English For Grade 4

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From : Dari For : Untuk

On : Diatas In : Di/ Didalam

With : Dengan In Front : Didepan

Behind : Dibelakang Above : Diatas

Under : Dibawah Beside : Disamping

Inside : Didalam Outside : Diluar

Around : Disekeliling Between : Diantara


“Where do you live?”

- Good afternoon, Uncle!

- Good afternoon, Khadijah!
- I live in Serang.
- Where have you been? (dari mana saja kamu?)
- I have been in garden.
- The garden is beside market.
- And the market is around house.
- Outside house is a wide playground.
- And in front of playground is the office.
- Above office is the room.
- It is Usman’s room.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”


Prepsition Nouns Meaning

1. In front + Teacher = Di depan guru

2. Beside + Table = Di samping meja

3. Behind + Chair = Di belakang kursi

4. On + Floor = Di atas lantai

5. In + Class = Di kelas

6. Inside + Bag = Di dalam tas

7. Under + Lamp = Di bawah lampu


A. Write the English words in the box properly and correctly!

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

(Di Belakang) (Di Samping) (Di Atas) (Di Bawah)

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

(Untuk) (Dengan) (Di Sekitar) (Diatas)

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

(Di Antara) (Di Depan) (Di Luar) (Dari)

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”

B. Arrange these words correctly!

1. A-B-G : 6. R-A-D-N-E-G :
2. N-O : 7. F-F-C-I-E-O :
3. N-E-R-D-U : 8. E-S-D-I-T-O-U :
4. O-B-A-E-V : 9. E-S-D-I-N-E :
5. D-H-I-B-E-N : 10.L-A-S-S-C :

C. Translate these words below!

1. Where do you live? :
2. I live in serang :
3. Market is around house :
4. Where have you been, uncle? :
5. Garden is beside market :
6. Di depan kelas :
7. Di belakang meja :
8. Di sekitar sekolah :
9. Di dalam tas :
10.Di bawah kursi :

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”



Pen : Pulpen Map : Peta

Pencil : Pensil Bag : Tas

Book : Buku Duster : Penghapus Papan Tulis

Desk : Bangku Eraser : Penghapus Pensil

Table : Meja Ruler : Penggaris

Whiteboard : Papan Tulis Marker Pen : Spidol


“A Gift From My Father”

I am Syua’ib, my father buy a bag and shoes for me.

A big is very cool and shoes is very cool too, I love them.

A bag is on th table and table is in front of whiteboard.

Inside my bag, there are: pen, pencil, book, eraser, and others.

I love bag and shoes, because they are a gift from my father.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”


A. Write the English words in the box correctly!

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

(Buku) (Peta) (Penghapus (Papan Tulis) (Pulpen)


...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

(Bangku ) (Pensil) (Penghapus (Ransel/Tas) (Meja)

Ppn Tulis)

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

(Sebuah (Ayah) (Penggaris) (Membeli) (Sangat Kren)


B. Translate these words below!

1. My father buys a book and pen :
2. A bag is on the table :
3. My book and pen are inside my bag :
4. I love new shoes :
5. A gift from father :
6. Karena itu adalah hadiah dari ayah :
7. Ayahku membeli tas dan sepatu untukku :
8. Pulpen, pensil, dan buku di atas meja :
9. Saya di belakang meja :
10.Guru ku didepan papan tulis :

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”



Seller : Penjual Student : Siswa

Trader : Pedagang Teachaer : Guru

Security : Penjaga Engineer : Insinyur

Writer : Penulis Governor : Gubernur

Employee : Pegawai Soldier : Tentara

Doctor : Dokter Nurse : Perawat

Farmer : Petani Pilot : Pilot

Singer : Penyanyi Driver : Sopir

Reporter : Wartawan Police : Polisi


“My Family’s Job”

- My name is Ismail, I am a pilot on plane.

- My brother is a writer and my sister is a teacher.
- My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a fruit seller.
- My father is a doctor and my my mother is a nurse.


“What Do You Want To Be?”

 I want to be a doctor  She wants to be a police

 You want to be a teacher  He wants to be a soldier
 They want to be pilot  Moana wants to be a singer
 We want to be a reporter  Jojo wants to be a farmer.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”


A. Write the English words in the box correctly!

...................... ..................... ................. .................... ................ ...........

.. .
Penjual Pedagang Tentara Siswa
Penjaga Gubernur

...................... ...................... ................. .................... ................ .............

... .. ...
Polisi Wartawan Pilot
Sopir Penyanyi Insinyur

...................... .................... ................. .................. ................ .............

. ...
Petani Perawat Pegawai Guru
Dokter Penulis

B. Translate these words correctly!

1. Repoerter is in the office :
2. I am a pilot on the plane :
3. My family’s job :
4. Mrs. Rena is a techer in my school :
5. Driver is in the car :
6. Pamanku adalah seorang petani :
7. Bibiku adalah seorang pedagang buah-buahan :
8. Penulis itu di kantor :
9. Kakak ku adalah seorang tentara :
10.Mereka dalah keluarga ku :

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”



Head : Kepala Eye : Mata Neck : Leher

Hand : Tangan Chest : Dada Shoulder : Pundak

Mouth : Mulut Knee : Lutut Stomach : Perut

Tongue : Lidah Thigh : Paha Nose : Hidung

Tooth : Gigi Waist : Pinggang Check : Pipi

Ear : Telinga Back : Punggung Chin : Dagu

Hair : Rambut Lip : Bibir Forehead : Dahi


“My Grand Mother is Getting Sick”

David : Hello, good evening, grand mother.

Grand-mom : Good evening evening, David, good boy.

David : : How are you, grand-mom?

Grand-mom : Alhamdulillah, I am getting sick.

David : What is your sickness?

Grand-mom : Wo many, good boy. I am getting sick in head, in knee, in

chest, in hand, and in my back.

David : Get well soon, grand-mom.

Grand-mom : Thank you so much, good boy.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”


A. Writing the English words in the box properly and correctly!

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Kepala Mulut Pinggang Paha Perut Hidung Dahi

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Lidah Rambut Bibir Dada Pundak Pipi Perut

............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

Telinga Gigi Punggung Mata Leher Dagu Tangan

B. Translate these words below correctly!

1. I am getting sick in head : ..............
2. What is your sickness? : .............
3. Get well soon, grand-mom : .............
4. My shoulder is fine : .............
5. Sickness : .............
6. Terima kasih, anak baik : .............
7. Banyak sekali : .............
8. Nenek ku sedang sakit : .............
9. Telinga ku baik-baik saja : .............
10.Saya merasa sakit di tangan : .............

Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama “Sekolah Para Juara, Sekolah Calon Pemimpin”

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