Theo1 Prelims

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THEOLOGY PRELIMS REVIEWER ● We are destined to go back to God

Unit 1: Called to Salvation in Christ ● Perfect manifestation of God’s love,

A. The Ultimate Revelation of the Father Ultimate salvation = Jesus
B. The Good Teacher ● Pahalagahan ang sarili natin because we
C. Sheds light on the Mystery and Dignity of must see Jesus in ourselves.
the Human Person
D. Calls us to Discipleship What will happen if we do not see Jesus in other
What is my purpose in life? ● Pahalagahan din nating ang ibang tao
● Meron nga bang dahilan ang buhay mo, at ● We must see Jesus in others. Thus, we
your age right now? must ​love our neighbors.
● As a student, why are you studying?
● When I graduate, what will be my purpose What happens when we don’t see Christ in
in society? To my family? ourselves and in others?
● Everything about us becomes ​contingent
What am I worth? and perishable​; m
​ eaningless and hollow
● We ​underestimate the worth of others; we
treat others as having exchange values, i.e.,
like objects equivalent to certain amount
and like instruments desired only for their
consumable utility and benefit
● We claim f​ alse autonomy and freedom

Who is Jesus Christ?

● We must ​see ourselves and others as
Jesus​, good or bad
● Our dignity is revealed in the ​mystery of
the person of Jesus Christ who is the
image of the invisible God​, and the ​Good
● Jesus s​ acrificed his life​ for us

Remember that:
● We are all created in the ​image and
likeness​ o
​ f God.
● We are ​priceless.

What will happen if we do not see Jesus in

● Kahit pinalayas si Adam and Eve, mahal pa
rin tayo ng Diyos. Sinusundo niya tayo
patungo sa kanya.
Lesson A: shown as the man who obsessed himself
Christ as the Image of the Invisible God with winning championships.
STUDY: ● Why do some people, even if they seemed
● The Bucket List to have reached the top of the world,
○ Write down the list of things you remained unhappy?
haven’t done before but you want to
do before dying ANALYSIS:
● What is our core? ● What is the meaning and purpose of our
○ In Latin, c​ or ​means heart. life?
○ “What is in our hearts?” ○ It is ​natural for human beings to
desire to be happy
RESEARCH: ○ Human beings, embark on a lifelong
● You’ve got to figure out what you love, and search for that absolute good, which
it’s going to bring you great joy. will lead them to the happiness that
○ Jeff Bezos (Founder CEO of never ends
Amazon) ● “You have written well of me, Thomas”
○ Bene scripsisti de me thoma
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Values ● “Lord, nothing except you.”
● Ranks or orders human needs ​according to (St. Thomas Aquinas)
importance, immediacy, and level of ○ Domine, non nisi te
difficulty in terms of acquisition; at the
bottom stands the ​physiological needs​, How do we attain God?
then ​psychological needs while perched at ● By claiming that ​we are redeemed
the pinnacle is s​ elf actualization ○ Redeemed = saved
● The road that leads to God is described as:
○ “Narrow”
○ “Passing through the eye of a

1. Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Revelation of

the Father
● It is only ​through Christ​, the only
true mediator between God and
man​, that ​human beings can reach
● Jesus = ​perfect human
manifestation of the ​image and
likeness of God
● In the Netflix documentary series titled
“The Last Dance”, Michael Jordan was
“No mission is activated and no identity is ● “God, ​infinitely perfect and blessed
clarified apart from Christ.” (PCP II) in Himself​, in a plan of ​sheer
● We look up to ​Christ as the ultimate goodness​, freely ​created man to
revelation of the Father​, who calls us to make him share in his own blessed
communion​, and as the ​good teacher who life. For this reason, at every time
leads us to the Father and in every place, ​God draws close
to man. ​He calls man to ​seek Him,
a. God as our Personal Absolute to ​know Him, to ​love Him ​with all
● Human beings are capable of his strength.​” ​(Catechism of the
triumphs, ​success, ​and Catholic Church)
accomplishments far beyond our ● “​To be a human being means ​to
imaginings come from God and ​to go to God.​”
● For some, fame and money have (YOUCAT)
been their aim, but then, ​fame and
money only offer ​temporary and Why did God become man?
fleeting feeling of greatness ● God, as ​our personal absolute​, ​gave
● Something more profound must be Himself to us ​through the incarnation of
diligently pursued in order to find Christ​, His only Son, our Lord.
the ​fulfillment of one’s purpose
and meaning in life b. Christ is God in a Human way
● God shared His life with human
● St. Augustine (son) and St. Monica beings​, which happened perfectly
(mother) through the incarnation of Christ
○ “Thou hast made us for ● “In His Son and through Him, ​He
Thyself, O lord, and our invites men to become​, ​in the Holy
hearts are restless until Spirit, ​His adopted children and
they rest in Thee.” heirs​ o
​ f his blessed life.”​ (​ CCC, 13)
(​Confessions, Book 1, ● Through the mystery of Christ’s
Chapter 1) incarnation, ​people actually live
○ Explain Dtv. “The Life of with God​, have a ​special bond or
Saint Augustine Explained.” relationship with Him, and most
January 26, 2014. From importantly they ​feel or experience His love everyday of their lives.
tch?v=bMaSjAlWZ00 (examples: multiplication of the
● “God is a ​personal absolute ​in breads, beatitudes, eating with the
whom is found the reason for our sinners, blessing of the children,
existence​, and therefore, ​He is a etc.)
being who gives absolute meaning ○ Luke 18:15-17
to our lives.” ​(Edward ○ Matthew 14:13-21
Schillebeeckx) ○ Matthew 5:3-12
○ Mark 2:13-17
condemnation but only mercy and
c. Christ is Human in a Divine way ○ When He lovingly told the
● God’s ​coming down to meet His woman to sin no more, ​Jesus
people also means ​raising them up showed that people, by the
and liberating them from their grace of God, can change
sinful condition for the better.
● Jesus did not sin. ● In his encounter with ​Zacchaeus the
● By becoming human… tax collector ​(Luke 19:1-10)​, he
○ Christ became an example exemplified before the crowd that
for all people to follow an ​act of compassion can move
because He ​manifested even the most hardened sinner.
those ​characteristics ​that When He asked to eat dinner with
make man perfect the tax collector​, He demonstrated
○ Jesus Christ, through ​His that ​we are capable of seeing the
life, words, and works, good in others.
revealed ​how people should
live their lives. ● To be truly human is to be like God
○ Jesus ​corrected the ​false ○ That man can ​love, forgive,
belief that ​people are bad show compassion, and set
or helplessly sinful aside prejudices toward
○ Jesus ​revealed what is true others, shows that the ​divine
and good about human is truly shared with the
beings: that they are ​all human
invited by God to be perfect
like him
● When asked ​how many times we
should forgive, his response was:
always! (Matthew 18:21)
● Christ demonstrated that
goodness is not give and take.
○ Doing good does not expect
something in return but is
the ​habitual response of
someone who is ​created in
the ​image and likeness of
● When the ​woman caught in the act
of adultery was brought to Him
(John 8:1-11)​. ​Jesus did not show
2. Images of Jesus in the Gospels: The Way, The ○ It is ​dying to oneself but ​rising
Truth, The Life again as a new person configured
● What is the meaning of life? to Christ​, no longer living one’s life
● Who am I? for one’s own but for Christ
● What must I do? ○ Being ​immersed in the waters of
baptism all over again ​and time
It is only ​in the mystery of the incarnation of and time again
Christ that ​people can understand who they are
and w
​ hat their purpose in this world is. Lesson B
Jesus Christ as the Good Teacher
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life ● STUDY:
Before performing his mission or public ministry, ○ What are the challenges teachers
Jesus was led by the Spirit to the ​desert where he have been experiencing due to the
was tempted by the devil (Mark 1:12,13; Matt sudden implementation of the
4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13) online mode of teaching?
● The devil ​wanted to tempt Jesus ■ Lack of resources (gadgets,
● The very name of Jesus, which means ​“the internet connection, bond
one who is to save people from their sins” paper for modules, etc.)
also means that ​Jesus is the greatest sign
of God’s love for his people. ● RESEARCH:
○ What is your idea of a good
Our Goal: Sequela Christi teacher?
● We ​rise from the temporary setbacks of ○ How will you say that a teacher is
our lives and we ​redirect ourselves back an effective one?
to Christ​, “once we ​give up our own ■ The mediocre teacher tells.
wealth​ and v
​ ery self​.” The good teacher explains.
● In the responses of the Disciples whom The superior teacher
Jesus invited to ​follow Him as fishers of demonstrates. The great
men​ (Matthew 4:19) teacher inspires (William
● Mary Magdalene​, from whom ​Jesus cast Arthur Ward)
out seven demons (Luke 8:2) and who ■ Socratic Method of
later ​became the apostle to the apostles Teaching ​(questions critical
● In ​Saint Paul who became the ​apostle to thinking by tearing down old
the Gentiles ideas and replacing them
● Following Christ entails radical with new ones)
conversion: ​forgetting oneself and ■ Deconstruction ​(trying to
committing everything to Christ: remove old knowledge and
○ Stripping the old self of that sinful replacing it with new
life to ​take on the new white knowledge)
garment of Christ
○ Jesus is our Great Teacher
■ Beatitudes
■ Kingdom of God
■ Metaphors
■ Analogies

Jesus is our Great Teacher

1. Is always present in this Church and in
the World​ (Ecclesiology)
● It is ​to the Church that ​Christ
entrusted the ​task of proclaiming
the message of salvation to all
● To fulfill this task, ​Christ
empowered the Church to
proclaim​, ​without fear of error,
faith and morals​, in the ​hope of
leading people to the ​realization or
actualization of the kingdom of
God​ here on earth
○ Ipagpatuloy ang
pangangaral ng pagtuturo
○ Hindi tayo pababayaan ng
● The ​Church is a sacrament​, a ​sign
in which Christ is truly present​, just
as ​God was truly present in Christ
during his mortal life on earth
● “Whoever listens to you,” said
Jesus, “​listens to me. Whoever
rejects you rejects me. And whoever
rejects me rejects the one who sent
me.” ​(Luke 10:16)
● “You are Peter,” Jesus said to the
first apostles, “and ​upon this rock I
will build my Church​” ​(Mat 16:18)
● He ​intended his Church to have
leaders who would ​make decisions
ratified by God: “​Whatever you
bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven​, and whatever you loose on ○ Sign of the times
earth shall be lost in heaven” (Mat
18:18) 2. Jesus opens up the faithful to the book of
○ Imprimatur​: a permission, the Scriptures ​(Bible)
required by contemporary ● The ​return to our moral
canon law and granted by a foundations in Scripture is the first
bishop, for the publication of step toward a more ​balanced,
any work on Scripture or, in authentic catechesis of Christian
general, any writing moral life in family, school, and
containing something of parish
peculiar significance to ● The very name of Jesus means ​“the
religion, theology, or one who is to save people from
morality their sins”
● In ​embracing this divine mandate​, ● Jesus taught us:
the ​Church confronted bravely the ○ In His word through
changes as well as ​the challenges Teachings (Sayings)​,
that each generation brings​, parables, beatitudes, prayers
holding on to the promise that and proclamation of the
Christ will be with his people until Kingdom of God
the end of time​ (​ Matt 28:16-20) ○ Parables: More powerful
and meaningful
Is the truth yesterday and today will remain true ○ Parable of the Lost Sheep:
tomorrow? 100 tupa, nawala yung 1,
● The Church must always be ​deeply hahanapin niya yung
conscious of her duty in every age to nawawala at iiwanan ang
examine the signs of the times and 99. Willing to sacrifice para
interpret them in the light of the Gospel lang hanapin yung lost
● So that ​she can offer in a manner sheep
appropriate to each generation​, replies to ○ Beatitudes: Poor people
the continual human questionings ​on the used to believe they are poor
meaning of this life and the life to come because God punished them.
and on how they are related ■ Blessed are the…
○ Nagbago lang yung appropriation ■ I will build the
pero yung turo, the same pa rin KINGDOM OF GOD
● Hence, the ​Church as the People of God ○ In His Healings and
among the nations​, while ​attentive to the Exorcisms
new challenges of history and ​to ■ Miracle healings
mankind’s efforts ​to ​discover the meaning ■ The people he helped
of life​, offers to everyone the answer which out, they were
comes from truth about Jesus and his “outcasts”
○ His teachings, actions, and 4. Teaches truth about moral action ​(ano ba
life prove that ​He is really ang kabutihang asal)
the great teacher ● Christ is the teacher​, ​the Risen one
who has life in Himself and ​who is
3. Jesus Reveals the Father’s Will always present in His Church and
(Jesus is the ultimate manifestation of God in the World
the Father) ● It is ​He who opens up to the
● The ​ultimate destination of our faithful the book of the Scriptures
human pilgrimage​: ​to return to the and ​by fully revealing the Father’s
Father will teaches the ​truth about moral
○ Israelites in the Promised action
Land ● As the ​alpha and the omega of
○ Parable of the Prodigal Son human history, ​Christ sheds light on
○ Luke 10:16 man’s condition and his ​integral
● Through ​Jesus​, it is revealed that vocation
we are all destined to go back to ● Examples:
God ○ Mary and Martha
● “​The Son of God, the Christ Jesus (Word of God > other things)
that we proclaimed among you… ○ Ang nahuhuli ay nauuna, ang
was never Yes and No: nauuna ay nahuhuli
...​With him it was always (Humble > Proud)
yes​, and however many the ○ Gawin mo sa kapwa mo
promises God made, ​the yes to kung anong gusto mong
them all is in Him. gawin nila sayo (Golden
“Father, if you are willing, Rule)
take this cup from me; yet not my ● If we therefore wish to ​go to the
will, but yours be done.” (Luke heart of the Gospel’s moral
22:42) teaching and ​grasp its profound
● Nothing less than the love of the blessed and unchanging content​, we must
Trinity - the love of Father, Incarnate Son carefully inquire into the meaning of
and the Holy Spirit - ​is the ground for the question asked by the rich
Catholic Morality young man in the Gospel, and, even
○ He that has seen me has seen the more, the meaning of Jesus’ reply,
Father (John 14:9) allowing ourselves to be guided by
● Thus, ​catechesis must stress that ​Christian Him.
life means bearing witness to God ● Jesus, as the patient and sensitive
revealed by Jesus Christ teacher, answers the young man by
○ Perfect witness of God to other taking him, as it were by the hand,
people and leading him step by step to the
full truth. VS, 8., Ibid., 8.
○ Rich young man ​(Sell all to be the sacrifice that takes our sins
your belongings and follow away”
me to achieve eternal life) ● “Since God has loved us so much,
● The Christian moral vocation is we too should love one another.”
precisely: (NCDP, 282)
○ To commit ourselves
through the ​power of Jesus’ Teaching:
Christ’s redeeming grace — The Parable of the Good Samaritan
a ​personal human ​reaching ● Priest
out in loving service to ● Levites
others — rather than simply ● Samaritans
avoiding sin ​(Sin of ○ Kinalimutan muna yung laws and
Omission) or shrinking from cultures, at ​mas nanaig ang
evil pagiging “kapwa-tao”
■ Sin of Omission ○ Challenge: ​To help other people,
■ Sin of Commission whatever it takes!
○ It is a question, ​a radical
change of heart. ● ACTION:
○ What is your favorite Jesus’
5. Sheds light on man’s condition and lofty teaching articulated in the
vocation Scripture?
(We are created to live in the Kingdom of ○ How can you apply this teaching to
God) your life? Future career?
● The ​first and ultimate vocation of
man is ​communion with God and Lesson C:
there is only ​one way to respond to Jesus Christ as the One Who Sheds Light on
this calling​: J​ esus Christ the Mystery and Dignity of the Human
● The ​basic motivation for following
Christ in moral action is, of course
the ​Blessed Trinity​; the ​eternal
Father’s love for us
The only child of Dr. Scott Berns, a pediatrician,
● The ​Father’s love is ​manifested
and Dr. Leslie Gordon, then a pediatric intern,
pre-eminently ​in Jesus’ Paschal
Sampson Gordon Berns was born in Providence,
Mystery​, and the ​Holy Spirit sent
R.I., on Oct. 23, 1996. He received a diagnosis of
into our hearts who enables us to
progeria shortly before his second birthday.
fulfill Christ’s own command​: ​Love
one another as I have loved you.
Finding little medical literature about progeria, his
● The meaning of love for ​Saint John
parents, with Dr. Gordon’s sister Audrey Gordon,
is ​“not our love for God, but God’s
started the research foundation. As a result of its
love for us ​when He sent His Son
work, clinical trials of a drug, lonafarnib, which
appears to ameliorate some effects of progeria,
began in 2007. Though preliminary results are prosperity by 2030… to ensure that no one
considered encouraging, the drug does not is left behind.
constitute a cure. ○ Which among the 17 goals are you
actively engaging toward their
“No matter what I choose to become, I believe that attainment?
I can change the world,” he said in his TEDx talk ○ How have you been participating in
last year. “And as I’m striving to change the world, achieving the desired global goals
I will be happy.” ANALYSIS
● Together with the rest of humanity, ​the
Philosophy of a Happy Life church​, following ​Christ as her model​, has
● Be OK with what you ultimately can’t do made it her ​mission to uplift the lives of
because there’s so much you can do everyone in this world. To do this, the
● Surround yourself with people you want to Church teaches that ​it is only in ​knowing
be around Christ that the human person can arrive at
● Keep moving forward! a f​ ull understanding of who He really is.
● Being in ​full solidarity with humankind​,
Guide Question: our Lord showed us ​how to be fully human
● What is your philosophy of a happy life? and fully alive
● Christ primarily revealed how the ​essential
ACTIVITY: PRECIOUS STONES dignity of all persons is ​grounded directly
● What is the value of human life? on their​ o
​ rigin, meaning and destiny
○ It doesn’t matter who you are, in the ○ Sublime dignity = Created in the
eyes of God image and likeness​ of God
○ Human dignity ​exists because we
RESEARCH: originated from God. He is ​our
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) origin and destination
○ Meaning of ​life: ​provided by God
(motivation, action, inspiration)

● In the light of Christian revelation, it was

understood that ​all persons, endowed
with inviolable dignity, are:
○ Created by God in His image and
likeness ​(cf. Gen 1:26) through our
Lord Jesus Christ, ​“through ​whom
● The Sustainable Development Goals
everything was made and ​through
(SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,
whom we live​”​ (​ 1 Cor 8:6)
were adopted by all United Nations
○ Redeemed by the blood of Christ
Member States in 2015 as a universal call
(cf. Eph. 1:7; Col 1:14) and are
to action to end poverty, protect the planet,
sanctified by the ​indwelling Holy
and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
Spirit​ (​ cf. Rom 8:14-16; 1 Cor 6:19)
○ Called to be children of God ​(cf. 1 created, and this is the ​fundamental
Jn 3:1)​, destined for ​eternal life of reason for his dignity.​” (CCC 356)
blessed communion with the
Father, His Risen-Incarnate Son, IN-DEPTH OF CCC 356:
and their Holy Spirit A. Able to Know and Love his Creator
○ Faculties of Intellect & Freewill
■ To ​recognize the voice of
Fundamental Reason for Man’s Dignity God to ​“do good and avoid
● “​Man is the only creature on earth that evil”
God has willed for its own sake​, and he ■ He is an ​image of God by
alone is ​called to share, by knowledge and virtue of his/her possession
love, in God’s own life. ​It was for this end of the distinctive ​faculties of
that he was created, and this is the intellect and freewill, that
fundamental reason for his dignity.​” ​(CCC on account of which, ​he/she
356) is ​capable of
● The doctrine that ​man is created in the self-determination
image and likeness of God provides the
theological grounding that ​upholds the ○ Moral Being
sacredness of the human person ​and ■ Because of the ​spiritual
guarantees the respect to be given him. character of his/her soul​,
● “In fact, it is only in the ​mystery of the man possesses freedom​, an
Word incarnate that ​light is shed on the eminent sign of divine image.
mystery of man. For by his ​incarnation​, the ■ Man’s reason ​enables
Son of God has ​united himself in some him/her ​to know the voice of
fashion with every person.​” ​(GS 22) God compelling him/her ​to
do good and avoid evil
“We can only come to ​know the meaning of
something once we get to know ​its origin and B. Willed by God for His own sake
destiny, beginning and purpose.​” ○ Irreplaceable and Non-substitutable
a. Created ​in the I​ mage and Likeness of God ■ Every human being is an
b. Redeemed​ by the ​Blood of Christ irreplaceable and
c. Sanctified​ by the H
​ oly Spirit non-substitutable person​, a
kind of good that ​cannot be
1. Created in the Image and Likeness of God treated as an object ​of use
● “Of all visible creatures only man is ​“a
​ ble or ​as a means to an end
to know and love his creator​”.​ He is “the ■ ≠ object of use or means to
only creature on earth that God has ​willed an end
for its own sake​”, ​and he alone is ​called to ■ To treat out ​fellow human
share​, by ​knowledge and love​, ​in God’s beings as equals
own life. It was for this end that he was ■ Status & Gender distinctions
○ As a subject, ​he/she is the one in C. Called to be Stewards of God’s Creation
charge of his/her life as he/she can ○ The ​companionship between man
act ​according to his/her conscience​, and woman is not of dominance but
in freedom and ​with sufficient solidarity​, not inferiority but
knowledge. complementarity​, ​equity and not
○ Responsibility & Stewardship
■ Both man and woman -
equally ordered to ​“subdue”
the earth
■ Laudato Si​ spirituality
■ On the Care of Our
Common Home (Praise be to
■ Pope Francis’ encyclical
○ As ​stewards of creation​, both man
and woman were equally ordered to
“subdue” the earth as His
○ This sovereignty is ​not destructive
domination. God calls man and
woman, to ​share in his providence
toward other creatures; hence their
responsibility for the world God
has entrusted to them.​ (CCC 373)

D. Called to Communion
○ Adopted children of God
■ Conform mind and hearts to
■ Called by name
○ As ​images of the self-giving love
of God​, human beings are ​capable
of self-giving love as well.
○ As products of a ​divine self-gift​,
human beings should ​respond to
God ​by giving themselves to
○ To give oneself to others as much
as possible ​in imitation of the
self-giving of God in the Trinity is
the ​concrete living out of our being
an image of God. “For in Christ and through Christ, we have
acquired full awareness of our dignity, of the
● Therefore, ​being created in the image and heights to which (CCC 602)
likeness of God​ is both​ ​a gift and a task. ● God ​elevated man to ​participation in the
● The ​challenge to ​be true to who and ​what divine life and ​live in communion and
we are​ is an e
​ ndless task​ – it never expires. belongingness​ w
​ ith the Trinity.
● We always ​look at Jesus Christ and strive ● But ​with the entry of sin​, this ​communion
to always model our lives to his​, for we and belongingness was shattered​, as well
are not just any slave or servant who as their communion among themselves.
follows the will of his/her master but ​we ○ Original Sin (Adam and Eve)
are raised to the status of ​being adopted ● Yet ​God did not abandon man altogether​;
sons and daughters of God. instead, He held out the means of saving
● “We were designed to know, serve, and them by ​gathering men together to
love God supremely — and when we are counter the chaos which was the
faithful to that design, we flourish.” consequence of Sin.
● “To ​know GOD is good, to ​know and love ○ Ultimate form of salvation: ​Jesus
GOD is great, to ​know, love, and obey Christ
GOD is everything!” ○ Destined to go back to the kingdom
of God
2. Redeemed by the Blood of Christ ● Man’s sin​, following on original sin, are
A. In His I​ ncarnation​ (birth of Jesus) punishable by death.
B. In His H
​ idden life​ (13-30 y/o) ● By sending his own Son in the form of a
C. In His ​Word through Teachings, Parables, slave, in the form of a fallen humanity, on
Beatitudes, Prayers and Proclamation of account of sin, ​God “made him to be sin
the Kingdom of God; who knew no sin, so that in him we might
D. In His ​Healings (of a leper, blind man, etc.) become the righteousness of God.”
and ​Exorcisms (of the Gerasene demoniac, ○ Jesus is the obedient son of God
of a boy possessed by a demon, etc.); ● Ephesians 1:3-7
E. In His R
​ esurrection 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in
“You were ransomed from the futile ways inherited the heavenly realms with every spiritual
from your fathers… with the precious blood of blessing in Christ. 4 For he chose us in him
Christ. Man’s sins, following on original sin, are before the creation of the world to be holy
punishable by death. and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he[a]
predestined us for adoption to sonship[b]
By sending his own Son in the form of a slave, in through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his
the form of a fallen humanity, on account of sin, pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his
God “​made him to be sin who knew no sin​, so glorious grace, which he has freely given us
that in him, we might ​become the righteousness in the One he loves. 7 In him ​we have
of God.​” redemption through his blood​, the
forgiveness of sins​, in accordance with the ○ Moved by grace, man turns toward
riches of God’s grace God and away from sin, thus
accepting forgiveness and
● CCC 1695 righteousness from on high.
"Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus ○ "Justification is not only the
Christ and in the Spirit of our God," remission of sins, but also the
"sanctified . . . [and] called to be saints," sanctification and renewal of the
Christians have become the temple of the interior man.”
Holy Spirit. This ​"Spirit of the Son"
teaches them to pray to the Father and, ● CCC 1993
having become their life, prompts them to ○ When ​God touches man's heart
act so as ​to bear "the fruit of the Spirit" by through the ​illumination of the
charity in action. Healing the wounds of Holy Spirit​, man himself is not
sin, the Holy Spirit ​renews us interiorly inactive while receiving that
through a spiritual transformation. ​He inspiration, since he could reject it;
enlightens and strengthens us to live as and yet, without God's grace, he
"children of light" ​through ​"all that is cannot by his own free will move
good and right and true." himself toward justice in God's
■ God cannot force us, ​he just
invites us

● CCC 2008
○ The merit of man before God in the
Christian life arises from the fact
that ​God has ​freely chosen to
a. “Sapagkat ako’y tao lamang” associate man with the ​work of his
● Unacceptable justification grace.
○ The fatherly action of ​God is first on
b. Being redeemed by Christ implies living a his own initiative​, and then follows
new life man's free acting through his
● Rescued - Share - Task (CCC 1691) collaboration​, so that ​the ​merit of
good works is to be attributed in
3. Sanctified by the Holy Spirit the first place ​to the grace of God,
● CCC 1989 then ​to the faithful.
○ “The first work of the grace of the ○ Man's merit​, moreover, itself is ​due
Holy Spirit is ​conversion, effecting to God​, for his ​good actions
justification in accordance with proceed in Christ​, from the
Jesus' proclamation at the beginning predispositions and assistance given
of the Gospel: ​"Repent, for the by the Holy Spirit.
kingdom of heaven is at hand."
■ Initiative started from God​, gives us a view of human beings
but we need to ​answer and both in relation to God (as creator)
accept His call and other created beings
■ Manifestation of ​acceptance ■ Scala naturae: Humans
of God’s call​ = ​Conversion (capable of thinking and
understanding) - animals -
● Being a ​witness of Christ​, as in ​leading a plants - minerals
life worthy of the Gospel of Christ is made ■ The great chains of being:
capable of doing so by ​the gift of his Spirit God - angels - human beings
which we can ​obtain ​through prayer, - animals - plants - minerals
though the ​impulse to pray is still ● In the ecology of the visible world, ​only
permeated with the promptings of the human beings possess rationality​, i.e.,
holy spirit. intellect and freewill, while possessing
● Healing the wounds of sin, ​the Holy Spirit altogether the excellent traits of the beings
renews us interiorly ​through a spiritual in the lower strata of the hierarchy, to wit:
transformation. He enlightens and motion (animals), and life (plants).
strengthens us to live as ​"children of light" ● Hence, we define human beings as
through "all that is good and right and individual substances of rational nature
true. (Individua Substantia Naturae Rationalis).

a. Empowerment The Human Person according to Catechism for

● Initiative belongs to God Filipino Catholics
● Moved by the Holy Spirit (CFC 687-692)
b. False assertion
● Independence from the assistance
of the Holy Spirit

4. Christ as the One who Sheds Light on the

Dignity of the Human Person
● To ​understand man as a person is to point
out that ​man is created by God with ● Human person
inviolable dignity ○ Most appropriate springboard in any
moral discourse
● The Human Person in the ● Human Person vs Human Nature
Aristotelian-Thomistic Hierarchy of ● Personalistic perspective
Beings ○ Take into account experience of
○ The ​Aristotelian-Thomistic people
hierarchy of beings (scala
naturae/the great chains of being)
provides a ​backdrop for the
Christian understanding of man. It
a. Open and Relational (by Nature) how the Holy Spirit works
not only within but among
us as the people of God,
journeying towards our
common destiny in God. CFC
● Social well-being and Common
● God is the source and fulfillment of
● Social and gregarious by nature
all human persons’ relationships
○ Walang sinuman ang
nabubuhay para sa sarili
b. Conscious Beings
○ Persons are ​open and
relational by nature. No one
exists by oneself, but only in
relationship with others.
Human existence does not ● Persons are conscious beings,
precede relationship but aware of themselves in their
born of relationship and is outgoing acts. We possess this
nurtured by it. ​We grow into self-awareness through our
our full selves as persons knowing and free will.
only in relating with others. ● We “image” in our small way the
Creator’s infinite knowing and
● We are being by, with and for loving
others ● Reason → understands the order of
○ Being a person means things and ​recognize the voice of
being by others (our God
conception, birth, ● By his reason, human beings:
upbringing), being with ○ Know the ​order of things
others (our family, friends, established by God;
neighbors, business ○ Understand ​how and what
associates), and being for things​ should be.
others (love, service). ○ Is imbued with the
instinctive awareness of the
● Trinitarian in origin unwritten decree inscribed
○ Our ​Trinitarian origin infers in his heart.
that this is how we have ○ Recognizes this as the voice
been created by God — as of God ​constantly urging
social beings. This is how him to do the good and
we have been ​redeemed by avoid evil. (CFC, 688.)
Christ — ​as a people. This is
c. Embodied Spirits

● This stresses the unity between our

“body and soul”
● This substantial unity of our body
and soul is known as h
​ ylomorphism
● Body → Our body is an ​essential
part of our being human​, not
merely an instrument we use as we
please or according to our whims
○ “Good and honorable”
● Soul → the ​FORM (the nature or
essence of a thing
○ The unifying principle and
forms one unique human

● Christian Faith regards the BODY as “good
and honorable since God has created it and
will raise it up on the last day” (GS 14).
● God the Son further dignified the body
through his Incarnation: “the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn. 1:14).
● St. Paul admonishes us: “You must know
that your body is a temple of the Holy
Spirit, who is within — the Spirit you have
received from God. . . . So, glorify God in
your body”(1 Cor 6:19-20).

● Serves as the form (the nature or essence
of a thing that makes it what it is) of the
● Functions as the unifying principle that
forms the one unique human being.
● Needs embodiment, i.e., assistance of the redeemed by Christ, they enjoy the
senses for the fulfillment of the soul’s vital same divine calling and destiny;
task. there is here a basic equality
between all men.” GS, 29
d. Historical Realities ● But despite sharing common
features of humanity, we do things
differently. This implies therefore
that we seriously ​consider each
person’s uniqueness and
originality. ​Each of us is called to
“image” God in a unique way — no
● As Persons, we are:
one can “take our place.”
○ Pilgrims on-the-way​, who
● Despite differences in physical,
gradually, ​through time,
intellectual and moral powers, we
become our full selves.
are all equal
○ Our own cause​: ​Free to
● Same nature and origin and same
decide for ourselves and
divine calling and destiny
form ourselves; in this sense
● Each of us is called to ​“image” God
we are o
​ ur own cause.
in a unique way
○ Developing in discernible
● “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I
stages, described in great
have called you by name: you are
detail by modern
mine” (Is 43:1)
psychology. CFC, 690.
● Within the fundamental equality of
○ Integrating our past to our
all persons, we recognize the unique
present existence makes us
identity of each person.
move into our future with a
sense of integrity and a
coherent sense of direction.
R. M. Gula, S.S.
○ Pilgrims on-the-way
○ We are our own cause
○ Live in the middle of “Now
and Here”
○ Dynamism in moral

e. Unique yet Fundamentally Equal

● All men are endowed with a
rational soul and are created in
God's Image​; they have the same
nature and origin and, being
LESSON D: ○ Jesus: ​“You lack one thing: go, sell all

The Encounter with Jesus Christ is a Call to that you have and give to the poor, and
you will have treasure in heaven; and
come, follow me.”
○ Jesus is telling us how to attain real
STUDY: happiness - to follow him and become
● Life is Like a Cup of Coffee his disciple!
○ However, discipleship is living a life
RESEARCH: contrary to what we are usually

● The Story of the Three Trees

1. Christian Discipleship is Counter-Cultural

and Radical Alterity
We go back to the questions:
● What must I do?
The Rich Young Man (Mk 10:17-22)
● How do I distinguish good from evil?
17 ​And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran
up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher,
We turn to Jesus Christ:
what must I do to inherit eternal life?” ​18 ​And Jesus
said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good ● We listen to his words.
except God alone. ​19 ​You know the commandments: ● We follow his actions.
‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal,
Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your ● Following Christ is the ​essential and
father and mother.’” ​20 ​And he said to him, “Teacher, all primordial foundation of Christian
these I have kept from my youth.” ​21 ​And Jesus, looking morality. Jesus’ ways and words, his deeds
at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: and his precepts constitute the moral rule
go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you
of Christian life.
will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” ​22
Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful,
What does discipleship entail?
for he had great possessions.
● Discipleship ● Come follow me and I will send you out to
○ They sacrificed their whole lives for fish for people. At once, they left their
Jesus nets and followed him. ​(Matthew 4:19)
○ The Rich Young Man: ​“Good teacher,
what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
● If you want to be perfect, ​go sell your ● Christ crucified is:
possessions​, come follow me. ​(Matthew ○ A picture of a happy man
19:21) ○ Freedom and joy: when all our
● If anyone should come after me, let him expectations are turned around
deny himself and take up his cross and
follow me.​ (Matthew 16:24) To be happy:
● Despise what Jesus despised on the
Who is a follower of Christ? Cross:
CCC 2470 ○ 4 things that make us happy:
● Jesus is the w
​ ay, the truth and the life wealth, pleasure, power, and
Who is a disciple? ● Love what Jesus loved on the Cross:
● A disciple is ​a lover of Truth ○ Doing the ​will of the Father​: The
● Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life single-hearted one
○ Hunger for r​ ighteousness
How does one become a disciple? ○ Ultimate p
​ eacemaker
● A disciple imitates Jesus who gives ○ Ultimate b
​ earer of God’s mercy
primacy to the will of the Father.
2. The Church: Willed by God to Make
What is expected of a disciple? Possible the Encounter with Christ
● A disciple ​lives in loving service to others. ● The ​Church was instituted by Christ to
perpetuate His presence on earth.
The Beatitudes ○ She signifies in a ​visible, historical,
● A set of precepts that utterly demonstrate and tangible from the presence and
the moral standards of our Lord and at the redeeming activity of Christ offered
same time resonate his call to follow him to ​all persons of every age, race,
as his disciples. and condition
● The Church has always wished to serve
Pathway of Discipleship this single end: that ​each person may be
● Exploring, Searching, Beginning, Growing, able to find Christ​, in order that Christ ​may
Maturing walk with each person on the path of life.
(RH, 13)
Christ Crucified:​ ​Brutal, Anguish, Terrible Wounds ● As the ​sacrament of salvation of all, ​not
● According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Christ only the explicit members but ​also those
Crucified is the ​perfect exemplification of who share in the ​“theandric communion
the Beatitudes without explicit awareness of Christic
● St. Thomas Aquinas to Christ Crucified: foundation,”​. She is mindful of her task to
“Picture of Happy Man” make present every time, in every situation
● Exemplified ​the life of a disciple: ​the will the encounter between ​the spirit and the
of the Father ​(Sacrifice and live a life that flesh, God and mankind.
is offered to God)
● The eucharist helps us in becoming a true ○ This is how they will know that you
disciple of Jesus are my disciples: ​“If you have love
○ “WILL YOU ALSO GO AWAY?” for one another.”​ (John 13:34-35)
■ His ​invitation to the disciple
and ​to us ​to follow him to UNIT 2: Called to Happiness
eternal life Lesson A: Search for the True Happiness
○ If believe that ​He is what we
receive in communion​, there must STUDY
be a ​transformation within us, into Leo is rushing to the nearest Apple store in order
his likeness, love and service to buy the recently released version of iPhone. It
■ We must become was just a year ago when he acquired his current
Christ-like, living in iPhone but since he believes that keeping up with
communion with one the latest trends and upgrades of his favorite
another. device, would give him immense pleasure, there is
■ The Eucharist unites us, so nothing he wouldn’t do to get hold of one.
that we might be able to live
our discipleship However, given his meager salary, he would
sacrifice a lot of things just to save up for his highly
The Eucharist helps us in becoming True anticipated tech device, not to mention that his
Christian disciples credit card is on the brink of its limit and most of
● In the Eucharist, when we ​receive the ​body bills are already passed their due. Leo doesn’t
and blood of Jesus in ​Holy Communion​, mind at all, what’s important is that buying the
we are: new iPhone makes him happy.
○ Invited to ​discover who Jesus is:
Jesus is the one who loves fully. RESEARCH
● In ​communion​, we ​become like Jesus who Contemporary Trends in Achieving Happiness
is: ● Secularism
○ Friend of the poor ○ Letting lay or secular part of the
○ Comforter of those who suffer world play its legitimate role, free of
○ One who proclaims the good improper control and dominance
news, and from religious authorities (James
○ One who obeys the Father’s will Bretzke)
● Becoming like Christ is: ○ It denies belief in God or proposes a
○ To ​live in communion with one sociopolitical movement to make
another​, just like what He did the roles of faith and religion largely
○ Is my ​discipleship for ​my personal irrelevant in the public arena
sanctification and good? ○ Separation of our faith with other
○ Am I a Christian ​in union with and dimensions of our being
at the service​ of others? ○ The process of secularization tends
○ What blocks me from becoming to reduce the faith and the Church
like Christ?
to the sphere of the private and ■ Relativism: “My Truth is
personal what I say.”
○ By completely rejecting the ■ The individual determines
transcendent, it has produced a (not discovers!) the truth.
growing deterioration of ethics, a ■ Reality is not perceived, it is
weakening of the sense of personal created.
and collective sin, and a steady ■ By embracing relativism, our
increase in relativism (Evangelii culture has reached a point
Gaudium) of insanity: contradiction,
○ Happiness for a secularist negates triviality and absurdity.
the idea that God is its ultimate
source and destiny ● Hedonism
○ Hedonism is the doctrine that holds
● Relativism and Individualism that ​the Good is whatever gives
○ Relativism​, as a point of view, is the you pleasure​, and therefore,
denial of the absolute because pleasure becomes the standard of
everything in reality changes morality
■ Relativism holds that the ○ For the hedonist, pleasure ranges
meaning of happiness and its from the physical exhilaration to the
attainment depends on the material things which the world
subject or the person alone, cunningly offers.
hence, subjectivist ○ Goal: attainment of maximum
○ Individualism ​has an interwoven pleasure, elimination of pain
definition with relativism and ○ Inevitable to eliminate pain
■ It is “the tendency to magnify
individual liberty, as against
external authority, and
individual activity against
associated activity.”
■ Too much emphasis on self
■ Individualism views that any
external authority should not
define the meaning of
happiness so it is the
I-Me-My-Mine who is
in-charge of my own ● Materialism and Consumerism
happiness and no one can ○ Materialism suggests that ​material
ever dictate to me what will possession, success, and progress
make me happy are the highest values in life.
○ Is it true that there is no Truth?
○ Consumerism is the belief that ○ Finally deep reflection and
personal wellbeing and happiness contemplation
depend, on a very large extent, on ● Charles Belmonte, in his book Faith Seeking
the ​level of consumption​, Understanding, defined happiness as “the
particularly on the ​purchase of never-ending possession of what
material goods. absolutely satiates the desires of man.”
ANALYSIS: ● Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle
1. God as the Ultimate Happiness of the associated happiness to the ​good of the
Human Person human person. This good depends on what
● Is my happiness real? man values.
○ Material possessions ● Aristotle: the highest form of happiness can
● God is the ultimate happiness of the human be acquired through the p
​ ractice of virtues
person ● Karl Peschke (Neo-Eudaimonism): The goal
therefore is to ​maximize personal
Road to Emmaus gratification and happiness, especially
● Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem through the more immediate benefits of
who does not know the things that have pleasure, comfort and material standards.
happened there these days?
● He was a prophet, powerful in word and God as the Ultimate Happiness of the Human
deed before God and all the people Person
● We had hoped that he was the one who ● John Paul II, associates happiness to the
was going to redeem Israel. (Redemption meaning of life​. It is the absolute truth
from what?) that everyone years for.
● Disciples were waiting for the savior. They ○ He said that: “In the depths of his
were in search of the one who will bring heart, there always remains a
them happiness. yearning for absolute truth and a
thirst to attain full knowledge of
Understanding Happiness it.”
● Happiness is defined as the realization of ● “Man tirelessly searches for knowledge in
what is pleasurable and appealing to the all fields. It is proved even more by his
senses​. It is also defined as the ​avoidance search for the meaning of life.” (Veritatis
of pain. (​ material definition) Splendor #77)
● Most express it as the degree to which we
judge the ​overall quality of our life as Happiness: A Call Towards the Fullness of Life
without worry, comfortable and financially ● John Paul II explains that authentic
secured. happiness is not found here on earth but in
● Most people relate happiness to: God
○ Sensible pleasures and satisfaction ● He clarifies that ​man “is called to a
of desires fullness of life​, which far exceeds the
○ Success in undertakings and dimensions of his earthly existence,
interpersonal relations
because ​it consists in sharing the very life 3. Individualism
of God.” 4. Hedonism
● Jesus knows about this joy that can be 5. Materialism and consumerism
found only in God and because of this, He
wants to share this with all mankind. St. Thomas ​who, informed by both natural reason
● “For God so loved the world that he gave and Christian revelation, acknowledges that we
his only Son, so that whoever believes in strive for two-fold happiness:
Him might not perish but have eternal life.” 1) An imperfect happiness while here on earth
(John 3:16) and
● This is the purpose of His words and deeds 2) A perfect happiness consisting of the
beatific vision of God in heaven
St. Thomas Aquinas on Happiness
● St. Thomas notes that “to desire happiness St. Augustine ​expressed this so beautifully in his
is nothing else than to desire that one’s will writing, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in
be satisfied. And this is what everyone you.”
desires.” ● Augustine refers to God who is the ultimate
● And yet, “all do not know happiness; source of every good thing and the end
because they know not in what the general towards whom human beings ought to
notion of happiness is found.” direct all their actions
● In Aristotle’s terms, an end acts as a final ● “Every man, whatsoever his condition,
cause, a cause for the sake of which we desires to be happy.” (Saint Augustine)
undertake to do something. We act on
what we hoped to achieve. St. Thomas Aquinas clarifies how rational beings
● Aristotle and Aquinas argue that although differ from irrational beings in their pursuit of an
each individual undeniably has his/her own end.
personal likes and dislikes, we all act most ● Irrational creatures seek their end by means
of the time for the very same final, last end of natural inclination.
● In rational creatures, this inclination is
In other words, we all want to be happy, but not caused by the deliberation of the intellect,
all of us know what really will make us happy. which knows the end as good, and the free
decision of the will.
● 4 (Perceived) things that make us happy:
○ Wealth As the faculty that chooses, the will empowers the
○ Pleasure person to choose which path to take on their way
○ Power to happiness: whether right or wrong.
○ Honour
Relationship between the Human Person’s
Search for True Happiness: Contemporary Rationality and the Totality of His Being:
Trends in Achieving Happiness ● All human persons are oriented towards
1. Secularism the good, in virtue of their rationality
2. Relativism
● This good is broken down and made up of ● In order for us to give justice to this glorious
the basic goods of the person, which are nature, the goodness that we received from
perfective of him/her God, the human person should follow His
● The ​knowledge, right ordering, and commandments.
harmonizing of the human goods by
reason, and the moral effort to pursue them ● The Ten Commandments “teaches us
throughout a lifetime, are necessary for man’s true humanity.
human happiness. (Peter Bristow, Christian ● They shed light ​on the essential duties,
Ethics and the Human Person) and so indirectly on the fundamental rights
inherent in the nature of the human
● “Seek God first.” (Matthew 6:33) person.” (CCC 2070)
● “Man seeks his last end in his actions by ● They lead us to act according to our true
knowing that last end (God) and wanting nature.
● “How is it, then, that I seek you, Lord? Since The 10 Commandments...
in seeking you, my God, I seek a happy life, ● Are reflections about the good of the
let me seek you so that my soul may live, person ​at the level of the many different
for my body draws life from my soul and goods which characterize his identity as a
my soul draws life from you. ​God alone spiritual and bodily being in relationship
satisfies.” ​(St. Augustine, Confessions) with God, with his neighbor, and with the
material world.
Jesus brings the question about morally good ● Teach us man’s true humanity. They shed
action back to its religious foundations, to the light on the essential duties, and so
acknowledgment of God, who alone is goodness, indirectly on the fundamental rights,
fullness of life, the final end of human activity, and inherent in the nature of the human person.
perfect happiness. ○ “You shall not murder; You shall not
commit adultery; You shall not steal;
Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 12:2 You shall not bear false witness”
“Do not be conformed to this world but be are negative precepts, which
transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you express with particular force the
may prove what is the will of God, what is good ever urgent need to protect human
and acceptable and perfect.” life, the communion of persons in
marriage, private property,
God’s Commandments: Criteria in Attaining truthfulness, and people’s good
Eternal Life name.
● When the rich young man asked about the
good he must do to attain ​eternal life, Beatitudes: Call to Perfection
Jesus explained that God is the sole good, ● The Beatitudes are not simply statements
which all human persons’ gaze must turn of ‘if and then’ or ‘cause and effect’. They
to. suggest ​commitment to live out ​the
different suggested attitudes to attain the proportion, which is the effect on us when
graces promised by God. we suffer trials, tribulations and the death
● The Beatitudes, gives us an idea that the of loved ones.
true happiness ​that we should pursue 4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
cannot be totally attained in this world for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
through temporal things but eternally ● One’s duty to one’s neighbor is a
reside in heaven. matter of justice which inclines one
● The Beatitudes respond to ​man’s natural to give everyone what is due to
desire for happiness. them, and the corresponding gift
● The Beatitudes do not suggest certain enables one to do it, not as one who
actions but ​correct dispositions and is pressed into service but ardently
attitudes, ​they remain necessary in forming and willingly, just as one eats and
our will to choose the Good and turn to drinks eagerly when one has a good
God. appetite.
● The Beatitudes indicate ​a way of life, ​a life
that finds it full actualization in God, the 5. Blessed are the merciful
one true source of happiness. ● Spontaneous inclination also leads
us to go beyond what is strictly due
The Beatitudes: to others and show them
● Suggest commitment to live out the generosity, understanding and
different suggested attitudes to attain the forgiveness, without expecting
graces promised by God. anything in return.
● Give an idea that the true happiness we ● This is what we mean by mercy, and
should pursue cannot be totally attained in hence, blessed are the merciful.
this world through temporal things (wealth, ● “The poor, when viewed with eyes
honors, power and fame) but eternally of faith, take the place of Christ and
reside in heaven. so give us the opportunity to love
● Articulate that the destiny of man can be and serve Jesus.” (St. Vincent de
achieved through service and the Paul)
contemplation of heavenly things.
6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
The Beatitudes (Matthew 3:10) shall see God.
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit​, ​refers to the ● The effects of the active life which
need for ​detachment either from ​riches or lead to ​contemplation and which
honors,​ which results from​ humility. perfect man himself who ​triumphs
2. Blessed are the meek​, ​protects man’s over the passions hence we say of
irascible nature from falling into excessive men, blessed are the pure of heart.
anger and keeps it within the bounds of
reason. 7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they
3. Blessed are those who mourn​, ​moderates will be called sons of God.
man’s desire for pleasure by keeping it in
● Man in his relations with his 1. The ​first three beatitudes are dedicated to
neighbor, have peace as their effect, removing the obstacles, which are purely
as we read in Isaiah: “The work of material goods, ​to be with ​God, the
justice shall be peace” (32:17). genuine happiness.
Hence the seventh beatitude tells ● Blessed are the poor in spirit…
us: B
​ lessed are the peacemakers. ● Blessed are the meek…
● Blessed are those that mourn…
● The first three speak about our
rightful relationship​ with God

2. The ​second group explains our duty to

serve our neighbor.
● Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst after righteousness
● Blessed are the merciful

3. The ​third group brings forth the

importance of living a contemplative life.
● Blessed are the pure of heart…
● Blessed are the peacemakers…

● The Beatitudes do not suggest certain
actions but ​correct dispositions and
attitudes. ​They remain necessary in
forming our will to ​choose the Good and
turn to God.
● They are ​reminders that are given to us so
that we can become “​morally good
persons ​and ​attain our integral human
fulfillment (everlasting happiness) in Jesus
● The Beatitudes indicate a ​way of life​, a life
that finds its ​full actualization in God​, the
one true source of happiness.

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