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MODULE 1 - 3

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Most felt to be one of the foremost challengers most especially after the September the 11 World
Trade Center attacks in New York City.

a. Market Down b. Terrorism c. Global Gap d. Economic Crises

2. The communication, information exchange and mass media have been raised which helps reduced
the communication barriers so that people from the different places, lifestyle and society have more
understanding of each other

a. Environmental b. Economical c. Cultural d. Political

3. It is a term used to describe the changes in societies and world economy that result of cultural

a. liberalization c. Globalization

b. Internalization d. Culturalization

4. Globaliztion represents an increasing integration of all the following except:

a. Economics b. Communication c. Culture d. Morals

5. It is a key thing to have in Globalization.

a. power b. food c. Transportation d. Sponsorship

6. Considered as one of the most crucial advantages of globalization that had led the generation of
numerous job offers.

a. Education b. Employment c. Communication d. Transportation

7. It is a policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies or quota on the import and
export of goods or services from other countries.

a. Peace Relation c. Product Quality

b. Cheaper Prices d. Free Trade

8. Introduces students by examining multifaceted phenom of globalization.

a. Contemporary c. Contemporary world

b. Global Interaction d. Socialization

9. Refers to increasing trends toward Multilaterism.

a. Globalization c. Political Globalization

b. Economic Globalization d. Cultural Globalization

10. Involves even-increasing integration of these aspects between nation, regions, communities and
isolated places.

a. Globalization c. Political Globalization

b. Economic Globalization d. Global interdependence

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11. According to sociologists, an on-going process involves interconnected changes in economic,
cultural, social and political spheres of the society.

a. Globalization c. Political Globalization

b. Global interconnection d. Global interdependence

12. Human interactions and relationship transcend national boarders in which social problems within any
one country taking place outside the country.

a. Globalization c. Global Economy

b. Global Interdependence d. Socialization

13. Which is/are the following an example of advantage/s of globalization?

a. Cheaper Products

b. Outsourcing of services to other countries

c. Degradation of Environment

d. Greater Range and access to different products.

14. Which of the following is/are disadvantages of globalization?

a. Closure of small business

b. Larger Market Range

c. Greater innovation and development

d. Investment into developing country economy.

15. The wealth and resources of a country or region in terms of production and consumption.

a. Economics c. Economist

b. Global Economy d. Economy

16. Ohmae in 1992 stated, globalization means the onset of the borderless world. What kind of
definition is this?

a. Narrow and exclusive c. Informal definition

b. Formal definition d. Broad and Inclusive

17. “the characteristics of the globalization trend can include the internationalizing of production,

the new international division of labor, new migratory movements from South to North, the new

competitive environment that accelerates these processes, and the new internationalizing of the

state... making states into agencies of the globalizing world”. This kind of definition is ________

a. Narrow and exclusive c. Informal definition

b. Formal definition d. Broad and Inclusive

18. Globalization, the concept is complex and multifaceted as the definitions deal with either economic,
political, or social dimensions. It refer to economic dimension.

a. Karl max c. WHO (World Health Organization)

b. Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) d. Plato

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19. “globalization is a transplanetary process or a set of processes involving increasing liquidity and the
growing multidirectional flowsb of people, objects, places, and information as well as the structures they
encounter and create that are barriers to, or expedite, those flows...”

a. karl max c. Ritzer

b. Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) d. Aristotle

20. “globalization is a ‘world of things’ that have ‘different speeds, axes, points

of origin and termination, and varied relationships to institutional structures in different regions,

nations, or societies’”

a. Karl max c. Plato

b. Arjun Appadural d. Ritzer

21. Refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things.

a. Barrier c. solidity

b. liquidity d. metaphors of globalization

22. Which of the following is an example of liquidity?

a. Great Wall of china c. Berlin wall

b. 9 dash line d. Videos in youtube that became viral

23. Refer to the increasing ease of movement of people, things, information, and

places in the contemporary world.

a. solidity c. Barriers

b. Liquidity d. Flow of globalization

24. When we heighten our capacity to interact.

a. Waves c. Solidity

b. Interaction d. Liquidity

25. The metaphor that could best describe globalization.

a. cultural convergence c. Liquidity

b. solidity d. solid

26. Are the movements of people, things, places, and information brought by the growing “porosity” of
global limitations (Ritzer, 2015).

a. liquidity c. Flows

b. solidity d. Global Rise

27. Refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors and political
orientation of societies expand to create common practices, same economies, and similar forms of

a. cultural imperialism c. Homogeneity

b. Mcdonalization d. Heterogenity

28. The import by non-americans of products, images, technologies, practices and behavior that are
closely associated with American.

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a. culturation b. Americanization c. Globalization d. colonization

29. It is the process by which Western societies are dominated by the principles of fast food restaurants.

a. cultural imperialism b. Colonization c. Mcdonalization d. Americanization

30. refers to the differences because of either lasting differences or of the hybrids or combinations

of cultures that can be produced through the different trans planetary processes.

a. Heterogenity b. Homogeneity c. Cultural dimension

31. According to ___________, it is because of our basic human need to make our

lives better that made globalization possible.

a. Scholle (2005) c. Therborns (2000)

b. Ritzer (2005) d. Chanda (2007)

32. Therefore, one can trace the beginning of globalization from our ancestors in ______ who walked out
from the said continent in the late Ice Age.

a. Europe b. Africa c. China d. Mesopotamia

33. Ritzer (2015) cited Therborn’s (2000) six great epochs of globalization. These are also

called ________and each has its own origin.

a. waves b. sequence c. Steps d. point

34. Arrange the sequential occurrence of epochs.

i. Post- World War II period

ii. Globalization of religion (4th to 7th centuries)

iii. Heyday of European Imperialism (mid-nineteenth century to 1918)

iv. Intra-European Wars (Late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries)

v. Post-Cold War Period

vi. European of Religion (late fifteenth century)

a. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6 b. 2 , 6, 4 , 3, 1, 5 c. 2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 1 d. 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1

35. Perspective that emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only superficially
affected by global flows.

a. Cultural Hybridization b. Cultural Convergence c. Cultural Differentialism

36. Perspective that approach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization.

a. Cultural Hybridization b. Cultural Convergence c. Cultural Differentialism

37. Perspective that approach emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures.

a. Cultural Hybridization b. Cultural Convergence c. Cultural Differentialism

38. The process of globalization and regionalization reemerged during the ______.

a. 1970 b. 1975 c. 1980 d. 1985

39. It is the process of dividing an are into smaller segments called regions.

a. Regionalization b. Regionalize Development c. Local Regions d. Globalization

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40. Globalization is _________

a. the linking and intermixing of cultures

b. imperial expansion and domination

c. the embrace of a common religion worldwide

d. the tendency to understand the world cultures in a new way thanks to new technologies.

41. allows people to contact each other worldwide and therefor hold forums and debates that allow
religious ideas to spread.

a. Communication b. Internet c. Forums d. none of the above

42. Media also plan an important role in the dissemination of religious ideas.


43. Modern transportation has also contributed considerably to the emergence, revivalism, and
fortification or religion.


44. ________cited the case of Islamic revivalism in Asia which “is related to the improvement in
transportation that has allowed many Muslims to travel to Mecca and return with reformist ideas”

a. Ritzer (2005) b. Therfor (2008) c. Scholle (2005) D. Turner (2007)

45. Modern technology has helped religions of different forms, such as fundamentalist, orthodox, or
modernist to cross geographical boundaries and be present everywhere.


46. How does globalization affect religious belief? it transforms the generic “religion” into a world-
system of competing and conflicting religions.

a. False b. True

47. Mostly incompatible even if they often come in contact.

a. islam and Judaism b. Christianity and buddhism c. Islam and Christianity

48. In global cities, marginal dwellers are on site like the following except:

a. Grey Economy b. CEO’s of companies c. Drug Dealers d. Assylum Seeker

49. it is a singular historical period during which mortality and fertility rates from high to low levels in a
particular country or region.

a. Demography b. Demographic Profile c. Demography Transition

d. Global Transition

50. The transition started in mid- late 1700s in ______.

a. United States b. Africa c. Europe d. Australia

51. It is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race and sex.

a. Population b. Antrhopology c. Global Relation d. demography

52. How demographic information is used?

a. It is used to know what is the number of male and female

b. It use to conduct demographic research to determine how to market their product or service
and best capture the target audience.

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c. It is use to communicate and flow the information on how to resolve the issue that takes




53. Post- transitional societies are characterized by low birth and low death rates.

54. Birth Rates start to decline. The rate of population growth decelerates.

55. The death rates begins to fall.

56. Characterized by high birth rates, and high fluctuating death rates.

57. It is a situation in which people go to live in foreign countries especially find works.

a. pull factor c. Global relation

` b. push factor d. global migration

58. Which of the following is/are the reasons or factor why do people move from one to another?

a. Economic Reason c. Social Factors

b. Political Reasons d. Cultural Factors

59. Factors that attract people and area where immigrants are going.

a. Pull Factor c. Push Factor

b. Social Factor d.Environment factor.

60. Factors that help migrants decide to leave their home.

a. Pull Factor c. Push Factor

b. Social Factor d.Environment factor.

61. Migration affects both the place of origin and the place of destination on the various aspects such as
environmental aspects, economic aspects, health and social aspects.

a. true b. false

62. The consequence on the place of origin will be a loss of economically active groups of the population.

a. migration b. environmental aspect c. economic aspects d. Social and health aspects

63. ________are vagabonds to flee their home countries due to safety concerns (Haddad, 2003).

a.migrates b. Assylum Seeker c. Refugees d. b and c

64. _____________ are refugees who seek to remain in the country to which they flee.

a.migrates b. Assylum Seeker c. Refugees d. b and c

65. Term that used today which utilizes technology such as the internet to maintain the community

a. diaspora b. diaporization c. diasporosity d. virtual diasporas


Prepared by: Brianna na Maganda

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1. B 8. C 15. D 22. D 29. C 36. B 43. A 50. C 57. D 64. B

2. C 9. C 16. D 23. B 30. A 37. A 44. D 51. D 58. ABCD 65. D
3. C 10. A 17. A 24. A 31.D 38. C 45. A 52. B 59. A
4. D 11. A 18. B 25. C 32. B 39. A 46. B 53. C 60. C
5. C 12. B 19. C 26. C 33. A 40. A 47. C 54.B 61. A
6. B 13. A,D 20. B 27. C 34. C 41. B 48. B 55. A 62. C
7. D 14. A 21. C 28. B 35. C 42 A 49. C 56. D 63. C

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