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My stery Story

One time I went camping with my classmates in the mountains. The mountains are located on the outskirts of villages far
from residential areas. However, this place is often used as a camping point so it is believed to be very safe especially
from wild animals.

Finally we left on a sunday using 2 cars. The car was left in a nearby village. Then, we proceeded on foot to the desired
mountains. It took us approximately 8 hours to reach the camp point.

During the climb, we stopped at three break points. Nothing out of the way during the hike. However, at the second break
point one of my friends felt unwell but was still able to climb as usual.

Just before we reached camp, my friend felt that his body was weakening. We soon reached camp just before sundown. We
immediately put up a tent to rest. At that time there were six tents that had been installed before.

My friend immediately rested while me and two others went outside looking for clean water. Earlier, I had asked the
owner of another camp where the nearest spring was located. They said about 1.5 km from the current location. They
then told us to be careful because it was getting dark.

Then we rushed to find the spring. When we took the water, the atmosphere was dark and the mountainous area was quiet.
Slowly we felt cold all over the body. We went right back to the tent. Before we got to the tent we saw a group of firefly-
like animals on top of our tent.

The phenomenon was beautiful enough that me and two friends immediately took photos for a memento. We immediately
cooked water for dinner. Oddly enough, my friend who wasn't feeling well had a high fever all night. He was shivering and
sweating a lot. So, we took turns guarding him that night.

The next day, my friend's condition began to recover a little. So we came down and went back to the village. When I
arrived at the village, my friend looked fresh, healthy like nothing had happened. This certainly made us confused.

Shortly before returning to the city, the villagers asked "Have you seen a bunch of fireflies?". I said yes. "Go back to the
city and do not come back to the mountains," shouted the villagers. I was confused, but still decided to leave the village

While on the road I checked my cell phone out of curiosity about what the villagers were saying. When I saw the photo of
the firefly, I was surprised because what I saw was a strange creature that was very bright. I told this to another friend and
they were all shocked. After seeing this we promised not to return to that mountain.

Answer the Questions bellow:

1. What kind of story is the text above?

2. Who did go camping?
3. Why did they chose that place for camping?
4. In your opinion why one of the writer’s friend had a fever while camping?
5. After seeing this we promised not to return to that mountain. This in the last sentece and
pharagraph refers to?

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