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BUSINESS TAX and the right of the State to tax the privilege to

(ESTATE TAX, GROSS ESTATE, DONOR TAX) transmit the estate vests instantly upon death.

At the time of his/her death- composition of
Sec. 84 of Republic Act No. 10963,- also know the gross estate. the gross estate of a decedent
Tax reform for acceleration and inclusion law shall be comprised of the following properties
(TRAIN) and interest therein at the time of his/her
death, including revocable transfers and
Train Law- there regulation are hereby issue to transfers for insufficient consideration, etc.
consolidate the rules governing the imposition
and payment of estate tax and donors tax Fair market value as of the time of decedent's
incorporating train law death- valuation of properties in the gross
Tax- life and blood of the government
Real property- value thereof as of the time of
Privilege- Subject to tax death shall be, whichever is the higher of: The
fair market value as determined by the
Business taxes - are those imposed upon Commissioner, or The fair market value as
onerous transfers such a sale, barter, exchange shown in the schedule of values fixed by the
and Importation. provincial and city assessors, whichever is
Transfer taxes- are excise taxes imposed upon
the privilege of gratuitously transmitting one’s Personal property – Fair market value at the
property to another. time of the decedent's death

Estate tax – a tax imposed upon the right of Shares of stocks- market value shall depend on
transmitting property at the time of death and whether the shares are listed or unlisted in the
the privilege of controlling the disposition of stock exchanges.
one’s property to take effect upon death.
Listed shares in the stock exchanges- the
Net Taxable Estate- it is after the deduction in arithmetic mean between the highest and
gross estate. It is the one who subject to lowest quotation at date of death, or the date
withholding tax. nearest the date of death, if none is available on
the date of death itself.
6%- The net estate of every decedent, whether
resident or non-resident of the Philippines, as Unlisted common share- book value
determined in accordance with the NIRC, shall
be subject to an estate tax at the rate of six Unlisted preferred shares- par value.
Association, recreation or amusement club
At the time of death of the decedent- the law (such as golf, polo, or similar clubs)- shall be the
that governs the imposition of estate tax. The bid price nearest the date of death published in
estate tax accrues as of the death of the any newspaper or publication of general
decedent and the accrual of the tax is distinct circulation.
from the obligation to pay the same. Upon the
death of the decedent, succession takes place Right to usufruct - Probable life of the
beneficiary in accordance with the latest Basic
Standard Mortality Table, to be approve by the Mixed - a transmission of properties which is
Secretary of Finance upon recommendation of effected party by will and party by operation of
the Insurance Commissioner law.

Devisee - a person to whom gifts of real

Residents and citizens - all properties, real or property are given by virtue of a will. The gift of
personal, tangible or intangible, wherever real property by will.
Legatee - a person to whom gifts of personal
Non-resident aliens - only properties situated in property are given by virtue of a will. A gift of
the Philippines provided, that, with respect to personal property or money to a beneficiary
intangible personal property, its inclusion in the (legatee) of a will
gross estate is subject to the rule of reciprocity
provided for under Section 104 of the NIRC. Will- is an act whereby a person is permitted,
with the formalities prescribed by law, to
5,000,000- standard deductoon for net estate control to a certain degree the disposition of
of a decedent who is either a citizen or resident this estate, to take effect after his death.
of the philippines
Codicil- is supplement or addition to a will,
500,000- standard deduction for non resident made after the execution of a will and annexed
to be taken as a part thereof, by which
Succession - is a mode of acquisition by virtue of disposition made in the original will is
which the property, rights and obligations to the explained, added to, or altered.
extent of the value of the inheritance, of a
person are transmitted through his death to Holographic will - a will entirely written, dated,
another or others either by his will or by and signed by the hand of the testator himself.
operation of law. It is subject to no other form, and may be made
in or out of the Philippines, and need not be
Decedent – a person whose property is witnessed.
transmitted through succession, whether or not
he left a will. If he left a will, he is also called the Non-holographic will — a will that is created for
testator. the testator by a third party, usually his lawyer,
follows proper form, signed and dated in front
Heir – a person called to the succession either of the required number of witnesses and
by the provision of a will or by operation of law. acknowledged by the presence of a notary
Estate – refers to all the property, rights and
obligations of a person which are not Probate of the last will and testament - special
extinguished by his death. proceeding to establish the validity of a will.
Probate is mandatory, which means that no will
Testamentary - a succession which results from passes either real or personal property unless it
the designation of an heir, made in a will is proved and allowed in a proper court.
executed in the form prescribed by law.
Revocation of will - the testator may revoke his
Legal or intestate - a transmission of properties last will and testament at any time before he
where there is no will or if there is a will, the dies.
same is void or nobody succeeds in the will.
Executor - the person named in a will to Bona fide- A bona fide refers to a legitimate and
administer the estate. genuine transaction where parties act honestly,
in good faith, and without any fraudulent intent.
Administrator - the person appointed by the It implies a sale that is conducted fairly and in
court to administer the estate of someone who accordance with legal and ethical standards.
died without a will.
Decedent's interest- This shall include all
Compulsory or forced heir - a person to whom properties, rights and interest which the
the law reserves a part of his predecessor's decedent owns at the time of death. The estate
estate and who would inherit unless includes properties physically present at the
disinherited for serious grounds mentioned in time of death, interests in property, and
the last will and testament. transferred properties treated as testamentary
dispositions, such as insurance proceeds for
Voluntary heir - an heir who inherits because of revocable beneficiaries.
a last will and testament, and who would not
have inherited without being mentioned in the Transfer in contemplation of death- Impelled by
last will and testament. the thought of death (i.e., the motivating factor
or controlling motive is the thought of death),
Repudiation of the inheritance- An heir called to regardless of whether the transferor was near
an inheritance may accept or refuse the the possibility of death or not.
inheritance. Refusal of an inheritance.The
repudiation must be made in a public or Revocable transfer- Where the enjoyment of
authentic document, or by petition to the court the property transferred may be altered,
having jurisdiction over the testamentary or amended, revoked or terminated by the
intestate proceedings. decedent. The revocability is not affected by the
failure of the decedent to exercise the power to
Legitime- is the portion of the decedent's estate revoke during his lifetime. If the notice has not
which the law reserves to compulsory heirs. been given, the power to revoke has not been
exercised on or before the date of his death,
Free portion- is the portion of the decedent's such notice shall be considered to have been
estate in excess of the legitimes. The free given, or the power exercised on the date of his
portion may be given to anybody. death.

Donation- is an act of liberality whereby a Power of Apointment- is the right to designate

person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right the person or persons who will succeed to the
in favor of another, who accepts it. property of the prior decedent. It may be
exercised by the decedent by will;by deed
Donation inter vivos - one made between living executed in contemplation; by deed under
persons, and which is perfected from the which he has retained for his life or any period
moment the donor knows of the acceptance of not ascertainable without
the donee. It is subject to donor's tax.
Transfer for insufficient consideration- When
Donation mortis causa - one which is to take the decedent's property is transferred in
effect upon the death of the donor and contemplation of death, revocable transfers or
therefore, partakes of the nature of passed under a general power of appointment
testamentary disposition. It is subject to estate for a consideration in money or money’s worth.
Proceeds of life insurance- under policies taken of a pecuniary nature which could have been
out by the decedent upon his own life shall be enforced against the deceased in his lifetime
included in his gross estate if the beneficiary is and could have been reduced to simple money
the estate of the deceased, his executor or judgements. Ari arian mo lang dapat nandon
administrator, irrespective of whether or not
the insured retained the power of revocation. Claims against insolvent persons- these shall be
Revocable (included sa gross estate) deductible from the gross estate, provided that
Revocable & designated is administrator (incld) the value of the decedent's interest in the claim
Revocable & 3rd person (not included) is included in the value of the gross estate.
Hindi na kasama marerecord yung pinautang
Beneficiary- is a person who will receive the mo kung ano lang ang ang hawak mo ayon lang
proceeds of the insurance when the insured ang subjected sa tax.
Casualty losses- incurred within one year from
Power of appointment- is when it authorizes the decedent's death, arising from events like
the done to appoint any person he pleases, fires, storms, or theft, and not compensated for
including himself, his spouse, his estate, his by insurance, may be deductible from the gross
executor or administrator, and his creditor thus estate if not claimed as an income tax deduction
having full dominion over the property as previously.
though he owned it.
Unpaid mortgages- or any indebtedness in
Limited power of appointment- is when the respect to, property where the value of the
done can appoint only among a restricted or decedent's interest therein, undiminished by
designated class or persons other than himself. such mortgage or indebtedness, is included in
the value of the gross estate. If the loan is found
Fideicommissary- refers to a legal arrangement to be merely an accommodation loan where the
where property is entrusted to one person with loan proceeds went to another person, the
the obligation to transfer it to another person in value of the unpaid loan must be included as a
the future, according to the wishes of the receivable of the estate.
original owner. It's often used in estate planning
to ensure assets are passed down according to Unpaid Taxes- These are taxes which have
specific instructions. accrued as of the death of the decedent which
were unpaid as of the time of death.The
Capital of the surviving spouse- of a decedent following are not deductible: Income tax upon
shall not be deemed a part of his or her gross income received after death; Property taxes
estate. It also refers to the separate property of that accrued after death; or Estate tax due from
the surviving spouse. the transmission of his estate.

Capital- The exclusive property of the husband Transfer for Public Use- The amount of all
bequests, legacies, devises or transfers to or for
Paraphernal- exclusive property of the wife the use of the Government of the Republic of
the Philippines or any political subdivision
Share of the surviving spouse in the conjugal- thereof, for exclusively public purposes.
property shall be included in the computation
of the gross estate. Vanishing deduction- also know property
previously taxed is a deduction allowed on the
Claims against the Estate- The word "claims" is property left behind by the decedent which he
generally construed to mean debts or demands had acquired previously by inheritance or
donation. To prevent double taxation within a have the authority to grant a reasonable
short period, 100% if the prior decedent died or extension not exceeding thirty (30) days for
gifted the property within one year, 80% within filing the return.
two years, 60% within three years, 40% within
four years, and 20% within five years before the When to Pay- Pay as you file
current decedent's death. These deductions are
applicable only if a donor's tax or estate tax has Where to File- The return shall be filed with any
been imposed. Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) of the Revenue
District Office (RDO) having jurisdiction over the
Standard Deduction- deduction in the amount place of domicile of the decedent at the time of
of Five Million Pesos 5M for Resident and 500k his death. If the decedent has no legal residence
for non resident shall be allowed without need in the Philippines, the return shall be filed with
of substantiation. the Office of the Commissioner (RDO No. 39,
South Quezon City).
Family Home- The family home is the dwelling
house where a married couple or head of the Extension to File and Pay - When the
family and their family members reside, Commissioner of Internal Revenue finds that
certified by the Barangay Captain. It includes the the payment on the due date of the estate tax
land it's on and is constituted once actually or of any part thereof would impose undue
occupied as a family residence. Temporary hardship upon the estate or any of the heirs, he
absence due to travel or studies doesn't may extend the time for payment of such tax or
interrupt its status. Only one family home can any part thereof not to exceed five (5) years, in
be constituted for deduction purposes. case the estate is settled through the courts, or
two (2) years in case the estate is settled extra-
Amount received by heirs under Republic Act judicially.
No. 4917- Any amount received by the heirs
from the decedent's employer as a Request for Extension of Time, Installment
consequence of the death of the decedent Payment and Partial Disposition of Estate- For
employee in accordance with Republic Act No. purposes of these Regulations, the request for
4917 is allowed as a deduction provided that extension of time to file the return, extension of
the amount of the separation benefit is time to pay estate tax and payment by
included as part of the gross. installment shall be filed with the Revenue
District Officer (RDO) where the estate is
Net Share Of The Surviving Spouse in Conjugal required to secure its TIN and file the estate tax
Partnership- after deducting the allowable return. This request shall be approved by the
deductions appertaining to the conjugal or Commissioner or his duly authorized
community properties included in edents in representative
estat i he hat of tax surviving spouse must be
removed to ensure that Extra Judicially- refers to actions or processes
conducted outside of the formal legal system or
Who Shall File The Estate Tax Return (BIR Form without the involvement of a court. This can
1801)- The executor, or administrator, or any of include negotiations, settlements, or
the legal heir/s of the decedent, whether agreements made between parties without the
resident or non-resident of the Philippines need for a formal court proceeding or judicial
Time for filing Estate Tax Return- shall be filed
within one (1) year from the decedent's death. Executor/Administrator- an estate has the
In meritorious cases, the Commissioner shall primary obligation to pay the estate tax but the
heir or beneficiary has subsidiary liability for the debtor's services to the creditor the same is in
payment of that portion of the estate which his taxable income to the debtor; or
distributive share bears to the value of the total If no services were rendered but the creditor
net estate. simply condones the debt, it is taxable gift and
not a taxable income.
Ad valorem tax – Imposed and based on selling
price or other specified value of the transaction Renunciation of inheritance- Renunciation by
or property (e.g. Non-essential goods 20% the surviving spouse of his/her share in the
based on the wholesale price or the value of conjugal partnership or absolute community
importation; automobiles P600,000-P1,000,000 after the dissolution of the marriage in favor of
selling price, excise tax 10%). the heirs of thedeceased spouse or any other
person/s is subject to donor's tax. General
Donor’s tax – a tax on the privilege of renunciation by an heir, including the surviving
transmitting one’s property to another during spouse, of his/her share in the hereditary estate
his lifetime without adequate and full valuable left by the decedent is not subject to donor's
consideration. tax, unless specifically and categorically done in
favor of identified heir/s to the exclusion or
Nature of Donor’s Tax- It is an excise tax on the disadvantage of the other co-heirs in the
privilege of the donor to give or on the transfer hereditary estate.
of property by way of gift inter vivos. It is not a
property tax. Transfer For Less Than Adequate And
Consideration- Where property, other than real
Time of completion of the donation- governing property is transferred for less than an
law for donors tax adequate and full consideration in money or
money's worth, then the amount by which the
6%- Rate of donor’s tax for each calendar year. fair market value of the property exceeded the
The computation is base of total gifts in excess value of the consideration shall, for the purpose
of 250k exempt gift made the calendar year of the tax imposed by this Chapter, be deemed
a gift, and shall be included in computing the
Election Code- Governing law for the amount of gifts made during the calendar year
contribution for election campaigns
Donation of Property Between Spouses- Every
Sale/exchange/transfer of property for donation or grant of gratuitous advantage,
insufficient consideration- Where a property is direct or indirect, between the spouses during
transferred for less than adequate and full the marriage shall be void, except moderate
consideration in money or money's worth, the gifts which the spouses may give each other on
amount by which the FMV exceeds the the occasion of any family rejoicing. The
consideration shall be deemed a gift and be prohibition shall also apply to persons living
included in computing the amount of gifts made together as husband and wife without a valid
during the calendar year. It is as if the property marriage.
was donated but in order to avoid paying
donor's tax, the donor opted to transfer the Donation of Conjugal or Community Property-
property for inadequate consideration. Husband and wife are considered as separate
and distinct taxpayer's for purposes of the
Condonation or remission of debt- If the donor's tax. However, if what was donated is a
creditor condones the indebtedness of the conjugal or community property and only the
debtor, the following rules apply On account of husband signed the deed of donation, there is
only one donor for donor's tax purposes,
without prejudice to the right of the wife to
question the validity of the donation without TYPE OF ESTATE TAX
her consent pursuant to the pertinent • Revenue Tax
provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines • Ad Valorem Tax
and the Family Code of the Philippines. • National Tax

30Days After the Gift is Made/Complete- filing PRIMARY LIABLE FOR ESTATE TAX:
of donors tax for resident • Executor
• Administrator
Same Time when the Return is Filed- donors tax
due shall be paid For resident SUBSIDIARY LIABLE FOR ESTATE TAX:
• Legal Heirs
RDO/RCO- Place of filing for resident • Beneficiary

Philippine Embassy/ Office of ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSION

Commissioner/RDO39- Place of filing for non • Decedent
resident • Heir
• Estate
Notice of Donation by a donor engaged in
Business- In order to be exempt from donor's
tax and to claim full deduction of the donation
• Properties;
given to qualified-donee institutions duly
• Rights;
accredited, the donor engaged in business shall
• Obligations, to the extent of the value
give a notice of donation on every donation
of the inheritance.
worth at least Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000) to
the Revenue District Office (RDO)
Excise Taxes- apply to goods manufactured or • Testamentary
produced in the Philippines for domestic sales • Legal or Intestate
or consumption or for any other disposition and • Mixed
to things imported as well as services
performed in the Philippines. KINDS OF SUCCESSORS IN A TESTAMENTARY
• Legatee
• Estate tax • Holographic will
• Donor’s tax • Non-holographic will


• Benefit-received theory • Executor
• Privilege theory/State partnership • Administrator
• Ability to pay theory KINDS OF HEIRS:
• Redistribution of wealth theory • Compulsory or forced heir
• Voluntary heir
• Legitimate children and descendants, CITIZEN/RESIDENT:
with respect to their legitimate parents • Real property (e.g. land and building)
or ascendants; wherever locate
• In default of the foregoing, legitimate • Tangible personal property (e.g. car)
parents or ascendants, with respect to wherever located
their legitimate children and • Intangible personal property (e.g.
descendants; receivable) werever located
• Widow or widower; and
KINDS OF DONATIONS • Real property located in the Philippines
• Donation inter vivos • Tangible personal property located in
• Donation mortis causa the Philippines
• Intangible personal property-with situs
• Those made between persons who • Franchis which must be exercised in the
were guilty of adultery or concubinage ph
at the time of the donation; • Shares, obligations or bonds issued by
• Those made between persons found corporations organized or constituted in
guilty of the same criminal offense, in the Philippines
consideration thereof;
• Those made to a public officer or his INCLUDED IN THE GROSS ESTATE OF DECEDENT:
wife, descedants and ascendants, by • Decedent's interest
reason of his office. • Transfer in contemplation of death
• Revocable transfer
THE PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN • Property passing under general power
THE FOLLOWING ORDER: • Transfer for insufficient consideration
• By marriage settlements executed • Proceeds of life insurance
before the marriage;
• By the provisions of the Family Code; AMOUNT TO BE INCLUDED IN THE GROSS
• By the local custom. • Transfer is a bona fide sale for adequate
and full consideration, no value shall be
KINDS OF DECEDENTS: included in the gross estate.
• Citizen or Resident • Transfer is not a bona fide sale for an
(Resident citizen, Non-resident citizen, adequate and full consideration, there
and Resident alien) shall be included in the gross estate
• Non-Resident Alien only the excess of the fair market value
(Engaged and Not engaged in trade or of the property at the time of death
business in the Philippines) over the value of the consideration
received by the decedent.
• If an inter vivos transfer of the decedent
is proven to be fictitious, total value of
the property at the time of death shall
be included in the gross estate.
Special deductions
• Benefits received from GSIS • Family homes
• Benefits received from SSS • Amount received by heirs under
• Benefits received from U.S Veterans Republic Act No. 4917
Administration • Net share of the surviving spouse in the
• Benefits given by the Philippine conjugal property
government and U.S government due to
damages suffered during the war CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF PROPERTY
• Proceeds of life insurance where the MAY ARISE OUT OF:
beneficiary is irrevocably appointed • Contract
• Proceds of life insurance under group • Tort
insurance taken by employer (not taken • Operation of Law
out upon his life)
• Transfer by way bona fide sales TRANSFER FOR PUBLIC USE REQUISITE FOR
• Retirement benefits of employees of DEDUCTIBILITY:
private firms from private pension plans • The disposition is in a last will and
approved by the BIR testament;
• Personal Equity and Retirement • To take effect after death;
Account (PERA) assets shall not be • In favor of the government of the
considered assets of the Contributor for Philippines or any political subdivision
purposes of estate taxes thereof;
• Bank deposit in the name of the • For exclusive public purpose; and
decedent on which the 6% estate tax • The value of property given is included
has been withheld and remitted by the in the gross estate
bank to the BIR upon withdrawal by the
EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN ACQUISITIONS AND • Death, The present decedent died
TRANSMISSIONS: within five years from the receipt of the
• The merger of usufruct in the owner of property from a prior decedent or
the naked title (Dito bumalik lang sa donor;
rightful owner yung property kaya di • Identity of the property, The property
sya matatax) with respect to which deduction is
sought can be identified as the one
DEDUCTIONS FROM THE GROSS ESTATE: received from the prior decedent or the
Ordinary Deduction donor, or as the property acquired in
• Claims, Losses, Unpaid mortgages, exchange for the original property so
Taxes received;
o Claims against the estate • Location, The property on which
o Claims against insolvent vanishing deduction is being claimed
persons must be located in the Philippines.
o Losses • Inclusion of the property, The property
o Unpaid mortgages must have formed part of the gross
o Taxes estate situated in the Philippines of the
• Transfer for public use prior decedent, or the total amount of
• Vanishing deductions the gifts of the
• Previous taxation of the property,The be used by non stock, non profit
donor's tax on the gift or estate tax on corporation/ngo
the prior succession was finally
determined and paid; and EXEMPTIONS and /or DEDUCTIONS FROM
• No vanishing deduction on the property GROSS GIFTS CITIZEN/RESIDENT ALIEN:
was allowed to the estate of the prior • Mortgage or other encumbrances on
decedent. the property donated if assumed by the
donee in the deed of donation.
FAMILY HOMES REQUISITE FOR DEDUCTIBILITY: • Amount specifically provided by the
• The family home must be the actual donor as diminution on the property
residential home of the decedent and donated.
his family at the time of his death, as • Gifts made to or for the use of the
certified by the Barangay Captain of the National Government or any entity
locality where the family home is created by any of its agencies which is
situated; not conducted for profit, or to any
• The total value of the family home must political subdivision of the said
be included as part of the gross estate • Gifts in favor of an educational and/or
of the decedent; and charitable, religious, cultural or social
• Allowable deduction must be in an welfare corporation, institution,
amount equivalent to the current fair accredited non-government
market value of the family home as organization, trust or philanthropic
declared or included in the gross estate, organization or research institution or
or the extent of the decedent's interest organization:
(whether conjugal/community or
exclusive property), whichever is lower, PURPOSE OR OBJECT OF DONORS TAX:
but not exceeding P10,000,000. • To supplement estate tax
• To prevent avoidance of income tax
COMPUTATION FOR NET TAXABLE ESTATE: through the device of splitting income
Gross Estate among numerous donees who are
- Deductions______ usually members of a family or into
Net Taxable Estate many trusts, with the donor thereby
escaping the effect of the progressive
HOW DONATION OF IMMOVABLE MAY BE rates of income taxation.
• It must made in public document EXEMPTION DONOR’S TAX UNDER SPECIAL
• The acceptance may be made in the LAWS:
same deed of donation or in separate • International Rice Research Institute
documents • Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation
• Integrated Bar of the Philippines
IN ORDER TO BE EXEMPT FOR DONORS TAX: • Development Academy of the
• Donor shall give notice of donation in Philippines
every donation worth atleast 50k to • Philippine-American Cultural
RDO within 30days Foundation
• Certificate of donation shall be attached • Philippine Red Cross
to the said notice of donation. • National Museum
• Starting that not more than 30% of the • National Library
said donation for the taxable year shall
• Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
• National Commission for Culture and Personal property may be made oral
the ArtS with delivery if values doesn’t exceed
• Philippine Normal University 5k, in writing if value exceed 5k
• University of the Philippines
• Philippine Investors Commission CLASSIFICATION OF DONOR:
• Task Force on Human Settlements • Resident
• Non- resident
• Gifts made to or for the use of the RESIDENT TAX CLASSIFICATION:
National Government or any entity • Resident Citizen (RC)
created by any of its agencies which is • Non-resident citizen (NRC)
not conducted for profit, or to any • Resident alien (RA)
political subdivision of the said • Domestic corporation (DC)
Government; and
• Gifts in favor of an educational and/or NON- RESIDENT TAX CLASSIFICATION:
charitable, religious, cultural or social • Non-resident alien (NRA)
welfare corporation, institution, • Foreign corporation (FC)
accredited nongovernment
organization, trust or philanthropic INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY WITH A SITUS IN
organization or research institution or THE PHILIPPINES:
organization: • Franchise which must be exercised in the
REQUISITES OF A VALID DONATION: • Shares, obligations or bonds issued by
corporations organized or constituted in the
• Capacity of donor to donate
The donor's capacity shall be • Na Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a
determined as of the time of the foreign corporation 85% of the business of
making of the donation which is located in the Philippines;
• Donative Intent • Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a
Donative intent is necessary only in foreign corporation if such shares,
cases of direct gift. If the gift is obligations or bonds have acquired a
indirectly taking place by way of sale, business situs in the Philippines (i.e. they
exchange or other transfer of property are used in the furtherance of its business in
as contemplated in cases of transfers the Philippines);
• Shares, rights in any partnership, business
for less than adequate and full
or industry established in the Philippines.
consideration, not always essential to
• Actual or Constructive delivery of gift DONATION:
There is delivery if the subject matter is • Sale/exchange/transfer of property for
within the domination and control of insufficient consideration;
the done. • Condonation/remission of debt; and
• Acceptance by the Donee • Transfer for less than adequate and full
Acceptance is necessary because consideration.
nobody is obliged to receive a gift
against his will
• Form prescribe by law
Real property must be in public
• Where the sale, exchange, or transfer is • Specific Tax
made in the ordinary course of business • Ad Valorem Tax
which is:
Bonafide, Made at arms length, Free from EXCISES TAX ARE IMPOSED ON:
any donative intent • Goods manufactured or produced
• Where property transferred is real property • Goods imported
located in the Philippines considered as • Certain services provided by TRAIN law,
capital asset, the transfer is not subject to specifically invasive costmetics procedures
donor's tax but to a capital gains tax, which
is a final income tax of 6% of the fair market ARTICLES SUBJECT TO EXCISE TAX:
value or gross selling price, whichever is • Alcohol, including wines, distilled spirits and
higher, and therefore, there can be no fermented liquor
instance where the seller can avoid any tax • Tobacco products
"By selling his capital assets below its FMV. • Automobile
• Petroleum products
• Personal property: Fair market value at the
time of the gift shall be considered the
amount of the gift.
• Real property: Fair market value as
determined by the Commissioner of BIR
(zonal value) at the time of donation or the
fair market value as shown in the schedule
of values fixed by the Provincial and City
Assessors, whichever is higher.
• Shares of stock of domestic corporations
listed and traded in the local stock
exchange, the fair market value shall be the
arithmetic mean between the highest and
lowest quoted price on the date of
donation, and if there was no transaction
on that date, on the date nearest the date
of donation.


• Before 1/1/1998 (old rates)
• After 1/1/1998-12/31/2017 (rate under RA
• After 1/1/2018 (Subject to Tax Rate under
• Over a period of 1 calendar year
(Cummulative Basis)


• Excise taxes
• Value-added tax
• Other percentage taxes

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