The Evolution of - ME - F.B.A. Step-by-Step BJKU (F.B.A.)

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F.B.A. Step-by-Step


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The Evolution of "ME"

Start With WHY

F.O.C.U.S. 42:03

Step 1
Resourcefulness The Evolution of "ME"


Celebration I often get asked, "how were you able to get over the fact that you had just lost 500k, 3
years of your life and were 150k in debt to turning things around in a few short years.
Step 2 After a long time of thinking on it, one thing really did it.

Step 3 In this video, I share with you what that thing is and how you too can utilize it to
building your legacy!
Step 4

Step 5
Step 6
The Evolution Of "ME" Worksheet

Trail Blazer Certificate of Achievement {BJK - 2016} The Evolution Of "ME"

Additional Resources {BJK - 2021} The Evolution Of "ME"

Transcript Collapse

Hey, guys, before I get to hear welcome to this video. You know, as I was going to putting
this together and this is a video that I've, you know, I've added much later in the journey of
the evolution of this program, really. And, you know, as I was kind of sitting down and
thinking to myself of what was the thing that really helped me in my early on days. You
know, obviously right now I've got a team and I have advisors and I have coaches and I,
you know, and I can afford to pay tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of
thousands really for advice. Right but when I first started, I didn't have any of that. You
know, when I first started this whole, like taking my destiny and taking my feet by the balls
and saying, you know what, I'm going to actually decide how I'm going to live life. I'm
going to live life on my own terms, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to achieve that. I
started thinking, what was that thing that really helped me accomplish that? And, you
know, I kept on coming up taking notes and going through my notebooks and drilling
back and all that. And it was one thing, and I realized that our program is missing that
thing, which was the most vital thing that really, this program is missing and should have
had since day one. Right you see, when you're first starting out your entrepreneurship
journey, let's say, you know, now we do have about a decent chunk, ten, 20% of our
students who have this is not their first business. Right you know, they've built businesses
before. Maybe they've tried entrepreneurship before. So know, they have maybe a
different mindset. But for the average person, the person who has always done a 9 to 5
and/or the person that has lost or a failed not lost because it's not considered a loss
unless you actually give up, has actually tried and failed miserably like I did in 2015 when
my restaurant burned down and I lost, you know, I came out of it $150,000 in debt. I lost
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search over half a million in the process, three years, working 120 hours per week. You know, I
had somebody that I cared about and I couldn't offer her anything. I, I had a parents that
had done so much for me for 25 years and had invested not just their, you know, their
sweat and tears, but also hundreds of thousands of dollars into the business that I
started. You know, they helped me get it up and going, and I completely failed. I lost their
money. I lost my money. I lost three years of my life. And it was like, OK, I got to do
something about it, right? Obviously, I went into depression for about six months. I
started drinking heavily and I, you know, I got a DUI and and, you know, but that needed to
change, right? I knew that I was destined for more, although at some point, I almost gave
up and I said, well, all these fantasies are just fantasies you see in the movies is not a
reality. This is real life. Take it. It is what it is. And I almost took a job, $60,000 a year, full
benefits, which many of you guys would say, well, if I just lost the business 150 and I
would probably do it. So after research and after doing a lot of homework and really just
soul searching, I came up with this thing that was a vision board. And this was the thing
that really got me excited every morning because, you see, like, I was never I don't want to
say I was ever suicidal. I was never suicidal, but I definitely gave up for a few months for a
good like two, three months. I gave up. You know, I said, you know what? This is it. It is
what it is. I'm just going to be a normal person. You know, this is all this like other people
could do it, you know, like we see millionaires, we see billionaires, and we know it's
possible to achieve those things. But at some point we just stop believing that we can
achieve them. And I stopped believing that I can achieve them. But then one morning I
just something happened. I was like, you know what? No, this is that's not that's not me.
That's not how I'm built. I can't do that. I can't settle. I know there's more out there and I
have to go out there and get more. So I'm like, how do I get myself excited every morning
about this thing? And that's when I built this vision board. There were at the time, you
know, this is 2015. I don't know exactly. No, actually, I built well, I built this late 2015 for
2016. And, you know, at the time, obviously, I was in debt, you know, so I was all about
travel. You know, you had my parents in there. I had a picture, a cool picture of me and my
parents as I was editing this whole thing. And because I built an exercise for you guys, I
deleted it and I couldn't find it anymore. So on the right side, you're going to be you're
going to see a picture of me and my wedding. Obviously, I had not gotten married yet.
And guess if you. Wondering because I don't get married until 2018. But on the right side
is a picture of my wedding with my mom on the left. This is when my dad got his
citizenship. I think this was 18, 17, 18 now. Could have been 15. I'm not sure. Anyways,
yes, it was 1450, something like that. So these are my parents and obviously I have my
parents there because I wanted one of my goals were to retire my parents. OK, you're
going to see the mansion in the middle. I've always wanted to buy a house, have, you
know, my future family, have my current family at a time and be able to do that. You know,
you have the Eiffel tower, you have this little Dubai island. This is just kind of a few
destinations that I wanted to visit and I wanted to travel the world. You have a private jet.
Not only that, I want to fly privately, but I also wanted to own my own jet. There was a
picture of a phantom rolls-royce, and I don't know. I don't know what happened to that,
too. But that's another thing that I also wanted. I wanted a phantom rolls-royce. You're
absolutely sure, you guys, exactly which one? I wanted phantom rolls-royce. And I wanted
the White one, you know. Something like that. So this I think I had this picture actually
something like this. Beautiful I mean, sexy car. You know, however you look at it, it's just a
beautiful car, not into Lamborghinis and that kind of stuff into this kind of stuff. So I had
that picture as well here. It got deleted. I'm not sure what happened anyways, so. And
then the other thing is obviously I wanted a Rolex. And I wanted to get married. You know,
I had met somebody I think we had met about we had known each other about a year
now. And we had just been dating for a few months. And, you know, I felt like, you know
what? Things could definitely work out here. So I wanted to, you know, I still wasn't sure.
And that's why you're not going to see her and this vision board, because I wasn't sure if
she was going to be the one, but I just knew that I was ready to get married. Right? not
that I was financially ready, but I just felt like, you know, I think it's time for me to take the
next step in my life. And then this I don't know if any of you guys this is movie by rock, by
Sylvester stallone, Rocky Balboa. He was one of the first people that really impacted my
life. And I didn't even realize it. One of his and I actually have AI have this thing here next
to my desk. It says, the world, angel, sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty
place. And I don't care how tough are, they will beat you to your knees and keep you there
permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody, nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it
ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward,
how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. This is a
little metal thing that I keep here next to my desk. And this is one of the quotes in his
movie. And actually, if you go to YouTube, there is a don't freak out. If you see naked girls
here, this is I listen to it. And so there's love, you know, house music, let me see. Or so
Rocky Balboa perspiration speech. Hits this video right here. You you should listen to it.
It's an awesome, awesome speech. It's just what I said right now. It's his movie, Rocky33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Balboa. Anyways, so going back to what I was talking about, he was one of the people
that inspired me. Right and I kept on. And I used to always read this quote over and over
and listen to that video over and over, because that kept me going. OK, so what I want
from you guys, I have created a I've created a sheet that I'm going to link below this video,
and I want you guys to do the same for you. OK now, this is something that, you know, I've
seen some people that actually print everything else. So they have a whiteboard. They go
out and buy a whiteboard, and then instead of having pictures on a computer, because,
you know, this is I can close out my computer and then what am I going to see it right
now? What I did is I took a screenshot of this, I took a screenshot of this, and I made it my
background, my computer background that way. Every single morning, every single day,
all day, I open my computer and it's Bam right there in front of my face. OK, so what I
want you to do right now, before you proceed to the next video is before you proceed to
the next modules, take some time and start doing this. This will probably tell you take you
15, 20, 30 minutes. It took me about two hours or maybe three hours to really think about
this. And this is I don't want you to take this lightly. I truly want you to think very hard and
deep about this, because, trust me, entrepreneurship is a lonely road. And that's why we
have community supporting you. That's why we have the Q&A. So that's why we have this
entire program that's there to support the support system. Right but especially right now
with the pandemic, people are home and especially this is being an online business.
You're going to probably be by yourself with a laptop, you know, God knows for how many
hours a week, right? So you want something that's going to drive you and then doubts are
going to come in, right? You're going to wake up sometimes some days and you're going
to say, oh, well, I don't think this is for me or I don't think I can do it. I don't think I'm
capable of doing it, you know. But then it always goes back to the why. If you have a
strong why, if you have something that is strong enough that pushes you day in and day
out, then you will keep pushing. You will keep going through the pain and through the self-
doubt and through the the, you know, the naysayers and through all the bullshit that the
life throws at you, you will keep going. You know why? Because you have a goal so
massive to achieve that all that bullshit right now doesn't mean anything. And maybe you
woke up the next morning after you invested in this program looking at your bank and
then seeing the money left your bank and you're like, Holy shit, I just made all this money.
Is this a scam? Is this actually going to give me the resolve that I'm looking for? You
know, is this you know, is this Bishop gabriel? Am I ever going to get to talk to him? You
know, is this something that's actually, you know, like this concept? Does it actually work?
And maybe you believe in the concept and in believing in me, but you don't believe in
yourself. OK so what I want you to do is I want you to take your focus off of all those
things and focus on this right here. What you see in the screen, obviously, for you, it's
going to be completely different in a shoot. But I want you to really take your time. Even if
you take the whole day, take the whole week, don't freak out because, you know, week
one, you need to finish it in the first week. It's important that we do, the things right. And
it's important that we do them. It's not about just we start them, it's about we do them
and we finish them. OK so it's very important. This is how this right here, this vision board
for me is what got me going at least the first year, because that was the toughest year.
The first year was the toughest. 2015 for me was the worst year, but 2016 was the
toughest year to getting out of that, you know, trying to train my mind to not fall into the
norm and not fall into, you know, now, listen, you know, block out the noise and keep
pushing forward. Right it was very difficult. You know, 2016 was very difficult for me. But
this got me through it. And if I was able to get through that, trust me, you can get through
anything. OK so what I've also done is I've actually created an exercise for you, which
you're going to see in this thing. So all I want you to do is if you go to file, you go to make
a copy, and then you can save it in your drive. And now you have access to this because
this you can't edit this, right? You're not going to be able to edit this. This is going to be
just a copy like you can only view it. OK what I'm also going to do is I'm going to link this
one. So this is for you, the empty one, right? The clean one that you guys can fill out. And
then I'm also going to link the my one from 2016 and I'm also going to show you my one
from 2021. And I want you to see the evolution from in five years of what's happened. I do
this every year, by the way, and that's why I'm saying it is just mind boggling to me that I
actually did not include this in the program because this is what keeps me going every
year. You know, people do they're like New Year's resolutions. I do the vision board every
single year and I do this exercise every single year. So I don't only want you to do it this
time around, I want you to do it every single year. At the end of this year. You do it again at
the end of next year you do it again. And so on and so forth. And what you want to do is I
usually do it in Q4, so I'll do it in like October, November, December for the following year.
That way I have something to work off of, something that I can actually go on. So I'm
going to read through my 2016 and then 2021 and then I want you to see the difference.
OK so 2016, Hawaii. OK, so this is the current me, all right. And then this is the evolves.
Me OK. And then I'll tell you what this means. So who am I? OK, so this is right now, right?
Like this is today, you today? Who am I? I'm a male, 26 years old. When I was doing this,
33 I
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search was 25. But I'm, you know, talking about 2016, I'm a male, 26 years old, hungry, lots of
dreams, no blueprints and lots of baggage. This is who I was. I was hungry. I had a lot of
dreams, but I just didn't know what was going on. And that probably could be. OK, now
I'm going to have a blueprint by you. Should you have a blueprint because you're in this
program. What do I do? Well, I used to own a restaurant that burned down, which I
currently drive for Uber and wash. Dishes at Hilton Hotels. That's what I was doing. And
do I like what I do? Absolutely not. And I really want you to be honest with this. Look,
you're not going to be sharing this publicly or anything, but I truly, truly, truly want you to
be honest with yourself and really answer these questions correctly, because, look, if
you're not going to answer these questions correctly, this is going to be a complete waste
of time. OK so I truly want you to take some time, think deeply about this and really
answer those correctly and honestly. Why do I do what I do? Well, when the restaurant
shut down, the last payroll wasn't done, and I'm working to pay off my employees, also
keeping myself busy in researching the next thing. So what I'm talking about is why do I
do the things that I'm doing right now for you? It might be, you know, you're trying to put
your kids in college. Maybe you just simply want to, you know, make ends meet. That's all
it is, you know? And that's what 75% of America does, is working paycheck to paycheck,
just making ends meet. And for me, the last payroll, the last two weeks, I had no money in
the bank to be able to pay my employees. So I just simply had to do something to beat
these guys. Otherwise they would have probably been my ass. How much do I make?
Four months. I make 3950. Always make a decent amount of money there. Right? is that
enough? Absolutely not. Do I deserve more? Hell, Yes. How long do I have I been doing
this Uber driving? Six months. Dishwashing three months. OK why do I wake up every
morning? I know I have potential, which isn't currently being utilized correctly. I want to
change my life and the life of others around me. So this is really important. The why you
really need to define your why. OK the reason being is aside from like this is the why. This
was my why the vision board is why, right? So you have to really define exactly what is
your why? Who are you doing this for? Because, look, we all want things. But at the end of
the day, if we really think deep about this, we're doing this because of other things bigger
than ourselves. Right and, you know, for you, it's like, well, I want to make $10,000 a
month, but why? And keep asking yourself why until you really get to if you don't know
why you're doing it, just keep asking yourself why? What am I? What how much do I want
to make? 10,000 why? Because I want to be financially free. Why? because I don't want to
worry about a price tag. Why? because when family members reach out, I want to be able
to help without thinking about it. Why? because I care for them. They're my family. There
you go. So you're doing it? Yes you started with 10,000, but you're doing this for your
family. You're doing this for people that you care about. You're doing this for more than
yourself. At first, it may sound selfish, honest to make them that way. And that's fine. But
you can't help people if you don't make 10,000. Right who do I want to do what I do for?
OK again, why? And who? Myself and my parents. That was my main goal was my
retiring. My parents was my main goal. What happens if I stop doing what I do? I'll
probably get beaten up by my employees as they're barely leaving me alone. I don't know
what will happen. You know, and this is once again, it's talking about the current thing. So
right now, and maybe you're in the situation where like, if I stop what I'm doing, I'll
probably be homeless. I don't know. Right so, once again, be honest with yourself. Write
the right questions. How much longer can I keep doing what I'm doing for? I'm about
ready to quit. And maybe you're in the same position. I don't know. Now, this is the
evolved me, right? So this is me in 2016 looking in the future. So this is and this is the
difference between the two. This is right now. This is what you're doing right now, this
second. And then this is looking out in the future. Right first, I need to define what the
future is for the future for me, what's 24 to 48 months? So that's two to four years out.
And that's very important. In a future video, I'm going to be talking about short term and
long term thinking, but it's very important that you plan ahead. Like people that live
paycheck to paycheck. I couldn't do that because your plan cannot go further than the
next 30 days, maybe 60 days, maybe 90 days if you get some type of a bonus or get your
tax returns or something like that. How do you live your life like that if you can't at least
plan 12, 24 months ahead? You simply cannot serve. Like, how are you? It's just not
possible. So we have to be able to get ourselves in a position that we can plan ahead two,
three, four or five, 10 years. OK, so this is of old me. This is me looking out in the future.
OK how long until I evolve to the evolve being 24 to 48 months. OK what am I becoming?
Well, first, I'm becoming debt free. Retired parents never worry about a price tag. That
was the main thing for me. I wanted to be I was 150k in debt. That's a pretty good plan to
be out of debt in two years, right? 150k in debt. This is $75,000 a year clearing debt.
That's pretty good plan, right? Or four years even for a $35,000 paying off debt per year.
That's pretty good. What will they be doing selling on amazon? Maybe helping others do
the same? Not sure. So I already had that idea, right? I already had that idea that I wanted
to help others, but I just wasn't sure if I really want to take that on because, you know,
people ask me, what's the difference? Which one? If you were to do this all over again,33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search which like I want to make money, which one would you suggest I do? I teach people how
to do something where I do something like, man to different people, to different
businesses. You're not the same person that does the thing. Then then. Then the person
that teaches the thing. Completely different people. Like, right now with this video, I
wouldn't need to be doing all this. It took me about three hours to put this exercise and
get it all ready and figure everything out for you guys. Right not everyone can do this.
Well, I like what I do. What? what will I like? What I will be doing? Absolutely home,
laptop? No customers. Are you kidding? You know, up until now, I had a restaurant where
for me to serve one customer, I had to shop for the food, prep the food, cook the food,
you know, serve it, clean out to the customer. Three, four or five different people involved
in a transaction were. Now I got nothing to do. Are you kidding me? Absolutely who will I
be doing it for? Myself, my parents and my future family. This is very important. To who?
What will be my goal in life? Personal OK, so there are two different goals here. There's
personal goal and then there is the non personal goals. Very important personal
financially free on a jet travel the world, my dream car, dress and eat what I want, what I
want. Not worry about a price tag when I now worry about a price tag or a restaurant bill.
That was the main thing. And then if you guys, you know, know me and have been
following me and obviously you're in my program, you know, my thing is all about never
worrying about a price tag. That's my motto. Never worrying about a price tag. That's
that's what I care for right now. I go to restaurants, we order, we eat, we do our thing. I
don't ask for the check. I just hand my car. And I took, you know, anywhere between 15%
to 20% depends on how well the service is. Although here in Miami, they make you pay
80% And I walk out, I don't look at the bill, not bragging, but I've. Boston, my eyes last five
years to get where I am again. And I want the same thing for you now. Non-personal this
is something that's not about you going back to the why 10,000. But why, right? This is
the reason. That's more than you, you know, bigger than you retire. My parents have
worked so hard to get me where I am and I have failed them. It is time to pay them back.
Look, how much will I be making? 25 to 50k per month, you know, and that's about right. I
think that's kind of how much I was making like two years later, something like that. I
mean, I just I make a lot more than that now. But who will be impacted the most by this
change? Myself and my parents. Who will I become in five, ten, 20 years? OK so this is
again, looking in the future, looking way in the future and understanding who am I going
to become? What am I going to be doing? Who is that person? And what you need to do
with this exercise is be able to imagine that person, be able to imagine that, be able to
close your eyes and look in the future and imagine your Revolved self in two years, five
years, 10 years. And look at those answers and try to imagine yourself and try to live that.
Like right now I'm closing, I have my eyes closed and I want you to do the same. And then
you start thinking about that and maybe you need to pause this video for like five, 10
minutes right now. So he could do it because I do need to jump on the next thing, but
maybe pause this video right now and then just start imagining that. And see what that
looks like and maybe live a day in a day of your Revolved self and to five, 10 years and
see what that looks like. I mean, to me, I know I'm already getting goosebumps because
that is just insane what I'm imagining right now. But maybe pauses. Video do the same
for you, OK. Businessman multiple businesses around the world. Sleep when I want.
Wake up when I want. Never answer to anyone. Not worry about the QRS LOL the IRS. I
mean they. Yeah you don't want to have the IRS coming after you. What's next. Make a
whole lot of money. OK, so this is an important exercise that I really would appreciate. If
you guys take some time and go through it, I would probably say do the exercise first and
then go into the vision board because the exercise is going to give you ideas on what the
vision board is and obviously can go back and forth and change things. But you should
be doing this once per year. You know, Q4, that's when I do it for the next year. And then
look at how you evolve over time and then you're going to see my 2021. The reason why I
didn't do all the other ones, because I want you to see that big change, the big evolution
that's happened in five years and where I am right now and how I think right now. OK now,
another thing that I want you to also do is this whole what why idols and why you idol free
people. So who is going to be impacted by this? Who are you doing this for? Myself and
my parents, maybe for you. It's your kids, your spouse, your whatever, your grandfather,
whomever. Right what they have that was the first thing for me. And then financial and
time freedom. I am in too much stress and I just can't keep doing this that was my
biggest why is like look man I wake up every morning stress there's debt collectors, all
this debt piling up and I just can't do it anymore. Like I have to do something. So massive.
Like, I couldn't go and get a regular job and shop, you know, my expenses were 5,000 at a
time. 10,000 I just couldn't do that. It just was not feasible. Something drastic needed to
happen. OK idols, Sylvester stallone, as I mentioned, why it's not about how hard you hit.
It's about how hard you can get ahead and keep moving forward. I honestly, truly suggest
that you guys watch that video. You know what? Here's what I'll do. I'll actually link it
below. You guys should definitely check this out. Ken, you should be able to click the link
if you can just go to YouTube and search Rocky Balboa motivational speech. It'll really33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search change things for you. OK, so this is my 2016. Now, what I want to do is I want to go on to
spend the next couple of minutes, go into my 2020 and show you guys the difference.
Once again, there is a brand new, fresh one for you to kind of do your own thing. But I
really want you to look at my 2020 and look at the difference that has happened in, you
know, from then until now. OK so who am I? Well, I'm an Amazon FBA seller and Coach.
What do I do? I sit on Amazon and help others change their lives by starting businesses
on Amazon. Do I like what I do? I love it. Why do I do? Why do I do what I do? Impact
legacy. Look at the answers. Here it was survival mode, right? I needed to get something
in quick and do something to change things quick. OK survival mode here. I'm talking
about legacy. I'm talking about impact. Like what? What are you talking about? How
much do I make? I asked my financial advisor. He said, don't put it out there. But, you
know, I make few thousand, several, several of 1,000 anyways per month. Is it enough?
Absolutely but more can be made. OK do I deserve more? Absolutely how long have I
been doing this? 5 and 1/2 years. Why do I wake up every morning to find a new way and
a new and a better way to create an impact. Do you see how I'm talking about impact? A
lot. And I'm going to go in to my vision board here in a little bit. Now, once again, this is
obviously me. In five years from this, I've made millions of dollars. I've cleared. I've helped
thousands of people around the world. Right so the mindset that I'm in right now is a
completely different mindset that I was in five years ago. And this is what I want you to
see, is how involved a person can get. In just a few short years. And that's why I want you
to get excited about this. When I was writing this, did I know that I'd be writing this?
Absolutely now, was that it was 50,000 man, or is it? I was happy with Mick, you know, in
2 to 3, four years to make 50,000, 25,000, and I'm making ten, 20 times more that now.
Right? so just keep let's stop fighting and let's keep going. Who do I do? What I do for
those wanting more in life and don't know how to get it? It was about me and my parents.
Now it's about people. What happens if I stop doing what I do? Not an option. It would
mean I've passed away. How much longer can I keep doing what I do until five days after I
die? Warren Buffett. I take this from Warren Buffett. People ask me, when will you retire?
Will do you ever retire? You know, I'm talking to my financial advisor and he's talking
about, you know, deferring taxes and stuff like that and paying less in tax. And he's talking
about, you know, for among gays and in retirement plans. And I'm dude, what are you
talking about? Like, I'll retire five years after I die. So I just want you to really take a minute
and look at this and then compare it to this. And then what I want you to see and
understand that this will also happen for you. You just have to start here. I didn't know
this will happen five years later, but I started here. And then this kept me going every
single morning until I was able to get here. Now I'm looking five, ten, 20 years in the future
and I'm still going for the evolve because look, doesn't matter where you are in life, there's
always the next level. There's always the next thing. You can always accomplish more.
Right how long until I evolve? Until I evolve to the evolve me? Five, 10 years. I'm so here.
I'm thinking, see, here's another thing that I want you to see here. I'm thinking to. 2 2 to
four years right here. I'm thinking two to four years here. I'm thinking 5 to 10 years. Right
so thinking has even gotten longer term. Right as I'm getting more sophisticated, I guess,
because I'm understanding that nothing happens overnight. But see, I'm glad that I was
thinking like that because a lot of people would be like, oh, I want to say 1 to three
months. Right let's face it, nothing great happens in one or two or three months. You just
have to keep chopping at it months and months out, year in, year out. And I'll be talking to
you a little bit more about long term vision and long term over short term in the future
videos. What am I becoming carefree of the day to day life focus carefree of the day to
day life. OK, so the day to day, you know, running businesses, stuff like that, carefree.
That's not what I'm interested in right now. Right and that's what I want right now. I'm
almost there, but I'm working work there. But I would like to be that where I've got
companies running, serving people without me doing anything in the day to day focused,
keyword focused on creating impact in the future. OK keyword future. OK what will they
be doing? I don't know yet, but I know I will be. I will when the time comes. So I still don't
even know what I'm going to be doing. Right if you look right here, I kind of had an idea.
Right? what will I be doing? Selling on Amazon, maybe helping others. OK but I've already
done that. And then I'm already doing that. Right but now it's about impact. It's about
impact. OK I don't know yet what I'm going to be doing, but I know I'll figure it out. Will I
like what I'll be doing? Absolutely where will I be doing it for? Look at this. This is so
massive. So crazy. To create legacy, to dent the society. You look at here, I'm talking
about myself, my future, my parents. I've already done that, though. I'm not even done.
Like, if you see this and compare it to this, I'm not even talking about myself anymore. I'm
not even talking about how much money. I want to make anymore because not even
about myself anymore. It's surpassed that level so far that is not even, you know, itself is
not even included here. What will be my goal in life? Personal devote myself to impacting
humankind. The inner DC the change. What is my goal? Financially free, jet car, all that
stuff. And going to be my vision board. I'm like, wow, what the hell? Creating a product.
This is non-personal. Creating a product or service all humans can use to improve their33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search lifestyle. This is what I want. This is what I want the rest of my life to be dedicated to.
How much will I be making infinity? Money won't matter anymore because I'm going to be
making. So much money that it doesn't even matter anymore, because it's not about
myself anymore. Is that about buying the jet and buying the yacht and doing all this crap?
Because I can do whatever I want. It's about making an impact and denting society. Who
will be impacted? The universe. Talking about the universe. What are you talking about
here? My parents. Myself who will I become in the next five, ten, 20 years? Innovator, in
fact. Creator lives changer. What's next? Find a way that will make this come true. Wow
do you see the difference between this and this? And I just want to understand. The same
will start happening for you as you evolve. You just need to start here, though. You have
to start here and then look into the future. Two, three, four years and then every year
make one of those and then watch it evolve over time. Oak Hill. The universe. Who? my
parents. Myself what? Living a better lifestyle. OK paying off debt. So what I've done is
I've simply reversed everything that I've wanted for myself. And now focus that on
everybody else. Right why? Legacy impact? Why? I'm too much stress. So it's not about
survival mode anymore now it's about long term thinking about making an impact. Idols
Elon musk, Steve Jobs. White dented the world. Like, what has this done to the world?
That thing that you're talking about? Well, here's my vision board. Look at my vision board
2021 and look at my vision board 2016. My vision for 2016 was about travel mansion
retiring. My parents obviously getting married, obviously, which I've done both of those,
but Rolex and travel and tangible stuff and exotic. And what is the word? What is the
word that I'm looking for? I forgot material stuff, materialistic stuff. Look at 2021. This is
an impact right above this metal Bowl going into breaking a wall, making it dent universe.
Elon musk, Steve jobs, you like why Elon Musk and why Steve Jobs. When I think about
these brilliant minds and Brahma Steve jobs, you know, and that's me more than Elon
Musk because Steve Jobs has been gone for a decade, decade. And I don't even know
when the guy died. And the company still lives on in my house right now on my desk,
there are three Apple products. There is the Mac, there is the AirPods and there is the
phone. My wife has the same set that six. So that's six six Apple products in our
household and we're not equal. And then she has an AI pop pod, I think it's called that
seven, right? We don't even have kids. We're like each kid nowadays has their own frickin'
iPod. It's ridiculous, right? Obviously, we don't have iPads because, you know, I mean, who
uses those anymore? Right but what I'm saying is this guy had been dead for over a
decade, yet has legacy lives, yet his product in his company lives. And it changes people's
lives. I was at Apple the other day. And I got the new promax whatever iPhone. And it
literally took five minutes to mirror everything that was in the old phone into the new
phone. And I walked in, I'm thinking like, Holy shit, all my apps, my messages, my emails,
everything. 10 years ago, dude, who would take you like forever to do then he would never
get it done. I would always have contacts missing. I would always need to upload my
apps, do all that stuff, my Mac I run my business multi almost eight figure business from
one MacBook Air that I bought for $1,000 three years ago. That's all I have. I don't have
these fancy 15 different screens and none of that crap. That's because one man had a
vision 20, 30, 50 years ago. Whatever it was, he's dying, his legacy yet lives. And that's
what I'm talking about when I say legacy impact, legacy impact denting the world.
Denting society. Elon Musk. 10 years ago, people were laughing at him. Today, his
company is worth over $500 billion where BMW and and Mercedes, who have been
around for hundreds of years, are only worth like 50, 60, $70 billion. He's worth almost 10
times and he's only been around for so long because he saw things in a different way. He
impacted the world. OK so that's what I want you to think about when you created this.
First, obviously, you're not going to get here today, tomorrow, next year. It took me five
years to get here and start thinking like that. But what I want you to start doing is please
start this exercise a link. The 2016 2021 is a fresh one for you right below this video.
Please start by doing this exercise first. Understanding who you are today, right now, and
then writing this down. Please be honest with yourself. You don't need to show this to
anybody. Be honest with yourself and really take some time and imagine what it looks like
today, and then imagine what it's going to look like. And don't do it. Six months, I mean,
even 12 like is a good 12 months, but that's even short do 24, I would say 24 months
should be the shortest time, but 12 months is OK, right? But don't do three months.
Another six months, nothing great. Steve Jobs did not get where he is in 12 months. Elon
Musk did not get to where he is in 12 months. This guy has been or these people have
been working for decades until they accomplished what they accomplished. If you want
to get Elon Musk a Steve Jobs level stuff you don't need, you can't be thinking six months,
you know, not even 12 months. I mean, hell, 24 months is insane. But obviously you're not
going to get there right now. It takes decades to accomplish anything. Great so look at
what you want, evolve me to look like and then simply do that. What is your goal? Is it
10,000? Is it 5000? Is it a million? Whatever doesn't matter. Be as crazy as you want it to
be and then go into this. Who? what, why? Who is your idol and why they are your idol. OK
and then here I would say watch this video. It's honestly, it's very inspirational and then33do
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search this. This is very important. And what do you want to do is you could do a few things. You
could a buy a whiteboard and simply print these out and put them on the whiteboard. Be
and what you should do regardless is take a screenshot of this and make it your cover on
your phone, on your computer, have it everywhere, maybe even take a screenshot of the
whole thing and print it. You could either take, you know, print every little one and then
staple them on your whiteboard or take a screenshot of the whole thing and put it on your
whiteboard and spend some time. This could take you a couple of hours, may take you a
week to really think about it. OK, so take your time. Do this. Trust me, it may sound silly,
but trust me, it is what got me through my first year of entrepreneurship, which was very
not worst year, but the most difficult year. And if I literally had to say the one thing that
made me successful is this exercise and this vision board. Look at this every single day,
every single week, every single month. And you should do this every single year, Q4 for
the next year. And then look at the evolution year after year. I really hope this exercise has
helped you. Sorry that this video has been long. I can't wait to help you crush this thing.
The system is available for you. The support is available for you. Everything that I know
you're going to know by the time you're done with this program. So now it's on you to
make this happen. It's on you to go out there and crush it and it's on you to evolve. I'll see
you in the next video. Right now.

351 posts referencing The Evolution of "ME"

Write something

Ilihia Sonognini
3 2d ago in General questions & posts

#The Evolution of "ME" Doing my vision board was so much fun! a lot of thinking and
a lot of goals! MY Why is so strong and it's what keeps me motivated everyday.

14 9 New comment 21h ago

Susan Driedger
3 2d ago in General questions & posts

The evolution of me
#The Evolution of "ME"

10 5 New comment 2d ago

Manar Al-abayechi
3 3d ago in General questions & posts

Game changing!
#The Evolution of "ME" I previously made a vision board as my phone wallpaper end
of 2022 and im thinking subconsciously it was one of the reasons that made me join

19 17 New comment 2d ago

Charlie Hernandez
3 8d ago in General questions & posts

#The Evolution of "ME" great way of analyzing the present me and future me
watching "The Evolution of me" , great way to get started

12 5 New comment 7d ago

Nicholas Urena
2 11d ago in General questions & posts
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search
#The Evolution of "ME" I Finished Evolution of "ME" and felt motivated and now going

6 3 New comment 10d ago

Claudia Beltran
3 12d ago in General questions & posts

#The Evolution of "ME" Hey Everyone! I just completed my vision board. It was so
motivational and exciting. Everything we dream of now it will happen soon working

9 7 New comment 9d ago

Jelaya Fairfield
4 30d ago in General questions & posts

My Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" Hi Everyone, I just completed my vision board/evolution of
me. It was both saddening and exciting. Saddening that I've not accomplished this

12 9 New comment 26d ago

Rayane Skaff
2 Jan 20 in General questions & posts

Hey Everybody, this is my #The Evolution of "ME" , I hope that i Can make it, and
looking forward to the future me and the next steps.

15 14 New comment 3d ago

Luka Stackhouse
5 Jan 17 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" Just finished my vision board, I feel like everything in my life
at the moment is slowly falling into place. I cant wait to continue on this amazing

23 12 New comment 30d ago

Kevin Roberts
4 Jan 16 in General questions & posts

vision board
#The Evolution of "ME" Currently writing out goals while listening to this video, can't
wait to make my vision board and enjoy the journey!!

15 2 New comment Jan 16

Daveo Ho
5 Jan 14 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" Can’t wait to look back on this in a few
years. Going to hang this up on my wall where I can see it every day!

12 2 New comment Jan 14

BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Abraham Kalaoun
4 Jan 13 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" Spent a good amount of time making sure
my Vision Board is authentic to myself. Used a lot of my own photos

18 4 New comment Jan 15

Abraham Kalaoun
4 Jan 11 in General questions & posts

It's Time...
#The Evolution of "ME" did this a few months back. got distracted. no more
distractions... life is pushing me to put all my energy into FBA once and for all. nice to

10 3 New comment Jan 11

Diego Gutierrez
5 Jan 10 in General questions & posts


#Celebration STEP 1 COMPLETED! I feel great. I am positive that all the next steps
will only work if this step one is spot on. We have to #F.O.C.U.S. and #K.I.S.S. and, if

14 1 New comment Jan 10

Thomas Retout
5 Jan 9 in General questions & posts

It's time to change my life

#The Evolution of "ME" for years I have worked for someone else's dream but now I
take my life into my own hand to work for MY dream. This is the right time to become

11 4 New comment Jan 10

Diego Gutierrez
5 Jan 9 in General questions & posts

We have to know where we are to understand where we are goi…

#The Evolution of "ME" I've listened many times to what @Bashar J Katou just
described, including several books by Brian Tracy and It is TODAY that I have finally

8 1 New comment Jan 10

Khayyam Ishaq
3 Jan 8 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" This was exciting and having looked at the
'WHY' I came up with this vision Board. The principles I follow in life

18 9 New comment Jan 12

BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Megan McQuown
4 Jan 6 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" What a fun activity this was! So glad that I spent time to
visualize the future I want to manifest at this time. I am excited to see how it changes

8 1 New comment Jan 6

Etibar Mammadov
4 Jan 3 in General questions & posts

From me all the way to ME !!!

#The Evolution of "ME" Thank Bashar for the ready form that’s definitely giving us big
help to boost up the improvement process )

10 1 New comment Jan 3

Hamsika Mathusan
5 Jan 3 in General questions & posts

#The Evolution of “ME”

#The Evolution of "ME" This is an amazing exercise, really enjoyed this as it gave me
the chance to think in depth about the current situation I’m in and what I need to do

9 3 New comment Jan 3

Siana Sandhu
3 Jan 3 in General questions & posts

The Evolution of Me and Vision Board

#The Evolution of "ME" This exercise made my mind 🤯 I felt that mindset energy
shift. Great exercise!

10 2 New comment Jan 3

Serge Guingan
3 Jan 1 in Welcome Post

The Evolution of Me and Vision Board

#The Evolution of "ME" has shifted my mindset in the right direction and has make
me feel empowered to pursue my dreams even further. best of luck to everyone

15 5 New comment Jan 2

Gary Ha
3 Dec '22 in Welcome Post

The Evolution of Me and Vision Board

#The Evolution of "ME" Embracing a new path and adventure! Already feel more
positive and future-oriented from a simple, yet powerful exercise! Blessings to all on

21 7 New comment Jan 2

Mike Bullert
4 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" Gave me a clearer vision of my goals!!!

11 2 New comment Dec '22

BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Jon Nichols
3 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" This is just the beginning; cheers to 2023
and the successes the year will bring 🙏 #HappyNewYear2023

14 4 New comment Dec '22

Sabria Mahawat Khan

5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

The evolution of ME & Vision board

#The Evolution of "ME" I have done a similar exercise recently, it was nice reflecting
and visualizing what my life will become! LFG!

14 3 New comment Dec '22

Sabarish Kannan
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Vision Board
#The Evolution of "ME" This is an amazing assignment, the goal is
to chase dreams.

29 12 New comment Dec '22

Talla Vinod
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Vision board
#The Evolution of "ME" Oh my god this vision board is excellent. this is i want to

10 2 New comment Dec '22

Adiana Menendez
3 Dec '22 in Welcome Post

All done
#The Evolution of "ME"

21 9 New comment Dec '22

Aaliyah Moss
3 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Evolution of Me
Just finished my vision board and #The Evolution of "ME" . Has me thinking and i
have regained some motivation ;)

18 5 New comment Dec '22

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