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Title Number : EGL517420

This title is dealt with by HM Land Registry, Wales Office.

The following extract contains information taken from the register of the above title
number. A full copy of the register accompanies this document and you should read that
in order to be sure that these brief details are complete.
Neither this extract nor the full copy is an 'Official Copy' of the register. An
official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent
as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she
suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy.
This extract shows information current on 29 MAR 2022 at 19:17:55 and so does not take
account of any application made after that time even if pending in HM Land Registry
when this extract was issued.


Title Number : EGL517420

Address of Property : Apartment 3106, 26 Hertsmere Road, London and parking

space 85 (E14 4EG)

Price Stated : £2,450,000

Registered Owner(s) : BRANSTEAD LIMITED (incorporated in British Virgin

Islands) of Trident Chambers, Road Town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands and care of Providence Wealth
Corporation, 1 Canada Square, 37th Floor, London E14

Lender(s) : Procosa A SA

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Title number EGL517420
This is a copy of the register of the title number set out immediately below, showing
the entries in the register on 29 MAR 2022 at 19:17:55. This copy does not take account
of any application made after that time even if still pending in HM Land Registry when
this copy was issued.
This copy is not an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the register
is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is
entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a
mistake in an official copy. If you want to obtain an official copy, the HM Land
Registry web site explains how to do this.

A: Property Register
This register describes the land and estate comprised in
the title. Except as mentioned below, the title includes
any legal easements granted by the registered lease but
is subject to any rights that it reserves, so far as
those easements and rights exist and benefit or affect
the registered land.
1 (13.02.2007) The Leasehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the
above Title filed at the Registry and being Apartment 3106, 26
Hertsmere Road, London and parking space 85 (E14 4EG).

NOTE 1: As to the part tinted blue on the title plan only the thirty
first flat is included in the title.

NOTE 2: As to the part tinted blue and tinted yellow on the title plan
only the thirty first and thirty second floor flat is included in the

NOTE 3: As to the part tinted pink on the title plan only the basement
level parking space is included in the title.
2 (13.02.2007) Short particulars of the lease(s) (or under-lease(s))
under which the land is held:
Date : 31 January 2007
Term : 999 years (less 3 days) from 24 June 2004
Parties : (1) No 1 West India Quay (Residential) Limited
(2) Peter Jensen
NOTE: The Headlease referred to is registered under title number
3 (13.02.2007) The title includes any legal easements referred to in
clause LR11.1 of the registered lease but is subject to any rights that
are granted or reserved by the lease and affect the registered land.
4 (13.02.2007) There are excepted from the effect of registration all
estates, rights, interests, powers and remedies arising upon, or by
reason of, any dealing made in breach of the prohibition or restriction
against dealings therewith inter vivos contained in the Lease.
5 (13.02.2007) The Transfer dated 19 March 1999 referred to in the
Charges Register contains the following provision:-

"3.2 The operation of section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925 is

excluded from this transfer"
6 (13.02.2007) The landlord's title is registered.

B: Proprietorship Register
This register specifies the class of title and
identifies the owner. It contains any entries that
affect the right of disposal.
Title absolute

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Title number EGL517420

B: Proprietorship Register continued

1 (11.08.2010) PROPRIETOR: BRANSTEAD LIMITED (incorporated in British
Virgin Islands) of Trident Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin
Islands and care of Providence Wealth Corporation, 1 Canada Square,
37th Floor, London E14 5AA.
2 (13.02.2007) RESTRICTION: No transfer or lease of the registered estate
by the proprietor of the registered estate or by the proprietor of any
registered charge is to be registered without a certificate signed by
the proprietor for the time being of the estate registered under title
number EGL475068 or, if appropriate, signed on such proprietor's behalf
by its secretary or director or conveyancer that the provisions of
clause 3.12 of the registered lease have been complied with.
3 (11.08.2010) The price stated to have been paid on 4 August 2010 was
4 (11.08.2010) The Transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant to
observe and perform the covenants referred to in the Charges Register
and of indemnity in respect thereof.
5 (11.08.2010) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by
the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a
written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the
Charge dated 4 August 2010 in favour of Procosa A SA (an unlimited
company) referred to in the Charges Register.

C: Charges Register
This register contains any charges and other matters
that affect the land.
1 (13.02.2007) An Agreement dated 27 October 1978 made between (1) The
Port of London Authority and (2) The Mayor and Burgesses of The London
Borough of Tower Hamlets relates to the grant of a lease and the
development of the land in this title and other land.

NOTE 1: Agreement originally registered under Title number NGL475932

NOTE 2: No copy of the Agreement is filed in the Land Registry.

2 (13.02.2007) So much of the land in this title as is affected thereby
is subject to the rights granted by a Deed dated 4 November 1982 made
between (1) The London Docklands Development Corporation and (2) The
Port of London Authority.

NOTE: Copy filed under NGL412126.

3 (13.02.2007) A Transfer which included the freehold estate in the land
in this title and other land dated 7 November 1983 made between (1) The
Port of London Authority (PLA) and (2) The London Docklands Development
Corporation (LDDC) contains the following covenants:-

"The LDDC hereby covenants with the PLA to the intent that the burden
of this covenant may run with and bind the premises and every part of
them for ever and to the intent that the benefit of this covenant may
be annexed to and run with the retained land and every part of it not
to carry on or permit to be carried on upon the premises work which by
reference to its description or the premises is dock work for the
purposes of the Dock Work Regulation Act 1976 section 5(4)".

NOTE: The retained land referred to lies to the west of the land in
this title.
4 (13.02.2007) The land is subject to the following rights reserved by
the Transfer dated 7 November 1983 referred to above:-

"Thereof is excepted and reserved to the PLA in fee simple:-

(a) a right to use of all purposes connected with the retained land
any sewers drains watercourses pipes, cables wires or other channels or
conductors now erected or laid on in under or over the premises and all
liberties privileges easements and rights necessary for the PLA to make

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Title number EGL517420

C: Charges Register continued

connections with repair renew maintain or clear them"
5 (13.02.2007) A Transfer of the freehold estate of the land in this
title and other land dated 27 October 1997 made between (1) London
Docklands Development Corporation (Transferor) and (2) British
Waterways Board (Transferee) contains covenants details of which are
set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.
6 (13.02.2007) The land is subject to the following rights reserved by
the Transfer dated 27 October 1997 referred to above:-

"There are excepted and reserved out of the Property for the benefit of
the Retained Land the rights and easements set out in schedule 2


Rights Excepted and Reserved

1. The right for the benefit of the Retained Land and each and every
part of it for the Transferor and its successors in title the owners
and occupiers for the time being of the Retained Land in common (where
appropriate) with the Transferee and its successors in title the owners
and occupiers for the time being of the Property and all others having
the like right:-

1.1 Services

To the free and uninterrupted passage of and running of water surface

water drainage soil gas electricity telecommunications and other
services through the Service Media now or within the Perpetuity Period
in or under the Property to the extent that the same are or do not
become adopted or public mains (the "Property Service Media")

1.2 Access to the Property for works to Service Media and building

At all reasonable times after giving to the Transferee previous notice

in writing (except in the case of emergency) to enter upon those parts
of the Property as are then unbuilt upon with or without workmen and
any necessary materials plant machinery equipment and apparatus for the
purpose of:-

1.2.1 inspecting cleaning repairing maintaining and renewing the

Retained Land Service Media and making connections between the Property
Service Media to the Retained Land Service Media

1.2.2 carrying out any necessary works of repair or maintenance to

buildings on the Retained Land which cannot reasonably be done without
such access

the persons exercising such rights causing as little damage and

inconvenience as possible and making good all damage caused

1.3 Support

For free and full support and protection from the Property the Dock
Walls and the buildings on the Property as now enjoyed by the Retained
Land and the buildings on the Retained Land


1.6 Dealings

Rights to deal in any manner with the Retained Land and to erect
maintain rebuild or alter develop any buildings or structures thereon
notwithstanding that the same shall diminish or interfere with the
light or air now or within Perpetuity Period enjoyed by the Property


3. The rights for the benefit of the DLR Land and each and every part

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Title number EGL517420

C: Charges Register continued

of it the Transferor its successors in title and assigns and owners and
occupiers of the DLR Land in common (where appropriate) with the
Transferee and its successors in title owners and occupiers of the
Property and all others having like right:-

3.1 to pass and repass over the Property at all times with and without
vehicles plant machinery contractors materials and workmen for
obtaining access to the security fences and the DLR Land Viaducts
bridges and other structures and also for inspecting cleansing cleaning
constructing repairing maintaining replacing renewing altering and
removing the said fences and the DLR Land and anything thereon and
provided that the Transferor and/or DLRL may park vehicles and
temporarily keep store and leave for such period or periods as shall be
reasonably required in all the circumstances for such works scaffolding
or other supports equipment materials stores and vehicles which shall
or may be required for repair or other railway purposes Provided that
no storage shall be permitted so as to obstruct the rights of others or

3.2 in the event of any accident or emergency or threatened emergency

or apprehended emergency to enter upon such parts of the Property as
shall be necessary and not built upon for the purpose of preventing or
repairing the same and for all purposes in connection directly with any
such accident or emergency and to do such other works as may be
necessary or desirable in relation thereto Provided That the person
exercising such rights shall comply with its statutory obligations as
to compensation

3.3 of free and uninterrupted passage and running of water surface

water drainage soil gas electricity telecommunications and other
services to and from the DLRL Land and the station indicators to and
over the Property in and through the Service Media and the right (so
far as the same shall be reasonably necessary and it shall not be
reasonably practicable to do so directly from the DLR Land) and to
enter the relevant part of the Property not built upon at the date
hereof and repair renew inspect construct maintain replace move and
remove the Service Media or any of them to the extent aforesaid for the
purpose of exercising the said rights of passage and running water soil
gas electricity and other services (including the right to break open
the surface of the ground)

3.4 to the free drainage of rainwater from the structures on the DLR

Provided Always that the person exercising such rights shall cause as
little damage and inconvenience as possible in the exercise of such
rights and as soon as practicable making good any damage to roads
premises the Property (....) or other property thereby caused to the
Transferee's reasonable satisfaction and not to use or attempt to use
the said conducting media to an extent which is in excess of the
capacity which the same or any part of the same is designed to bear"

NOTE: The Property referred to included the land in this title. The
Retained Land referred to was defined as the whole of the Transferor's
Land excluding the Property. The Transferor's Land was defined as the
freehold land comprised in title numbers NGL475932, NGL412126 and
EGL280904. The Perpetuity Period referred to was defined as 80 years
from 27 October 1997. The Service Media referred to was defined as all
conduits pipes sewers drains ducts wires cables fibres channels and all
other conducting media including any fixings and other ancillary
apparatus. The DLR land referred to includes that part of the
Docklands Light Railway, including the structure of the viaduct,
adjacent to the land in this title.
7 (13.02.2007) A Transfer of the freehold estate in the land in this
title and other land dated 19 March 1999 made between (1) British
Waterways Board (Transferor) and (2) West India Quay Development
Company (Eastern) Limited (Transferee) contains covenants details of
which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.
8 (13.02.2007) The land is subject to the following rights reserved by
the Transfer dated 19 March 1999 referred to above:-

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Title number EGL517420

C: Charges Register continued

"There are excepted and reserved out of the Property for the benefit of
the Transferor's Property the rights set out in schedule 2


Rights Excepted and Reserved

The right for the benefit of the Transferor's Property and each and
every part of it for the Transferor and its successors in title and all
those authorised by it or them and for the general public in common
(where appropriate) with the Transferee and its successors in title the
owners and occupiers for the time being of the Property and all others
having the like right:-

1. Services

1.1 To the free and uninterrupted passage of services from and to any
part of the Transferor's Property through any Service Media which now
or may in the future be constructed during the Perpetuity Period in on
or under the Property (including any private unadopted road) where such
Service Media is intended for common use and are not intended merely to
serve the Property

1.2 To make connections to such Service Media as are referred to in

paragraph 1.1 but not so as to overload or diminish any such Service
Media and thereafter using the connection made subject to the person
exercising the right causing as little damage and inconvenience as
reasonably practicable and forthwith making good all damage thereby
occasioned to the reasonable satisfaction of the Transferee and at all
times repairing maintaining cleaning and if necessary replacing such
connection and paying on demand the proper costs thereof in the event
of failure to do so

1.3 To enter upon the unbuilt parts of the Property for the purposes of
making any connection referred to in paragraph 1.2 causing as little
damage and inconvenience as reasonably practicable and forthwith making
good all damage thereby occasioned to the reasonable satisfaction of
the Transferee

2. Support

Of support and protection of the Transferor's Property from each and

every part of the Property and including any buildings from time to
time constructed on the Property

3. Access to the Property for works to service Media and building


At all reasonable times after giving to the Transferee previous notice

in writing (except in the case of emergency) to enter upon those parts
of the Property as are then unbuilt upon with or without workmen and
any necessary materials plant machinery equipment and apparatus for the
purpose of inspecting cleaning repairing maintaining and renewing the
Service Media subject to the persons exercising such rights causing as
little damage and inconvenience as possible and making good all damage
caused to the reasonable satisfaction of the Transferee"

NOTE: The land in this title formed part of the Property referred to.
The Transferor's Property was defined as the freehold land comprised in
title number EGL365499. The Services referred to were defined as water
sewage gas electricity telephone television audio fax electronic mail
data information and communications and other appropriate services for
supplies necessary for the use and enjoyment of the Property. The
Perpetuity Period referred to was defined as 80 years from 19 March
9 (13.02.2007) The land is subject to the following rights contained in a
Deed of Grant and Confirmation dated 20 April 2000 made between (1)
West India Quay Management Company (Museum) Limited (WIQM), (2) West
India Quay Development Company (Warehouses) Limited (WIQW), (3) West
India Quay Development Company (Northern) Limited (WIQN), (4) West
India Quay Development Company (Ledger) Limited (WIQL) and (5) West
India Quay Development Company (Eastern) Limited (WIQE):-

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Title number EGL517420

C: Charges Register continued


3.1 In consideration of One pound (£1) (receipt of which is hereby

acknowledged) WIQE hereby grants with full title guarantee and confirms
the Eastern Phase Rights for the benefit the Warehouses the Northern
Phase the Museum and the Ledger Building respectively and each and
every part thereof to each of WIQW WIQN WIQM WIQL their successors in
title and occupiers (sic) TO HOLD the said rights to WIQE WIQN WIQM
WIQL in fee simple"
10 (13.02.2007) A Deed dated 20 April 2000 made between (1) West India
Quay Development Company (Eastern) Limited (WIQE) and (2) West India
Quay Development Company (Northern) Limited (WIQN) contains covenants
details of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants
11 (13.02.2007) A Deed of Covenant dated 5 May 2000 made between (1) West
India Quay Development Company (Eastern) Limited (WIQE), (2) West India
Quay Development Company (Ledger) Limited (WIQL), (3) West India Quay
Development Company (Warehouses) Limited (WIQW), (4) West India Quay
Management Company (Museum) Limited (WIQM), (5) West India Quay
Apartments Limited (WIQAP), (6) West India Quay (Block A) Limited
(WIQA) and (7) West India Quay Limited (WIQ) contains covenants details
of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.
12 (13.02.2007) Licence dated 19 March 1999 made between (1) British
Waterways Board and (2) West India Quay Development Company (Eastern)
Limited relates to construction works relating to the eastern phase of
West India Quay.

NOTE: Copy filed under EGL365499.

13 (11.08.2010) REGISTERED CHARGE dated 4 August 2010.
14 (11.08.2010) Proprietor: PROCOSA A SA (incorporated in Switzerland)(an
unlimited company) of 7 Place Longemalle, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland.

Schedule of restrictive covenants

1 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Transfer
dated 27 October 1997 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"The Transferee with intent to bind the Property and each and every
part of it covenants with the Transferor for the benefit of the
Retained land and each and every part of it that the Transferee and the
Transferee's successors in title will at all times hereafter perform
and observe the covenants and stipulations specified in schedule 4


Transferee's Restrictive Covenants


2. Not to do or allow on the Property anything which may cause

nuisance or damage to the Transferor its successors in title or the
owners and occupiers for the time being of the Retained Land


7. In exercising any right of entry in this Transfer and not at any

time to interfere with or endanger passengers or the running of trains
on the railway or the operation of the DLRL's equipment and to procure
that the persons so entering shall also observe and perform all the
requirements of the Transferor DLRL and its engineers as to time place
and method of such entry and of carrying out works and the persons
entering shall cause as little disturbance and damage as possible and
forthwith make good to the Transferor's satisfaction all damage caused
or at the option of the Transferor pay reasonable compensation for any
damage caused

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Title number EGL517420
Schedule of restrictive covenants continued
8. Not without the consent in writing of the Transferor to erect any
building or other structure of any kind or carry out any work or
excavation of any kind under any Viaduct nor change the use of any land
under any Viaduct and not install or use under any Viaduct any
electrical or electronic apparatus or equipment which would cause
interference with electrical or electronic apparatus or equipment used
by the Transferor in connection with the operation of the DLR

10. Not at any time to park or permit or suffer the parking of

vehicles under any Viaduct except that the Transferee may park or
permit the parking of cars vans coaches and other vehicles provided
that at all times while such parkings take place access of such
vehicles is controlled manually or by means of electronically operated
barriers and that there is security supervision for all such parking
Provided that parking of vehicles other than cars shall be subject to
the taking by the Transferee at its own cost of appropriate reasonable
measures for the protection of the railway and its structures requested
by the Transferor

11. Not to store or permit or suffer the storage of any materials of a

combustible inflammable or explosive nature under any Viaduct forming
part of the DLR."

NOTE: The Property referred to included the land in this title. The
Retained Land referred to was defined as the whole of the Transferor's
Land excluding the Property. The Transferor's Land was defined as the
freehold land comprised in title numbers NGL475932, NGL412126 and
EGL280904. The DLRL was defined as Docklands Light Railway Limited and
where the context so requires or admits includes its successors and
successors in title and other operators of Docklands Light Railway
2 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Transfer
dated 19 March 1999 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"The Transferee with intent to bind the Property and each and every
part of it covenants with the Transferor for the benefit of the Quay
Area and each and every part of it that the Transferee and the
Transferee's successors in title will at all times hereafter perform
and observe the covenants and stipulations specified in schedule 3


Transferee's Restrictive Covenants

1. Not to cause any damage to or park vehicles (save service vehicles

temporarily) on or otherwise obstruct or deposit mud or any other
substance on the Quay Area

2. Not to do or allow on the Property anything which may cause legal

nuisance to the Transferor its successors in title to or the users and
occupiers for the time being of the Quay Area or damage to the Quay

NOTE: The land in this title formed part of the Property referred to.
The Quay Area referred to adjoins the southern boundary of the
3 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Deed dated
20 April 2000 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"WIQE hereby covenants with WIQN and its successors in title with
intent to bind the Eastern Site and each and every part of it for the
benefit of the Northern Site and each and every part of it that WIQE
and its successors in title will not carry out any works on the Eastern
Site which will (or be reasonably likely to) wholly and exclusively
cause the water table to fall below its current level and which in
direct consequence of such fall will damage (or be reasonably likely to
damage) the foundations (including without limitation the piling) of or
interfere with the subjacent and lateral support and protection of the
buildings situated on the Northern Site or any part thereof and will
procure that the burden of such covenant is registered against Title

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Title number EGL517420
Schedule of restrictive covenants continued
Number EGL388976"
4 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Deed of
Covenant dated 5 May 2000 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"WIQE hereby covenants severally with the Southern Site Companies and
each of them and their respective successors in title with intent to
bind the Eastern Site and each and every part of it that WIQE and its
successors in title will not carry out any works on the Eastern Site
which will (or be reasonably likely to) wholly and exclusively cause
the water table to fall below its current level and which in direct
consequence of such fall will damage (or be reasonably likely to
damage) the foundations (including without limitation the piling) of or
interfere with the subjacent and lateral support and protection of the
buildings situated on the Southern Site or any part thereof and will
procure that the burden of such covenant is registered against Title
Number EGL388976"

NOTE: The Southern Site Companies are WIQL, WIQW, WIQM, WIQAP, WIQA and

End of register

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