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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340


Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Super-Capacitors in Electric

Vehicles Using Neural Networks
Syed Wajih-ul-Hassan Gillani1 · Kamal Shahid1 · Muhammad Majid Gulzar2 · Danish Arif1

Received: 29 March 2023 / Accepted: 18 January 2024 / Published online: 17 March 2024
© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2024

Batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) have a capacity decay issue as they age. As a result, the use of lithium-ion is becoming
more popular with super-capacitors (SCs), particularly in EVs. Over the decrease of carbon dioxide emissions, SC batteries
offer a substantial benefit. In EVs, a dependable mechanism that guarantees the SC batteries’ capacity for charging and
discharging is crucial. The main obstacle for EVs is the long life of ultra-capacitor battery’s because SCs have a deterioration
effect over multiple cycles. Therefore, accurate early prediction of these SC batteries is crucial. The data-based model is more
accurate than mechanism-based and model-based methods created for this purpose. The proposed data-driven models, such
as machine learning (ML), estimate the electrical parameters for the smooth functioning and working of SCs in addition to
considering their operating status. The main factor determining whether electric vehicles can be sustained is an increase in
battery cycle life. With a lowest root mean square error of 0.04614 and a mean squared error of 0.002 and an accuracy of
89.6%, ML-based models with various architectures and topologies have been created in this study to reliably estimate the
deterioration of SCs capacitance.

Keywords Neural network · Electrical vehicle · Super capacitor · Remaining useful life

1 Introduction [4] estimates that 67 million cars are produced yearly, and
by 2030, 127 million vehicles are expected to be produced
The emissions of gases from fuel-powered vehicles are one globally [5]. By 2035, there could be two billion vehicles on
of the main causes of air pollution. The World Health Organi- the road [6, 7].
zation (WHO) estimates that air pollution causes about seven Fossil fuel use must be reduced in order to lessen the
million fatalities annually [1]. Additionally, the usage of coal environmental challenge and CO2 emissions, and alternative
and the burning of oil by businesses and vehicles that run on forms of transportation must be adopted in order to make
fossil fuels results in 9% of all deaths worldwide [2]. Both the environment more livable. The greater use of batteries in
human and animal health are seriously at risk from these EVs, which are a critical component of creating a green envi-
toxic emissions. Nearly 89% of people reside in locations ronment and are likewise composed of chemical processes
that have been deemed to have poor air quality [3]. Research and whose health monitoring is an important aspect of their
use in EVs, can significantly reduce the production of dan-
gerous emissions from fuel automobiles [8]. The efficiency
The research presented in this paper builds upon the foundation laid
by the submitted thesis titled: ’Electric Vehicles Super-capacitor’s of the cell is reliant on the complex process of measuring
Remaining Useful Life Using Neural Network’, 2022. the charging and discharging status of batteries. Therefore,
a battery management system (BMS) is employed for the
B Muhammad Majid Gulzar most effective exploitation of batteries within its protection
range. Everything needs stability and equilibrium, thus BMS
1 Institute of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, likewise needs to balance the charging and discharging of
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan its cells. A maximum optimal control system and energy-
2 Department of Control & Instrumentation Engineering and efficient management of EVs are provided by state of charge
Interdisciplinary Research Center for Sustainable Energy (SOC) and remaining useful life (RUL) estimation [9].
Systems (IRC-SES), King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

7328 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

Everything has undergone a transformation in our advanced able model for higher prediction and achieving maximum
technological age. Energy storage systems are widely used accuracy. Section 6 concludes the study and provides future
in a wide range of applications. Thermal, electromagnetic, directions for this work.
kinetic, chemical, and electrochemical energy can all be Section 1 begins with an overview of the difficulties we
stored by these devices. Cells and batteries can be used experience in our environment and the motivating elements.
to store these energies. A super-capacitor is one of the This is followed by the necessary control unit of SCs and
batteries used to store power. Due to their greater power their types. The control unit of EVs is discussed in Sect. 2. It
density and extended cycle lifetimes, super-capacitors are is essential for the protection of electronic parts and battery
now widely used in practically every application. Super- cells as well as for monitoring and extending their lifespan.
capacitors are now more popular than lithium-ion batteries in The battery management system, or BMS, is the name of
electric vehicles (EVs). This study’s development of a battery this control device. This section also talks about its many
management system (BMS) took ultra-capacitor batteries parameters. The most recent metrics employed by academics
into account and due to their higher power conversion effi- to assess the battery performance and seamless functioning
ciency, EVs are dependable and perform better [10]. In EVs, of EVs are discussed in Sect. 3. The modeling of the con-
a dependable system that guarantees the super-capacitor bat- structed neural network employed in this paper is introduced
teries’ capacity for charging and discharging is crucial. The in Sect. 4. It demonstrates the diversity of ML and neural
main obstacle for EVs is the long life of ultra-capacitor bat- network methods and explains why this paper chose a partic-
teries. The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is another ular approach for analyzing and forecasting RUL. Section 5
important benefit of SC batteries [11]. summarizes the findings from the various methods used and
EV batteries age poorly because of capacity loss. Mechanism- examines the most effective model for making more accurate
based forecasts were put forth to lessen this effect, but they predictions. The study’s conclusion and its future directions
were unsuccessful since they failed to take into account the are provided in Sect. 6.
super-capacitor’s operating environment. SCs have a degra- This work builds upon the enhancement of existing results
dation effect over several cycles [12]. Therefore, accurate by employing deeper learning layers, resulting in a perfor-
early prediction of these SC batteries is crucial. The data- mance improvement of 0.5%. The addition of more layers
based model is more accurate than the mechanism- and might seem like a little modification but the improved per-
model-based techniques. The proposed data-driven mod- formance is a tangible and meaningful advancement. This
els, such as machine learning (ML), estimate the electrical improvement not only demonstrates the practical signifi-
parameters for the smooth functioning and working of SCs cance of the applied approach but also the potential for
in addition to taking into account their operating status. The optimizing the model’s capabilities with a seemingly minor
most important factor for EV sustainability is an increase adjustment. A more feasible understanding gained through
in battery cycle life [13]. With a low root mean square error implementing and fine-tuning these additional layers con-
(RMSE) of 0.04614 and a mean square error (MSE) of 0.002, tributes to the broader field of deep learning research,
ML-based models with various architectures and topologies exhibiting the iterative process of improvement in machine
have been created in this paper to reliably estimate the degra- learning models. Certainly, there are some below points that
dation of SCs capacitance. The accuracy of the outcomes is highlight the contribution of this research.
An introduction about challenges faced in our surround-
ings and the inspiring factors are focused in Sect. 1, followed 1) Archetype Analysis: This paper has successfully repli-
by the required control unit of SCs with its types. Section 2 cated the results of published work, ensuring the repro-
presents a discussion on the control unit of EVs, which is ducibility, reliability, and repeatability of measurements
mandatory for the protection of electronic components and under the same circumstances. However, a set of different
battery cells and also for monitoring and ensuring their long super-capacitors are used for this process while consid-
life. This control unit is known as a battery management sys- ering the same reference as used in the published paper,
tem BMS. Its multiple parameters are also discussed in this i.e., discharge capacitance.
section. Section 3 talks about the state-of-the-art parameters 2) Affirmation of Results: A validation of initial findings is
used by researchers for evaluating the battery performance also provided for future researchers that SC’s combina-
and smooth operation of EVs. Section 4 introduces the mod- tion for their discharge capacitance remains the same.
eling of developed neural network used in this paper. It shows 3) Concrete Illustration of Practical Efficacy: The improved
that there are many methods of ML and neural networks and performance demonstrates that it is practically feasible to
why this paper opted for a specific method for testing and enhance the existing models without making any major
predicting RUL. Section 5 presents the results obtained from structural and architectural changes, thus providing a
various methods applied and also discusses the best suit- valuable instance for others within the domain.

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7329

4) Pioneering Incremental Evolution: This research notably 1) Electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC): When an exter-
exemplifies that the iterative progression to the learning nal voltage is applied at the electrolyte and electrode,
models where even minor yet consistent enhancement which form the interface between the two layers of
can accumulate to lead to significant improvement. charges, an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) stores
5) Broader Impact: Based on incremental improvement, the energy by introducing charges. These charges are settled
broader impact should not be under-rated which implies through an electrostatic phenomenon, which produces
in areas of achieving higher efficiency, cost-effectiveness, rapid charging and discharging rates [9].
and real-time deployment. 2) Pseudocapacitor: The other sort of SC stores energy
using faradic processes. The pseudocapacitive materials
(nanomaterials) ruthenium oxide (RuO2) and manganese
oxide (MnO2) have capacitance that is equivalent to the
2 Background
theoretical value. Although it also has a higher energy
density, this one’s power density and cycle life are
2.1 Evolution of Super-capacitor Battery
reduced as a result of chemical processes [22].
3) Hybrid Capacitors: The third type of super-capacitor,
SCs have a higher capacitance and a high-power density. It is
known as a hybrid capacitor, is created when both of
also referred to as a high-power density storage device, and it
the capacitor’s materials are combined. Compared to the
offers long cycle lifetimes in addition to quick charging and
other two categories, this storage device is more powerful
discharging rates. German physicist Hermann introduced the
idea of SCs for the first time in 1853 [14]. Detail expla-
nations of electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC), which
2.3 Battery Management System
general electric (GE) described as a redox reaction produced
compound in 1957, are provided further in this section [15].
A dependable SC monitoring system is crucial, especially
This was the fuel cell, which is the device used to transform
when the power quality and conditions are directly impacted.
chemical energy into electrical energy. When electricity is
This system also referred to as a battery management sys-
generated, the electrode material and its conductivity and
tem, is in charge of error prediction and power system failure
porosity qualities play a crucial role in producing high capac-
detection (BMS). Low-voltage SC cells have a significant dis-
itance from having a broad area of these electrodes [16].
advantage since they are coupled either in series or parallel
Utilizing carbon electrodes assures low cost, excellent elec-
in large storage units [23]. Additionally, the voltage and cur-
trical conductivity, and high mass density by utilizing the
rent ratings of this design can be raised. Cells can experience
properties of the material, metal oxides, and conductive poly-
an increase in internal temperature as a result of unbalanced
mers [17]. The electrolyte is impacted by pore diameters
charging. Thus, a battery’s cell might age due to temperature
and distribution, among other pore-related characteristics.
rise and an uneven distribution of charging and discharging.
According to research done by Largeot, capacitance peaks
BMS is the best choice with a monitored and improved solu-
when the electrode’s pore size matches the ion’s electrolytic
tion to minimize or reduce this aging problem [24].
size. The electrolyte must be stable electrochemically, have
The following factors are typically needed to calculate
a high ion concentration, and have low viscosity, volatility,
the supercapacitor’s life efficiency, and maximum utiliza-
and resistivity [18]. Due to the advantages and disadvantages
tion [13]: (1) state of charge (SOC), (2) remaining useful
of each, an electrolyte is further separated into aqueous and
life (RUL), (3) state of health (SOH), (4) state of energy
organic electrolytes. As opposed to organic, which has low
(SOE), and (5) state of power (SOP). Not only is accurate
resistance and high ionic concentration, aqueous media have
estimation of remaining useful life crucial for maintenance
high capacitance and power [19]. The aqueous electrolyte
scheduling, but it is also crucial for super-capacitor replace-
has a voltage frame of 1.2V, while the organic electrolyte has
ment in advance. Convolution neural networks (CNN) were
a frame of 3.5V [20]. In addition to batteries and SCs, the
used to build the model-based method in order to automati-
authors in [21] suggest a hybrid energy storage method that
cally recognize features with little inputs [25] and to quickly
takes into account both the SOC of energy storage and the
and accurately forecast how long a super-capacitor will be
power fluctuation of the PV power system.
usable. This study has focused on the uncertainties that affect
the usage and production of power, even though a determin-
2.2 Types of Super-capacitor istic framework was expected for the best battery utilization
efficiency [26]. Poor efficiency and excessive operational
Regarding the ability to store a charge, there are primarily two costs result from ignoring the ambiguity and complexity of
types of super-capacitors. The third category is a synthesis data. The battery management system made sure that variable
of the first two. They include the following types: conservatism, complete robustness, and traditional determin-

7330 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

istic optimization approaches were used to handle the energy power (P), current (I), and energy density (E) performance
of the battery [27]. For the estimation of RUL having an predictions were made [37]. Three sets—the training set, the
activation function, ReLU [28], a fully connected architec- validation set, and the testing set—are used for the dataset’s
ture with four layers was developed (ANN). The four-layer training. The validation set aids in locating data limits that
architecture has an input of five features that must be manu- are unnecessary and would cause a problem if they were
ally identified which can be used as feature-based ANN [29]. included. The training data is assessed using the test set. The
Three residual blocks with two fully connected layers that data is then taught and evaluated repeatedly because an ANN
were employed as a temporal convolution network (TCN) is a stochastic method for estimating parameters. Because of
for RUL prediction have been proposed [30]. For calculat- internal chemical reactions taking place in the battery, the
ing RUL, support vector regression (SVR) uses a fourfold battery’s life cycle is reliant on the deterioration of the cell’s
cross-validation approach. The capacitance is used in this capacity [35].
manner after every 50 cycles up to 500 cycles [31]. Using a The authors in [38] employed an ANN with 20 nodes to
power function and an input of capacitance up to the 657th forecast the life cycle output node using a discharge curve for
cycle, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) forecasted the future the first 100 cycles alone. A recurrent neural network (RNN)
capacitance curve with respect to the RUL [32]. using a hybrid genetic method and long short-term memory
was applied [39]. Finding regionally ideal points to weed out
C = aηb (1) incorrect data is possible with the use of the genetic method.
The root mean square error used to train the model ranged
where C is the capacitance at cycle η with a and b fitting from 0.016 to 0.021. Chen has employed feedforward neural
coefficients. networks (FFNN) and extended Kalman filtering (EKF) to
[32] and [31] solely employ the capacitance aging fea- estimate the SOC of EVs [22]. To reduce the noise in the
ture. This performs the least well. The higher prediction was estimation of SOC, another neural network technique, called
possible because of five aging features. In order to anticipate a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network,
RUL, CNN offers the automatic extraction of features over is employed in conjunction with an unscented Kalman filter
five consecutive cycles [29]. The dataset is the same for ANN [40]. An extreme learning machine (ELM) has been used
and CNN, and the first way involves using the Adam opti- to evaluate the state of power (SOP) [41]. For the accurate
mizer to map the intricate link between input and output. In prediction of SOC, regression based on the Gaussian pro-
contrast, CNN can handle feature extraction on charge and cess (GPR) can come close to nonlinearity approaches [41].
discharge data as well as mapping of the aging cycle, which The state of health (SOH) of batteries is monitored using a
has a good performance by minimizing the difficulties of temporal convolution network (TCN) [34]. Multiple mod-
nonlinear mapping [33]. els’ prediction errors were observed in terms of RMSE and
MAE for the aging curve’s current state. In this case, several
voltages and variable temperature parameters were employed
3 Literature Review [35].
Severson [40] used ML techniques based on linear regres-
The interior structure of the battery cells affects how well the sion to forecast lithium-ion battery life cycles for the first
RUL of SC is predicted. The influencing factors that deter- 100 cycles, with a correlation of 0.92 and an error reduc-
mine its lifespan include the rate of charge and discharge of tion of 9.1%. Further research is being done to show that
cells with constant current and discharge capacitance [34]. for linear regression (LR) models, the quality of prediction
When charged with various voltages, the battery cell exhibits is not only dependent on the correlation component because
fluctuation in capacitance. SCs’ health is directly impacted dealing with nonlinearity causes the correlation coefficient
by this. Based on the first degradation of the data, battery to decrease but does not necessarily result in less accurate
makers can determine the life of the cells. Due to nonlin- prediction [35]. However, many advances have been made to
ear degradation and the aforementioned factors, remaining other parameters of BMS, but RUL for SC has much cush-
useful life assessment is difficult [35]. Figure 1 illustrates ion to cater. In this work, RUL prediction using data-driven
various approaches to tracking battery health, which is a key models has been selected as this will ensure the timely action
factor in determining RUL. required before reaching an alarming situation. The coeffi-
For the purpose of comparing the actual outcomes with cient of variation (Cv ), which is a different measure from the
the predicted results using ANN, the study is conducted on correlation coefficient for prediction quality, is introduced
existing statistical models. The constant load discharge cur- [42]. This serves as the standard deviation to mean ratio for
rent was used by the authors in [36]. When they used BPN the distribution of life spans. It has been determined that the
to simulate the data based on discharge pulse while training end cycles of SC batteries have a Cv of 0.72 while the end
the model, they discovered a good approximation. The SC’s cycles of lithium-ion batteries have a Cv of 0.47. It is shown

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7331

Fig. 1 RUL-based SoH Methods [16]

that by utilizing LR, the Li-ion battery has fewer feature parameters listed below: Initial voltages for charging and dis-
requirements than the prediction of SC. As a result, higher charging cycles, end voltages for charging and discharging
LR prediction accuracy at lower Cv is not feasible [9]. cycles, current rating for charging and discharging cycles,
Although other BMS parameters have shown significant charge capacitance, discharge capacitance, nominal charg-
advancements, RUL for SC requires a significant cushion ing and discharging capacity, time interval, and energy are
to accommodate. In this study, RUL prediction utilizing just a few of the factors that need to be considered.
data-driven models has been chosen since it will guarantee The parameters with the highest correlation coefficients
the prompt response necessary before an alarming situation are used to choose the features. When combined, each param-
arises. eter’s unique properties create a complicated system. The
different combinations of the input and output parameters
affect how they behave. This section provides a detailed
explanation of the study and production of the enormous
4 System Modeling and Methodology dataset on which this database model is built.

Physical super-capacitor battery manufacture and testing is

a time-consuming operational process for configuring the 4.1 Data Collection and Cleaning
hardware. Because of the participation of the hardware sys-
tem, it also raises the cost. The database method has been Data from 113 super-capacitor batteries was gathered for this
employed to reduce this hardware cost with a short lead study from Eaton [44]. This open-source information was
time of the developing phase, which comprises the processes initially in raw form; however, it was later processed, cleaned,
of prototyping and modeling [43]. The advantages of this and made usable. 10,000 charging and discharge cycles at
simulation-based SC testing include performance evaluation a high temperature of 28 ◦ C are tested and recorded. The
based on numerous factors, cost-effectiveness, efficient test- scoring methodology standardizes the data. For recording
ing, and testing that is both trustworthy and accurate. the cycle life, various charging amperes are utilized While
In order to achieve the highest accuracy and anticipate a steady rate of current is employed for discharging. As it
the remaining usable life RUL of the SC battery, a vari- is already mentioned, this data was collected data by Jinjin
ety of machine learning (ML) techniques have been used Li [44], which is open-source and can be accessed. This is
in this section. The model can be constructed using the main to clarify that the author processed and utilized the dataset

7332 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

Table 1 Charging strategy of batch 2 SCs 4.2.4 Batch 4

Steps Voltage (V) Current (mA)
With the same requirements as batch 3 SCs, the remaining
1 0 20 26.5% are included in batch 4.
. An overview of the distribution of all of these batches is
. shown in Fig. 2 for visualization is 5 mA less in Fig. 2.
2 1 15 4.3 Dataset Selection
. The data is divided into four batches because there is a lot of
1.85 data available and it is not possible to process it all at once.
3 1.85 10 It took about 8 h to process the Excel files into the Python
. IDE for visualization and other operations using a Lenovo
. 20VE machine with an 11th Generation Intel®Core™i7 and
2.36 16,384 MB RAM. Converting these files to binary data for
4 2.37 5 quicker processing is another goal of this pre-processing. The
. primary objective when the data is prepared is to validate the
data. For the purpose of evaluating the data, a criterion based
on the capacitance C, the total number of capacitors TC, and
the average cycle AC is being developed. For data-driven
models, it is crucial to take into account both (a) a sizable
number of datasets and (b) an equitable distribution among
to suit our specific research requirements. In section VII, the them.
author acknowledged the dataset’s origin as a demonstration The nominal capacitance in Fig. 3a has been set to 91%
of transparency and academic integrity. of the SC’s cycle life (0.91 F), which includes 87 out of 113
SCs with an average cycle of 2689 out of 10,000. The total
4.2 Dataset Classification number of SCs and their average cycle distribution are shown
in Fig. 3l with a drop of 0.1% up to capacitance 89.9% (0.899
Since that each super-capacitor is discharged for 10,000 F). This demonstrates that if the benchmark is set extremely
cycles, 113 SCs have 1,130,000 cycles total. There are four high, it will only accommodate a small number of the 113 SCs
batches of these 113 SCs. These specifics are provided below: because they do not even survive for 10,000 cycles. Bench-
mark, which displays the distribution up to 10,000 cycles, is
4.2.1 Batch 1 inversely related to the number of valid SCs. Figure 3 shows
that if the benchmark is very low, the number of SCs increases
This batch 1 is made up of 28 SCs, or 25% of the total, which to the point where they surpass the distribution of 10,000 and
have undergone charging and discharging cycles at a constant valid SCs are disregarded. Both of these factors should not
current of 20 mA. be used to choose the capacitance value at which the most
SC can be chosen.
Figure 3g and h depicts the maximum number of SC
4.2.2 Batch 2 datasets that could have been used for this study based on
the aforementioned criteria; however, only Fig. 3h has been
The second batch of the dataset, which consists of 25 SCs, chosen due to the two rules listed below:
contains 22% of the total SCs. This batch tests the cycle life
for various voltage and current values. Various tactics have • Maximum number of valid SCs that are uniformly dis-
primarily been used for charging states. There are four steps tributed (T C = 93)
in this process, and they are dependent on the voltage ranges • Average cycle life maximum number (AC = 3824)
listed in Table 1. The current decreases by 5mA for each
range of voltage that is increased. Figure 4 depicts the chosen SCs.

4.2.3 Batch 3 5 Results and Discussion

30 SCs, or 26.5% of all SCs, are part of batch 3. They use a The dataset is the only common point of reference between
continuous 20 mA current to charge and discharge. this study and the related work but the readily available data

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7333

Fig. 2 Block diagram of SCs

distribution in batches

Fig. 3 Selection criteria based on cycles as a function of current [44]

the published paper has its own method of generating dis-

charge capacitance but we have developed this particular
parameter from the data based on super-capacitor’s charge
and discharge capacity of current (mAh). This research has
utilized current and voltage ratings over time. Each cycle has
charged and discharged, but the maximum of all is finalized
based on the highest iteration among their period. This study
contributes to the incremental accuracy for the prediction of
remaining useful life for the electric vehicle’s life. The addi-
Fig. 4 Shortlisted super-capacitors [44] tion of deep learning layers has made the result better with
minor adjustments to the selection of data. Before having
the holistic picture for all SCs, every SC’s capacitance decay
is in raw form. After critically analyzing the given param- cycle is observed and it has been observed that the validation
eters in the dataset, we have shortlisted ours. For instance, loss with more trainable parameters and epochs generates

7334 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

Fig. 5 Capacitance function of cycle number till 10,000 cycles

more precise MSE loss. The limitation to increasing the effi- lized. This procedure is carried out to record data and forecast
ciency for prediction lies in the data generation with more how SC behavior would change under various operating cir-
cycles and for a long period of time. This study also con- cumstances. It has been shown that SCs have a tendency to
firms that the selection of 657 cycles is the limitation of this degrade more quickly during the initial cycles of discharge,
dataset for these super-capacitors as the decay cycle stops but as the number of cycles increases, the rate of degradation
changing by increasing the discharge cycles to 10,000. Also, stabilizes at 90.3% of the nominal capacitance (0.903F), with
developed different models of deep learning with varying little variation. The SCs with shorter life cycles and shorter
layers, nodes, optimizer functions, and running iterations. lifespans were clearly ignored in our examination. SCs with
There are two inputs, i.e., voltage discharge with the max- longer life cycles are also rendered useless because of their
imum decaying time. Some super-capacitors have few such propensity for growth and inability to live within the neces-
cycles that show the same entries in terms of discharging sary time constraints.
capabilities. This has been observed by setting the threshold The process of applying models to our final dataset to
in the visualization generation of capacitance decay. Those determine the remaining usable life of ultra-capacitor batter-
few SCs show a trend for decaying from 0.98F to 0.84F. ies and their trends follows the identification of valid SCs.
This discharge capacitance is the reference output of our Different decay curves are obtained by taking shifting current
model. The correlation is checked among these three selected and voltage circumstances into consideration. In this investi-
parameters, through which time and capacitance represent gation, 30 SCs are eliminated because they either degrade too
the highest coefficient of correlation which is 0.88. There quickly or cannot reach the nominal capacitance of 0.903 F.
are 87 finalized SCs which is being tested for 657 cycles, A total of 83 SCs are chosen collectively from four separate
generating duplicate results. Duplication results have been batches. On these 83 SCs, testing and training are conducted
removed to eradicate the bias of the model’s learning process, at random.
which could lead to overfitting and reduced generalization. This study is also interested in other artificial neural
The purpose of removing the same entries is to reduce unnec- network techniques. The created BMS model has been com-
essary computational resources, noise, and inaccuracy during bined with error loss and prediction accuracy. This illustrates
training and testing. The activation function is Rectified Lin- the overall modeling performance of 83 SCs chosen at ran-
ear Unit (RELU). "Adam" is being used as the optimizer. dom, which results in a complicated system with more layers
Seven hidden deep learning layers have been implemented and neurons for feature extraction.
with 1,000 nodes each. The total trainable parameters in this According to Fig. 5, 83 SCs were discharged for 830,000
topology are 683,016 with epochs of 500. cycles at a constant current of 20 mA for the first 10,000
In order to anticipate the remaining useful life of the SCs cycles. Additionally, Figs. 7 and 8 depict degrading through-
and to assess the trend in the 113 SCs that have been charged out the course of the last 300 cycles, respectively. Discharge
and discharged using various charging methodologies as well capacitance is illustrated as a function of cycle numbers, elab-
as constant charging, models like linear regression are uti- orating on the fact that SCs tend to degrade more quickly

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7335

Fig. 6 Neural network topology

Fig. 7 Capacitance decaying in the early cycles from 0 to 300

in the early cycles and that this degeneration gradually The highest correlation is 0.88 between discharge time
decreases with an increase in cycle numbers, making SC life and capacitance. All the diagonal entries are 1 because it
more durable for extended use and utilization. is the correlation between the same features (see Table 3).
Because after the first 657 cycles, the capacitance remains Another function of Python used for removing the duplicate
constant until 10, 000 cycles, as illustrated in Fig. 5, the fea- entries in the data to avoid similarity among the dataset is
tures of discharge capacitance (cap), voltage (V), and time the “drop duplicates()” function and the data was left with
(t) have been chosen for this work. Although there are 113 27,668 entries and now again correlation is evaluated.
SCs with a total discharge capacitance that are available, this For the implementation of a neural network, data needs
work only works with 83 of them, making the total data for to be standardized to avoid overfitting or under-fitting of the
the work 54,531 entries (see Table 2). data. First scalar transformation is performed on both input

7336 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

Fig. 8 Capacitance decaying in the last 300 cycles

Table 2 Parametric feature with discharge capacitance

Super-capacitors Life cycles Discharge capacity (f) Discharge voltage (V) Discharge time (t)

1 1 cap1 V1 t1
2 cap2 V2 t2
3 cap3 V3 t3
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
657 cap657 V657 t657
2 1 cap1 V1 t1
2 cap2 V2 t2
3 cap3 V3 t3
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
657 cap657 V657 t657
. . . . .
. . . . .
83 1 cap1 V1 t1
2 cap2 V2 t2
3 cap3 V3 t3
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
657 cap657 V657 t657

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7337

Table 3 Correlation coefficients as voltage decreases and maximum discharge time with the
V oltage D T ime D Capacitance output y1 as capacitance.
The discharge time decreases from 20 to 500 cycles as the
V oltage D 1.000000 0.512421 0.536526 cycle number rises. Figure 9 displays that cycle 20 discharges
T ime D 0.512421 1.000000 0.883358 in 91.2 s, cycle 100 in 86.5 s, cycle 200 in 84.8 s, and cycle
Capacitance 0.536526 0.883358 1.000000 500 in 82.7 s.
With the features of voltage reduction, maximum dis-
charge time, and capacitance held constant, a model with
and output and then reverse transformation is done. The ini- three hidden layers and a maximum of 1000 epochs is built,
tial model has been performed with three hidden layers on yielding RMSE and MSE of 0.10581 and 0.011, respectively,
the two-dimensional input (voltage and time) with the activa- whereas the five-layer DNN model on 1000 epochs produced
tion function of Rectified Linear Unit (RELU). The network RMSE and MSE values of 0.07616 and 0.00580, respec-
framework of this model is given below which has three tively. Six-layer model with a 500-epoch RMSE and MSE =
hidden layers with 50, 75, and 100 neurons respectively, as 0.00400. Another advantage of ANN models is that, in con-
shown in Fig. 6. Here, x1 and x2 are the inputs of a dataset

Fig. 9 Relationship between

voltage and time

Fig. 10 7-Hidden Layer Model with 1000 Nodes

7338 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340

Fig. 11 MSE with increased Layers Fig. 12 Pie chart of trainable parameters for three (blue), five (orange),
six (gray), and seven (yellow) hidden layers

trast to LR models, they are less dependent on the dataset’s

distribution and on the connection between variables and fea-
tures. Large datasets can also help to minimize testing errors.
The model has been trained by increasing the topology and
the number of nodes in the hidden layers. With an efficiency
of 89.6%, the seven-layer model mentioned in Fig. 10 has
produced the best results (lowest MSE).
Several completely linked dense layers in neural networks
have been investigated in order to create higher-level and
more precise prediction models based on voltage, time, and
capacitance. Changes to the hyperparameters, such as capac-
ity, energy, and power, can alter the BMS in this work. Future
researchers will be able to improve the model by adding more Fig. 13 Observed and predicted discharge capacitance
layers and combining different factors for better and more
desirable iterations thanks to this.
Given that Fig. 10 depicts a neural network design with ing researchers have applied ANN to predict the SOC of SC
seven hidden layers, Fig. 11 displays the lowest MSE, which based on data received from the batteries of electric vehicles,
is 0.002, in comparison. The total trainable parameters for this paper reviews those models by contributing to the perfor-
the three, five, six, and seven hidden layers are 11,676, mance enhancement for predicting the remaining useful life
169,528, 683,016, and 6,010,001 correspondingly, making of electric vehicle’s battery, i.e., SC. The life of SC has shown
up 0.2%, 3%, 10%, and 87% of the total trainable param- longer usability than that of ordinary batteries. There are 113
eters of 6,874,221 as shown in Fig. 12. Figure 13 illustrates SCs that have different charging and discharging stages. Each
the model’s testing for determining discharge capacitance super-capacitor is discharged for a total of 1,130,000 cycles
over a period of six arbitrary cycles. At the sixth itera- but in this study, we evaluated it up to 870,000 cycles. The
tion, the predicted and observed capacitance were extremely dataset is distributed evenly while considering capacitance
similar. Table 4 illustrates the prediction accuracy of the C, the total number of capacitors TC, and average cycles
super-capacitor’s cycle life. AC. This segregation is being done to evaluate the behav-
ior and trends in SCs. So, the selected SC has 93 TC and
3824 AC. Discharging trends have kept the keen interest in
6 Conclusion and Future Work this research which shows that they tend to decay faster in
their early cycles. Discharging capacitance is also practically
In comparison with linear regression (LR), principal compo- calculated by a mathematical formula that requires the ini-
nent analysis (PCA), artificial neural networks (ANN), and tial and final voltages with respect to the time at which the
the model used in this study, which has 1000 nodes and uses rate of discharge is maximum. It has been devised that by
a seven-hidden layer technique. A large number of exist- increasing the number of cycles of any particular SC in the

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2024) 49:7327–7340 7339

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