes.
Without your love I finally see
All the horrid things you've come to be.


A brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few
The short story is usually concerned with a single effect conveyed in only one or a few
significant episodes or scenes. The form encourages economy of setting, concise narrative, and
the omission of a complex plot; character is disclosed in action and dramatic encounter but is
seldom fully developed. Despite its relatively limited scope, though, a short story is often judged
by its ability to provide a “complete” or satisfying treatment of its characters and subject.

About a young couple who are short of money but desperately want to buy each other
Christmas gifts.

A literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary
creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized, and that
illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be added
explicitly as a concise maxim or saying.



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