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La Mode Illustrée - 2 young women in 19th century fashion.

Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel poster.

La Mode Illustrée was a French fashion magazine that was published from the mid-19th century to the early
20th century. One of its popular features was the inclusion of posters that showcased the latest fashion
trends of the time.

The "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster from La Mode Illustrée features two young women dressed in
fashionable outfits from the late 19th century. The poster is a lithograph, which means it was made by
printing an image drawn on a stone or metal plate onto paper.

The two women depicted in the poster are both wearing dresses with high collars and long sleeves, which
were typical of the fashion of the time. The woman on the left is wearing a pale blue dress with a fitted
bodice and a full skirt that falls just above her ankles. She is wearing a wide-brimmed hat with feathers and
carrying a parasol. The woman on the right is wearing a pale yellow dress with a fitted bodice and a full skirt
that falls to the floor. She is wearing a small hat with a ribbon and carrying a fan.

The poster also includes several details that add to the overall impression of luxury and sophistication. The
women are standing in a lush garden setting, surrounded by flowers and trees. The background features a
fountain and a statue of a cherub. The women are also wearing gloves and holding delicate handkerchiefs,
which were fashionable accessories at the time.

Overall, the "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster is a beautiful example of the fashion and style of the
late 19th century, as well as the art and design of the time.
Based on the description of the poster "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" from La Mode Illustrée, it appears
that the two young women are wearing pale blue and pale yellow dresses respectively. Additionally, the
woman in the blue dress is wearing a wide-brimmed hat with feathers, which could possibly be a darker
shade of blue or another color entirely. The woman in the yellow dress is wearing a small hat with a ribbon,
and the color of the ribbon is not specified.

The background of the poster features a lush garden setting with flowers and trees, but the specific colors of
the flowers and foliage are not described. The poster may use other colors as well, such as white for the
women's gloves or black for the outlines and shading of the lithograph. However, without seeing the actual
poster, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of colors used in the design.

Several techniques were likely used to create the lithograph:

Lithography: The poster was likely created using a lithographic printing technique, which involves drawing
the image onto a flat stone or metal plate with a greasy substance, then applying ink and transferring the
image onto paper. This technique was commonly used for commercial printing in the 19th century.

Shading and outlines: The lithograph likely used shading and outlines to create depth and dimension in the
image. Darker shades may have been used to create shadows and highlight certain areas of the design.

Color printing: The lithograph may have been printed using multiple plates, one for each color used in the
design. This would allow for a full-color image to be printed.

Fine details: The lithograph may have included fine details such as delicate lines for the women's hair and
lace on their dresses. These details would require a skilled artist and precise printing techniques to
reproduce accurately.

Overall, the "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster likely utilized a combination of lithography, shading,
color printing, and fine details to create a beautiful and detailed image of the two young women in
fashionable attire.


The "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster was created for the French fashion magazine La Mode
Illustrée, which was published from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century. The magazine was
known for featuring the latest fashion trends of the time, as well as advertisements for fashionable clothing
and accessories.

The specific history of this poster is not known in detail, but it was likely created in the late 19th century,
during the height of the magazine's popularity. The poster was likely used to promote the latest fashion
trends and to showcase the stylish designs of Mme Breant-Castel, who may have been a prominent fashion
designer or clothing retailer of the time.
The poster was likely distributed to subscribers of the magazine or sold separately as a decorative item for
fashionable households. Today, the poster may be considered a valuable piece of vintage advertising and a
window into the fashion and style of the late 19th century.

Overall, the "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster is an interesting artifact from the history of French
fashion and advertising, and it provides a glimpse into the trends and aesthetics of the time period in which
it was created.

The purpose of the "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster was likely to promote the latest fashion trends
and to showcase the stylish designs of Mme Breant-Castel, who may have been a prominent fashion
designer or clothing retailer of the time.

The poster was created for the French fashion magazine La Mode Illustrée, which was known for featuring
the latest fashion trends of the time and advertisements for fashionable clothing and accessories. The
poster would have been distributed to subscribers of the magazine or sold separately as a decorative item
for fashionable households.

The poster likely had several purposes, including:

Advertising: The poster was likely used to advertise the latest fashion trends and to promote the clothing
and accessories of Mme Breant-Castel. It would have been distributed to a wide audience of fashion-
conscious individuals who were interested in the latest styles.

Decorative: The poster was likely meant to be displayed in fashionable households as a decorative item. It
would have added a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room.

Historical record: Today, the poster serves as a historical record of the fashion and style of the late 19th
century. It provides a glimpse into the trends and aesthetics of the time period in which it was created and
can be studied by historians and fashion enthusiasts alike.

Overall, the "Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel" poster served as a promotional tool for the latest fashion
trends and a decorative item for fashionable households, while also serving as a historical record of the
fashion and style of the late 19th century.
Here are the main points from the presentation:

● La Mode Illustrée was a popular French fashion magazine in the 19th century.
● The Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel poster features two young women in fashionable attire, posing
in a garden setting.
● The women's dresses are made of high-quality materials and feature intricate details such as lace
collars and cuffs.
● The colors are soft and feminine, which was a popular trend during the time.
● The women's hairstyles are indicative of the fashion of the time, with loose curls and soft waves.
● The garden setting represents the lifestyle of the upper classes and the luxury of enjoying a leisurely
afternoon in a beautiful garden.
● The vase on the garden bench is a symbol of wealth and sophistication.
● The use of a parasol and a fan is significant, as these accessories were popular among women
during the 19th century and were also fashionable items.
● Overall, the poster is a wonderful example of the influence that La Mode Illustrée had on the fashion
industry during the 19th century.

Possible Presentation

La Mode Illustrée was a popular French fashion magazine that was published in the 19th century. It
featured illustrations of the latest fashion trends, which were worn by the upper classes in France. The
magazine played a significant role in shaping the fashion industry and influencing the styles of the time. One
of the most iconic illustrations from La Mode Illustrée is the Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel poster, which
features two young women in 19th century fashion.

Description of the Poster:

The poster depicts two young women dressed in fashionable attire, posing in a garden setting. The woman
on the left is wearing a blue and white striped dress with a white collar and cuffs. Her hair is styled in loose
curls and she is holding a parasol. The woman on the right is wearing a pink and white dress with a lace
collar and cuffs. Her hair is also styled in loose curls and she is holding a fan. The women are standing next
to a garden bench with a decorative vase on top. In the background, there is a large tree and a wrought-iron

Analysis of the Poster:

The Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel poster is a beautiful representation of 19th century fashion. The
women's dresses are made of high-quality materials and feature intricate details such as lace collars and
cuffs. The colors are soft and feminine, which was a popular trend during the time. The women's hairstyles
are also indicative of the fashion of the time, with loose curls and soft waves.

The garden setting is also significant, as it represents the lifestyle of the upper classes. The women are
depicted as enjoying a leisurely afternoon in a beautiful garden, which was a luxury reserved for the
wealthy. The vase on the garden bench is also a symbol of wealth and sophistication, as it is an expensive
decorative item.
The use of a parasol and a fan is also significant, as these accessories were popular among women during
the 19th century. The parasol was used to protect the skin from the sun, while the fan was used to keep
cool in warm weather. Both accessories were also fashionable items and were often decorated with intricate
designs and patterns.


In conclusion, the Toilettes de Mme Breant-Castel poster is a beautiful representation of 19th century
fashion and lifestyle. The poster provides a glimpse into the fashion trends of the time, as well as the
luxurious lifestyle of the upper classes. The use of soft colors, intricate details, and fashionable accessories
creates a sense of elegance and sophistication. Overall, the poster is a wonderful example of the influence
that La Mode Illustrée had on the fashion industry during the 19th century.

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