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The Evolution of "ME"

Start With WHY

F.O.C.U.S. 17:09

Step 1
Resourcefulness Start With WHY


Celebration Video Slides

Step 2
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Step 3 Hello, everyone. Welcome to another video in this module and this video I want to talk to
you guys about a concept called why and why is it important that anything we do in life
Step 4 we actually start with why, and we simply allow it to become our guiding star, you see?
Not too long ago, about 2014 2015. My why? My most immediate why was to simply
Step 5 clear debt because I just had lost the restaurant and I wanted to get out of debt. I also
wanted to gain the respect of my parents. I wanted to retire my parents and also marry
Step 6 the love of my life. And those could be some of the things why you even enrolled in pjak
university because you probably could resonate with some of those things. And you
Trail Blazer Certificate of Achievement know, me and some of you guys might share the same wise, right? And I remember if I
went back like a decade or half a decade, even before that, my y to y wanting to start an,
Additional Resources you know, a business and getting to entrepreneurship because I wanted to fulfill, I guess,
the desire of wanting to become like my dad because my dad was a successful
entrepreneur, entrepreneur back in the 80s and 90s and I grew up looking up to him. So
my why was always tied up to that. I admired him. So every time every step of the way of
my life, I realized that there was always this thing that was guiding me. You know, it
wasn't about, I want to make an extra $5000 a month or I want to, you know, drive this
cool car. I want to drive this, you know, wear this, this Gucci watch or whatever. But it was
more of something bigger than just the money or something bigger than just the thing
that I was doing, whether if it was a restaurant or a driving for uber washing dishes or
whatever, it was something much bigger than that. And now my biggest why is I want to
impact the lives of one million people at a time? And I want to do that by providing
alternatives to traditional education because education has failed me. And I also want to
create awareness of the missed opportunities because when I found out about selling on
Amazon and I realized how much less effort it is to build a business on Amazon rather
than building, say, a business like a restaurant, the one that I had, it was just mind
boggling to me that not more people knew about it, and I also wanted to empower and
inspire people so that they can do the things that fulfill them and inspires them, right? But
it all starts with thing. With this thing called why right now you see, life is hard is just hard,
you know, let alone trying to start a business, right? Hurdles, self-doubt, shiny object
syndrome, fatigue, boredom and all that stuff will occur, not to mention the naysayers
that probably are surrounding your life. You know, I know for me, they're everywhere. So
why helps us battle everything that I just mentioned earlier and simply keeps us on track?
Every time you begin losing hope, doubting yourself, getting dragged into something new,
this NFT thing or this stock thing, or, you know, my cousin's fiancee bought the stock
three years ago, and now it's doing x or, you know, bitcoin. Oh my god. Five years ago, 33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search bitcoin, man, I wish I got into bitcoin. Well, stop wishing you did because you didn't. So
move on with life, but always remind yourself why, right? Because that's the thing that
really got you started. OK, now you see, one concept that I realized very early on is that
regardless of what happens in your life? It's all about how you look at things, right? So I
think we all can agree that bad things happen to good people all the time, all the time.
Right but it's about how you react to them. It's not about how what happens to you, but it's
about how you react to it, right? So for me, when I, you know, when my restaurant burned
down, I simply for a little while I went into depression and I said, you know, this is it like,
this is literally it. I've lost everything. That's it. Everything that I've been thinking about,
wanting to do this and wanting to accomplish that in life. And I wanted to live like that.
This was fantasy world, right? This is reality. This is what I'm living right now is reality, and
I need to accept it. And I almost accept that a $60000 a year job that was offered to me,
which at the time seemed like was a lot of money because I had just lost everything and I
had nothing going on. But then I had to remind myself why I even started. The restaurant
business, why I even wanted to get into entrepreneurship, because I wanted to follow the
footsteps of my father, and that's when I snapped out of it and I realized that, you know
what I can. I'm a good person. I busted my ass for the last three years. I got nowhere. I
either can sit here and cry about it. I'm a good person. Bad thing happened to me. I can
either sit here and cry about it, or I can say, you know what? I've just learned this entire
experience has taught me so much. And until this day, I am who I am today because of
that experience. If that experience had not happened, I would not be the person I am
today. My Amazon business would not have succeeded. Bjarke university would not have
succeeded because I had gone through all that and I took all the lessons. And that's when
I realized that you don't want in life. You really never fail. Only if you quit is when you truly
fail, because you'll either win or you will learn. So it's not about bad things happening to
you, it's how you react to it. You can either stick to the positive, to the negative and say
that I'm a victim and say, you know, bad things happen to me and say, you know, every
time I try to do something in my life, it just goes against me. And I'm pretty sure many of
you guys have those thoughts, and I know that I had those thoughts in my head all the
time. I used to even I was very superstitious. In fact, on Tuesdays, I used to always say
that Tuesdays are bad and I'm never going to do anything on Tuesdays. And in fact, every
time I used to try to do something on Tuesday, it would go bad. And it was like this
concept of when you fear things, you create them the things that you most fear, you
create them. It's like covid, right? The people that are always talking about covid and
afraid from getting covid are that people that are actually getting covid. Me and my wife
been around, been going out. Don't even talk about it. Don't even think about it. We have
not gone covid. I don't want to jinx it, but we haven't gotten it. You know what I mean? So
the things that you fear most are the things that you create and you have to always think
about. Bad things happen to good people all the time, but it's not about what happens to
you, it's about how you react to it. And you will never lose unless you quit. Therefore, you'll
either always win or you'll simply learn, right? The second thing I want to talk to you guys
about today in this video is the shiny object syndrome and refocusing back into your
work. You see, in the previous video, we talked about focus and simply how when you put
all of your energy into one thing, you can simply take it the furthest. But you see with
today's world, with today's economy, with internet and YouTube and Facebook and
everything. That's why in the previous video, I talked to you guys about kiss and removing
things out of your life because it's very easy to get distracted into all these crazy things
that are happening here. This person is talking about this thing and that guy said this and
this guy said to use this strategy and that guy said, use this thing. And my sister-in-law
said that she invested this much money in the stock. But you got to understand for the
last seven years, I've done nothing but Amazon. There has been so many pitches. I've
been pitched that so many ideas. I've been told so many things, but I simply wanted to
only focus on Amazon. And then when we launched pjak university, same thing focusing
on making the program better, getting our students the best result on the shortest time
possible. Because when you because you get what you focus on, so make sure that
you're focusing on what you want. But again, this goes back to the concept of why every
time shiny objects come to you, you have to remind yourself, why did I even start selling
on Amazon or wanting to sell on amazon? Why am I drifting away from wanting to sell on
Amazon to this other thing? What's happening here? Question everything that you are
saying and doing. And this is why, in the previous video, we talked about seeing no. 10
times more than you say yes, unless concept that I want to share with you guys hear
about as well. Is that if you think you can or if you think you can't? You are 100 percent,
right? 100 percent of the time. Because it all starts in your mind, if you're always doubting
yourself, if you're always thinking that you're a failure, if you're always treating yourself as
a victim, if you're always thinking negative about anything, if you always believe that all
bad things only happen to you, if you always think that everybody else around you is
lucky, but you, if you always think about that, every single thing that you hold just simply
goes bad and that you can never catch a break, then you're 100% right. But also on the33
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search opposite side, if you think that you're awesome, if you think that anything that you want
to, you believe you actually can make possible. If you believe that you will succeed at
selling on Amazon, if you believe that you will hit 100,000 months, if you believe that you
will make $1 million with Amazon. If you believe that you will retire your parents or buy
your your spouse a newer car or send your kids to college or whatever it is your y than
you are 100% right all the time because what you believe you create. And is the same
thing as I said earlier, what you fear you create, so you have to choose between what you
believe. That is very important. But again, it goes back to your line. Why did you jump
instead of bjelke university? Why are you here? Something motivated you to pull the
trigger. You went through all the hoops you got on the call. You invested thousands of
dollars and you're about to invest even more in products. Why? it all starts with why
something god shoot to get going here. It's not the desire of wanting to make $10000 per
month. It's what the $10000 can do for you. It's not why why people buy a BMW rather
than Toyota. It's not because it's a better car, but how people will perceive them. People
do now go out there, I don't go to the gym six days a week because, you know, because I
want to, I would rather not to, but because when I stand shirtless in in front of the mirror, I
want to look good. I want to feel good because of what it makes me feel. I don't want to
go to the gym because for the hell of it, because I'm bored, because it makes me feel
good because of the why the why is making me feel good. The why is making me look
good? The why is I want to live longer? I want to live healthier. I don't want to feel pain.
That's the why everything we do. And if you think about it, everything we do as human
beings every single day starts with why. And if you always remind yourself, if I wake up
one day and I don't feel like going to the gym, I could just simply get lazy and say, man,
whatever. But then I'm going to remind myself and I'm going to look at a picture that I
showed you guys in the previous video of how I used to look when I was 185 pounds and
then how I look now at 150 pounds and say, well, if I don't go today and then it don't go
tomorrow and then skip to three days next week and then two weeks next month, guess
what? Sooner rather than later, I'm going to go back to where I was a couple of years ago,
and I don't want to do that. So the why it's going to remind me of why I even started going
to the gym in the first place. Now, if you cannot find your true why and you're like Bashar
Amazon sound, it's cool to me and I love your mustache and I'm here, you know, and I
don't know. I'm not sure what my why is. Well, here's an exercise. And I think whether you
know what your true y is or whether you don't, I think you should do this exercise anyway.
So please do me a favor. And right after this video, which we're about to finish here in a
couple of minutes, please do me a favor and do this exercise whatever it is that comes to
mind. Why you you think that you join BJP university? Maybe for you. It's I want to make
$10000 a month, maybe for you. It's I want to spend more time with my family, whatever.
And that could be your true. But ask yourself why then write that down. Then ask yourself
why again? And write that down and repeat that process until you've asked yourself
seven times. Why? why seven times. And usually the last y usually y four or five, you
know, between four to seven is the true wine. And that one, what I would like you to do is I
would like you to take it and write it on a little sticky note and put it next to your computer.
Put it in your closet, put it in your wallet or purse, put it in your car, put it in your, you know,
in the bathroom, put it anywhere where your eye heads, put it on your refrigerator. And
every time you feel doubtful, every time you feel like you are losing momentum, every
time you feel like you are getting demotivated, every time you feel like you're being
distracted by a shiny object, every time naysayers say, hey, man, this is a scam, this is not
going to work, and then you start doubting yourself. I want you to read that out loud to
yourself three times, three times. This is why I'm here. I'm here because of xyz. I'm here
because. I want to be able to spend more time with my daughter, and I don't want to
spend half of my life commuting to work back and forth. And by the time I get home, I'm
completely exhausted and I can't even spend 20 minutes with my wife and my daughter
and have dinner because by the time I get home, it's already too late and had already
sleeping, or because I want to retire my parents because for the past 35 years, they've
done everything. They've sacrificed all of their goals and their dreams just to give me a
good life. Whatever your why is it's really important that you remind yourself because this
journey is not going to be sunshine and rainbows. But if you keep your why as your
guiding star, you'll always and you will make it to the other side. Now what I want to do is
I want to end you. I want to end this video with a short clip of, I think, one of my personal
favorite, all time favorite. And I'm going to because you guys have access to this slides.
I'm going to have the link below. And this is a video by Sylvester stallone, who was my
thing, my my first mentor and first idol besides my father. I hope you guys enjoy it. The
world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care
how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently. If you
let it, you me a nobody is going to hit as hard as life, but it ain't about how hard you hit. It's
about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and
keep moving forward. That's how we did it start. Now, if you know what your worth the
quality, get what you're worth, but you've got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search fingers say you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do
that, and that ain't you. You better than that. So this is actually something that I picked up
about six, seven years ago, and I've simply has always kept next to my computer, and
every time I feel doubtful, every time I feel down, I feel like, you know, I'm not good enough
or naysayers or anything that's happening around my life. I remind myself and it says the
world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care
how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently. If you
let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life, but it ain't about how hard you hit.
It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and
keep moving forward. That's how winning is done, which is exactly what this video just
talked about as well. But outside of that, guys, I really hope that you're going to. But
outside of that, guys, I really appreciate you guys being here and I love everything you
guys are doing. Just to understand, we're here for you and anything that can get you the
best result in the shortest time possible. We will do because this is why bjarke university
started and this is why bjarke university exists. And this is what is the future of bjarke
university. Any decision we make we make is starting with why, and our y is to impact
your life. Our y is to leave you better than when we found you. This is our y and this is our
north star. This is our guiding star, and this is how we make decisions on anything in our
company today. So for you, it's very important that you find your why and they allow it to
become your guiding star. Outside of that, again, love you guys. Appreciate you guys. See
you in the next video, right?

224 posts referencing Start With WHY

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Susan Driedger
3 2d ago in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY Financial freedom

10 2 New comment 2d ago

Mohamed Alzahmi
2 21d ago in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY “Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes
he has just one” — Confucius

5 2 New comment 20d ago

Théo Pasquet
4 24d ago in General questions & posts

My Why
#Start With WHY Build financial freedom to gain time in my life. To enjoy this life that
I have been given, to have fun and not to work all the time until I retire! Avoid being

9 5 New comment 24d ago

Zemam Norman
4 Jan 30 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY To retire my parents, gain their respect, marry the love of my life,
gain financial freedom, and get more free time for my family and for my education.

6 4 New comment Jan 30

BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Ian Blewitt
4 Jan 22 in General questions & posts

The Real WHY

#Start With WHY the ability to make decisions around my health, especially as I get

16 7 New comment Jan 25

James Alvarez
3 Jan 21 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY creating passive income to build for my retirement and build
financial freedom to gain time back in my everyday life.

12 5 New comment Jan 23

Kevin Roberts
4 Jan 17 in General questions & posts

My Why
#Start With WHY To be able to spend time with my family wherever and whenever I
want. The financial freedom to support my family in any way possible

14 4 New comment Jan 18

Daveo Ho
5 Jan 14 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY To start with an extra $1k/month and move toward $50k/month
and beyond. So that I can become financially independent; so I can have freedom of

18 4 New comment Jan 15

Sudeep B Shah
2 Jan 13 in General questions & posts

My Why
#Start With WHY : More family time and traveling to new places is my why. Excited to
start this journey with BJKU. 🙏🏼

7 1 New comment Jan 13

Diego Gutierrez
5 Jan 9 in General questions & posts

Ups and downs, but always facing to the WHY.

#Start With WHY I've never been more confident in my life than I am now. Whenever I
don't feel like that, I will remind myself of WHY I started doing it.

9 0
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Hamsika Mathusan
5 Jan 9 in General questions & posts

#WHY because I want freedom

#Start With WHY 1. I want freedom 2. Spend quality time with my loved ones 3.
Travel everywhere

12 1 New comment Jan 9

Khayyam Ishaq
3 Jan 8 in General questions & posts

Find your purpose is that the WHY?

#Start With WHY The 'WHY' for you is the personal 'WHY' only you
can find these. If you look deep into yourself, the 'WHY' is everything

13 5 New comment Jan 8

Natasha Cameron
2 Jan 4 in General questions & posts

The ones who will think about me when I'm gone!

#Start With WHY So that I/we (family and those closest to me, can live!!!

8 1 New comment Jan 5

Pedro Perez
4 Jan 4 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY 1. $1million a year income 2. Financial freedom 3. Help my family

15 3 New comment Jan 5

Etibar Mammadov
4 Jan 4 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY Whys surely need to be answered before everything

7 0

Sabria Mahawat Khan

5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Wondering Why?
#Start With WHY 1. Because I want a second stream of income 2. Because I want to
be able to decide what kind of work I do, for whom and with whom 3. Because I

11 2 New comment Dec '22

Robin Frazier
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Freedom is Why
#Start With WHY My Why 2023 Ask why 7 times 1. I want to make
$500,000 a year 2. Financial Freedom 3. It takes money to do things,

35 13 New comment Jan 6

Kaitlin Blanchard
Dec '22 in General questions & posts
BJKU (F.B.A.) Search 3

My Why
#Start With WHY This is very inspirational. I feel this is the perfect timing for me to
hear this and start my journey. Thank you. Stressed/Frustrated Tired of Living

26 5 New comment Dec '22

Angelo Vicari
4 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY In my life I have had more business's than I would rather not talk
about. Why they never came to fruition? I don't know why, I always gave it 100% but it

14 3 New comment Dec '22

Iliana Hendrix
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

Dried Cement on my Souls Foundation. My "Why"

I wanted to make a video because its a sensitive post. However I am going to write it
instead. Its not about sales, its not about business but it is a definite win. This

24 10 New comment Dec '22

Jaime Ochoa
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

My Why
#Start With WHY Keeping my why in focus will keep me motivated. Thank you!

7 0

Andrea Suarez
3 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

My WHY and Vision Board

#Start With WHY My WHY, is to make my dreams a reality in this

14 3 New comment Dec '22

Lauren Hammonds
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY Because I am destined for greatness and this is just another way to
expand my life in the directions I would like to go!

18 6 New comment Dec '22

Fida Skaf
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY My WHY in life is to find time to enjoy it with every means with my
beloved ones. - as simply as that 🙌

10 3 New comment Dec '22

BJKU (F.B.A.) Search Fida Skaf
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY Start with Why and with consistant work things will come together!

9 2 New comment Dec '22

Lucy Kazarosyan
5 Dec '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY My "why" will guide me through high waters! Let's do this

10 0

Nichole Graham-Treston
5 Nov '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY There always has to be a "why" this is what helps to push you

6 0

Joe Llouiz Frias

5 Nov '22 in General questions & posts

Vision Board & My WHYS

#The Evolution of "ME" #Start With WHY Note to self: Eye on the
prize and don''t look back, but if you ever do. Take a look below and

21 6 New comment Nov '22

Jennifer West
5 Nov '22 in General questions & posts

Vison Board
#Start With WHY Alright, here is my vision board. If you would have
asked me to do this 10 years ago it would be filled with fancy bags

34 8 New comment Dec '22

Neha Arora
4 Nov '22 in General questions & posts

#Start With WHY Its good to know the reason Why I am doing something before
starting anything in life

14 3 New comment Nov '22

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