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Topic Four Out and About
Lesson 21
What is the most interesting
activity at the beach?
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)
Warm up

② She helped her mom

choose clothes.

Do you remember the last episode of Jerry & Lynn?

TI: Review the plot with S.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)

What’s Lynn’s
favorite activity?

Open video file Junior Free Talk II – Lesson 21

TI: Have S watch the video and answer the question.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Role play. 演一演。
Hey, Jerry! We’re
going to the beach!
It’s so exciting!

Will, what is the most

interesting activity
at the beach?

Beach volleyball is
the most interesting
activity at the beach.
*interesting – the most interesting
beach n.沙滩
TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1.5 mins)

Role play. 演一演。

Bill, why do you like

building sand castles
at the beach?

Because it is the
finest activity for me.

*fine – the finest

build v.建造
sand castle
TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Look and answer. 读一读,答一答。

I like art best

because …

TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1 min)

Look and answer. 读一读,答一答。

TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk
Look and answer. 读一读,答一答。

I like the art the

best because …

TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (1 min)

Role play. 演一演。
2Yes, lying on the
1 Lynn, it’s the most sun lounger is the
beautiful sunset in most relaxing thing
the world, isn’t it? for me!

sunset 日落
lie v.躺
* lie – lying
sun lounger 日光躺椅 relaxing – the most relaxing
TI: Role play with S twice.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

* enjoyable – the most enjoyable Let’s talk (1 min)

delicious – the most delicious Role play. 演一演。

3 Penny, what’s the most 4Beach barbecue is the

enjoyable food for you most delicious food for me!
at the beach?

barbecue n.烧烤
delicious adj.美味的
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

Let’s talk (2 mins)

(1.5 mins)
Look and say. 看一看,说一说。

Yesterday 8:38

Lynn, we are going to join the sports meeting!

What’s … (interesting) sport in the sports meeting?

I think … is … in the sports meeting.

Why do you like (doing) ...

Because …

Yes,S make
TI: Ask I see.sentences
To be honest, instead
according of doing
to the hints. Edit answers. 11
What’s … (interesting) sport in the sports meeting?
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
I think … is … in the sports meeting.
Let’s talk (2 mins)
(1.5 mins)
Why do youand
Look like (doing) ...
say. 看一看,说一说。
Because …

Yes, I see. To be honest, instead of doing

sports, I prefer reading books. Reading is
…(fine) thing for me.

Speaking of reading, I plan to go to the library for

my final exam. Do you want to join me?

Sure, after that, can we watch

the sunset for relaxing?

OK, … is …(relaxing) thing after school!

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hints. Edit answers. 12

Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(1 min)
Let’s talk
Look and say.


Jerry, what’s + the 最高级 n. for you?

… is the 最高级 n. for me.

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hints.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(1 min)
Let’s talk
Look and say.


Jerry, what’s + the 最高级 n. for you?

… is the 最高级 n. for me.

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hints.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(1 min)
Let’s talk
Look and say.


Jerry, what’s + the 最高级 n. for you?

… is the 最高级 n. for me.

TI: Ask S make sentences according to the hints.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(3 mins)
Let’s talk
Talk about the zoo. 聊聊动物园。

Jerry: Hi, we will visit the zoo tomorrow!

It’s the biggest zoo in China!
What’s the most exciting part of the visit for you?
You: … is the … for me.
Jerry: As for me, I like elephants the most!
You: Wow, elephants … (big) animal on the land.
Jerry: What do you think is the most amazing
animal in the zoo?
You: I think …, because …
Jerry: Yeah, tell me more about it!

TI: Role play the dialog with S and have S talk about the zoo.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(4 mins)
Use the hints to talk about the picture. 根据提示聊聊这张图。

? ? What’s the
movie for you?

What kind
Movies? of movies
do you like?
How do
they feel What do you
about it? ? ?
think is the most
boring movie?

TI: Encourage S to talk as much as possible. Elicit answers.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F
(2 mins)
Let’s review

Words & Phrases Sentences

beach n.沙滩 • What’s the … activity at the
build v.建造 beach?
lie v.躺
barbecue n.烧烤 • … is the … for me.
delicious adj.美味的 • Why do you like …?
sand castle 沙子城堡 • It’s the … in the world.
sunset 日落
sun lounger 日光躺椅

TI: Review the words and the phrases and sentences with S.
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E Part F

After class
There’re a lot of activities for you to
Barbecue is delicious. You can roast
pork, beef, chicken, sea food or choose at the beach. Remember
vegetable together. What do you like to take all the wastes when you
to roast when you have a barbecue?
leave the beach. Because we
need to care for the mother nature.
Lying on the beach is a good 在沙滩上,你可以做很多有趣的活动。
way to relax. You can enjoy
warm sunshine(日光) and have a
cup of iced tea. 走所有垃圾,因为我们需要

TI: Read the sentences to S.
See you
next lesson!


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