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Erise, Sophia V

BSN 1 – A
Settings Priorities About Values
Values are beliefs, feelings, and principles that guide a person’s actions and give those actions
1. Money
2. Peace of Mind
3. Happiness
4. Success
5. Nature
6. Spiritual Life
7. Friends
8. Taking on Challenges
9. Satisfaction with Work
10. Learning
11. Balancing Your Life (work and play)
12. Physical Health

Spiritual life comes first, then mental calmness and physical health.If we are not led by ideals
that we firmly uphold, we will not be able to live the life we have always desired. It is crucial to
comprehend the significance of giving these ideals the top priority because doing so will enable us to
flourish and become what we actually desire. Spiritual Life is the value I would place most emphasis
on. I think it takes a lot of strength to maintain faithfulness in the face of difficulties. I occasionally
wonder why certain things happen, but I never question God’s purposes. By developing my spiritual
life, I am better able to move forward because I am confident that God is aware of everything. He
also makes me feel at ease and serves as a constant reminder that everything will be worthwhile if I
act with great vision. Peace of mind comes next. In this fast-paced world, where we occasionally have
to act older than our years and make decisions that will help us in the future, it can be stressful. I
therefore want to put my mental health first. I want to be myself without worrying about what other
people think of me. Because I don’t want the noise to drown out my ambitions, it’s crucial for me to
have that peace. The last category is physical health. I need to focus on this because I am aware of
how much a physically fit body would benefit me. I’d be able to think clearly and function normally. I
must prioritize it if I don’t want all of my hard work to go to waste after I’m admitted to the hospital.
Also, feeling physically healthy gives me courage and assurance.

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