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Topic Four Out and About
Lesson 22
Where are you going to camp?
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)
Warm up

① This is school news about

students’ favorite activities. ③ He likes to have a barbecue.

② Lynn likes lying on the beach best.

Do you remember the last episode of Jerry & Lynn?

TI: Review the plot with S.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)

How was Jerry’s


Open video file Junior Free Talk II – Lesson 22

TI: Have S watch the video and answer the question.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Role play. 演一演。 camp v.露营

Jerry, where are you put up 搭建

going to camp? tent n.帐篷
sleep out 露宿

I’m going to put up

our tent in the forest.

Wonderful, we can
sleep out under the
stars tonight.

TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Role play. 演一演。 out of doors 在户外
Father, are we going toast n.吐司
to have a barbecue open air 露天
out of doors?

Yes, we can make

some toast and
hotdogs in the
open air.

TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1 min)

Look and answer. 看一看,答一答。

TI: Have S answer the question. Edit the answer.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1 min)

Look and answer. 看一看,答一答。

TI: Have S answer the question. Edit the answer.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Look and answer. 看一看,答一答。

TI: Have S answer the question. Edit the answer.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1 min)

Look and answer. 看一看,答一答。

TI: Have S answer the question. Edit the answer.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Look and answer. 看一看,答一答。

TI: Have S answer the question. Edit the answer.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Jerry is camping with Role play. 演一演。
his dad now. Is Jerry
going to collect
leaves outdoors?

He sure is! Jerry loves

collecting leaves.
It’s the best season
in the forest. He can
collect so many
colorful leaves!

leaf n.叶子(单数)
leaves n.叶子(复数)
TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Camping nights are Role play. 演一演。
so cool! Is Jerry going
to dance tonight?

No, he isn’t.
He is going to sit by
a campfire and
play the guitar with
his dad. Just like we
used to do together.

campfire n.篝火
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(1.5 mins)
Let’s talk
Choose and say. 选一选,说一说。


Where …
going to … ? 1 sky


TI: Ask S choose the correct answer.

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Key. 答案。


Where …
going to … ? 1 sky


He is going to …

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hint.

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(1.5 mins)
Let’s talk
Choose and say. 选一选,说一说。


Is she going
to … ? 2 campfire


TI: Ask S choose the correct answer.

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Key. 答案。


Is she going
to … ? 2 campfire


She is going to …

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hint.

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(3 mins)
Let’s talk
Talk about your plan. 聊聊你的计划。

Jerry: Hi, dear. I’m free next weekend.

Let’s go to the cinema for Frozen 2!
You: Oh, what a pity! I have a date with ...
Jerry: So, where are you going to …?
You: I’m going to …
Jerry: Oh, I see. Is he / she going to … ?
You: Yes, … / No, … is going to …
Jerry: Then, enjoy your weekend! We can find
another time to see the movie.

TI: Role play the dialog with S and have S talk about your plan.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(3 mins)
Use the hints to talk about the picture. 根据提示聊聊这张图。

? ? Where is Jerry
going to …?

Time? Is he

Make a guess.
? ?
Why does he
practice it

TI: Encourage S to talk as much as possible. Elicit answers.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)
Let’s review

Words & Phrases Sentences

camp v.露营 • Where are you going to …?
tent n.帐篷
toast n.吐司 • Are you going to …?
campfire n.篝火 • Where is he / she going to …?
put up 搭建 • Is he / she going to …?
sleep out 露宿
• Yes, … / No, he (she) isn’t.
out of doors 在户外
open air 露天
leaf / leaves 叶子

TI: Review the words and the phrases and sentences with S.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

After class
Outdoors activities are good to our
In fall, the trees look beautiful because
health. We can go for a picnic in
their leaves turn red, yellow or brown.
It’s time to collect these colorful leaves the forest and learn more about
and enjoy this season. nature! Let’s get out of doors and
have a good stretch!
Remember to take all your wastes 户外活动有益于我们的身心健康。我们
away with you and put out the
campfire after outdoor barbecues,
or you may cause a wild fire(野火). 快走出家门活动一下吧!

TI: Read the sentences to S.
See you
next lesson!


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