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Sumary John 18:1-19;42 Jesus arrested When Jesus finished praying, he and his disciples went to the olive

grove. Judas knew they were heading there so he went to the place together with a bunch of soldiers and officials in order to arrest Jesus. When jesus saw the soldiers, he asked them who they were looking for. The soldiers said "Jesus of nazareth" and jesus told them that he was who they were looking for. Upon hearing that, the soldiers drew back and fell on the ground. The authorities asked Him again and jesus then again admitted that he was Christ. He told the soldiers to take him but let the other disciples go. Peter was so filled with emotion that he struck the high priest's ear but jesus reprimanded him and told him not to fight. The soldiers the arrested Jesus and took him to Annas. the father-in-law of the Caiphas, the person who advised the jews to sacrifice jesus. 2 of the disciples were following jesus on his journey with the soldiers but when Peter was asked if he knew Jesus, he denied it. Luke 24:1-12 The Ressurection on the first day of the week, very early morning. two women got spices and brought them to the tomb. When they got there they were surprised to see that the tomb was empty. Two men in glistening clothes appeared and told them about Jesus' resurrection, they hurried to tell the people about it but no one believed them because their explanation sounded like nonsense. Peter who hurriedly ran to the tomb saw the strips of linen and wondered to himself what had happened. John20:1-9 The Empty Tomb early on the first day of the week, mary magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone has been removed from the entrance. surprised with what she had seen, she came running to simon peter and another disciple. upon hearing the news of mary magdalene, the two men ran into the tomb and saw Jesus' burial clothes but Jesus wasn't there. The two disciples saw this and believed although they still did not understand the Scripture that jesus has risen from the dead 1Corinthians 15:14-15,17 if christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is our faith. These verses stress the significance of Christ's crucifixion. because its by Jesus's sacrifice is made to free us from sins and without that sacrifice we would not be able to feel and know how great God's love is for us Luke 24:13-35 On the road to Emmaus while peter and his companion were walking to s village called Eammaus, Jesus came and walked along with them. They could not recognize Jesus cause he was keeping them from recognizing him. Jesus asked what the two were discussing while walking. They got shocked because the man who asked them seemed ignorant about what was happening in the community so they told Him about Jesus of Nazareth. They told Jesus the story in a way where the two disciples were just stating fact but did not seemed convinced about the whole idea of Jesus rising from the dead. Jesus got mad and reprimanded both about how little their faith they have and about how everything was laid before there eyes and yet they still do not believe

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