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The world population has grown significantly, and our economies have become more
industrialized over the past few hundred years, and as a result many more people have
moved into cities. This process is known as urbanization. It can also be termed as a
progressive increase in the number of people living in towns and cities.
So what has led to urbanization? There are numerous theorized causes of urbanization.
However, industrialization is considered the major one. More people have been attracted to
move from rural to urban areas on account of improved employment opportunities. It has
increased employment opportunities by giving people the chance to work in modern sectors
in job categories that aids to stir economic developments. Some more causes that we can
list here are Commercialization, Social Benefits and Services, Employment Opportunities,
Modernization and Changes in the Mode of Living and finally Rural-urban Transformation.
Urbanization has brought about not only benefits but also drawbacks. It has been currently
considered that the drawbacks have outweighed its advantages. First of all, there are some
obvious benefits such as the creation of employment opportunities, technological and
infrastructural advancements, improved transportation and communication, quality
educational and medical facilities, and improved standards of living.
However, as we have mentioned, extensive urbanization mostly results in adverse effects. It
led to Housing Problems which will contribute to the existence of slums, overcrowding, which
will be the reasons for Water and Sanitation Problems, Poor Health, Spread of Diseases,
Traffic Congestion and finally unemployment, which will significantly increase the urban
crime rates.
To minimize the impacts of urbanization on our society, we have come up with some
solutions. We should build more Sustainable and Environmentally-friendly Cities, provide
essential services for everyone, especially the needy, create more jobs and last but not
least, keep the population under control. That's the end of our presentation, thank you for lis

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