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This glossary contains useful words and phrases from the texts and audio scripts. The numbers in brackets refer to the unit!s)
in which they appear. Key: v verb: n - noun: adj = adjective: cc - collocation (a collocation is a common combination of

Word or phrase Definition Translaticn
absente (8, 10) n when scmecee is not where tJ\ey ate usually expected to be (e.g. at work)
accountability (1) n a responsibility tor compktlr\g a workplace activity sanslactonly
ad hoc request (4) cc asking fOf scmetmng to be oooe. which has not been planned and is not normally asked for
align (11 v lO make sure that cwo (or mol'f') things function effectively together
allegation (8) n a statement which has not (yea) been Ploved to be true which says that somecne has done
something wrong or illegal
appeal (8) n a formal request to change a previous decision
appointment (3} n I a job 2 the act of offaclally ChOOSIng someone for a )Ob
approachable (3. IOJ adj t'rlendly and easy to talk to
asset (2, I 0) n something valuable b~ongjng to a person or oreanlsstion ""tlich can be used for the payment of
auditor (4) n someone whose Job IS to carey out an official examination of the accounts of a business and to
produce a report
authOfltarlan (1.1.S. 10) adj demanding that people totally obey and refusing to allow them freedom to act es they wish
autonomous (3) adJ independent and havinB the power to make )'Our (Mn eeescns
autonomy (9) n lM rj@.htofa group of people to govern Itself. Of to organIse Its cw.n actlvlttes
'best in dass approach PI cc a corpolate strategy of tryIng to achieve the highest standard wlthlO the industry
boas (3) n support ror lor opposition tol a particular person or thing In an unfair way by all"'\ll\e personal
opiniOns to Influence your judement
bre",. (8) nan 3c.t 01 breaking a law. promise. agreement or relabonship
breakdown (2) n a detailed analysis 01 somethmE, especially data and statistics
brie~na (3. 6.7,9) n (also cc briefing sesSion) a meeting wbere mtcrmauon is given to someone In an organisation
about a new system or \'Jay of doing things
bUIiV (8) v to hurt or fnghten someone "'ho Is smaller or tess powe,ful than you. often (o,clng them to do
somethln.g they do not want to do
busmess partner model cc a model created by Dave Ulrich in Human Resource ChamJ)Jons {I991): the busmess partner
(I) model sueeests four mam roles for HR: Corporate HR. Embedded HR. Speciahsl HR and
Proresscnet HR
candidate u. 2. 3) n a per.:.on who Is competing to eel OJ lOb or esecteo P<>5'ltOn
capacity (I ,2) n the total amount (hat tan be cont.:uned or produced. or (especially of a person or organisation)
the ablhty to do a particular thmg
cascade system (7) ee a process m an organisation YIf1k:h happens In order of seniority (i e. senior managers > middle
managers > hne managers> employees)
cash now (2) cc the amount of money movine into and out of a busmess
cnange management (10) cc the effe<uve planning and oreanl5ation to reduce the potential problems and stress which often
happen when a company becomes bieeer or smaller. moves to a new location. etc.
close (5) v to complete a business deal or to make a saie
closed question (5, 5.9) cc a question thal only offers a yeS/no answer
cohesion (3) n when the members of a group are umted
commensurate la) adj in a correct and surtable amount compared to scmeihlng etse
component (I, 2, 6. 10) n J part which combines WIth other parts to form something bigger
compulsory (It, 7) adj If something is compulSOry. you must do It because of a rule Or law or because an orgamsatlon
requires you to do it
ccnduc ll,'},3.S.1. v to organise and perform a partkutar actiVity
8.9) n approprtate bchavtOur of a person expected by tne organisatIOn they work for
confidential t I. ~J adj secret, often In 11fonnal, business or military situation
connlct of Interest (5) ec when the oeos-ons or actions of two (or more) people or organisations cause a problem for
each omer, there IS a contna of (ntcrest
constraint (1. 1) n something whICh controls what you do by keE!ping you within particular limitS
consultancy P. 8, 9, 10) n a company that £Ives specialist advice on a partkutar subject
coosunancy sequence (10) cc the order in which a consultant organises hlshlcr actlvu~s

122 Glossary
Word or phrase Definition Transtation
lftSultabon (1. 8. 9) n a meet ng to di<;(Usc;sorrethlne or to get advl~
lnvctston rate IS) cc a ratio wh ch describes the number of times an activity produces 3 successna resu t
-orrecnve action (8) cc a consequence tor an employee who breaks a rule 01 the orpnisation he/she WOf1(stor
Jedl!),1 ty (I) n when someone or somethine; can be bel eved or trusted
oedib'e (1) ad) able to be believed Or'trust~
.ter a (1. 3,~, 7, 8. 9) n standards by which you judee, decide about or deal with somethlnp,
ross function employee cc a team formed of people trom dltferMt departments
levelopmenr team (I J
"rent emp60veeprofile (2) cc Clataaboul employee~
It (2,71 n a reduction In the number. amount or rate of something
demographics (1) n the Quantity and charecterlstks of u-e people who Jive -n a particular area, especlall~' In relJtlon
to their aee. how much money they have and wha: they spend It on
c.veicpmcru review (I, 1) ee an annual meet n£ to dlscu'S an employee'~ dt'\oeiopmenl and performance
d.~wm'nale (1 9) v to treat a person Or partic:."ar troup of people differently. especially Ir. a worse way from the w~
in whirh you treat other people. because of thei, skin colour. reilgKIO. sex. etc.
n ueanng a person Of p<lrticular p,roup of people differently. MpedaJly in a YJOI5C way from tlle way
n which )'ou [feat other people, because of lhelr skln (olour, religlOt'l. sex. etc
dismISsal (8) n when ao employer oMciaUy makes someone leave their JOb
dl~POSitiOll (5) n the particular type 01 character "hlch a pef'>Onnaturally has
rfi<;ruptlon (7. 10) n a period of n which somettling (espf'CiaUya precess or systE'm}stops wor1ung as ll~al
di!);uibute (2. 5J v to give thlnes ou to several people. Of'co spread or supply ~methin&
d.strlbution (2, 3) n Ihe process of gIVing thll1gs Out to several people. or spreading Of supplyina something
_b'e(2) <Kfj If SOfntthmg is doable, it can be achlew<J or performed
Jrawup 15. 6.10) v to prepare something usually SOfYIethlngofficial, in wntine
J\,l'amic 13. 6. 10) adj having a lot of ideas and enmusias-n: energetiC and fOr'ceruJ
~lexia(5) n a dlftlcully with read,ne and writing caused by the bra n's belne unable to see the difference
between some letter Shapes
merge 17. 8) v to appear or become known. often as a (tSUI( of another action or situation
>mployee review s<heme cc a formal system 10assess employee performance
,"nJb~r (1) n someone who can help other<; 10do scmeth ne for themselves that they could not do lor do as
well) before
enrc rnent (If. 7) n the process or (eSlJll 01 oMdally joinirc a development a<;tivity, a rralning course or group
ensure (1, 3. 4. S. 6. 7.9) v to make scmettung (f"ftaln to Mopen
~tlt ed to (9) cc p,lven the to do or have something
~tablish vito start a:new system Of procedure that will contJnue tor a lone tima
I 2 to discover or ie proof of scmemlng
eth'cal (I 101 ad) re aline to belief's about what is morally nght and wronB
rurooe"" Dow Jones cc raise the DJSI or Dow Jones Sustolnobllicu Index) created In 1999, the DJSI meesures how
Llstalna_Mlty rankine (1) ethicaJ and Kofogical an organisation ic;by ,nvestieatine the effe<lS me company's 3ctiVlLes have
on local and global ccmmunmes
~aluate (I, 7, 9) 1/ to Judee or calculate lhe quality. importance. or value of something
evauencn (4 9) n a JucJeementor caloJiation of the Quality importance or value of something
t'l(emplary performance C( work that is so good and suitable that if could or should be ccpred by other people

exit intCf'VlCW{2l c( intervrew conducted wit" employees who are le<t\'mean organlsallon
expen~ (Ialm (51 c( an ofll<:lal dOCument whKh you use to request money'rom an organisation. usually which ycu
have spent while U<lvelling as part of your lob
f¥ilitv (1. 4. 6) n I a place especially a buildlr\P. wnere a partku ar a«(Jvity t'tappens
2 a p-ace which IS pnMCIed tor a partiCUlar purpose
v to put an employee on the qulCk,~t (also often the most competitive) route to success or
nroaress II'! lheit career
favour (2. 3. 6) \I to prefer or support one particular acren or posslb,lIty more than others
bility study (1)
IU~; cc an inveStigation whkh discovers whethr an organisation will be able to make a particular
_Oock (1 3,5.6,7,9) n information or statements of opInion abolll someltunp,. such as a training session. that provIde .11"1
Idea of whether It is wccessut or liked

Glossary 123
Word or phrase Definition Translation
hi! 3 vacancy (I , 2t cc to successfully fi~d and employ someone for a oartlcular job

fin;)ncial regulations (4) cc an ofNcial rute Of law which controls how an OIganisation may organise ils finances

ftre (e) v to remove someone from their ,ob, ether because they have done something ""mne or hadJy. or
as a way or SdVlng lhe (OSt 01 emplO) ng them

tixed-rerm contract P. 3) cc an employment contract for a defined and limited period of lime

flexibility (5) n the ability to Cflange Of ee cMnged eaSily a«O(ding lO the situauon
flexible IYorkillg (I 9) cc different systems 01 time allocation of work. e.g. part time. nexttime, annual hours

follow up question (3) cc a seccndary question used to tind out more specific informaJK)n

foster (I 9) v to encoul'i.tee the ceve opment or grOwth of ideas or teel1l1gs

framework (I 5. 6) n a system, structure or process an organisation can use to compfete Its activmes more effie endy

fundme (~) n money 8lven Dy a gcwernment (Y organisatJon for an event 0( actiVIty

eender (2. e) n the phYSI(al •.md/or SOCIal cOOdltlon of bClnli! male or ftmale

grading (9) n a system whlcll atranges all the ;obs In an oqanisatlon into levels acc:ordin8to men- salary,
lmpcuance or value
gtecnfield (I) adj describes land that has not yel been built on. or bullolnes bUilt on land that had never been
used before fOr building

ground rule lS) « an Informal agreement co beneve in a cer(aln wilY when (lolng J certam actIVity

high calibre (3) adl havine an advllnceCIlevtt of abllily or being of a good quality

human capital cc the process of managing and ma)umislAE the talent. skills and knowfedQe of eMployee~
management (I. 10)
human resource profile r I) cc the wwyin which the HR Department has been oraanlsed

fce-blcaking (3. 5) cc an acucn or part of a conver!W:1tion that makes people who 00 nOllt1)OW each other leef more
relaxed togelher. cspecally if one or more pccp.e are Ijkel~' to be nervous (e e In a job tntereew

Impact (I. 2, 4. 5) V to have an infTuenc.e on somettnng

n a pow~Wul effect mat sometl'1ing. especially something nfW, has on a Sitl.lallOrl or person

impartiality (1 OJ n nOI supporting any of the SldeslO\'QIved in an areument

implementaUon and cc a plan whl(h describes what actions \\111be taken. the order in \IIhteh they will happen, and hOff
monitoring plan (I) the success of each stage will be measured

incentive (9) n sometl'line whICh encourages a person to do something

incompatible 15) adj not able to exist Of worlt IIoIlth another person or ttl n& because of basic differences

initiative (I 7) n a
new action or system, often intended to solve a ptOblt'm. Which an orgamsation wants to

Innovahon 12, 9. n (the use of) a new Klea Of method

i••tegrebcn (10) n comb." ng two or more ttnngs in order to become more effective

in tray exercise (3) cc- a role play activity, usually part of illob interview, in whiCh someone IS elven a list of t.lS1t~ and
aSked ""Ilk" lasks arc most impoctant and in what order they should be cample ed: the a.rn of (he
exercrse is to tlnd out whether a pOlenlJal tfl1PI~C can understand the importance of different
ectlvrttes and how well they (an maraee thel( at work
)ateon (6) n spe<l3I w()rd~ dnd phr~ses "ttlch ere uSed by parncular groups of people. espcoally in tnelr work

job evaluation (9) cc the process of comparing a job WIth other jobs in an orean1satlon and deadJne how much the
person who is doing ltle job should be paid

keydeliwrab,e (1) cc an Import;lnt SPI'Vlce Which can be prOVtCIed ()( an acuoc voNCh can be: (ompleted

key performance Indicator cc lalso KPI) a Quantinable company 01' indtvidual performance measurement
knewoledge management CCcreating or identifying new ways or wOrk,ng Y4flich will beneftr the orBanisation
kRO'l<tt~e statement (6) cc a set at words that dcscnbe what someone will know if competent

labour demarld (I 2) cc market demand for wol1<ers

h~b(Hlr pool Il) cc I the employed workforce 2 the total po5~ble supply of employees

!"bOUI' supply (2) cc the a,';)lIabllity of lvorkers in the market

labour surplus (]) cc the state of haVing more employees than needed

labour turnover (1. 2) cc Ihe number oll~ and JOiners 11'1 a company expressed as a of the total company

launch (3. 6) v to offioally inll'oduce a new product. sel'Vice or system

n me official inuodlKtion of a new product, SCf'\'ice Of system

leafnll'le Intervention (~) ce any actiVity which elves an opportunity 10 learn a new prOCt'SS. skill or system

124 Glossary

Word or phrase 1 Definition

,gl~"lon (4) n a law or set 01 laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament
ngth of service (2 7) cc the amount of time that an empaoyee has been employed In In organisation
erson (3) n communication between people or groups who work with each other
yaJty bonus 19) cc money an employee rcccWe~ fO( SLaymg with t1'tc company
Mpsum (9) cc 3 sum of money that Is paid In ooe laree amount 0(1one occasion
~rke( share (7. ~. 'J cc the number of thines that a comp;my sells compared with the number of thines of the same
type that other companies sell
-teasurabte outcome cc the result Of an activity or decision whose value can be Judged or quantified
estooe (1. IO) n an Important stage during the process of a complex activity
"onducl (8) n unacceptable or bad beha\!KX..r by someone In a position of authority or responsibility

KSutar course (4) cc 3 trammg and develcpment pro,ramme which consists of parts (called modules) which can be
completed separately
tWO<k (31 v to meet peeere whO might be useful to know, especiaUy n your )Ob
negOllable (1) ad) somettllne whkh IS nofl+negoriobJe cannot be Changed by dlswsslon
'lfenee (8) n an act whidl employees are not al ov.ed to do .lCcordine to the contract or by law
• lshore (t, 2) v to hire employees or pay a company in another country to do pari of an oreanisation's work
usually because it is cheaper
~atJOnal manager (1) cc job btle ftK a manager involved direclJy in production, distnbulion or service deh\'ery
fga",S3t!onal cc an HR manager who is responsible fOf desi«n "8 and ir.ltOduCI'lg new policies Md proc.tdu(es In
.• eloprnent manaee.r (1) an organlsallOn
curce (I, 2) v If a company outsoorces, it pays to have part of 'ts work <lOneby another company
erseas (2) adj. adv in. from or to other countries
erume (8, 9) n extra payment for working after the usual time
",k.lge(t.2.9) n a combination or different elements, SUCh as and non.finaooal benents tor an empfoyee
IOterYiew (3) ee an mtervsew Involving three or more Interviewers toeetfler
1) off 12) v if $On1eEhm£ you have done PD!lS off, It is successful
.,roll (t 2.9, 10) n I the total amount or money paid to the peop4e employed by a panjcutar company 2 a ist of tne
people employed by d company showing how much each one eams

"""olIty (2) n a dlsadva.ntae~_ USu<:lIl)'"nanclal, which IS the result of an action, decision or SJtuauon
netretlon poone policy cc elvlne a new prococt or service a low price when It IS first introduced to attract new customers
then ralsine pnces after a certa.n penod of nme
.normance culture (1) cc a corporate culture promoting continuous Improvement In performance
~ rnrmance Issue (5) cc a business activity which could and should be improved
rmance management cc a process in which HR encourages a performance culture by measuring results and building
ptrlormance·related pay cc a rt'wa,'d S"ySltm hnking paymenl tevel to pertcrrnance levet
'7 91
oerformance standard cc a definition of the level of performanc(' required
~tement (S)
:M"f"'i srent (8) ad) describing a problem Of other neeatl\'e situation wmch lasts for a long time
cerscn specification cc a document describing the essential and desfrable qualitifO'S of a person for a job
remplete (3)
' se (7) v to introduce something in stases OYer a parUcular period of time
t ~heme (6. 7) cc a p'annM introduction of 3 new process or system m a small patt of an organlsatlOf'lin order to
idenflty and SOI\'e problems before the process or system is InVOducrd to the I\'hol~ ofganlsation
II 2 3, 'I, 7, 8. n Ia job 2 the place where something or someone is, often in relation to olher thines

ton (3) n a ceecess of deciding whkh of a if'OUp of lfIines are the most important so chat )'aU can deal
with them first
I) v to decide which of a KTOuP of thlnes are the most important so that you can deal with them firsl
ry perrOd (81 ec a pt(lod of time at the start of a new JOb when you are watched and tested to see if you are
SUitable for the Job

cc the profit that can be made in a business after the costs have been subtrac.tcd
e scheme (9) cc 3 system in which employees gain a percentage of company prohts
--- ,2.3,7) n 1 when someone is raised [0 a hightr or more important position or rank 2 activities to
ad:Vefose .1 new product service or system

Glossary 125
Word or phrase Definition Translation
prompl (3. 5. 6. 7.8) v to make someone decide (0 say or do scmetblng
n a phrase which makes someone ceoee to say or do scmeuune
adj dOM qukkJy. without delay
prompt sheet (5) ec a p.ece of paper whICh snows you all the standard phrases you should use ror a palucular
business acrivlty or situation
psychOmetric testing (3) cc the process of assessing personality. preferences and aptitudes
punctuality (8) n the ability 10 arrive somewhere or do something at the expected, correct time
qualified ap,reement (I) c( something that Is accepted but only on certain cOnditions (j e. Yes but only if ••.1
quality crde (I 2) cc the name tor a &foup of horkers ••••
,orkI08 informall~' to soNe wort< rejeted problems
quality control system (6) c( a system desIgned to rnomtor and control product or service 6Plivery compliance
re.,)- me solution (10) cc from computer science a system which receives data and must produce a SOlutionwithin a
specific time to be effective
recruit (I. 1. 3. '.9. 10) v to persuade someone 10 work for a compMy or become a new member of an organisation
recrutrmem (2, 3. 4. 10) n the process of finding people to work toe' a company Of become a nev. member 01 an
redeploy (7) v to move emp50)oeesto a different place or use them In a Cheaperor more effective way
redeployment (2) n the process ot movmg employe~ to 3 different place or uSing them in a cheaper or more
effective way
rMunClancy (2) " the situation when someone loses their job because the.r employer does not need them
reiterative fmtelVlew) cc a process whim invoJves.askmethe same set of quesucns many limes In order 10 create a
process (6) detailed description 01 a situation
release (6. 10) v to allO'wsomethlO£ to be shown to the whole organisation or to be awulable for use
n hen somethine IS shown in public or to all members of an organisation or made available for

rermnder (1) n a written (or sometimes spoken) message which makes someone think of 5Omemln8 (such as a
meetmg or train np, session) •••••
hiCh they have foreotten about
remuneration (1. '}, 9) n me ccuecnve term for illI emplOyment rewards
remuneration manager cc an HR manager who is r~nSlble lor designIng, Introducing and organklng the rewards and
(7.9) salary structure or an organisation
rescurctng mix (2) cc the balance of mtemat and external sourcing of employees
responsive (10) ad; m,dung a positive aJld quick reaction to something or someone
restructunng (2. 10) n reorganJslng to Improo.'eefficiency and profitability
retJl1l00ll)rlnt (11 cc the behaviour of customers acc::ordingto dfferent categories (e e how much customers spend
on certejn Items. how often they go shopping, elr,)
retain (I. 9) v to keep or continue to employ
reward system (9) cc the process and crttena against whith COIpJoyee:S
are paid
right (8) " an agreed POSSibilityand opponuOlty to be able to do somelhine
roU cut (1) II to make 3 new product. sel'\ltCeor system avauable for the firs.t time
salary (2. I. 9) n a fixed amount of money ap,reede\'ery year as pay fOf an employee, usually paid dlrecUy into his!
her bank account every month
sales proj""uon (21 ec a predktton of lllt\lre sales, especially based on evidence and analysis
sequentJallnterviews (3) ec a senes of interviews, held one after the other
5eMCe level agreement cc (also SLA) a contract defining the I~I and cost of secvicedelivery
service portfolio table (10) cc a tabie whKh shows how business activities (elate to different services
seventy (8) n seriousness
shadow (7) II to follow someone eise while they are at work In order to learn about that person's job
shareholde( 0, 3) n a person who owns some of the equal parts into whICh the ownership of a company Is dlvlded
share option (9) cc (also stoeh option. especially In the US) the right to buy or sell one of Ule equal parts ot a
shift (I. ? 3. II. 9) v to move (or cause sometlllllg to move) or Changetrom one position or dtrecCionto another
n the period 01 time during the day or nlght In which work may be done. especially In factories Ie e.
night shift,. day shin, etc.'
shortage {I, 2, 9) n when there is not enough of something
shortfall (2) n an amount which IS less than the level that was expected or needed
skills audit (1, 1) cc a process to measure skills and skIll shortaaes within an orgentsanon
son ,lUlls (4) cc skills relatine to social and interpersonal behaviour

126 Glossary
Word or phrase Definition Translation
<,pf"'( ;ftod (8) ad) describes something that has been wduen and .,gr~ed in a leeal document SUChas contract
Slatting rota (6) cc a list of things that have to be done. "hkn employees \'tIll do them and v/hen
~;l!(.eholder (I) na person such as a customer. employee or supplier who IS nvolved with an oreanlsation and
rbeserore has an interest in its success
<>tork (2. 3) n 1 a wpply of SOfl'Iethmg tor use or sale 2 the total amount of loods or the amount of a
partioJlar tYPe of eoods available in .l shop Of warehouse
'kpl'e (2) v to gdin more stock than needed
-nategic partnering (10) cc a way of working with other departments to create more successful plannine
urategy (I. 2. It. 7.9, 10) n J a detailed plan for achle-vme success in bUSlntss
2 the SJtiIl of plannin& for such situations
soccession plaOf1lne C'C systemauc preparation for the replacement ot 5e'OIor rnanaeprs
2. 10)
'i .•pplle!(" (6) n a company. person etc. that prcwldes things that peoote want OC' nf'E"d pspeciaP: ccer a lone
perIOd of tlme
spenslon (8) n when a person is temporarily no' aUO'foeclto work as a purll'Stlment
-stemanc (I) adJ using a fiXed and crgamsed plDn
:ap me (10) n a short phrase Which IS used to make a brand. product or service- more attracnve anc;l
n when a company gets control of another company by buying most of its sneres (5JIares •• the
equal patti Into which the ownership of a company IS diVided)
-;ale-nt management (21 CC Ihe process of finding and keeping employees who have the skills fletessat)' to achIeve su<ct'>s
tOf the wfK>te organisation

.emp (2) n an informal description of a person employed (or a short pencd

mparary contract cc a person employed tor a SOOft. defined period
•••. (2)
,ught provoking (5) ad) makIng you think a lot abOut a subject
-"'e constraint (7) cc when a schedule controls what you can do by hmrune the amount of time you have to complete
each planned activity
- cal, (6. 7) n the pertod of time ~cr which something happens
:k record (3) cc aU the ecnievements
or failures that someone 0( 'JoomelhIOe h0)5 had in the past. if you have a
proven trod record, )OtJ have had a \leI')' successtul career
OIne provider (4) cc a fOf'mal dtscription 0( a person who gives training. especially in business
r\aCtional (I) ad) connected to the ~x(hange of money
""tsslon (8) n the act of breal(,ine an ae:reement. law. rule or contract. especially one that has very senous
Ilion II. 4. 5.10) na change from one form or type to anocher. or the process by whkh thts naopens
e<tal<e (7. 8) v to do Of begin to do something. especiali~' somethine that miaht take a long time or be dlthcult
ccate (3. 4. 6. 7. 9.10) v to make something more modern or suuable ~O( use now by adding new information or changing
its design
n a piece of new Of additional informatioo about a Sltu8UOtl
'lid (I) v to defend or t<.eep a pllncipfe or raw. or to Stale tnat a decision which has already been made.
especially a leeal eoe. IS cMeet
ncy (1. 2. 10) n a Job that no one Is dOing and ls therefore available for someone new to do
. al (8) adj spoken rather than wntten
.1 ••.....,lng(8) ec a disdplinary act of wamins somebody by telUne. not writing
~Iy ntegrated (I) cc own)n€: dnd (Cntroning all stages such as matenal acquisition. produClion. distribution and retail
- "'I'," sebcn (8) n treating SOMeone In an Intentionall)' espeeally because of the-ir
unfair way. race. sex or beliefs
(2. B. 9) n a fixed amount or money that is paid, usuallv every week, to an emptoyee, especialty one who
does work that needs physical skills or streneth, rather then a job neecllne a coUeee education
Inflation (2) cc a contnUOuS Increase in the amount or money employees expect to receive
""".sine (2) n the process of <:;lorine products in 3 large bUilding before they are $Okl. used or sent out to shop~
• ""orce (1. 2, 9. 10) n the group or people vhlo work in a company. industry. country, etc
pa"y (10) cc a group of employees who are brought together to deal with a speCIfic business issue
• • -ure balance (9) cc the conceot of l'I1anae,ing the connlctJng pressures or work and non-work hre

G(ossary 127

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