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Chiang Kai Shek College

International Baccalaureate
Middle Years Programme (World School)


Term 3

Class No. | Name: Date:

Section: MYP Year: 5
Teacher: Unit: 3

General instructions
What to submit: Submit your recorded 5-8 minute video file in Managebac
When to April 5, 2024 (Thursday) 11:59pm

Communicating Achieved level:

Task-specific clarifications
The oral examination does not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors
Your business proposal presentation:

i. communicates information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues in a

limited way, using a style that is limited in its appropriateness to the audience and
ii. structures information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues in a
limited way; contains mostly irrelevant or repetitive information and ideas.

iii. documents sources of information in a limited way using APA citation; contains a
few basic sources within a limited type of information source.
Your business proposal presentation:

i. communicates information and ideas satisfactorily about the chosen

contemporary issues by using a style that is somewhat appropriate to the audience
and purpose.
Chiang Kai Shek College
International Baccalaureate
Middle Years Programme (World School)

ii. structures information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues in a way
that is somewhat appropriate to the specified format; your oral examination
contains relevant, but sometimes repetitive information and ideas.

iii. sometimes documents sources of information using APA citation; contains some
basic sources within some types of information sources.
Your business proposal presentation:

i. communicates information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues

accurately by using a style that is mostly appropriate to the audience and purpose;
contains some ideas that are clearly and cohesively explained.
ii. structures information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues in a way
that is mostly appropriate to the specified format; your oral examination is relevant
and not repetitive information and ideas.

iii. often documents sources of information using APA citation; contains basic and
advanced sources within a range of different types of information sources.
Your business proposal presentation:

i. communicates information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues

effectively and accurately by using a style that is completely appropriate to the
audience and purpose; there are no grammatical errors and the explanation is more
than four ideas.
ii. structures information and ideas about the chosen contemporary issues in a way
that is completely appropriate to the specified format; your oral examination
contains relevant and not repetitive information and ideas.

iii. consistently documents sources of information using APA citation; contains

advanced sources within a range of different types of information sources.

Instructions: This oral examination aims to assess your understanding of key

concepts related to individuals and societies, with a focus on the interplay between
territorial disputes, political dynasty, graft and corruption, and sex and gender. Each
topic consists of questions designed to assess your knowledge, critical thinking skills,
and ability to articulate complex ideas. You will only choose 2 topics to discuss. You will
have a specified amount of time to respond to each question. Ensure that your
responses are clear, concise, and supported by relevant examples and analysis.
Chiang Kai Shek College
International Baccalaureate
Middle Years Programme (World School)

Technical Setup:
1. Ensure that your recording device is positioned to capture your face and
upper body clearly.
2. Check the lighting to ensure that you are well-lit and visible throughout
the recording.
3. Test the audio to ensure that your voice is clear and audible.
4. Make sure you have a stable internet connection to prevent interruptions
during the recording.

During the Examination:

1. Begin by stating your name and the date of the examination.
2. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace, ensuring that your responses are
coherent and well-structured.
3. Provide specific examples and analysis to support your points, drawing
from relevant course materials, personal experiences, or current events.
4. Keep track of the time allocated and pace yourself accordingly to ensure
that you cover all key points within the given time frame.

Topic 1: Territorial Disputes

1. Identify and describe a recent territorial dispute between nations. What are the
underlying causes of the dispute and evaluate the method to address the
territorial disputes?
2. Discuss the potential consequences of unresolved territorial disputes on regional
stability and global geopolitics. What measures can be taken to mitigate tensions
and promote peaceful resolutions?

Topic 2: Political Dynasty

1. Define the concept of a political dynasty and discuss its prevalence in different
political systems around the world. What are the effects of political dynasties for
democratic governance and political representation?
Chiang Kai Shek College
International Baccalaureate
Middle Years Programme (World School)

2. Discuss the factors why political dynasties still exist. Give a list of strategies for
combating political dynasties and promoting political inclusivity.

Topic 3: Graft and Corruption

1. Explain what graft and corruption is and distinguish between different forms of
corrupt practices. How do corruption networks operate within governmental
institutions and private sectors?
2. Analyze the social, economic, and political consequences of graft and corruption
on society. Discuss the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures and initiatives
in combating graft and corruption.

Topic 4: Sex and Gender

1. Explain what "sex" and "gender" is all about and Discuss the distinction
between them. How do social norms and cultural beliefs shape perceptions of
gender roles and identities?
2. Discuss the impact of gender inequality and discrimination on social, economic,
and political aspects. Provide examples from different societies to illustrate your
3. Analyze the role of education in challenging traditional gender norms and
promoting gender equality. How can educational institutions contribute to creating
a more inclusive and equitable society?

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