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Topic: Ex- Girlfriend and Ex-Boyfriend

Host: Thuy Duong

Nguyễn Thị Lan Hương
Hồ Thanh Tuyền
Nguyễn Thành Anh

Guests Introduce themselves (Name, Age, Job,…)

Intro: Someone said “The ex is a stranger that I loved”

It's sad that we're still separated in the end. Actually, no one is right or wrong, we are not
wrong, we should just ignore each other.

Tonight, our topic is “Ex- Girlfriend and Ex-Boyfriend”

#Track 1
Duong: We start the show with a video…We come to the first question.
1. What attracts you to a woman, Thanh Anh?
Thanh Anh: I don't know about men but as for women, I think the first thing I'm attracted
to is their appearance. I like people with a well-proportioned appearance, and then there's
their smile. I'm extremely easily impressed by women's smiles dimples.
Duong: This is a man’s opinion. Next, we hear a lady's opinion. Huong, what do you
Huong: When I was young I desired to have a handsome and rich boyfriend. But my ex-
boyfriend wasn’t handsome and rich. It was so funny. So now, I think, being handsome or
rich doesn't matter to me, a person with a good sense of humor is the most attractive. Just
imagine if you live with a rich and handsome husband in a beautiful house but he just talks
boring stories all day. It's miserable!

Duong: Yeah, we have the same style. I really need a funny guy to appear in my life. How
about you, Tuyen? What do you want from your guy?
Tuyen: I don't have an ideal man, but I think I would be attracted to someone who is calm.
I have male friends who belong to this type. They like to listen more than they speak, and
every word they say is chosen carefully to avoid hurting others. What I like most about
them is that they face challenges gently and calmly.
Duong: Tuyen, I think we need time to recognize whether he is a calm guy or not. So
you're not someone who can fall in love at first sight, are you?
Tuyen: Observation is required to determine if a person is calm. Love at first sight never
happened to me.
#Track 2
Duong: A relationship must start by meeting someone and being somewhere. We can't
just stay home and a guy or a girl falls from the sky. And the next question is where or
How did you and your ex meet? Can you share with us your story, Tuyen?
2. How did you and your ex meet?
Tuyen: Actually, the story is old but when reminded, it still brings back many beautiful
memories. My ex and I met in an English class when I was in high school. He confessed
his love to me with a bouquet of flowers and love started from there. To me, school love is
so cute and innocent.
Duong: I think this is a dream of many teenagers. Riding a bike on the school yard and
crashing on a crush. And so am I. But it was just a dream.
Huong: I met my ex-boyfriend at a party when I was 20 years old. At first, my ex-
boyfriend didn’t attract me, he’s nothing special. But, when he was talking to his friends, I
thought he was my type. He brightened the mood around him. I liked the way he starts a
conversation and changes the subject. I laughed throughout the party. Then he asked me to
give him my phone number, I agreed. After that, we chatted a lot and became a couple
after 3 months.
Duong: Huong, You can tell me more about the party that you attend. Birthday party,
wedding party or sth like that?
Huong: It's my best friend's wedding party. I'm the bride's friend, and my ex is the
groom’s friend.

Duong: I see. If you are single for too long, my advice is to actively participate in parties:
wedding parties, birthday parties or funerals,...and maybe luck will smile on you.
Thanh Anh: That morning I was at a cafe studying, at that time the cafe was quite
deserted, then a girl also came to sit at the table next to me. Actually, that girl and I were
quite destined to meet each other because I saw it every day, then suddenly that noon she
bought me a drink and gave it to me. She said she wanted to get to know me and asked for
my phone number. We met as simple as that.
Duong: Wow, the coffee shop - this is a wonderful place to meet a crush. I also go to the
coffee shop alone. Maybe Mr.Destiny doesn't like me so I never meet somebody that I
crush there. After the show, you can tell me the name of the coffee shop, I will go there
next time.
#Track 3
Duong: B/c This is a talkshow about your ex, so your relationship doesn't have a happy
ending. Like a party, everyone regrets saying goodbye. There are countless reasons for a
relationship to end. But it sucks when the relationship ends and you don't know why. What
about your case, Huong?
3. Why did your relationship end?
Huong: I broke up with my lover because he loved another girl. My friends advised me to
fight for love. But in my opinion, when the man's feelings change, it means he has lost all
his feelings for us. I shouldn't be with someone who doesn't love me. Instead we can find
someone else to love.
Duong: I like your way of thinking. I would do the same if I were in your situation. We
come to the next guest, Tuyen. Can you share with us?
Tuyen: I'm the type of person who doesn't like long-distance relationships. When my
partner moved to another province to work, we decided to end our relationship because the
distance was too far. Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship, and if so, What
do you think about long distance love?
Duong: I've never really had a boyfriend. But I used to get to know a guy who lives in
another city and actually the fact that we didn't meet face to face made it difficult for us to
share our feelings. So, I decided to stop before that relationship started. Thanh Anh, what
is your reason?

Thanh Anh: Because she is highly possessive, I feel uncomfortable because I have to
report where I go every day and she often checks my phone even though I have almost no
contact with any girl. I also commented on that issue many times but she always blamed
me for not loving her and so the relationship gradually fell apart, it ended simply like
when we met.

#Track 4

Duong: And What is the most impressive thing your ex-girlfriend left on you?

4. What is the most impressive thing your ex left on you? It can be good or maybe
Thanh Anh: She always thinks of me, no matter the situation. I think it's both a good
thing and a bad thing because she always has me in her heart, but the downside is that her
excessive attention makes me unable to feel comfortable because I have no privacy. Even
though I told her she should take more time for herself.

Duong: Thanh Anh, Through your story, I think you had a dramatic relationship, right?
How long have you been together?

Thanh Anh: That's right and we've been together for 2 years.

Duong: And two beautiful ladies, When you talk about your ex, what do you miss the
most? Huong, you first…

Huong: The most impressive thing my ex boyfriend left on me was a funny time. When I
was around him I loved my life. I could laugh a lot. And I was very happy. That feeling
until now I haven’t found.

Tuyen: He has a great sense of humor and always makes me feel comfortable when we're
together. Especially handsome and cute, he has it all.
#Track 5
Duong: Both of you have a good impression of your ex. So what do you think about being
friends after breaking up? Come on, optimistic girl. Huong, what do you think?
5. Can we really break up but still be friends?

Huong: I think it’s very difficult to be friends after breaking up. Because when we meet
each other we will remember our memories and we will be jealous of current lover. And
we can not control our feeling to talk to each other.
Duong: Yes, The main reason for not being friends with an ex is that we respect our
current lover's feelings. I think it’s ok. Tuyen, what about your opinion?
Tuyen: That's a very good question. Currently, we are still friends, but we no longer have
romantic feelings for each other. I'm happy to help him if he needs anything.
Duong: We have 2 different opinions. What about your case, Thanh Anh?
Thanh Anh: I'm ok with that, so there's no problem. Even though we broke up, I think
being friend isn’t a bad idea.
Duong: I think that's good manners. You still meet and help each other but you just don't
love each other anymore.
After listing your stories I just can say: Sometimes, break-up in love is wake up in
life...and Good luck with the next one.
Thank all of you for participating in the show and sharing your stories.
Thank you for your listing. Good bye and See you again.

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