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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name of Proponents:
Project/Program Title: Project READ 2 LEAD (Reading Enhancement and Development to
Leading in Academic Development
Project/Program Time Frame: September 2023-June 2024


Project READ 2 LEAD is an innovative program designed for Grade 3 and Grade 5
students at Kirahon Elementary School. Our aim is to boost reading skills and nurture
leadership qualities in young learners. This project spans an entire academic year and focuses
on enhancing reading comprehension, fluency, and critical thinking, while also developing
leadership traits like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

In the journey of Project READ 2 LEAD, our primary goals are clear:

 Improving Reading Skills: We want our students to become better readers. By engaging
in group reading sessions, participating in reading challenges, and discussing various
types of books, we strive to make reading more fun and engaging.

 Fostering a Love for Reading: We believe that a love for reading is a crucial life skill. Our
project encourages students to develop a passion for reading and thinking deeply about
what they read.

 Developing Leadership Qualities: In addition to reading, we are determined to nurture

leadership qualities. Through workshops and community projects, students will gain skills
like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

 Enhancing Academic Performance: As a result of improved reading skills and leadership

qualities, we anticipate a positive impact on overall academic performance.

 Throughout the year, we will assess our students' progress using a combination of
reading assessments, surveys, and classroom observations. We aim to understand how
the project is working and continuously improve it.

We strongly encourage parents to be involved in their child's reading journey by reading with
them, visiting libraries, and discussing the books they read. We believe that the combined
efforts of parents, teachers, and students will yield the best results. Project READ 2 LEAD will
celebrate students' achievements with certificates, awards, and a special event. We are excited
to witness the growth and development of our students in reading and leadership as they move
forward in their academic journey. We look forward to an engaging and enriching year, working
together to achieve the goals of Project READ 2 LEAD at Kirahon Elementary School.


The foundation of Project READ 2 LEAD at Kirahon Elementary School is built upon a
strong rationale, encompassing several key elements to address pressing educational needs
and nurture the holistic development of our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students.

At the heart of our project is the acknowledgment that reading proficiency stands as a
bedrock skill influencing success across all academic disciplines. Strong reading abilities are
fundamental for students to effectively engage with and comprehend their coursework. Hence,
the primary goal of Project READ 2 LEAD is to enhance reading proficiency, as it is an essential
component of academic success.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Early intervention is another crucial aspect of our rationale. Research consistently
demonstrates that intervening in reading development at an early stage yields substantial long-
term benefits. Grade 3 and Grade 5 represent critical stages in a student's educational journey,
where foundational reading skills are established and advanced comprehension abilities are
nurtured. Project READ 2 LEAD is thoughtfully designed to intervene at this pivotal juncture,
ensuring students receive the necessary support to thrive.

Fostering a love for reading is paramount, especially in today's digital age. A genuine
passion for reading not only deepens a student's knowledge but also encourages imagination
and critical thinking. Project READ 2 LEAD is committed to making reading an enjoyable and
fulfilling activity for our students, with the goal of instilling a lifelong love for the written word.


Goals and Objectives of Project READ 2 LEAD

1. Enhance Reading Skills: Improve reading comprehension, fluency, and critical thinking
skills in Grade 3 and Grade 5 students, as measured by standardized assessments.

2. Foster a Love for Reading: Cultivate a genuine passion for reading, with a target of a
20% increase in students' self-reported interest in reading through surveys and

3. Develop Leadership Qualities: Nurture leadership traits, including communication,

teamwork, and problem-solving, aiming for measurable improvements in at least 70% of

4. Enhance Academic Performance: Achieve a 15% increase in the average academic

performance of participating students across all subjects, indicating the broader impact of
the program.

5. Parental Involvement and Community Impact: Encourage at least 70% of parents to

actively engage in their child's reading activities and initiate a positive impact on the local
community through at least three community service projects.


 Month 1: Program Launch and Baseline Assessment

Weeks 1-2: Introduction to Project READ 2 LEAD, program goals, and expectations.
Weeks 3-4: Conduct baseline reading assessments for Grade 3 and Grade 5 students.
Weeks 5-6: Start the first round of reading circles, with students taking turns reading and
discussing materials.
Weeks 7-8: Launch a reading challenge to promote engagement and enthusiasm for reading.
 Month 2: Fostering a Love for Reading
Weeks 9-10: Continue reading circles and the reading challenge, with an emphasis on
Weeks 11-14: Introduce book reports and discussions, encouraging students to share their
favorite books and thoughts.
Weeks 15-16: Invite a local author or community member to share their passion for reading.
 Month 3: Developing Leadership Qualities

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Weeks 17-18: Conduct leadership SCHOOL
workshops focusing on communication, teamwork, and
problem-solving skills.

Weeks 19-22: Encourage students to apply leadership skills in real-life scenarios through small
group projects.
Weeks 23-24: Host a leadership seminar with guest speakers from the community.
 Month 4: Academic Performance Improvement
Weeks 25-26: Conduct mid-year reading assessments to monitor progress.
Weeks 27-30: Analyze assessment results and provide personalized feedback to students.
Weeks 31-32: Implement strategies for cross-curricular application of reading skills.
Weeks 33-34: Review and discuss academic performance across all subjects, identifying areas
for improvement.
 Month 5: Parental Involvement and Community Impact
Weeks 35-36: Encourage parents to participate in reading activities at home and attend parent-
teacher meetings.
Weeks 37-40: Continue reading circles, book reports, and community service projects.
Weeks 41-44: Evaluate the impact of community service projects and celebrate achievements
with a community event.
 Month 6: Assessment and Progress Review
Weeks 45-46: Conduct end-of-year reading assessments to evaluate the program's
Weeks 47-48: Collect feedback from students, parents, and teachers through surveys.
Weeks 49-50: Host a mid-year event to review progress, acknowledge achievements, and set
goals for the second half of the program.
 Month 7: Reinforcing Skills and Leadership Development
Weeks 51-54: Continue reading circles, book reports, and leadership workshops.
Weeks 55-56: Provide additional support and resources to help struggling students catch up.
 Month 8: Academic and Personal Growth Assessment
Weeks 57-58: Conduct end-of-program reading assessments to measure progress.
Weeks 59-60: Review students' overall academic performance and leadership growth.
 Month 9: Culmination and Celebration
Weeks 61-62: Plan and execute a culminating event to recognize and celebrate students'
achievements in reading and leadership.
Weeks 63-64: Collect final feedback and testimonials from students, parents, and teachers.
 Month 10: Program Evaluation and Planning for the Next Year
Weeks 65-68: Evaluate the overall impact of Project READ 2 LEAD, assess the effectiveness of
the program, and identify areas for improvement.
Weeks 69-70: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the program's outcomes, lessons
learned, and recommendations for the next academic year.


Project READ 2 LEAD possesses several notable strengths that underpin its potential for
fostering academic and personal growth among Grade 3 and Grade 5 students at Kirahon
Elementary School.

One of the program's significant strengths is its commitment to holistic development. By

addressing both academic and personal growth, it equips students with a well-rounded
education. The focus on enhancing reading skills and nurturing leadership qualities ensures that
students not only excel academically but also develop essential life skills.

Early intervention is another crucial strength of Project READ 2 LEAD. The program
identifies Grade 3 and Grade 5 as pivotal stages in a student's educational journey, where
foundational reading skills are established and advanced comprehension abilities are nurtured.
This early intervention maximizes the program's potential to set students on a path to long-term
academic success.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

The interconnected approach of the program is a strategic asset. It weaves reading

enhancement and leadership development together, recognizing that proficient readers are
better equipped to acquire knowledge and express themselves effectively – foundational
elements of leadership skills. This synergy enhances the program's impact, as reading and
leadership development reinforce and complement each other.

Project READ 2 LEAD also excels in its data-driven decision-making. The use of
assessments, surveys, and observations to measure progress ensures that the program
remains effective and responsive to the unique needs of the students. This evidence-based
approach allows for adjustments and improvements over time.

Community engagement is a noteworthy strength of the program. Involvement of local

authors, community members, and guest speakers enriches the learning experience, offering
diverse perspectives and role models. This fosters a deeper appreciation for reading and
leadership, connecting the students to their broader community.

The active encouragement of parental involvement is another key strength. Recognizing

the pivotal role parents play in a child's educational journey, the program strengthens the
support system for students and reinforces the value of reading and leadership development
both at home and in the school.

Furthermore, Project READ 2 LEAD's commitment to continuous improvement is a

significant asset. By evaluating and planning for the next academic year, the program
demonstrates a dedication to growth and adaptation, ensuring that it evolves to meet changing
needs and circumstances.

The inclusion of a culminating event and recognition of student achievements provides

motivation and a sense of accomplishment, encouraging students to continue their reading and
leadership journeys.

Lastly, the program's community impact through engagement in community service

projects not only benefits students but also contributes positively to the local community. It
teaches students the importance of social responsibility and leadership in action.

In summary, Project READ 2 LEAD's strengths encompass its comprehensive approach

to education, early intervention, data-driven decision-making, community engagement, a
commitment to continuous improvement, well-defined objectives, and its dedication to academic
and personal growth among Grade 3 and Grade 5 students at Kirahon Elementary School.


Ensuring the sustainability of Project READ 2 LEAD is fundamental to its long-term

impact on Grade 3 and Grade 5 students at Kirahon Elementary School. Several key factors
contribute to the program's sustainability.

The integration of Project READ 2 LEAD into the school's curriculum is a pivotal aspect
of sustainability. By becoming an integral part of the educational experience, the program aligns
with the school's overarching goals and objectives, making it a natural and sustained
component of the students' learning journey.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

The commitment to data-driven decision-making is another crucial element in ensuring

the program's sustainability. Regular assessments of the program's effectiveness and impact
enable it to evolve and adapt to changing student needs, thus maintaining its relevance and
effectiveness over time.

Community engagement plays a vital role in sustaining the program. Involving the local
community and guest speakers enriches the program's content and provides a network of
ongoing support and resources. These community connections can help keep the program
dynamic and engaging.

The active encouragement of parental involvement is another linchpin for sustainability.

When parents become advocates for the program, it gains continued support. This not only
ensures the program's longevity but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility for the
students' development.

Culminating events, which celebrate students' achievements, serve as a source of

motivation and enthusiasm. This sense of accomplishment not only enhances the current
program but also encourages students to participate in subsequent iterations, ensuring the
program's sustainability.

Investing in ongoing teacher training is a critical component. Well-trained educators are

essential for delivering the program effectively. Continued professional development for
teachers and staff ensures that they remain equipped to support the students effectively.

The program's well-defined objectives, which provide a clear roadmap for success, also
contribute to sustainability. By setting specific and measurable goals, Project READ 2 LEAD
maintains its focus and direction, making it easier to sustain.

Engaging in community service projects not only benefits students but also fosters a
sense of social responsibility. When students see the tangible impact they can make in their
community, they are more likely to continue participating in such initiatives in the future,
contributing to the long-term sustainability of the program.

Regular communication about the program's achievements and benefits to stakeholders,

including parents, teachers, and the local community, helps build ongoing support and
enthusiasm for Project READ 2 LEAD. Effective communication creates advocates and
champions for the program, ensuring its sustainability.

Finally, securing funding and resources is essential. By establishing partnerships with

local businesses, organizations, and government agencies, the program can ensure the
availability of necessary materials, books, and other resources, underpinning its sustainability.

In summary, the sustainability of Project READ 2 LEAD relies on a combination of

factors, including curriculum integration, data-driven decision-making, community engagement,
parental involvement, culminating events, teacher training, well-defined objectives, community
impact, effective communication, and securing funding and resources. With careful planning
and a commitment to these elements, the program can continue to make a meaningful and
lasting impact on students for years to come.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Proposed by:

Name of Teacher

Noted by:


Approved by:

Public Schools District Supervisor


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