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PPD Workshop 8: Modelling & presenting the development plan process

For workshop 8, you should work as a team to create a video (5 - 6 minutes in length)
explaining the process of creating a Personal, Learning or Professional Development

Note: The process for creating and developing a learning development plan, a personal
development plan or a professional development plan is the same.

WS8 group activity:

1. For Workshop 8, work together as a team to understand the development process for
Learning, Personal and Professional Development Plans (from SWOT via Goals,
Objectives, Methods etc. to Monitor and Review).
2. Also explain the role of SMART objectives in the above process.
3. For WS8 create and present a group video reflecting and illustrating how, as a
team, you have achieved points 1 and 2
4. Each member of the group should participate in the preparation and must appear and
speak in the video.
5. Place the group video on your group website.
6. The group leader should provide a 100 word introduction and explanation of the

In addition to showing that your group understands the overall development plan process, this
workshop helps you to develop the skill of abstraction. This is where you take a process
developed for one area and apply it to a related but different area.

WS8 individual activity:

1. For your individual Learning Development Plan (LDP) choose one of the following: a
future assessment (not PPD); a unit (from next semester); next semester; next
academic year
2. Develop a SWOT analysis and Learning Development Plan. i.e. A goal, 3 objectives,
methods for each objective, timescale and monitor & review activities for the task you
have chosen.
3. Put your LDP in your personal portfolio page.
4. N.B. The LDP may be used in the final assessment for explaining the development plan
process (LO2 & LO3).

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