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Name: Luis Orellana Code:210790

Assignment 4.3: Bold text and bullet points

Most people, when looking at a web page, are looking for specific information. Most people don’t
read a web page from start to finish. To help people find the information they are looking for,
include some bold text and bullet points in your web page.
Some bullet point rules:

 Don’t have more than 15 words after a bullet point.

 Don’t have a set of bullet points more than twice in your web page.
 Don’t have fewer than three bullet points at once (i.e. never use one or two bullet points).
 Don’t put bullet points on your subtitles.
 Don’t use funky bullet points like little hearts or squares.
Amount of Information: bullet points are tricky: it’s easy to have too little information or too much
information. Your bullet points should be informative and contain more information than a simple
list. They should also not be too long: the 15 word limit is a good place to start.
Museums in Quito:

 Museum of the City

 Guayasamin Museum
 Intiñan Museum
 National Museum of Ecuador
 Numismatic Museum
Consider this first bullet list. It is, in fact, a list of museums in Quito. However, with no information
about each of them, the list is basically useless.

 Museum of the City: The museum of the city is in the old town in the building that was
once the San Juan de Dios hospital, and it covers centuries of history not only of the city
itself, but also of the hospital. It’s very interesting and has many permanent and temporary
 Guayasamin Museum: Oswaldo Guayasamin (1919-1999) was one of Ecuador’s greatest
artists. He was known for his paintings, which are quite striking. This museum has many of
his works as well as his collection of other paintings that he liked.
 Intiñan Museum: The Intiñan museum is next to the well-known Mitad del Mundo
monument museum. The Intiñan museum is actually on the equator line, however, unlike
the other museum. There are also exhibits and activities here.
These bullet points are way too long: they give needless information and readers will skip right over

 Museum of the City: A must-see for anyone interested local history. Bonus: supposedly
 Guayasamin Museum: Guayasamin was an Ecuadorian painter: his art collection and some
of his works can be seen here.
 Intiñan Museum: A funky and more geographically accurate version of the nearby Mitad
del Mundo.
 Numismatic Museum: located in the old national bank, this museum is for coin lovers.
Name: Luis Orellana Code:210790

These final bullet points are just right: enough information for people to decide if they are interested
in visiting these museums or not.
Assignment: choose three of the following five topics, and create bullet points lists for each of
them. Remember to follow the bullet point ‘rules’ listed above. One has been done for you.
Reasons why re-potting a plant is a good idea:

 Putting a plant into a larger pot will allow it to grow

 Some plants can be split into multiple pots, giving you more plants
 Fresh soil had more nutrients and is good for plants
 Drainage can be adjusted for plant health
 Re-potting can help fix plant problems like root rot or too many roots in a smaller pot.
Choose three of the following five and create bullet points:

 Things to pack on a trip to the beach

 Places to go for visitors to Guayaquil
 Things that are considered rude in Italy
 Other TV shows for people who liked Game of Thrones
 What are some health benefits of having a hobby
Things to pack on a trip to the beach

 A swimsuit, among the things you should take to the beach is undoubtedly a swimsuit
whether to go into the sea, the pool or simply take a photo.
 Sunscreen, enjoying your trip is also taking care of yourself, so you can't forget your skin
 Towel, a towel is always necessary to dry yourself or cover yourself with when you go
 Cash, you never know if you will have an emergency or if you want to buy a coconut, so
always carry money with you.
 Second change of clothes, the first change of clothes can always get dirty so better try to
bring another one.

Other TV shows for people who liked Game of Thrones.

 Breaking Bad, a perfect series for lovers of drama and action, with great episodes and a
good plot.
 The last of us, based on the successful video game, is a series that is a roller coaster of
 The Witcher, a series based on a fantastic but cruel and bloodthirsty world.
 The Mandalorian, a science fiction series that explores more about the Star Wars saga.
 House of the Dragon, is a series that narrates the events before "game of thrones".

What are some of the health benefits of having a hobby?

Name: Luis Orellana Code:210790

 Helps release stress, a hobby is effective in releasing accumulated stress in people.

 Improves physical condition, if the hobby is sports it helps to lose weight and have a better
physical condition.
 Helps coordination, many hobbies such as playing an instrument help people's coordination.
 Greater happiness, people who have a hobby are happier than those who do not have one.
 It helps to internalize thoughts, having a hobby is a great way for the individual to know
themselves better.

Bold text: use bold text sparingly. Basically, ask yourself this: if there is one phrase or sentence
in this section that I want my readers to know, what is it? If you find such a phrase or sentence,
put it in bold text. Do not use bold text on single words.
Here is a paragraph that I wrote some time ago about the British invasions of Buenos Aires in 1806:
Using the alliance between Spain and Napoleonic France as an excuse, Britain attacked
Buenos Aires twice in 1806 to 1807, attempting to further weaken Spain while at the same
time gaining valuable New World colonies to replace the ones it had so recently lost in the
American Revolution. The first attack, led by Colonel William Carr Beresford, succeeded
in capturing Buenos Aires, although Spanish forces out of Montevideo were able to re-take
it about two months later. A second British force arrived in 1807 under the command of
Lieutenant-General John Whitelocke. The British took Montevideo but were unable to
capture Buenos Aires, which was ably defended by urban guerilla militants. The British
were forced to retreat.
Here it is again, with poor bold text usage. Note that individual words are put in bold text, as well as
short phrases. Repeated use of bold text in one paragraph also makes it ugly. You should avoid this
sort of thing.
Using the alliance between Spain and Napoleonic France as an excuse, Britain attacked
Buenos Aires twice in 1806 to 1807, attempting to further weaken Spain while at the same
time gaining valuable New World colonies to replace the ones it had so recently lost in the
American Revolution. The first attack, led by Colonel William Carr Beresford, succeeded
in capturing Buenos Aires, although Spanish forces out of Montevideo were able to re-take
it about two months later. A second British force arrived in 1807 under the command of
Lieutenant-General John Whitelocke. The British took Montevideo but were unable to
capture Buenos Aires, which was ably defended by urban guerilla militants. The British
were forced to retreat.
Here it is a third time, with better usage of bold text. Here, I have only put one phrase in bold text:
the most important one. If anyone wants to know more about these invasions, they can read the
whole paragraph.
Using the alliance between Spain and Napoleonic France as an excuse, Britain attacked
Buenos Aires twice in 1806 to 1807, attempting to further weaken Spain while at the same
time gaining valuable New World colonies to replace the ones it had so recently lost in the
American Revolution. The first attack, led by Colonel William Carr Beresford, succeeded
in capturing Buenos Aires, although Spanish forces out of Montevideo were able to re-take
Name: Luis Orellana Code:210790

it about two months later. A second British force arrived in 1807 under the command of
Lieutenant-General John Whitelocke. The British took Montevideo but were unable to
capture Buenos Aires, which was ably defended by urban guerilla militants. The British
were forced to retreat.
Assignment: Change some text to bold in the following paragraphs:

With the major native empires in Mexico and Peru in ruins, the Spanish had to put a new system of
government in place. The successful conquistadors and colonial officials used the encomienda system.
Under the system, an individual or family was given lands, which generally had indigenous people living on
them already. A sort of "deal" was implied: the new owner was responsible for the natives: he would see to
their instruction in Christianity, their education and their safety. In return, the natives would supply food,
gold, minerals, wood or whatever valuable commodity could be extracted from the land. The encomienda
lands would pass from one generation to the next, allowing the families of the conquistadors to set themselves
up like local nobility. In reality, the encomienda system was little more than enslavement by another name:
Indigenous people were forced to work in fields and mines, often until they literally dropped dead.

It’s a common misconception that the Texans who rose up against Mexico were all settlers from the
U.S. who decided on independence. Records are patchy, but it is certain that there were many native Texans
—Mexican nationals referred to as Tejanos—who joined the movement and fought every bit as bravely as
their Anglo companions. Among the roughly 200 men who died defending the Alamo, there were at least
thirteen Spanish speakers from Tejas or northern Mexico. There were also a handful of Europeans and men of
African descent.

Blackbeard used fear and intimidation to cause his enemies to surrender without a fight. This was in his
best interests, as the victimized ships could be utilized, valuable plunder was not lost and useful men such as
carpenters or doctors could be made to join the pirate crew. Generally, if any ship they attacked surrendered
peacefully, Blackbeard would loot it and let it go on its way, or put the men aboard some other ship if he
decided to keep or sink his victim. There were exceptions, of course: English merchant ships were sometimes
treated harshly, as was any ship from Boston, where some pirates had recently been hung.

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