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Use & maintain measuring

equipment in an
automotive workplace

Student name………………………
Student no ………………………
About the response book
This response book is designed to assist you in developing practical skills to support the
underpinning knowledge you have completed for the competency standard AUTTK2001
Use & maintain measuring equipment in an automotive workplace

This response book contains:

 practical activities

The response book is divided into stages. At the end of a stage, you will see an icon
(picture with a meaning) asking you to check your answers and/or practical activities with
your teacher. This helps the teacher to monitor your progress.

The following practical tasks are designed to reinforce the Required Knowledge for this unit.
Assessment for these practical tasks will include:

 Successful completion of the required task.

 Correctly responding to questions asked by the teacher.
 Fill in and complete this Response book.

2 AURTTK2001Use & maintain measuring equipment


Activity sign off

Use the table below to monitor your progress through the practical tasks.
Once you complete each task have your teacher check the task has been completed to an
acceptable standard the task can be signed off.

Topic Activity no. Teacher Date

Feeler gauges & straight


Calipers and rules 2

Vernier caliper 3

Outside, inside & depth


Dial indicator 5

Measuring equipment
Finalise work process
and clean up

Before attempting any practical tasks, review the online “Safety Topic” for this

Teacher to sign off here once all activities have been completed.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: .......................

Kangan Institute 2015 Learner practical activity workbook

Activity 1

Feeler gauges & straight edge

This activity will assist you in using feeler gauges and straight edge to check for component
distortion or flatness. This activity can be customised by your teacher to suit your work
environment, or you can use the following activity.

This practical activity relates to Topic Area 4 “Machinist’s Rule & Vernier Caliper”. You may wish to
revise these Topic Areas before attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with relevant components to measure. Record your
measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work


Length distortion

Width distortion

Diagonal distortion

Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

4 AURTTK2001Use & maintain measuring equipment


Activity 2

Calipers and rules

This activity will assist you in using calipers and rules. This activity can be customised by your
teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the following activity.

This practical activity relates to Topic Area 4 “Machinist’s Rule & Vernier Caliper”. You may wish to
revise these Topic Areas before attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with relevant components to measure. Record your
measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work

Measuring equipment Component 1. Component 2. Component 3.


Inside caliper

Outside caliper

Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

Kangan Institute 2015 Learner practical activity workbook

Activity 3

Vernier caliper

This activity will allow you to develop practical skills in measuring with vernier calipers. Using a
vernier caliper you are required to measure outside, inside and depth.

. This activity can be customised by your teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the
following activity.

This practical activity relates to Topic Area 4 “Machinist’s Rule & Vernier Caliper”. You may wish to
revise these Topic Areas before attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with relevant components to measure. Record your
measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work

Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Depth


Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

6 AURTTK2001Use & maintain measuring equipment


Activity 4

Outside, inside & depth micrometer

This activity will allow you to develop practical skills in measuring with a micrometer.

. This activity can be customised by your teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the
following activity.

This practical activity relates to Topic Area 5 “Micrometers”. You may wish to revise these Topic
Areas before attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with the three types of micrometers and relevant components
to measure. Record your measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work

Outside micrometer Measurement

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4

Inside micrometer Measurement

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4

Kangan Institute 2015 Learner practical activity workbook

Depth micrometer Measurement

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4

Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

8 AURTTK2001Use & maintain measuring equipment


Activity 5

Dial indicator

This activity will allow you to develop practical skills in measuring with a dial indicator.

. This activity can be customised by your teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the
following activity.

This practical activity relates to Topic Area 6 “Dial Indicator”. You may wish to revise these Topic
Areas before attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with relevant components to measure. Record your
measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work


Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4

Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

Kangan Institute 2015 Learner practical activity workbook

Activity 6

Measuring equipment maintenance

This activity involves the checking and maintenance of measuring equipment. This activity can be
customised by your teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the following activity.

This practical activity relates to all Topic Areas . You may wish to revise these Topic Areas before
attempting the practical activity.

Your teacher will supply you with the following measuring equipment
 Micrometer
 Vernier caliper
 rule
. Record your measurements in the table below.

When ready, have your teacher check your work

Measuring equipment Condition Accuracy


Vernier caliper


Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

10 AURTTK2001Use & maintain measuring equipment


Activity 7

Finalise work process and clean up

This activity is about carrying out finalise work process and clean up. This activity can be
customised by your teacher to suit your work environment, or you can use the following activity.

Conduct a thorough clean up and place all tools and equipment back to their correct location/store.

All workplace documents are filled in and checked by your teacher

When ready, have your teacher check your work

Ask your teacher to check your results before proceeding.

Teacher Signature: .......................................................... Date: ...........................

Kangan Institute 2015 Learner practical activity workbook

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