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Impotant short questions

i. Describe dischare tube experiment i.e discovery of electron

ii. What are properties of cathode rays?
iii. How j. j. Thomson determine e/m value of electron?
iv. How Mullikan determine charge on electron by oil drop method?
v. Calculate mass of electron?
vi. How positive rays (canal rays or proton) were discovered?
vii. What are properties of canal rays?
viii. Hydrogen gas gives maximum e/m value. justify
ix. Explain chadwick experiment for the discovery of neutron
x. Write properties of neutron.
xi. Write two nuclear reactions carry out by neutrons when used as projectile.
xii. How Rutherford discovered nucleus?
xiii. Write down conclusions of Rutherford’s about atomic model
xiv. What were defects of Rutherford’s atomic model?
xv. Write main points of Plank’s quantum theory.
xvi. Define the terms frequency, wave numer and wavelength. How they are
xvii. Write main postulates of Bohr’s atoic model?
xviii. Calculate radius of an orbit of an atom.
xix. Derive expression for energy of revolving electron.
xx. Define spectrum
xxi. Differentiate between continuous and line spectrum
xxii. How emission spectrum of hydrogen is produced?
xxiii. Write down spectral lines produced in emission spectrum of hydrogen.
xxiv. What are regions of these spectral line?
xxv. What are defects of Bohr’s atomic model?
xxvi. What are Zeeman and Stark effects?
xxvii. How x- rays are produced?
xxviii. What is Moseley law? Write expression
xxix. What are conclusions of Moseley research on X- rays?
xxx. What are uses of X-rays?
xxxi. Define Heisenberg uncertinity principle?
xxxii. What is de Broglie relation?
xxxiii. Define quantum number.
xxxiv. Explain principal quantum number(n).
xxxv. Explain azimuthal quantum number(l)
xxxvi. Explain megnatic quntum number(m)
xxxvii. Explain spin quantum number(s)
xxxviii. What is n+l rule?
xxxix. Define Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule and Auf bau principle
xl. Define electronic configuration.
xli. Write electronic configuration of 24Cr and 29Cu.
Note prepare all the solved exmples and complete exercise too.

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