Chapter 8 - IWIS (Sep 27 - 1999)

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IWIS-Revision 1.

3-Intel Proprietary


8.1 General
Prior to the system being installed the test plan needs to be defined such that the installer
can comply and perform the required tests. The testing should meet the minimum
requirements as stated in Appendix A, EIA/TIA 568, TSB 36 and TSB 40.
Testing should include a pre-install test, post-install test, certification test, and a
validation test
procedure. All testing should be documented as part of the final acceptance before the
system goes on-line. As-built drawings of the system shall be part of the final acceptance
from the installer and should be placed into a suitable database.
The test procedures defined in this section relate to the horizontal and work area
subsystems for UTP and for all fiber applications. Campus and vertical UTP subsystem
testing is specific to the application (i.e. Voice), and may require different test methods.

8.2 Pre-Installation Testing

8.2.1 100-ohm UTP

Prior to installation a sampling plan should be designed to provide statistically valid data
either on a per lot or per pallet basis. At a minimum a continuity test, using the TDR
( Time Domain Reflectometer), method shall be conducted.

UTP Connecting Hardware

Test methods and set-up, wiring practices, and measurement procedures for UTP
hardware are documented in TIA/EIA TSB 40. Transmission performance requirements
are included in Appendix A of this document.

8.2.2 Optical Fiber Cable

Prior to installation each cable will be tested on the spool. The testing is a continuity test
using the OTDR method. Since fiber is typically used as the backbone cabling it is
important the installer and Intel ensure the cable is free from defects prior to installation.
The results of the OTDR should be documented and verified with manufactures’ data
prior to installation.

8.3 Post-Installation Testing

Post installation testing is the installers final phase of installation for all cable types. It is
important that the tests are well documented and the method of testing is in
compliance with Intel industry standards. The most common tools for UTP and STP
copper cable plant is the NEXT Scanner and the Beckman Tester. The installer must be
certified on either piece of equipment. Full documentation must be presented to Intel for

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IWIS-Revision 1.3-Intel Proprietary

the installation to be considered complete. For Fiber the most common tools for OTDR
testing are either the Tektronix fiber-master or the Siecor OTDR.

8.3.1 100-ohm UTP

Both Category 3 grade and Category 5 grade post-installation testing require a minimum
of TDR, Polarity, Impedance, Attenuation, and Near Cross Talk ( NEXT) at multiple
frequencies up to 20MHZ for Category 3 and 100MHZ for Category 5. The installer will
document these results on 100% of the terminated pairs from the punch down blocks or
patch panels to the TOs. All testing is to be performed in accordance with EIA/TIA TSB
67 Transmission Performance Specifications for Field Testing of Twisted-Pair Cabling
Systems (October 1995).

UTP Connecting Hardware

Test methods and set-up, wiring practices, and measurement procedures for UTP
connecting hardware are documented in TIA/EIA TSB 40. Transmission performance
requirements are included in Appendix A of this document.

8.3.2 Optical Fiber Cable

100% of all fiber strands will be tested after installation. A minimum of 2 test
methods are required to verify fiber installation quality. The first method is OTDR. The
results of the OTDR must be documented and compared to pre-installation test results for
any macro or micro bending problems as well termination issues. The second method is
the optical power meter method to measure the dB loss from end to end at the
appropriate frequency (wavelength for the type of fiber-multi mode or single mode per
Appendix A).

8.4 Certification Testing

Certification testing should be done by either a certified 3rd party or by a certified Intel
technician to insure the test results reported by the installer are valid and accurate before
the system is accepted by Intel and put into production. A valid statistical sample plan for
fiber cable and copper cable should be followed (this is equivalent to a QA test method
and procedure).

8.5 Application Testing

Application specific acceptance testing shall be conducted to ensure end to end delivery
of the level of service required to support each individual application. This testing shall
simulate accessibility of the applications from a user perspective

8.5.1 Phone Validation

Intel or a 3rd party (other than installer) will validate functionality via dial tone and ring
test on 100% of the activity hand sets.

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IWIS-Revision 1.3-Intel Proprietary

8.5.2 B1 Validation
Same as Phone Validation.

8.5.3 Mainframe ( IBM ) Validation

Intel or Intel’s Contractor shall validate system functionality via system login menu to
the mainframe on 100% of the active nodes.

8.5.4 Asynchronous (Serial) Connection Validation

Intel or Intel’s Contractor shall validate system functionality via system login prompts on
100% of the activity connections. ( i.e., for VAX - local prompt, for SECS-emulate send
and receive ). The method of validation for serial connectivity is the same as how the
system will be used.

8.5.5 Ethernet Validation

Intel or Intel’s Contractor shall validate LAN connectivity either through successful login
to a local LAN (i.e. BANYAN) server. In the case where LAN connectivity can not be
made, an analyzer should be used to validate customer equipment on 100% of the

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