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Biological Causes of Binge Eating Disorder

A history of weight fluctuation can place an individual at increased risk.

Research also hints at a possible connection between binge eating disorder, hormone irregularities and
genetic mutations specific to food addiction. A Journal of Psychiatric Research study revealed a link
between low levels of serotonin and binge eating behavior.

Genetics and Family History

There is evidence that binge eating disorder can run in families. Research from the Archives of General
Psychiatry found that family members of obese individuals with binge eating disorder were twice as
likely to suffer from the condition as were family members of obese individuals who did not have a
history of binge eating.

Other Predisposing Factors Involved with Binge Eating Disorder

Traumatic events, deaths, separation, physical illness, tragedy, sexual and/or physical abuse, and
bullying can often lead to binge eating disorder. Although the association isn’t as common as with other
eating disorders, a history of substance abuse is linked to cases of binge eating disorder.

There is also an increased occurrence of childhood obesity among those with binge eating disorder.

8 Things Binge Eating Disorder Does to Your Body

 Weight Gain
 Stress, Shame and Other Emotional Issues
 Type 2 Diabetes
 Cardiovascular Disease
 Sleep Problems
 Joint Problems
 Organ Disease
 Fertility and Pregnancy Problems
 Diagnosis and Treatment

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