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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM

Unit III – Paper II

Soon after the death of Prophet pbuh, the question raised for someone to be the leader of the Muslim
community in order to save the solidarity of Islam. While many were busy in funeral procession of
Muhammad pbuh, Asnars started to gather in Thaqifa Bani Saida (an extended exterior of the house of
Saad bin Ubaidah) where they were supposed to nominate the Khalifa from amongst them i.e. Saad bin
Ubada. Abu Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah at once reached there and Abu Ubaida told the
Ansars (helpers) that Quraish would not allow this privilege to be taken by anyone else. He said:“You
were the first to uphold Islam. Do not be the first to sow the seeds of dissension in it”.

Ansar insisted that office(system of administration) should go to them, because Medina is first Islamic
community laid by Muhammad pbuh himself and we have always stood with the Messenger of Allah
pbuh. Ansar also suggested to have two leaders, but Umar emphasized in the interest of the solidarity of
Islam, there could not be more than one Ameer. Now two names suggested by Abu Bakr i.e. Abu
Ubaidah bin Jarrah and Umar bin Khattab. They both knew very well status and position of Abu Bakr
among other companions and even Prophet pbuh recommended him to be the next successor. Abdullah
bin Masud reported that Prophet pbuh said; if I were to take anyone as my best friend, I would take Abu
Bakr, but he is my brother & successor.

Abu Ubaidah and Umar, both responded, how can we fill this position when you are among us? They
both denied, Umar rose quickly to say: "O Abu Bakr, how can I or Abu Ubaida be preferred to you? You
are undoubtedly the most excellent of the Muslims. You were the 'Second of the Two' in the Cave. You
were appointed as 'Amir-ul-Haj'. During his illness the Holy Prophet appointed you as the Imam to lead
the prayers. Of all the companions you were the closest and the dearest to the Holy Prophet. As such
you are dear to us. Stretch your hand so that we may offer our allegiance to you.“

Later Umar realized that delaying the matter would create difficulties. It is reported that Umar ra
directed to the council hall along with Abu Bakr. He made Abu Bakr stand, and then touched his hand
reverently in token of allegiance. Abu Ubaida was the next to pay allegiance. Thereafter all the Ansars
assembled there offered their allegiance to Abu Bakr turn by turn. Only Sa'd bin Ubadah did not offer
allegiance. Thus Abu Bakr was elected unanimously as the successor to the Holy Prophet on the very day
of the death of Holy Prophet, the 8th of June 83 2 C.E.
SPEECH OF ABU BAKR - On following day, Abu Bakr went to the Mosque Nabwi, mounted the pulpit as
the Caliph of Islam and delivered his first speech as follows;

“I have been elected your Ameer, although I am not better than you. Help me if I am in the right; set
me right if I am in the wrong, obey me as long as I obey Allah & his Prophet, When I disobey Him & His
Prophet, Obey me not.”

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

This inaugural speech contains the principles of democratic government and confirmed that
responsibility of Ameer or Caliph is to apply Shariyah and to rule on the basis of justice only.

Abu Bakr’s caliphate was too short and mostly occupied with different challenged arose from those who
accepted faith but didn’t remain loyal after death of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. The Medina surrounded
by hostile tribes, while this time, Jews and Christians were filled with unrest.



In 632 C.E., on return from the 'farewell pilgrimage,' the Holy Prophet pbuh ordered a detachment to be
sent against the Syrians under the command of Uthamah bin Zaid. Some objected to the command of
Uthamah on the ground that he was a mere youth of nineteen. Holy Prophet pbuh wanted the Muslims
not to object to the command of Uthamah for he was worthy of the command. When the Prophet pbuh
fell ill, the detachment of Uthamah was encamped at Jorf a few miles from Medina on the road to Syria.
On account of the serious illness of the Holy Prophet pbuh, Uthamah delayed his departure. When the
Prophet pbuh died, he returned to Medina and sought further orders.


All of a sudden circumstances changed after Prophet’s pbuh death – many tribes apostatized from Islam,
Medina was surrounded by hostile invaders.
The first thing Abu Bakr thought to continue the same expedition but some people suggested him that
Uthamah is too young and he must reconsider critical situation of Medina.
Abu Bakr said: Who am I to withhold the army that the Holy Prophet had ordered to proceed? Come
what may, let Madinah stand or fall; the Khilafat live or Perish, the command of Prophet shall be carried
out”. Abu Bakr then directed the army with commands not to kill children, women or old men, do not
cut any tree wherein there is food for men and beasts, and do not molest the monks in churches.

The army of Uthamah left Jorf towards the close of June 632 C.E.
After a ten days march, the Muslim army penetrated into the region of Wadi-al-Qara, and fell on Banu
al-Qidzah and other border tribes.
Uthamah rode on his father's horse 'Sabah". He killed his father’s murderer.
The Byzantine forces avoided confrontation with the Muslim force, and the border tribes left to
themselves were no match for the Muslim forces.
They were thoroughly discomfited, and hastened to offer allegiance to the authorities at Medina.

The expedition proved to be a great success.

 It secured the safety of the frontier with the Byzantines and averted the threat of any attack
from the Byzantines.

 The success that attended the Muslim arms made the unruly tribes realize that Islam was not
dead with the death of the Holy Prophet pbuh.

 Muslims were strong enough to meet all emergencies.

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

 Uthamah's army returned to Medina, in August 632 C.E. laden with considerable booty.



After the conquest of Mecca, many tribes accepted faith but their acceptance was based on diplomacy
rather than on faith and conviction of heart.
Tribes like Banu Asad, Banu Ghatafan, Banu Abbas, Banu Murrah & others regarded Islam as a matter of
personal allegiance to Prophet pbuh which soon ended with his death.
These tribes sent deputation towards Abu Bakr to make a fresh agreement with them and demanded
that they should be relieved from the obligation to pay Zakat.
Almost all the eminent companions including Umar, seeing the danger from all sides suggested that the
demand of the tribes should be accepted so that there was no defection from Islam.
Zakat was not a levy subject to political considerations; it was an imperative injunction ordained by
Islam, and was equated with prayers.

Abu Bakr strongly reacted as it is an Islamic injunction and had to be paid.
He said; If with reference to Zakat, you withhold even as much as a string to tie a camel, as the Khalifa
of Prophet, it will be my duty to fight for it, whatever the consequences”.
These tribes received rejection for Zakat exempt. But they soon launched an army towards Medina to
attack in the absence of the main army that deputed to Syria. The tribes concentrated their forces at Zul
Hissa and Zul Qissa to the north east of Medina on the way to Nejd, and decided to launch the attack
against Medina.
They attacked at night but found Abu Bakr with his army ready to fight. After this battle many tribes sent
their delegates to Medina, offered allegiance and paid Zakat. The battle of Zul Qissa indeed set the stage
for the apostasy campaigns.


After the Prophet’s pbuh death, some of the people rose in revolt against the authorities in Medina and
renounced Islam. Therefore, Abu Bakrs short caliphate period mostly occupied with Ridda (Apostasy)
movements – means a set of military campaigns against the rebellion of several tribes in the whole of
Arabic, except Makkah, Medina and Taif. These tribes thought that anyone could accept and deny faith,
but according to Islamic traditions, such a person who apostatized should be killed.

In order to tackle the situation, Abu Bakr launched an expedition against this movement, by forming
eleven main corps, each with an experienced commander, and sent them in 11 different directions to
crush these revolts. Before sending them, Abu Bakr had sent his envoys to all the apostates in a final
attempt to make them re-embrace Islam. The corps commanders had following instructions;
To call Azan
To ask tribes if they could confirm their submission to Islam and pay Zakat
The tribes that answered Azan and submit would not to be attacked.

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

Some accepted Islam while rest were stubborn and were dealt harshly.
It is to remember that people of Bahrain, Oman and Mahrah - they also apostatized and refused to pay
The death of Bahrain’s leader led to anarchy and chaos in their land, therefore many apostatized Islam.
They received help from Persians and were fully prepared for a confrontation with the Muslims. In
battle Muslims were victorious and the rebellion in Bahrain was completely crushed.
In similar way, the people of Oman had fight with Muslims, in which Muslims were successful and the
rebellious forces of Oman laid down their arms.
Towards Mahrah, Abu Bakr sent Ikramah to fight with them. The defeated people embraced faith and
were granted amnesty.
Thus, Abu Bakr was successful & able to re-establish control of Islam throughout the Peninsula by
crushing the Apostasy movements during the 11th year of hijrah. The twelfth hijrah dawned, with Arabia
united under the central authority of the Caliph in Medina.

During the last days of the Holy Prophet’s pbuh life some misguided people arose to claim prophet
hood. Prophet pbuh wanted to launch attack against them but he passed away. After his death, these
people became more dangerous, even many tribes and unknown men accepted them as the last
Prophet. When Abu Bakr was elected as the Caliph they started their preaching openly, due to which
Abu Bakr started campaigns against them. This campaign was so significant historically as it saved the
Islamic principle of Khatme Nabuwat, and if a person questions about it, he would not remain in circle of


During the 12th year of hijrah, Aswad Ansi who belonged to the Ansi tribe rose in Yemen as false
prophet. Since he was an ugly man, he kept his face veiled all the time, & people would call him “the
veiled prophet”. He gathered considerable amount of men with him and attacked the Sanaa, the capital
of Yemen. After the victory, Aswad brutally suppressed the Muslims in Yemen. He would force them to
accept him as a prophet, or cut them into pieces. He also attempted to form an alliance with the Persian
empire, presumably to consolidate his new power in Yemen. After capturing Sanaa, when its Governor
was killed, Aswad Ansi married his widow. Later his wife and cousin Feroz and Qais, assassinated Aswad
and Yemen came into the control of Muslims authority. It is reported that Prophet pbuh issued
instruction to people of Yemen to get rid of this imposter during his lifetime.
But situation again turned when people received the death news of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and main
army man Qais apostatized. Feroz sent a letter to Abu Bakr for support from Muslim forces. Abu Bakr
sent two battalions and finally Sanaa was recaptured. Qais and chief supporter brought as captives in
Medina, where they apologized for their mistake.

Tulahya was the second False Prophet, who belonged to the Banu Asad tribe in the northern Arabia. It is
reported, he was a wealthy chief & a great warrior in his tribe. He claimed prophethood during Prphet’s
pbh lifetime, but Prophet died before he could sent an army against him. Although, he was able to get
considerable response from his tribesman and was powerful to lead confederacy of numerous tribes like
Tay and Ghatafan against the Muslims.
Tulahya along with his huge group of followers, encamped at Buzakha spring in Nejd. Abu Bakr at once
sent forces of 4000 men under Khalid bin Walid at Buzaka to punish him. Khalid bin Walid defeated

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

Tulahya forces, while he himself fled to Syria and some tribes accepted faith before battle. When Syria
was captured by Muslims during second caliphate, he embraced Islam and served in the Muslim army in
the Iraqi campaigns and thus tried to compensate for his past sins.

Precarious and treacherous of all false prophets was Musailmah, al Kazzab. He belonged to a tribe of
central Arabia, Banu Hanifia. He had visited Medina during life of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and had
privilege to attend his company. However, on returning back, he laid claim to divine mission and
founded a new creed.
He assumed that he has been revealed by Almighty by composing false statements and relieved people
from obligation of Zakat, fasting and even reduce the number of daily obligatory prayers. He legalized
drinking and adultery. He wrote a letter to Holy Prophet pbuh, claiming himself a partner in
prophethood and suggested to have an equal share of land for kingdom. Prophet pbuh said; “the whole
land belongs to Allah only and He gave its control to such a person as He willed”. Prophet pbuh called
him Musailmah Kazzab – Musailmah, the liar. He emerged strong after death of Prophet Muhammad
pbuh. People accepted him as prophet by claiming that Prophet is the one who lives, so its better to
accept Musailmah as new Prophet. Musailmah was first suggested to encounter the false prophetess
Sajjah, but he married her and added considerable forces of 40,000 in his army against Muslims.


To encounter Musailmah, Abu Bakr sent three battalions against him;

The Battle of Yamamah took place in 632 CE.

Abu Bakr commanded the army under Ikrimah not to engage Musailmah’s army near Yamamah as his
army was composed of the men of the tribe of Banu Hanifa, which was known to be a very strong tribe.
This is why the Muslims needed to amass as much support as possible. However, Ikrimah could not
contain himself and attacked, but badly defeated.
Shurahbil thereafter came and had same instruction not to engage until Khalid came. However, he
ordered his army to attack and got defeated by Musailmah forces.
Abu Bakr wrote to Khalid bin Waleed who just had a great win over Tulahya’s forces, reached along with
his 14,000 men to fulfil Caliph’s order.
Grew in confidence after having defeated two armies of the Muslims, it is believed that Musailmah’s
forces did not fight out of conviction of faith, but rather out of tribal loyalty.
Initially the Muslims retreated and the apostates started to loot the Muslim camps, however, Muslims
attacked again and managed to push the enemy back.
Khalid stepped up for duels and even proposed to hold talks with Musailmah who came out surrounded
by a group of men. The Muslims attacked in full force and caused the apostates to flee and fortify
themselves in the castle.
The apostates angrily asked Musailamah where is the victory and the miracles he promised them. He
replied saying “Fight in order to defend your honour and noble lineages. As for religion, there is no
An old companion Baraa ibn Malik (ra) told his comrades to throw him over the wall and once over he
would loosen the gates and let the Muslims through.
At the end, Wahshi was the one who managed to hit Musailmah by piercing him through the stomach
with a spear and Abu Dujanah finished him off. This is where Wahshi said his famous phrase: “Before
Islam I killed the best of people, and after Islam I killed the worst of people.”

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

A great number of companions, specifically Quran huffaz were lost fighting bravely that day. Among
them included Thabit bin Qais, Zayd bin al-Khattab, and many other prominent, which prompted Abu
Bakr to start compiling the Quran in written form for its preservation.


Sajjah was a Christian women, belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe. She claimed to be a prophetess and
succeeded in mustering a large following.

While heading to Medina, the forces of Sajjah faced Musailmah, who knew at once that Sajjah was a
serious rival and he could not defeat her on the battlefield, so he married her. Sajjah forces decided to
join forces at Yamamaha, and just after three days when Musailmah was killed, she returned to her
people in Iraq which ended her adventure of prophet hood and lived in obscurity for the rest of her
life. When the Muslims conquered Iraq she entered the circle of Islam along with her tribe.

From Moharram 12th Hijri, the campaigns of first Caliph were conducted with the forces of Persians and
Byzantines. The main targeted areas were – Eastern Iraq, Western Iraq and Syria. Muslims secure
consecutive victory in all spots.


After Persians supported people of Bahrain, those who apostatized, now it was evident to Abu Bakr that
they are a serious threat for Muslims community. There was considerable disarray in state affairs of
Persia, and moreover, the border Arab tribes were dissatisfied with the Persian rule. Muslims took the
advantage of situation and thought that Arab tribes could be liberated from Persians. This is the same
region where Prophet Muhammad pbuh sent letter, but it was tore into pieces by Persian King Khusro

In 633 AD, Musanna bin Harittha was sent to Iraq and he was victorious. Then Abu Bakr ordered Khalid
bin Waleed to proceed to the border of the Persian empire & assist Musanna. In Muharram 12 Ah,
Khalid set out from Yamamah with 10,000 forces and headed towards Iraq. Four other columns under
each commander were also directed to deal with them. In order to get into the main territory Muslims
had to face Persian confederates in Eastern Iraq and then Western Iraq. In those times, Eastern Iraq was
a part of Iran.


1. Battle of Kazima or Chains

The first battle between Persians and Muslims took place at Kazima in Iraq. Khalid sent letter to Persian
commander Hurmuz – inviting him to either accept faith or pay jizya, after which he and his people

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

would be under Muslim protection, but if he doesn’t agree with the terms then he should be ready to
fight. Hurmuz agreed with the third alternative, proceeded from Uballa (main port of Iraq) to meet
Muslims forces at Kazima.

Before battle Hurmuz challenged Khalid for single combat, in which he was defeated and slain. The
death of commander made Persians flee from battlefield. This battle is known as Battle of Chains
because a regiment of Persian army had chained themselves to each other so that they would
persistently and not flee from the battlefield. The heavy attach of Muslims caused them to retreat in
panic and their chains proved as a death trap for them. They were killed in large numbers.

By the sunset, Muslims had won the battle and Persians suffered humiliating defeat. Hurmuz was killed,
thousands of them were killed and thousands were taken captives.


Uradsher (Iran’s Emperor) after learning Muslims Muslims had second

victory at Kazima, sent forces who halted at Mazar victory. The
2. Battle of Mazar (river Tigris) and the remaining forces of Hurmuz inhabitants paid jizya
also joined them. Persians could not withstand the and offered
attack of the Muslims and killed in large numbers. submission

Uradsher sent two more armies against Muslims.

Muslims 3rd victory.
They crossed Euphrates & encamped at Walaja.
3. Battle of Walaja Bulk of Persians army
Soon the battlefield turned into slaughterhouse by
was annihilated
Muslim forces.

Persian joined forces with Christian Arabs of Banu

4th consecutive
Bakr tribe to avenge the defeat at Walaja. They
victory of Muslims.
4. Battle of Ulleis gathered now at Ulleis, 10 miles from Walaja. In
Persian resistance
battle great number of opponents were killed by
broke down.

After crushing the Persian forces, Khalid entered

into important port Hira by the river Euphrates. Central Iraq came
5. Conquest of Hira Commander of Hira fled with his forces to Madain, under Muslims
thus left the city to be controlled by Muslims control
without any resistance.



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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

By end of June 633 Ad, Khalid marched from Hira to Anbar – an important town and a commercial
center to which caravans came from Persia and Syria. The town was protected by walls & a large deep
moat. To cross the moat, Khalid ordered army to slaughter old and weak camels and their carcasses to
be dumped into moat in order to form a bridge. Muslims crossed it and attacked Anbar. The Governor
surrendered to Muslims forces & provided the Persian army was allowed to withdraw in safety. Persian
soldiers & families evacuated the fort. Muslims were victorious & the fall of Anbar was a great blow to


Muslims now marched to En-Tamar, it was another

strong hold of Iran, a large fortified town, With En-Tamar, the
surrounded by date-palm trees. Muslims laid a entire region from Uballa
2. En-Tamar
siege, but the Persian General, Mehran fled from to Anbar came under the
the town while rest chiefs were taken prisoners. domination of Muslims.
Muslims conquered it and collected large booty.

Another Muslim army under leadership of Ayaz bin

Ghanam ra needed support of Khalid in Dumatul
Jundal. Khalid rushed to help him and defeated After the conquest of
Persians. Then the armies marched to Firaz – an Firaz, the Iraqi
3. Conquest of Firaz
important place where borders of Hira, Syria & Iraq campaigns came to an
met. A huge force from Persians, Byzantines & end.
Christian Arabs came against Muslims, but Khalid
defeated them all.

The News of Muslims invasions greatly upset the Heraclius – Byzantine (Roman) Emperor, so he planned
to wipe out the newly growing community of United Arabs. Abu Bakr was never unaware of them and
there was constant danger of an assault from the Romans. In 13h Ah, Abu Bakr called for Jihad on Syrian
front on overall Arab lands and selected four commanders to strike against Syrians.

Armies were divided like;

a. Abu Ubaidah – for Homs (but to act as main leader of Muslim forces)

b. Amr bin Aas – Palestine

c. Shurahbil – Jordan

d. And Yazeed bin Sufyan – Damascus

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

Heraclius sent out four huge armies to fight with the Muslims. Each army was several times larger than
Muslims forces. When four Muslims commander learnt this, they at once wrote Abu Bakr for more
reinforcements. Khalid bin Waleed who was busy in Iraqi campaigns, received the orders of caliph and
reached with 9000 men, while leaving the Iraqi campaigns to Musanna ra. On way to Damascus, he had
small skirmishes in which he was successful.

1. Battle of Busra

Abu Ubaida and Shurahbil occupied the Hauran district lying east of the river Yermuk, with a view to
guarding against a surprise attack from Busra, Abu Ubaida dispatched a detachment of four thousand
warriors under Shurahbil to capture Busra.
Bypassing Damascus, Khalid and his army set off for Busra. Muslim forces were heavily outnumbered.
Seeing that the Muslims had received reinforcement, the Byzantine garrison withdrew to the city and
shut its gates. The following day, the two armies faced each other in battle array. Khalid stepped
forward from the Muslim ranks and out of the Byzantine ranks their commander Romanus stepped
forward. Before battle, Khalid offered Islam to Romanus, and after asking a few questions about Islam,
declared the article of faith and became a Muslim.
Romanus addressed the Byzantines about his conversion, which unnerved the Byzantine forces, and
instead of giving the fight, they withdrew to the city and shut the gates against the Muslims.
That night, Romanus led a Muslim detachment to a subterranean passage under the ramparts of the
city. This contingent was led by Abdur Rahman, the son of Abu Bakr.
The Byzantines were slaughtered in thousands and the survivors laid down arms. The citizens of Busra
agreed to pay Jizya, and thereupon a peace pact was drawn up.


Heraclius now ordered forces to meet Muslims at

Romans were pursued
Ajnadein, west of Jerusalem. Khalid directed the
and killed in large
integration of all the Muslim forces to assemble
2. Battle of Ajnadein numbers. Muslims
at Ajnadein, which numbered around 40,000. The
secured 2nd victory
commander killed by Muslim forces and
against Romans
Byzantines fled from the battlefield.

Now Muslims set out for Damascus. When they The Muslims army
were at a distance of few miles, their route was returned and the
barred by Byzantine forces but they were killed. campaign remained
3. Siege of Damascus
Muslims laid siege to Damascus on 21 st of August. incomplete. But in 2nd
On 23rd of August, they received death news of caliphate period, it was
Caliph Abu Bakr. conquered by Muslims.

At age of 63, Abu Bakr died in Medina in the 13 year of hijrah, 634 AD

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The Four Rightly Guided CALIPHS of ISLAM
Unit III – Paper II

Before death he asked his daughter to be buried next to Holy Prophet pbuh
His caliphate lasted for 2 years 4 months
Nominated Umar bin Khattab to be his successor and rest submitted

The natural disposition of Abu Bakr is well-known through his piety, fear (of Allah), asceticism, and
modesty. He had great wisdom and patient over whatever befalls. He was a tender hearted man, but at
same time was firm and determined.
He hold high regards among other companions of Prophet pbuh. In a narration, Prophet pbuh himself
declared he loves most Abu Bakr.
He was truly devoted towards Messenger and showed with every bit of his life sincerity and remarkable
sense of duty by fulfilling the injunctions of Allah and Messenger pbuh.
He had a great sympathetic attitude towards poor as shown by his action against those who refused to
pay Zakat. Even he would go at night to personally attend destitute.
For sometime after his election he refused to take any wages but later found difficult to maintain
business with state affairs. So he took the allowance but on death bead he instructed to sell one of his
property and return the amount in Baytul Maal.
According to Imam Ahmed, Hazrat Ali narrated that Prophet pbuh said; if all the virtues were
catalogued, they would be 63 and Abu Bakr possessed all of them.
He pbuh said – Verily, Abu Bakr is the best of human beings except the Prophets.
Some of the Western writer also paid tribute to Abu Bakr;
Encyclopedia of Islam – During recitation of Quran, he shed tears, he wept with joy at the news that he
would accompany Prophet pbuh on emigration, no sacrifice was too great in his eyes for the sake of
faith. His considerable fortune was 40,000 dirhams at Makkah and he took 500o dirhams to Medina.
Andre Servier said in his book – he was a man of simple nature, in spite of his elevated status, lived in
poverty. When he died he left behind a worn out garment, a slave and a camel. A true patriarch, he
possessed what had given victory to Muhammad pbuh and what was lacking in his enemies – an
unshakable conviction. He was a right man in the right place.

Abu Bakr laid the foundation of a truly democratic state, in which companions were consulted and
people had the authority to suggest.
He divided the lands of Arabic into provinces, each had a governor – who was responsible for military
and administrative affair of their part under Divine laws.
Each Governor had an ‘’Amil’’ to collect taxes and a ‘’Qazi’’ to administer justice.
All the commanders and governors were selected on merit, moreover he offered himself and his officers
for strict accountability.
The responsibility of ‘’Bayt-ul-Maal’’ (treasury) was to collect revenues (spoils of war / jizya).
He established military cantonments and maintained a reserve force.
He added states of Iran, Syria and Rome to Muslim Empire.
He ensured safety of non-Muslim subjects and allowed them to perform their religious duties and
manage their affairs.

Savior of Islam

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Unit III – Paper II

Before Caliph, his life is exemplary for Muslims even after assuming the office of Caliphate. His period
was most critical and how he successfully challenged the enemies and inventors of religious beliefs, is
remarkable and truly entitled him as Saviour of Islam.
Main areas that he targeted were – controlled the disunity of Muslims after Prophet pbuh death, took
urgent actions against false prophets, turned down rebellions who threatened the existence of the
young Islamic state in town and abroad, like crushed the forces of Persian & Byzantines with his
exceptional brave commanders, and made Islam a successful world force.
Abu Hurairah declared that – for Abu Bakr, Islam would have disintegrated.
His calm judgment and sagacity added immense value to the cause of Islam.
One of his major contribution is preservation of Quran by suggestion of Hazrat Umar, under authority of
Zaid bin Sabit. He truly deserves to be regarded for maintaining a platform for Muslim Ummah’s

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