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Innovation and Marketing

Student Name: hamzeh a’raj

Student Number: 20019456

Pearson ID:

Instructor Name: Sanaa Alnsour

Amman 2023-2024

Activity 1

Ever wondered what makes a company truly innovative? In this activity, we'll crack
open the world of innovation and invention, figuring out what sets them apart. We'll
also get to know Royal Jordanian (RJ) a bit better, a major airline in the Middle East
that's always looking for ways to improve. We'll see how a company's vision, the way it
operates, its leaders, and how well everyone works together all play a big role in creating
cool new ideas and getting the word out about them. But innovation doesn't always have
to be expensive! We'll explore something called "frugal innovation," which is all about
being resourceful, and how it can benefit an airline like RJ. Plus, we'll dive into the
"innovation funnel," a fancy way of saying how companies filter out the best ideas to
develop. Finally, we'll explore the "4Ps of Innovation" – Product, Process, Position, and
People – to see how these elements can help RJ stay ahead of the curve.
Company introduction

Royal Jordanian Airlines is the national flag carrier of Jordan, headquartered in Amman.
Established in 1963, the airline has grown to become one of the leading carriers in the Middle
East, offering both domestic and international flights to over 45 destinations across four

As the pride of Jordan's aviation industry, Royal Jordanian is committed to providing exceptional
service, safety, and hospitality to its passengers. With a fleet of modern aircraft and a reputation
for reliability, Royal Jordanian offers a seamless travel experience, reflecting the rich culture and
warm hospi Royal Jordanian Airlines Official Website: of Jordan.

The airline's mission is to connect Jordan with the world, fostering economic growth, tourism,
and cultural exchange. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction,
Royal Jordanian continues to be a preferred choice for travelers seeking comfort, convenience,
and value in air travel.


Royal Jordanian Airlines Official Website:

1. differences between the innovation and the invention

- innovation: is the creation of something entirely new, a product, process, or idea

that has never existed before. It's the initial spark of novelty. Think of the light
bulb or the telephone – these were groundbreaking inventions that didn't have
any earlier versions.

- invention: is about putting that new idea into action. It's the process of taking an
invention and making it useful in the real world. Innovation involves refinement,
adaptation, and finding new applications for existing inventions. For instance, the
smartphone started as a basic communication device, but through innovation, it's
become a powerful pocket computer.

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

Innovation Feature Invention

Implementing and Creating something
using a new idea entirely new
Can build upon
Originality Completely original
existing inventions
Touchscreen phones, Light bulb, the
self-driving cars airplane

differences between the innovation and the invention.

The difference Innovation Invention
Cost Can be high, but also focused on Often high due to the research and
reducing costs through improvements to development needed to create
existing products or processes something completely new.
Required Skill Requires a mix of technical skills, Primarily requires deep technical and
business acumen, and an understanding creative problem-solving skills.
of market needs.
Production Involves refining and optimizing the May require the development of new
production process of existing products production processes and systems.
or services.
when will it Ongoing; innovations can occur at any Typically occurs in the initial stages,
happen stage in a product’s lifecycle to maintain often before a product reaches the
or increase its market viability. market.
Activities Market research, product development, Conceptualization, prototyping,
process improvement, customer feedback patenting, and initial testing.

integration, and strategic planning.

Company’s vision, culture, and leadership, teamwork shape innovation and marketing
- Vision:

- While Royal Jordanian doesn't have a publicly available official vision statement,
their slogan, "We Fly Together," suggests a focus on collaboration and
connecting people. They likely aim to be a leading airline in the Middle East,
known for exceptional service and connecting Jordan to the world.

- Culture:

The culture at Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJ) is deeply rooted in a commitment to

excellence, ensuring that every passenger experiences outstanding service. RJ fosters a work
environment where creativity is not just encouraged but celebrated. Employees across all levels
are empowered to bring new ideas to the table and take the initiative on projects. This ethos of
continuous improvement is key to driving innovation, particularly in areas that directly affect the
customer experience, such as in-flight services and support systems.

For example, imagine the team at RJ brainstorming ways to make a long-haul flight more
comfortable for passengers. They might come up with ideas like introducing seats that better
adjust to the passenger's body or offering a more personalized in-flight entertainment system.
They could also think about streamlining check-in processes to reduce wait times, using
technology to allow passengers to check in via an app and drop off their luggage quickly when
they arrive at the airport.

In terms of marketing, this culture of prioritizing customer care and quality shapes how RJ
communicates with the world. Their marketing campaigns often highlight the airline's dedication
to providing a seamless and enjoyable travel experience, showcasing their innovative services.
This not only helps differentiate RJ in a highly competitive market but also builds a strong
emotional connection with customers, emphasizing the airline’s role as a carrier that truly cares
about its passengers' comfort and needs

- Leadership:

At Royal Jordanian Airlines, the leadership team plays a pivotal role in steering the company
toward success and growth. They focus heavily on strategic growth, operational excellence, and

top-notch customer service. Essentially, they are the captains not just in the cockpit but
throughout the entire airline, guiding every decision and initiative.

The leaders at RJ create an environment that's ripe for innovation. They're not just open to new
ideas; they actively encourage everyone in the company to think outside the box and come up
with creative solutions. This approach is about making sure that RJ doesn’t just keep up with the
aviation industry but stays ahead, anticipating changes and evolving passenger needs before
they become obvious.

For example, the leadership might lead the charge on integrating the latest technology to
improve flight safety or passenger comfort, or they might push for new marketing strategies
that highlight the unique aspects of Jordanian hospitality. Their proactive stance ensures that
Royal Jordanian doesn’t just react to market trends but helps shape them.

This leadership style is critical for effective marketing. It means that RJ's marketing messages
aren't just about selling tickets but about telling a story that resonates with passengers, making
them feel that RJ understands their needs and is evolving with them. By aligning their strategic
priorities with innovative practices and marketing, RJ’s leaders make sure the airline remains a
beloved and relevant choice for travelers around the world

- Teamwork:

Teamwork is like the glue that holds everything together at Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJ). Every
successful flight and satisfied customer is a testament to the seamless collaboration across
various departments — from pilots and cabin crew to ground staff, engineers, and marketing
teams. Everyone has to work together like parts of a well-oiled machine to ensure that
passengers not only enjoy a safe journey but also feel truly cared for from start to finish.

For example, when flight operations collaborate with service design to introduce more
comfortable seating or faster Wi-Fi, it’s the marketing team's job to ensure that travelers know
about these enhancements. The effort to improve services isn't just about making changes; it’s
about communicating these changes effectively so that they add value to the passenger's

The different sources of innovation , and how an organization can create an enabling
environment and culture for innovation

Innovation can come from various places within an organization, and understanding these
sources can help companies like Royal Jordanian Airlines to improve their services, processes,
and customer satisfaction. Here are some primary sources of innovation:

1. Technology Advancements:

Imagine how the latest advancements in technology can lead to exciting changes in the airline
industry. For example, new aircraft designs can make flights more comfortable and fuel-efficient,
while innovations in customer service technologies can make the travel experience smoother for

2. Market Changes:

Think about how shifts in what travelers want can drive innovation. As people seek more
personalized travel experiences, airlines like Royal Jordanian might come up with creative ways
to tailor in-flight services to meet these preferences.

3. Regulatory Changes:

Consider how new regulations can push airlines to innovate. For instance, environmental
regulations might inspire RJ to find innovative solutions to reduce emissions and become more

4. Internal Processes:

Imagine how improvements in internal processes can lead to better customer experiences.
Streamlining operations, enhancing safety protocols, or improving supply chain logistics can all
contribute to a smoother and more efficient travel experience for passengers.

5. Competitive Pressure:

Think about how the actions of competitors can motivate RJ to innovate. To stay ahead in the
market, the airline might focus on improving cost efficiency, enhancing customer service, or
launching creative marketing campaigns.

6. Employee Creativity:

Consider the valuable ideas that employees bring to the table. By encouraging their input and
empowering them to think creatively, RJ can tap into a wealth of innovative solutions that
improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Creating an Enabling Environment and Culture for Innovation

For RJ to foster a culture of innovation, it needs to create an environment that encourages

creative thinking and the development of new ideas. Here’s how:

Leadership Support:

Imagine leaders at RJ actively championing innovation, providing guidance, resources, and

encouragement to employees to explore new ideas and take risks.

Cross-Departmental Collaboration:

Think about how different departments at RJ could collaborate to bring diverse perspectives and
expertise to the table, leading to innovative solutions that address complex challenges.

Training and Resources:

Consider how RJ could offer training sessions and provide resources to employees to help them
develop their creativity and innovation skills.

Reward and Recognition Systems:

Imagine RJ implementing reward systems to recognize and celebrate innovative ideas,

motivating employees to think outside the box and contribute to the company's success.


Think about how RJ could create a safe environment where employees feel comfortable taking
calculated risks and experimenting with new ideas, knowing that failure is seen as a learning

Open Communication:

Consider how open lines of communication at RJ can encourage employees at all levels to share
their ideas and provide feedback, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

External Engagement:

Imagine RJ actively engaging with customers, suppliers, and partners to gain new insights and
perspectives, driving innovation from outside the organization.

By cultivating these practices, Royal Jordanian Airlines can ensure it stays ahead of the curve,
continuously improving its services and meeting the evolving needs of its customers. This
approach not only helps RJ maintain its competitive edge but also reinforces its position as a
leader in the airline industry.

Different types of innovation

The 4Ps of innovation and the use of the innovation funnel

- the 4Ps of innovation: ‫تعريف‬

1. Paradigm:‫شرح مع مثال‬
2. Product: ‫شرح مع مثال‬
3. Process: ‫شرح مع مثال‬
4. Position
‫شرح مع مثال‬
 Advantages of 4P's of Innovation:

 Disadvantage of the 4P's of Innovation

Innovation Funnel:
‫اضافة الرسمه‬

‫تعريف وشرح مبسط‬

The stages of an Innovation Funnel

‫مراحل قمع االبتكار‬
 Analysis
 Brainstorming
 Selection of ideas

 conceptual elaboration
 Consumer testing.
 product launch

Innovation funnel Benefits

Developments in frugal innovation and provide examples of how it is used in an

organizational context.
Frugal Innovation:
Frugal innovation refers to a new problem-solving technique that prioritizes producing maximum
value with least resources. It is a method of designing and delivering products, services, and
procedures with the goal of making them cheaper, more available, and useful for those who
needed them most. In many situations, this entails reconsidering established techniques to create

new products or services with the goal to make things easier and less expensive while still
achieving the required goals. (Bhatti, Y., Basu, R., Barron, D., Ventresca, M. J. (2018).

Frugal Innovation Factors

 address a fundamental problem.

 cheap.

 simple to use.

 scalable.
- Developments in frugal innovation and how it is used in a------ company + Examples

Analyse and apply the innovation funnel in ()Company.

Getting the Idea







Appraise the role of frugal innovation in () company.

Conclusion of activity 1

Activity 2:
The importance of the commercial funnel and the application of New Product
Development (NPD)
The commercialization of innovation is a complex process of translating creative ideas and
technology developments into commercial items or services. This detailed review explains key
points in the process, emphasizing the need of excellent planning, implementation of strategies,
and adaptability to markets.

In this activity I will Explain the importance of the commercial funnel and the application of
New Product Development, An Innovation Business Case for (),Technological aspects for
Innovations, Ways of funding, and analysis of intellectual property rights types and reasoning.

 The steps needed to commercialize innovation


Idea Generation:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬
Idea Monitoring & Evaluation:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Development of Concepts and Testing:

‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Business Planning:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Development of Products:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Market Testing:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Commercial Launch:
‫شرح وتوضيح‬

Distribution & Sales Channels:

Scaling up production:

Marketing & branding:

Monitoring & adaptation:

Intellectual Property Protection:

Long Term Innovation Strategy:

Challenges & considerations:

‫على االقل اربع تحديات‬

Importance of Commercial Funnel:

Disadvantages of Commercial Funnels:

4 ‫على االقل‬

Applications of New Product Development:

4 ‫اذكر‬

Advantages of New Product Development.

3 ‫اذكر‬
The disadvantages of new product development:

3 ‫اذكر‬

An Innovation Business Case for ()

In this topic will Develop a comprehensive and detailed case for innovation within () company,
encompassing risks, benefits, and avenues for accessing funding. And generate substantiated
evidence highlighting the business value for potential future investment.

Summary of the business case
Company introduction

What did() used for innovation and why?

Technological Innovations:

Ecommerce Innovation:

Operation Innovation:


Business Model Innovation:\


Technological Innovations:

Ecommerce Innovation:

Operation Innovation:

Business Model Innovation:


Rapid technological changes:

Large Initial Investment expenses:


User Experience Challenges:


Ways of funding
‫شرح كل منها مع مثال‬
 Bootstrapping

 Crowdfunding
 Venture Capital
 Business Loans
 Angel Investors
 Incubators & Accelerators

 Government grants
 Collaborating with other companies

The ways of fund that () using

Operating Cash Flow:

Why: Operational cash flow is a consistent and reliable source of funding. It enables () to
support its day-to-day operations, develop in technology, and pursue new possibilities without
depending largely on external financing.

Debt Financing:
Equity Financing:
Investment Income:
‫وغيرها ان وجدت مع بيان السبب‬

Technological aspect
1. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Improved Customer Experience: ‫توضيح‬

Predictive Analytics: ‫توضيح‬

2. IoT
3. Business intelligence (BI)

4. Social media integration


Value for Future Investment:


Intellectual property (IP)

 Intellectual Property

‫تعريف شامل بالضافه الى فقره توضيحيه‬

 Types of Intellectual Property

‫شرح مفصل لالنواع مع ذكر مثال‬

1. Patent

‫ذكر انواعه‬

Utility patents:
Design patents:
Plant patents:

2. Copyright

3. Trademark


4. Trade Secret


What Intellectual Property () using

‫التوضيح والمثال من الشركة التي تدرسها‬
 Trademark:
Examples: ‫مثال‬
 Patents:

 Trade Secrets:

() use of intellectual property aims to ‫هدف الشركه من حمايه حقوقها بالتفصيل‬

 protect innovations.

 Recognition of the brand & Trust:

 Competitive Advantage:

Summary and conclusion of activity 2

4 Types of intellectual property protection & IP rights (no date).

Admin and Admin (2020) Case study on Amazon’s approach to innovation and competition in the

knowledge economy | Roger Swannell.


Anees, M. (2023) 'Intrinsic Motivation Advantages and Disadvantages for organizations,' BRAVO!

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Banking, M.| O. (2023) 8 ways to secure funds for your business.


Bieler, D. (2023) Learn from Amazon’s approach to innovation.


De Leon, K. (2022) 10 Funding options for your eCommerce or Amazon business.

Garden, T. (2021) 'Innovation Funnel: what it is and how it works,' Talent Garden, 26 April.


Law, St.F. (2021) Intellectual Property Rights: Definition and Examples - St Francis School of Law.


Moore, E. (2023) What is a Sales Funnel and why is it important?

Oxcognita LLC - Oxford Review Enterprises Ltd (2020) What is frugal innovation? Definition and


Pattan, R. (2023) 'The Power of Innovation: Exploring its Advantages and Disadvantages,' Medium, 10



Robischon, N. (2017) Why Amazon is the world’s most innovative company of 2017.


Simplilearn (2023) Amazon Marketing Strategy 2024: A case study.


Tennekoon, C.E. (2023) The 4 P’s of Innovation: Exploring the Dimensions of change.



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