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Honors World
Homework Sheet
Quarter 3
Week of 4/01/24

This week please write an essay that includes a

thesis/intro, 2 body paragraphs, and a

1. Compare and contrast the empires of the Incans and


 Compare and contrast only 2 similarities and 2

differences. (similarities and differences).
 Minimum four paragraphs.
 Use the thesis formula we have talked about.
 Time and place for all introductions.
 Use the information on pages 251-252.
 Examples, geography, government, religion, trade,
society. There are more, but these are a good start.

As always, due on Friday 7:30 AM.

The Aztecs and Incan empires would develop and flourish in the 14th and 15th

centuries. The Aztecs were an empire located in the Americas that emerged as an empire

in 1428 that were also called the “Mexica.” The Inca Empire or Twantinsuyu, located in

the Andean Mountain, was the region from present-day Colombia to Chile and eastward

to northern Argentina known for their agriculture, art, and architecture. The Inca and

Aztec Empire still dominated and gained control of territory, even from taking inspiration

from the predecessors. Both the Aztecs and Incans had similar imperial and military

organization and agriculture but differed in metallurgy and trade and markets.

The Incans and the Aztecs both were successful in using imperial and military

organization. They both found out that military power was less effective in the matter that

they were against nomadic peoples who lived on the frontier of their empires. Both

civilizations also had nobles that were part of the military. Agriculture was also similar in

both civilizations. They were all based on intensive agriculture that was organized by the

state-controlled distribution and circulation of goods to social classes. The Incas and the

Aztecs seem to have been influenced by civilizations that were like the Inca Empire.

The Incans had a stronger edge over metallurgy than the Aztecs; In fact, they had

the most advanced metalworking in the Americas. Inca Artisans would work with metal

such as gold and silver with great skill. The Incans would also work with metal to

produce weapons and tools. Metallurgy in the Aztec empire was absent; the Aztecs would

usually have to trade for these goods. The Aztecs, however, easily had a superior trading

and market system than the Incas. Special merchant classes like the Pochteca from the
Aztecs specialized in long-distance trading and would trade goods such as cacao and

plumes of tropical birds. The Aztecs and the Incas may have had interactions with other

civilizations that gave them all these resources that the two civilizations had not obtained.

The Aztec and the Incas had an overwhelming number of similarities as two

separate civilizations, but there were outliers. Both civilizations exhibited great skill in

organization for government and military matters and agriculture when it came to

distribution. The Incas and the Aztecs were both successful civilizations that had their

unique similarities unlike most civilizations. These empires were beasts when going into

conquests and didn’t hold back. However, the Incas would excel in metallurgy with

artillery and tools, but this didn’t mean that the Aztecs would have advanced markets for

trade that would contribute to them gaining resources that they couldn’t produce. These

civilizations helped influence and structure other cultures for future civilizations and

posterities to come.

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