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I. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the start of Lent.

a. Christmas b. Ash Wednesday c. Baptism

2. What does the ash on our forehead symbolizes?

a. to remind us of Jesus and how He loved us

b. to be a design and people will notice it

c. to remind us we are Christians

3. Who among the children shows good action?

a. Jem just smiles when she receives a gift.

b. Sally hides to the back of her mom when there’s a kid who wants to play with her.

c. Dan shares the food he have to his classmate who forgot his own lunch.

4. Who is known as the patron saint of workers and fathers?

a. St. Pedro b. St. John c. St. Joseph

5. what is the work of the foster father of Jesus?

a. carpenter b. plumber c. vendor

6. If Jesus can be your brother, who shows being a good brother to someone?

a. Hiding all of the chocolates in your bag.

b. Sharing and letting your friends play with the toys you have.

c. Avoiding a kid who doesn’t have a toy.

7. Jesus is always there to_____

a. ignore you b. hide c. guide you

8. Jesus loves little children. Who among the children will he love the most?
a. Bia saying the truth about the vase she fell to her mother.

b. Demi always lies to her mother about the grades she got from the test

c. Vien keeps on getting the money of her mother.

9. If there’s a priest who is having a sermon, what will you do?

a. sleeps b. listens c. play

10. Who helped Jesus to preach about the Good News of god?

a. Joseph b.Kings c. Apostles

11. How many people who helped Jesus in preaching?

a. 10 b. 12 c. 8

12. Who is the fisher that Jesus asked to bring his boat to deep water?

a. Simon b. John c. Peter

13. What is the right path to Jesus?

a. praying to Him every day.

b. sleeping early at night

c. eating junk foods

14. Who among the children shows being obedient?

a. Lara following her mother’s rule while stomping her feet.

b. Shay crying aloud because her father keeps on asking her to do something.

c. Kate happily do the chores that her mother told to do.

15. What are the things you learn with your classmates?

a. reading b. fighting c. sleeping

16. If someone hurts you unintentionally, what are you going to say?

a. Thank you for hurting me.

b. Ouch! Can you go away?

c. It’s okay. You didn’t mean to do it anyways.

17. What are you going to do to make your teacher happy?

a. eating during class hours b. listening to discussions c. sleeping because it’s boring

18. God gives us ______________ in school.

a. friends b. enemy c. toys

19. The family of Jesus went to____________ to celebrate the feast of the Passover.

a. Jerusalem b. Nazareth c. Israel

20. When the kid Jesus went missing, where did Jesus been found?

a. temple b. house c. castle

21. How many days after He was found?

a. 4 days b. 3 days c. 5 days

22. What is the best thing to do if you have enemy who hates you so much?

a. fight him b. tell him to your mother c. pray for him

23. It is the time when we remember how Jesus suffered and died on the cross?

a. Advent b. Lent c. Christmas

24. What is the name of the mountain where the cross was carried up?

a. Golgotha b. Fuji c. Mayon

25. What happened to Jesus on this mountain?

a. Nailed to the Cross and died

b. Gave the fish and bread to people

c. Pray all over the people

26. What day does the Lent begins?

a. Palm Sunday b. Good Friday c. Black Saturday

27. On what day we remember the Last Supper?

a. Good Friday b. Palm Sunday c. Holy Thursday

28. On what day does Jesus got crucified on the cross?

a. Holy Thursday b. Good Friday c. Black Saturday

29. On what day does Jesus raised from the dead?

a. Black Saturday b. Easter Sunday c. Holy Thursday

30. Who told to the women friend of Jesus that Jesus raised from the dead?

a. Angel b. Mary c. Joseph

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