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Project Quality Management includes processes in implementing the company’s quality policies regarding

the planning, organizing, and managing of a product’s quality requirements to meet the project
stakeholder’s expectations. Some project management quality processes include identifying quality
requirements, translating those requirements into activities that produce those product qualities, and
recording the results of said activities to improve on them in the future. Project quality management is
important in managing the deliverables of the project and deciding what quality measures to implement
which is a crucial process. For example, implementing the project quality management of software
development in industrial sectors can be disastrous and same is true vice versa. Some trends in project
quality management are meeting customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, team responsibility
management, and ensuring a win-win scenario between the company and its suppliers.

Project Risk Management includes processes of managing all possible risks that may affect the project.
The main point of this optimizing project management by performing activities that increase the benefits
of taking risks while reducing the setbacks when taking risks fail. Project risk management processes
include planning how to conduct risk management, identifying possible risks, performing qualitative and
quantitative risk analyses, planning contingencies for risks, implementing those contingencies, and
monitoring risks. Project risk management is important because all projects have risks which may not have
been identified by other PM processes. Without proper risk management, the project’s objectives may
either deviate from the project scope or worse, not be able to meet the deadline. Some trends in project
risk management are non-event risks which are known uncertainties of a project, project resilience which
is the project team’s ability to handle unknown unknowns, and integrated risk management which is the
management of risks at different levels inside and outside the project.

Project Resources Management is a group of processes that manage all available and necessary resources
for successful project completion. This ensures that the resources are available when they are needed.
Some project resources management processes include planning how to manage team resources,
estimating the initial number of resources required for the project, acquiring and maintaining said
resources, gathering team members, and managing those team members. Project resources management
is important in ensuring that the team, which is a resource, is properly utilizing material resources to
achieve the project goals. Project resources management considers factors which affect team efficiency
such as environment, communication with project stakeholders, internal and external politics, and cultural
differences. Some trends in project resources management are choosing a resource management method,
investing in emotional intelligence to improve internal mindsets and personal relationships, self-organizing
teams which is an agile approach in IT projects, and virtual teams which utilizes technology to focus on
globalization where the team is not in the same physical location but is working on the same project.

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