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H1 Coordinated Science 2022-2023 Course Outline

Term 1
Date Week Topic Syllabus Assessment Calendar
22/8 1 Bridging Unit Review
29/8 2 B1 & 2 B1 Characteristics of Living Organisms / B2.1 Bridging Unit Test – Tue Aug 30
Cell Structure / B2.2 Movement in and out of
5/9 3 C3 & 4 C3.1 Physical & Chemical Changes / C3.2
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures / C3.3
Atomic Structure and Periodic Table
12/9 4 C3.4 Ions & Ionic Bonds / C3.5 Molecules &
Covalent Bonds / C3.6 Giant Structures
19/9 5 C4 Stoichiometry / C4.1 Mole Concept / Review
26/9 6 P1 P1.1 Length & Time / Review Unit Test B1&2 / C3 & C4
H1 Progress Report Sep 29
3/10 7 P1.2 Motion
10/10 8 P1.3 Mass & Weight / P1.4 Density
17/10 9 P1.5.1 Effects of Forces
31/10 10 1.5.2 Turning Forces / P1.5 .3 Centre of
Mass / P1.5.4 Pressure
7/11 11 B3, 4 & 6 B3 Biological Molecules / B6.1 Diet
14/11 12 B6.2 Alimentary Canal/ B6.3 Digestion H1 Progress Report Nov 17
21/11 13 B4 Enzymes / Review / Test Unit Test P1 / B3, 4 & 6
28/11 14 C1 & 2 C1 Particulate Nature of Matter / C2 H1 Parent Eve Dec 1
Experimental Techniques
5/12 15 C9 9.1 Periodic Table / 9.2 Group Properties / 9.3
Transition Elements / 9.4 Noble Gases
12/12 16 P2 P2.2 & 2.1 Energy / Kinetic and Potential
December/January Holiday 18/12 – 9/1
Term 2
Date Week Topic Syllabus Assessment Calendar
9/1 1 P2.1 & P2.3 Work & Power / P2.4 Energy
16/1 2 Review / Test Unit Test C1 & C2, C9 / P2
Chinese New Year Break 23/1 – 29/1
30/1 3 B5 & B7.1 B5 Plant Nutrition
6/2 4 B7.1 Transport in Plants H1 Progress Report – Feb 7
13/2 5 B8 & B7.2 B8.2 Respiration
20/2 6 B7.2 Transport in Humans
27/2 7 B7.2 Transport in Humans
6/3 8 C6 & C7 C6 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions H1 Parent Eve – Mar 9th
13/3 9 C7.1 Rates of Reaction / C7.2 Redox
20/3 10 P3 P3.1 Kinetic Molecular Model / P3.2 Pressure
27/3 11 Mid Course Exam Review
30/3 to 19/4 April Holiday

Term 3
Date Week Topic Syllabus Assessment Calendar
10/4 1 Mid Course Examinations
17/4 2 Mid Course Examinations Mid Course Exam
24/4 3 P3.3 Matter & Thermal Properties/ P3.4
Measurement of Temperature / P3.5
Transfer of Thermal Energy
1/5 4 B9 B9.1 Nervous Control in Humans / B9.2
Sense Organs / B9.3 Hormones
8/5 5 B9.4 Homeostasis / B9.5 Tropic Response
15/5 6 P4 P4.1 General Wave Properties / P4.2 Light
22/5 7 P4.2.1 Reflection / P4.2.2 Refraction H1 Final Report – May 26
29/6 8 P4.2.3 Thin Converging Lenses / P4.3
Electromagnetic Spectrum
5/6 9 P4.4 Sound
12/6 10 B10 B10.1 Asexual and sexual reproduction /
B10.2 Sexual reproduction in plants
19/6 11 Review
July/August holiday

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