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Q: Explain Elements of System.

A system consists of several elements that work together to achieve a common objective. These
elements include:

1. Inputs: These are the resources or data that a system takes in from its environment.
2. Processes: This involves the activities, operations, or transformations that the system performs
on the inputs.
3. Outputs: These are the results or products that the system produces and delivers to its

4. Feedback: Information about the system's outputs that is used to make adjustments or
5. Control: Mechanisms that ensure the system operates within specified parameters or

6. Environment: The external factors, conditions, and entities that interact with the system.
7. Boundaries: The demarcation that separates the system from its environment, defining what is
inside and outside.

8. Interfaces: Points where the system interacts with its environment, allowing inputs and outputs
to flow.

9. Goals/Objectives: The purpose or mission that the system is designed to fulfill.

10. Components/Modules: Subsystems or parts within the system that perform specific functions.

Q: Write a short note on Communication in Project Management.

Communication in project management is crucial for successful project execution. It involves

the exchange of information, ideas, feedback, and updates among project stakeholders.
Effective communication ensures that everyone involved understands their roles,
responsibilities, and project progress. It can take various forms, including meetings, reports,
emails, presentations, and collaborative tools. Clear and transparent communication helps in
managing expectations, resolving conflicts, and ensuring that the project stays on track.

Q: Explain IEEE standard format of SRS.

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standard format for a Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) document typically includes the following sections:

1 Introduction: Provides an overview of the document, its purpose, scope, and any references.
2. Overall Description: Offers a high-level description of the software, including its functions,
constraints, and assumptions.
3. Specific Requirements: Details the functional and non-functional requirements of the software,
specifying what it should do and any performance criteria.
4. External Interface Requirements: Describes the interfaces with external systems, including
hardware, software, and human interfaces.
5. System Features: Presents a detailed breakdown of the functionalities, often in the form of use
cases or user stories.

6. Non-Functional Requirements: Includes quality attributes like performance, reliability, usability,

and security.
7. Other Requirements: Lists any additional requirements like legal or regulatory compliance.
8. Appendices: Contains supplementary information such as glossaries, diagrams, and
supporting documents.
Q: Explain Things or Elements of UML.

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized language for visualizing, specifying,

constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. It includes several key

1 Use Case Diagrams: Depict the interaction between the system and its external actors.
2. Class Diagrams: llustrate the classes and their relationships in a system.
3. Sequence Diagrams: Show the interactions among objects in a specific scenario.
4. Activity Diagrams: Represent the flow of activities in a system.
5. State Diagrams: Depict the different states that an object or system can be in, and how it
transitions between them.

6. Component Diagrams: Display the high-level components of a system and their interactions.
7. Deployment Diagrams: Show the physical arrangement of hardware and software elements in a
8. Object Diagrams: Provide a snapshot of the objects in a system at a specific point in time.

Q: What is Object Orientation? Explain Principles of Object-Orientation.

Object orientation is a programming paradigm that treats software components (objects) as

self-contained entities that interact with each other. The principles of object-orientation include:

1 Encapsulation: Bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) together within an object,
hiding the internal workings from external entities.
2. Inheritance: Allowing one class (subclass) to inherit the properties and behaviors of another
class (superclass), promoting code reusability.
3. Polymorphism: Providing the ability for a method to take on multiple forms, allowing objects of
different types to be used interchangeably.
4. Abstraction: Focusing on the essential characteristics of an object, while ignoring the irrelevant

5. Association: Representing relationships between objects, indicating how they interact with
each other.

6. Composition: Describing how one object is composed of other objects as parts.

7. Aggregation: ldentifying a whole-part relationship between objects, where one object is a
collection of others.

Q: Explain types of Relationships in UML.

In UML, there are several types of relationships between classes:

1 Association: Represents a bi-directional relationship between two classes, indicating that one
class is related to another. It's a generic relationship.
2. Dependency: Signifies that one class relies on another, but without a strong, persistent
relationship. For example, using an object of one class as a parameter in a method of another

3. Aggregation: Describes a whole-part relationship where one class (the whole) is composed of
multiple instances of another class (the part). The parts can exist independently.
4. Composition: Similar to aggregation, but in this case, the parts cannot exist independently of
the whole. It's a stronger form of aggregation.
5. Inheritance (Generalization): Indicates that one class (subclass) inherits attributes and
behaviors from another class (superclass). It's a "is-a" relationship.
6. Realization (Interface): Shows that a class implements an interface, which means it provides
specific behaviors defined by the interface.
Q: Explain the Phases of UP/RUP.

Unified Process (UP) or Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an iterative software development
process framework. It consists of four main phases:

1 Inception: Focuses on understanding the project scope, feasibility, and initial requirements. It
establishes the business case and defines the system at a high level.
2. Elaboration: Further refines the requirements, architecture, and design. It addresses risks and
uncertainties and producesa stable architecture baseline.
3. Construction: Involves actual development, where the bulk of coding, testing, and
implementation occur. It results in a product that's ready for deployment.
4. Transition: Prepares the product for deployment, including user training, system testing, and
final adjustments. It culminates in the product's release.

Each of these phases is characterized by specific goals, activities, and deliverables, and they are
often repeated in multiple iterations to incrementally build the software.
Activity diagram for online shopping
The activity diagram used to describe flow of
activity through a series of actions. Activity
diagram is a important diagram to describe the
The activity described as a action or operation of
the system.

Activity Diagram for User Side

In User side activity diagram describe all the
functionality or operation of users can do on our
Activity Diagram for User Side





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Activity Diagram for Admin Side





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Use Case Diagram - Online Shopping
The use case diagram are usually referred to as
behavior diagram used to describe the actions of
all user in a system.
All user describe in use case are actors and the
functionality as action of system.

Use case for online shoes shopping

Use Case Diagram for Online Shopping Website


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