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Stanford Library Management System

Project By: - AQIB KHAN

Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Task: - 1 Identify stake holders & create a list of stakeholders------------------------------------ 4

Task: - 2 identify the problem statement in the system--------------------------------------------- 5

Task: - 3 identify advantages of the new library system--------------------------------------------5

Task: - 4 Create as-is and future process map-------------------------------------------------------- 6

Task: - 5 Find scope of the system by using case or context diagram--------------------------- 8

Task: - 6 write down main features that need to be developed------------------------------------ 9

Task: - 7 write in scope & out scope item for this software------------------------------------- 10

Task: - 8 draw a data flow diagram for the system----------------------------------------------- 11

Task: - 9 draw an ER diagram---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Task: - 10 write down the business requirement both functional & non functional-------- 13

Task: - 11 Draw a mock up screen --------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Introduction to Stanford University

Stanford University is the private research university in California. The university was founded
in the year 1885 and as of today it has 28 tuning award laureates, and 8 field medalists have
been affiliated with Stanford as student alumni faculty or staff.

For the benefit of students Stanford University started its own library in 1885. The library was
housed in one of the large room which can house 100 readers. As the university grew to enroll
more than 20,000+ students in a given year the library grew as well, today the library boast to
grow to 4 million books in it.

 Business Analysis Core Concept Model:-

Need To create an online library management system that will keep all records
and help in maintaining books.
Change To Move from paper based system to digital system.
Solution To create a user friendly online library system.
Stanford university is based in California has a library with over 4 million
books & university enrolls 20,000+ students every year which makes it
Context difficult to maintain the records & keep tracks of books and consumes a lot of
time in finding books.

Value It will reduce the pressure on the library staff & will make it easy to find books
& its age, it will help in maintaining book records.
Stakeholders  Project Manager  Staff
 Testers  Student
 Management  Suppliers
Business Analyst  Sponsors

Task:-1 Identify Stakeholders

Actors  What they can do

Program Manager  Will make sure that the project is

successful by maintaining order, budget,
resources & time
Testers  Will test the product and make
everything in working properly before
the final release
Management  Will help in the providing necessary
information & will get the following
 Most issued book
 Total fine collected in day, week &
 Records of issued & unissued materials
 Reports on total no of books, general etc
 Age of books which are more than 20
years old
Staff  Will be the user of the system & will
help in providing information

Student  Will be the one of the user & will help

in providing information

Suppliers  Suppliers will supply books as and when


Sponsor  Will take care of the financials of the


Business analyst  Will make sure there is a proper

collaboration between internal &
external Stakeholders and provide
proper solution to the problem.

Task2:- Identify the problem statement in the system

 Stanford University is a private research university based in California and has a library
with a collection of over 4 million books and university enrolls 20,000+ students at a
given time which makes the manual library system a difficult task to do as well as
maintaining records of books also become difficult, More hands are required to do the
work due to large number of students further more fine collection becomes a time
consuming work and in manual library system making reports also becomes difficult and
students can deposits books only when the library is open.

Task:-3 identify the advantages of the new library management system

 Stanford University is a private research university based in California and has a library
with a collection of over 4 million books and university enrolls 20,000+ students at a
given time, the new library management system will have the following advantage
I. It will decrease the overhead cost and help in the productivity of the staff
II. It will reduce the cost of the library
III. The new LMS will help in maintaining an up to date record of books, research
papers, magazines etc
IV. It will help in student engagement in library
V. The new LMS will also be able to generate reports

Task:-4 Create as is and future process map

As-IS diagram

Future process map

Task:-5 find out the scope of the diagram using case diagram or context diagram

Task:-6 write down main features to be developed

 Student/staff Login portal to be created

 Category should be developed to differentiate book, magazine etc
 Books should be classified subject wise
 System linked RFID tag to be created
 System to record student name with RFID tag with the issued book
 System to record issue and return date as per the rules
 System will do automatic calculation of fine if the book is delayed
 Library to be able to search book using criteria such as book name author etc
 Students to be access LMS to return date via mobile interface or web
 Automatic email to be send by the system to students 3 days prior of the return date to
avoid penalty
 System shall allow access to free e-books &e-generals via software
 RFID System should be able to detect unissued book taken out of library via exit gate a 2
meter range RFID reader to be placed on the exit gate
 A book drop system to be created outside the library with RFID reader the loan issued
should be immediately cancelled once the book is dropped.
 LMS system has to generate the following reports
1. Which books are most rented
2. Records of issued & unissued books in library
3. Amount of fine collected in day, week, & month
4. Number of book lost
5. Reports in total no of book , journals etc
6. Age of books, which books are 20 years or more

Task:-7 write in scope and out of scope item for this software

In Scope:-

 LMS software based on JAVA

 Ease to find book, magazine, newspaper, journals etc
 Ease to return book
 Reminder to submit book in due date
 Free e-magazine, e-journals etc
 Online due date visibility
 Record of issued / reissued & submitted date
 Generation of reports
 Cloud data storage
 Books to be classified subject wise in the system

Out of scope:-

 Lending newspaper
 Membership
 Book for sale
 Access to outsiders
 Short summary of the book

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Task: - 8 Draw a data flow diagram for the system

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Task: - 9 Draw an ER diagram of the system

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Task: - 10 Write functional & non functional requirement


 Student & staff should be able to log in/ sign up/ search books magazines etc
 Records of books should be kept
 All books should be laced with RFID tags connected to the system
 Anti theft system
 Record of issue date and return date
 RFID tag linked with student id when issued & delinked when returned
 Email reminder to return book on time 3 days prior to due date
 Automatic penalty calculation
 Reports generation

Non functional:-

 Should be able to handle 20,000 students

 User friendly & self explanatory
 Webpage should be usable on intranet as well as internet
 Should be useable on computers as well as mobile phones

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Task: - 11 Draw wireframe or mock screen

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