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(Jaiganesh J – 22MBA0182)
1. Understand and evaluate the promotion and its implementations?
Britannia Khao World Cup Jao was a marketing campaign launched by Britannia Industries
Limited during the 1999 Cricket World Cup. The campaign aimed to promote Britannia's
products and engage with consumers by offering them a chance to win a trip to England to
watch the World Cup live.
The promotion was implemented through a variety of channels, including TV, radio, print,
and on-pack promotions. The TV advertisements featured well-known cricketers and
encouraged consumers to buy Britannia products and participate in the promotion. The on-
pack promotions offered consumers a chance to win tickets to the World Cup, as well as other
prizes, by purchasing Britannia products and finding special codes inside the packaging.
The campaign was successful in generating interest and engagement among consumers, with
a significant number of participants taking part in the promotion. The use of on-pack
promotions was particularly effective, as it incentivized consumers to purchase Britannia
products and provided a tangible benefit to those who participated.
However, there were some limitations to the promotion. The requirement to find codes inside
the packaging may have been a barrier for some consumers, particularly those who may not
have been familiar with the promotion or had difficulty finding the codes. Additionally, the
promotion was limited to the Cricket World Cup, which may have limited its appeal to
consumers who were not interested in cricket.

2. Please suggest suitable changes in the programme and its

implementation and justify?
1. Expand the promotion to include other popular sports: While the Cricket World
Cup is undoubtedly popular in India, there are other sports that have a strong
following as well. By expanding the promotion to include other sports, such as
football or hockey, Britannia could attract a wider audience and increase participation.
2. Simplify the entry process: The requirement to find codes inside the packaging may
be a barrier for some consumers. Simplifying the entry process by allowing consumers
to enter the promotion by scanning a QR code or sending an SMS could make it more
accessible to a wider audience.
3. Offer more prizes: While the opportunity to win a trip to England to watch the World
Cup is a significant prize, offering more prizes at different levels could encourage
more participation. For example, offering smaller prizes such as merchandise or gift
vouchers could incentivize more consumers to participate.
4. Partner with influencers: Partnering with social media influencers, particularly those
who have a strong following among the target audience, could help to increase
awareness and participation in the promotion. Influencers could promote the campaign
on their social media channels, create engaging content, and encourage their followers
to participate.

3. Please draw up a template for planning and implementing promotion

1. Objectives: Define the specific objectives of the promotion program, such as
increasing sales, generating brand awareness, or driving customer engagement.
2. Target Audience: Identify the target audience for the promotion program, such as
cricket fans, families, or young adults.
3. Budget: Determine the budget for the promotion program, including expenses such as
advertising, promotional materials, and prizes.
4. Promotional Mix: Choose the promotional mix for the program, including
advertising, sales promotions, public relations, personal selling, and direct marketing.
5. Advertising: Determine the advertising strategy, including the media channels (TV,
radio, print, online) and the messaging (brand awareness, product benefits, or
promotional offers).
6. Sales Promotions: Choose the sales promotion tactics, such as special offers,
contests, giveaways, or loyalty programs.
7. Public Relations: Develop the public relations strategy, including the media outreach
plan, press releases, and media events.
8. Personal Selling: Determine the personal selling strategy, including the training of
sales representatives, sales incentives, and sales goals.
9. Direct Marketing: Plan the direct marketing strategy, including email marketing,
SMS campaigns, and direct mail.
10. Evaluation: Define the metrics for measuring the success of the promotion program,
such as sales figures, customer engagement, or brand awareness. Plan to evaluate the
program and make adjustments for future campaigns.

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